The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 363 I dreamed of a bar!

Chapter 363 I dreamed of a bar!

Hearing what An Lin said, Tang Lin's mood gradually calmed down a lot, "According to what you said, I really shouldn't be sad about this matter?"

An Lin nodded deeply like someone who came here, "That's right! So, let's stop worrying about this matter!"

"Okay, don't be sad anymore!" Tang Lin stood up, wiped away her tears and cheered up again.When he turned around and wanted to knock on the door of the imperial study, An Lin stopped him, "What's wrong?"

An Lin asked nervously: "Your Majesty is angry, are you going to go in and tell him about Concubine De?"

Tang Lin shook her head and said, "No! I just want to go in and tell him that I don't blame him anymore, and I figured it out. He is the emperor, and he must kill some people to deter the people below!"

An Lin smiled relievedly, "It's good if you can figure it out. Then go in, the emperor will not embarrass you, Miss Tang."

"Mr. An, thank you for your enlightenment. I'll go in first." After finishing speaking, Tang Lin turned around, took two steps forward, and knocked on the door, "Junjun?" No one responded, she pushed the door open by herself. Looking up, he suddenly found that Yu Shengjun was lying on the ground.

Suddenly, a sharp edge passed by, and then, a sharp sword touched her neck on the left shoulder.A cold breath permeated the left side, getting closer and closer.

Tang Lin immediately raised her hands, as if surrendering, her eyes did not dare to move, and she looked closely at one place, afraid that if her eyes moved a little, the mysterious man with the sword on the left would instantly kill her.

"You, who are you? Does our Majesty have any enmity with you?" Tang Lin asked cautiously, only a shadow could be seen from the corner of the corner.The shadow was tall and slender, obviously a man.

An evil voice came from the left side, "I wanted to kill your emperor with a sword, but I didn't expect you to come in. You interrupted me. Even if you give me all your wealth, you can't get it back!" Fate!" As he said, with a movement of his hand, the sword moved closer to Tang Lin.

In the nick of time, when the sword pierced her neck, Tang Lin moved back to avoid the fatal strike of the mysterious man. When the mysterious man came up again with the sword, she had already pulled out the pistol aimed at the shadow.

The sound of "bang" sounded in the imperial study room, alarming the guards outside the imperial study room, as well as An Lin.

An Lin and the guards immediately ran towards the door, but in the end they stopped at the door because Tang Lin's body blocked the door and they couldn't get in.

At this moment, Tang Lin straightened her body and faced the masked man in black with a black scarf and black clothes one meter away in front of the door on the left side.And the masked man's sword was aimed straight at her heart, but it didn't penetrate.

The man in black looked at Tang Lin's pistol with calm eyes.

When a few strands of smoke came out of the gun, the eyes of the man in black showed a ferocious look. Then, he lowered his head, looked at his chest, then let out a painful muffled cry, and then fell gorgeously on the ground. On the ground, but did not pass out, but clutched his chest, looking extremely painful, accompanied by painful groans.

The sword also fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Tang Lin quickly put the pistol back on her body and fastened it, then took out the handcuffs, stepped forward, bent down, and handcuffed the hands of the man in black behind his back in two or three strokes.

After handcuffing, she kicked the man in black's feet fiercely, "You bastard! You dare to mess with my sister? I'm tired of you!"

The guards surrounded him.

Tang Lin ordered: "Take him down and keep him under strict supervision."

However, when the two guards arrested the man in black, the man in black's eyes were already closed, and he no longer groaned in pain.

Tang Lin noticed something was wrong, stepped forward and took off the man in black's face scarf, and saw the bloodshot eyes on the corner of the man in black's mouth.She immediately opened the mouth of the man in black and examined it carefully, only to find that the man in black had committed suicide by taking poison, and the poison was hidden between his teeth.

"Damn it!" Tang Lin let go of the man in black's chin, "Look at what's on him!"

A guard touched the man in black twice, and finally found a bag of palm-sized things and a token.

Tang Lin took the two items into her hands, then took back the handcuffs, and ordered: "Dispose of the corpse!"

After the guards took the man in black out, Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun. An Lin had already helped Yu Shengjun up, but he couldn't wake Yu Shengjun up, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Don't scare the servant!"

Tang Lin came over, put the things in her hands on the ground, and said to An Lin: "Just now, the emperor was angry all the way back, maybe he was knocked out by the man in black because he was unprepared. When the man in black wanted to kill him, he was knocked out I bumped into it!" While speaking, he had already pinched Yu Shengjun's Renzhong acupoint.

Yu Shengjun opened his eyes, breathing slowly.

Tang Lin helped him up, "Junjun, how do you feel?"

Yu Shengjun caressed his painful forehead, "For some reason, my head is heavy, accompanied by a hint of pain!"

By the time Tang Lin helped Yu Shengjun back to his bedroom to rest, it was already late at night.She helped him take off the dragon robe, and then helped him to lie down gently on the bed, "Come on, lie down!"

Yu Shengjun was half lying down, and after lying down, he asked Tang Lin: "You haven't told me what happened in the Yushufang today."

Tang Lin sat down on the side of the bed and stroked his cheek with distress, "Why are you so careless? Even in the imperial study room, you must always be vigilant and be on guard. If I hadn't opened the door in time today, you might have become a The soul of the man in black fell under the knife. Didn't you notice the existence of the man in black before you went in?"

Yu Shengjun recalled it for a while, and said: "At that time, I was still worrying about Concubine De, and I was not prepared for a while. When I found out that something was wrong, I was already knocked out!"

"I don't know who did it," Tang Lin said. "The skill of the man in black is obviously higher than those of the guards outside the door. Otherwise, he would not have entered the imperial study room and hid in it. Fortunately, My bullets are fast, otherwise we would have died at the hands of the man in black. But then the man in black took poison and committed suicide. Those who have such behavior are obviously trained severely. On the man in black, found A pack of medicinal powder has been sent to the Tai Hospital, and we are still waiting for news from the Tai Hospital to know what the medicinal powder is. In addition to a pack of medicinal powder, a token was also found. Junjun, take a look, but Do you recognize it?" She took out the token she found from the man in black today from her pocket, and handed it to him.

Yu Shengjun held up the token and examined it carefully.The token is the same size as the Token of Ouchi, but instead of being made of gold, it is made of hard wood.There are patterns engraved on the side of the token, and a very beautiful pattern is engraved in the middle. It is a very beautiful flower that cannot be named.Other than that, nothing else.

Tang Lin asked: "Junjun, do you see any clues?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head, "No! I have never seen this kind of token, nor have I seen such patterns and patterns!"

Tang Lin sighed deeply, and she took the token over, "Now is the time when the Central Plains were just unified, and the folks were already in chaos. I didn't expect that accidents would happen every now and then in the palace."

Yu Shengjun comforted: "Don't worry! I will investigate this matter sooner or later!"

Tang Lin said "Hmm", "Then you rest first, they are all outside, call them immediately if there is any situation. I will go to the guard department to see how Commander Zhang is doing."

Yu Shengjun warned: "The man in black may have accomplices in the palace, so be careful."

"En!" After answering, Tang Lin left the bedroom.

Yu Shengjun lay down, looking at the top of the bed calmly, what couldn't get out of his mind was the flower pattern on the token.For this pattern, he seemed to have known him before, but he couldn't remember where he saw it.It's so familiar, but it's so familiar that I can't remember where I saw it.

When walking out of the gate of Xuanyu Palace, Tang Lin stopped the imperial doctor Wu who was out of breath, "Hey, hey, I'm here, don't go in!"

Physician Wu took a deep breath before saying, "Miss Tang, the result you want is out, out!"

"Really?" Tang Lin couldn't help being overjoyed, "Then tell me, what exactly is that bag?"

Doctor Wu said: "It's Hehuansan! The kind of Hehuansan that Commander Zhang ate!"

Tang Lin's eyes widened in surprise, "What! It's such a bird, it's too..."

"It's terrible!" Wu Yu said.

Tang Lin corrected: "It's too much! How can so many be produced? Could it be that there are criminal gangs secretly producing this kind of Hehuansan among the people?"

Doctor Wu stared wide-eyed, cold sweat covered his back, "It can't be true, can it? This kind of thing can't appear, it's very harmful! Once eaten, there is no cure! There is no medicine in this world. So many masters of internal energy! If everyone accidentally eats it, the world will not be in chaos!"

Tang Lin snorted coldly, "It's not just a mess, it's a mass extinction of mankind. It's no different from the poison gas bombs made by devils in World War II. Grandma, who is so rampant?"

"It can't be...the emperor, right?" Doctor Wu said this with fear, because he thought that since the emperor dared to burn Ruining Palace, he should also dare to do other things.Moreover, there is no one other than the emperor who is the most rampant.

Unexpectedly, she was immediately taught by Tang Lin, "Doctor Wu, you are so stupid, did the emperor commit the crime of producing a large number of acacias and killing his own people? Besides, he did that because he didn't want Shihe to have my face. This Only you, me, and him know about this matter, don’t let other people know about it, and don’t mention the fire in Ruining Palace in the future!”

Physician Wu shut up obediently.

"The emperor has already rested. Let's talk about the reunion tomorrow. Doctor Wu, you go back to the imperial hospital to rest first. I'll go to the guard department." After speaking, Tang Lin walked away.

The guard department is decorated with lights and festoons everywhere, quiet and serene.

During the day, this place is already a fairyland on earth, but at night, it is even more unbelievable.

Tang Lin came to the house where Zhang Xiangyang lived, and when she walked in, she found that Zhang Xiangyang was playing chess with Yifeng in the small hall. The windows around the hall were open for ventilation.

In front of the window, Bai Ling danced.

"Hey, you two are having a good time!" Tang Lin crossed her arms and teased as soon as she came in. "I almost forgot, the two of you have experienced the catastrophe of life and death before!"

As soon as they saw her coming, Yifeng and Zhang Xiangyang stood up with smiles on their faces.

Zhang Xiangyang smiled and said, "Miss Tang, why are you here?"

Tang Lin came over, looked at him bluntly, and asked, "When did you wake up? Are you feeling better?"

Zhang Xiangyang said: "It's been a while since I woke up! There is no acacia in my body, and my body has recovered naturally, unlike Yifeng who suffered an trauma, and is still not healed!"

Yifeng hurriedly waved his hand, "Sit down, Miss Tang!"

After Tang Lin sat down, she looked at the expectations on the table, and found that Yifeng was in a weak position. "Seeing that you guys are having fun, it means that your bodies are fine, and I'm relieved."

After Zhang Xiangyang sat down, he said, "Miss Tang, you seem to have something on your mind."

"Oh, what annoyance!" Tang Lin took out her token to look at it again, "The Hehuansan incident made me so worried."

"Look!" Zhang Xiangyang took the token, looked at it, looked at it, and frowned, "This token..." Tang Lin asked, "Does this token remind you of anything?"

(End of this chapter)

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