The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 364 On this occasion, you need to wear an evening dress!

Chapter 364 On this occasion, you need to wear an evening dress!

Zhang Xiangyang touched the pattern on the token and became more and more familiar with it, "I seem to have seen the pattern on this token somewhere."

"Really?" Tang Lin was overjoyed, "Where did you see it? Who used it?"

Zhang Xiangyang thought about it carefully, and finally apologized: "Miss Tang, I'm sorry, I can't remember where I saw it before, but it seems familiar. Where did you get this thing?"

Tang Lin was a little disappointed, "Then let's talk about it when you remember. This token may have something to do with your accidental ingestion of Hehuansan. Last time you gave Yifeng the last time you passed out after infusing your true energy, and you had an attack as soon as you woke up. According to Wu Yu doctor As I said, you should have eaten it outside the palace by mistake, and it will take a month or two for you to have an attack. Think back, did you meet any strange people during the time when you wiped out the Rebellion Society?"

Now, Zhang Xiangyang thought about it carefully again, and a series of pictures of swords, lights and swords emerged in front of his eyes, which was the phenomenon when he wiped out the anti-defense society.But when a woman's back came into his eyes, he stopped thinking about it and said suspiciously: "She... is a bit strange!"

Tang Lin immediately asked, "Her? Who?"

Yifeng seemed to think of who Zhang Xiangyang was referring to by her.He said to Tang Lin: "Miss Tang, the commander mentioned to me the special situation that occurred when he was suppressing the anti-rebel society!"

Tang Lin couldn't wait to know, "What's going on?"

Yifeng said: "After the anti-imperial society was wiped out, the commander and all the guards stayed overnight in a local inn, and returned to the imperial capital together at dawn the next day. The inn was built in the mountains and forests, and the guests who came and went to stay and eat were all from the Jianghu. The owner of the inn is a woman with a strange appearance and the characteristics of an exotic beauty. She is so charming and exquisite, so that the guests who come and go want to stay and never leave!"

Tang Lin asked, "What's suspicious about this woman?"

Zhang Xiangyang said: "You asked me earlier about any strange people I met during the meeting to wipe out the counter-rebels. I thought this woman was very strange. She was the proprietress of the inn. After staying in the inn, I got to know everything inside and outside the inn. , except that the proprietress is unpredictable, everything else is not suspicious. This woman has the habit of entering other people's rooms, but since the room I live in is watched by the people below, she has no chance to enter! Returning to the palace is important, Stayed for one night and left quickly!"

Hearing what Zhang Xiangyang said, the proprietress in the inn in the mountains is indeed a bit mysterious and suspicious.Tang Lin said: "How about this, Commander Zhang, write down the address there, and I will go out of the palace to meet that woman when I have time! If it is really related to the Hehuansan incident, we can't take it lightly. But now I will talk about it for a while. I can't get out of the palace either, the murderer who killed the concubine already has some clues, I will continue to investigate until the murderer is found out. Then I will go out of the palace to have a look!"

Zhang Xiangyang nodded and said, "Okay, I'll write down the address, but Miss Tang must let me know before leaving, and let me follow along to protect Miss Tang's safety!"

Tang Lin said: "This matter will be discussed in the future. If I want to leave the palace, I must obtain the consent of the emperor!"

It was after midnight that Tang Lin returned to Xuanyu Shengjun's bedroom. Seeing that he was sleeping soundly, she didn't dare to disturb him.She half-lyed beside him, and after yawning, she took out her phone and looked at it.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, and I didn't expect the clock to match the time of this world.

She opened the photo album on her mobile phone, and every time she looked at every picture of Yu Shengjun, the corners of her mouth raised a heartwarming arc, and her heart was even more heartwarming.

Wearing an ancient costume, in modern times, it is not as simple as being popular in the three places on both sides of the strait, and it is estimated that he will be popular all over the world.

When she turned to the picture of Du Yuanyuan and Fu Yushu, she deliberately took a few extra glances.This photo was taken on the mountain during the night of Ouchi's bodyguard selection competition, the night of "Association with Ghosts".At that time, I wanted to shoot this scene to expose the truth about these two people, but I didn't expect that these two people have parted ways today.Du Yuanyuan was such a strong person originally, but he never thought that he would fulfill Fu Yushu in the end.

On the day of the big wedding, we must find an excellent partner for Du Yuanyuan.

After flipping through this photo, Tang Lin went on flipping through it, flipping through it, her nose suddenly felt sour, and she couldn't help but shed tears.The only family portrait is at the end of the album.

Seeing this family portrait, how could she not feel sad.The relatives here are now her past tense.It's not easy to meet again.

At this time, Yu Shengjun woke up, saw Tang Lin's tears inadvertently, and felt distressed, "What's wrong?"

Tang Lin immediately turned off the photo album, and put the phone under the pillow. When she looked at Yu Shengjun, she smiled, "Yawning, tears are flooding! Junjun, why are you awake?"

Yu Shengjun sat up and sat side by side with her, "I just had a strange dream, and then I woke up!"

"What dream?" Tang Lin couldn't help being interested.

Yu Shengjun tried his best to recall it, but the dream had blurred a lot in his brain, "I don't remember clearly, I remember that I strayed into a very strange place, where the lights had many colors and flashed like lightning A flash. There are many people in that place, and they are all very young men and women. They seem to be crazy, shaking their bodies non-stop!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "Why do I dream about things from your world?"

"This..." Tang Lin thought about it naively, but couldn't explain why. "I don't know how to explain it. It stands to reason that if you haven't seen it, you shouldn't have dreamed it! I also feel puzzled! But it's just a dream, let's leave it alone! Junjun, go to sleep, it's five o'clock It’s time to get up and go to bed!”

Yu Shengjun said: "I have had enough sleep."

"Ah!" Tang Lin was shocked, "So fast? I remember that I would leave here at eleven o'clock, and you only slept for three hours. It's not enough for you to explain it in your terms, it's an hour and a half."

Yu Shengjun chuckled and explained: "I am a martial arts practitioner, so I don't need to sleep for so long. Go to sleep, I will watch you sleep."

"That's good! Junjun, you must wait until I fall asleep before you can sleep! In the same way, you can die before I die!" As she said, Tang Lin lay down, hugged his arm, and closed her arms with peace of mind. eyes.

He pinched her cheek, and waited until she complained of pain before reprimanding, "What are you talking about? You are not allowed to say such things in the future!"

Tang Lin narrowed her eyes and smiled, then stopped talking, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Yu Shengjun hugged her and patted her arm gently, as if coaxing a child to sleep.After watching her slowly fall asleep, the corners of her lips curled into a heartwarming arc.

But when he recalled the previous dream, he felt very disappointed.Can it only be seen in dreams?

After the next day, Yu Shengjun returned directly to the imperial study, and unexpectedly saw Tang Lin, Wu Yuyi, and Zhang Xiangyang there as soon as he came.

Yu Shengjun greeted: "Xiangyang, are you alright?"

Zhang Xiangyang clasped his fists and said, "Return to master, this subordinate is fully recovered!"

"Well, I'm relieved too!" After speaking, Yu Shengjun walked into the imperial study room.As soon as he sat down on the dragon chair, he said to the three of them: "Tell me, I want to know what happened to the man in black yesterday!"

Physician Wu said: "My Majesty, the package of medicinal powder was sent to the Imperial Hospital last night. With the help of several imperial doctors, the result has been obtained. It is the kind of acacia powder in Zhang Commander's Office."

"What?" Yu Shengjun frowned.

Tang Lin analyzed: "Your Majesty, do you still remember the imperial doctor who saw Commander Zhang the day he had an attack? He deduced at that time that it was a kind of acacia powder with stronger medicinal effects, not something from the Central Plains. However, Wu Yu The doctor told me that the people in their hospital stayed up all night last night and studied the medical books. The result is that this kind of thing that can't be produced in the Central Plains is not called Hehuan San, but Soul Eater San. "

When Yu Shengjun heard this, his brows raised, "Soul Devourer?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Imperial Physician Wu said ashamedly, "I will tell you my Majesty, this medical book was written by Imperial Physician Zheng for five years and contributed to the Imperial Hospital. When I read this medical book last night, I just found out that it was written by Imperial Physician Zheng. There is a poisonous disease listed in the medical book of Imperial Physician Zheng, and the symptoms described are the same as those of Commander Zhang when he had an attack. Because many doctors are not clear about the source of Soul Eater Powder, but the attack is related to Acacia They have something in common, so Soul Eater San in Central Plains was named Hehuan San."

Zhang Xiangyang took the words, "Master, this subordinate also checked Zheng Yuyi's previous medical experience this morning. It turned out that he went out to study medicine with his father when he was 15 years old, and he didn't come back until two years ago. It has been more than ten years. He has the experience of practicing medicine outside the customs. Later, he passed the examination and became the youngest imperial doctor in the Imperial Hospital, and also the best in the examination."

Tang Lin said sadly: "It's a pity that Zheng Yuyi has already..." Speaking of this, she secretly looked at Yu Shengjun to see if he had any regrets. After all, he ordered Zheng Ming to be killed.Unfortunately, on Yu Shengjun's face, Tang Lin did not see remorse.Yu Shengjun just asked calmly: "Then Zheng Ming's medical book, is there any record of the antidote for Soul Eater?"

Doctor Wu sighed, "Yes, but you have discovered it, Your Majesty. It is recorded in the book that you can use internal force to force Soul Devourer out of your body, but there is something to keep in mind, you must be a master of internal force to use this method, otherwise It is life-threatening. It is also recorded in the book that there is no drug antidote."

A trace of disappointment flashed across Yu Shengjun's eyebrows.

Tang Lin didn't want to see him disappointed, so she encouraged everyone, "Don't be discouraged, everyone in the Central Plains is full of talents, and they are not as stupid as people outside the customs. I believe that sooner or later someone will find an antidote."

"Ah," Zhang Xiangyang sighed, and said worriedly, "I'm afraid that the accomplices of the man in black will not give up until they achieve their goals, and I don't know how many Soul Eater powders they have brought back. "

Tang Lin rubbed her chin and began to analyze, "Tell me, why did the man in black bring a large amount of Soul Eater Powder into the palace? What is the purpose? Once the Soul Eater Powder is taken, without the help of a master of inner strength, he will definitely die. Black Is the purpose of the Yiren to deal with the Ouchi guards, or to cause chaos in the palace? And who is he helping?"

Zhang Xiangyang seemed to have thought of something, and immediately reported to Yu Shengjun: "Master, there is a situation that the man in black has entered the palace. Although his martial arts are better than some guards, he is not a strong hand. There are four in the palace. The security is strict, no one can come in without permission, even someone with high martial arts will expose himself. After hearing Tang Lin's story about the man in black last night, my subordinates went to investigate The entrance and exit of the four gates in the palace are abnormal. According to the response of the generals at the main palace gate, all the officials are accompanied when they enter the palace. Before the officials go to court, these servants wait outside the main palace gate. A few days ago, when the officials went to court, the sky was not very bright, but there were more servants escorting the officials to court that day than usual, which made the imperial guards guarding the palace gate feel strange. At that time, it was also the same time for officials There were quite a lot of times when I stepped into the palace gate. At that time, the palace was a bit crowded with officials, maybe the Imperial Forest Army didn’t check those officials carefully before letting the man in black in!”

(End of this chapter)

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