The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 366 Huh, if something happens to her, you're dead!

Chapter 366 Huh, if something happens to her, you're dead!

The little eunuch had tears in his eyes, "Then I will soon..."

Concubine Xian turned around, with tears in her eyes, and looked at his handsome face with a smile on her face, "Heng'er, as long as I'm here, no one can touch you, even... the emperor!" At this moment, she looked away His gaze was particularly cold, hateful, and severe.

"Your Majesty!" A court lady came up to the attic, her steps hurried, her words a little impatient.She is the maid of honor next to Concubine Xian, who has been serving Concubine Xian all year round, her name is Dong'er.

Dong'er came to the front, only then did Concubine Xian ask: "Dong'er, what's the matter?"

Dong'er said: "Your Majesty, when Concubine Li left, Dong'er followed her and her group. The servants really couldn't see it when Concubine Li beat you, so I planned to follow and find an opportunity to make things difficult for Concubine Li secretly. Leave Guangxian Palace Soon, unexpectedly, Concubine Li ordered Qiushuang, a court lady beside her, to go to the Queen Mother and tell the Queen Mother that Concubine Han beat you and Concubine Li in Guangxian Palace. Concubine Li is blaming Han for her evil deeds. Concubine! Empress! Concubine Li is too scary!"

The little eunuch called Heng'er by Concubine Xian exclaimed angrily: "Damn! Concubine Li is too hateful. Concubine Han just came to talk to our empress in the morning. Concubine Han left before her Concubine Li came. Why did Concubine Han come here?" "Concubine Han beat Concubine Xian and Concubine Li in Guangxian Palace"?"

"Oh," Dong'er said with a sad face, "Who told Concubine Li to have trouble with our Guangxian Palace? By the way," suddenly remembered something, and immediately said to Concubine Li: "Your Majesty, it seems that Concubine Tang is coming to our Guangxian Palace Already!"

Concubine Xian exhaled, and after changing her attitude, she ordered Dong'er: "Go, invite Concubine Tang to the back attic." Having said this, she turned to the two maids behind her and ordered: "Clean up the broken pieces on the ground. "

Not long after, Tang Lin had already reached the back attic, only Yishuang followed, and the others were waiting outside the gate.

At this time, the brokenness on the ground has been cleaned up.Concubine Xian sat on the stone bench, Heng Er and Dong Er stood beside her.

Tang Lin walked up to the attic with lotus steps, Concubine Xian got up, took two steps forward, and took Tang Lin's arm naturally and gracefully, without any affectation. "My sister is in poor health, come on, sit down first!"

Tang Lin wanted to bow and salute, "My sister has seen..."

Concubine Xian immediately helped her up, "Younger sister doesn't need to be polite to older sister! Sit down first!"

After Tang Lin sat down, Concubine Xian also sat beside her.She looked around the scenery of the back pavilion for a week, and when she finally looked at Concubine Xian, the corners of her lips curled up in a friendly arc, "My sister's back attic is so elegant!"

Concubine Xian chuckled, and said modestly: "Compared to Ruining Palace..." Speaking of this, she paid special attention to Tang Lin's expression. Seeing that Tang Lin didn't show anything, she continued: "Compared to Ruining Palace, Guangxian There are too many palaces. The fire in Ruining Palace... My sister also heard a thing or two, I heard that you were disfigured, and your life was dying, and now seeing that my sister is intact, it seems that the servant spread too much Yes. Sister, are you better?"

"En!" Tang Lin nodded slightly. "It's just that the servants spread it very well, it's not true. I have cultivated with the emperor for a month, and now I'm much better. Thank you for your concern, my sister is very touched!"

Concubine Xian shook her head and smiled, "Sister, what are you talking about? By the way, Sister, Ruining Palace has been burned down, where does the Emperor arrange for you to live now?"

Yishuang behind Tang Lin said neither humble nor overbearing: "As for the concubine Huixian, our empress has just moved from the main palace to the harem today, and Ruining Palace can't live anymore. The emperor arranged my wife to live in Yongning Palace, although it is not as good as Ruining Palace. , but the flaws will be gradually filled in the future, and our concubine Tang still enjoys the treatment of a queen."

The latter sentence clearly changed Concubine Xian's expression.

Tang Lin gave Shuang an annoyed look, "Shuang'er, stop talking!"

"Oh!" Yishuang reluctantly stopped talking.But on the surface, she was unwilling, and she didn't care about Tang Lin's words in her heart.She went to say what she said first, and she originally said it to Concubine Xian with Tang Lin's consent.These words were prepared for Concubine Xian.

"Sister," Concubine Xian held Tang Lin's hand, sighed silently, and then said with a smile: "I really envy you, you can get the favor!" It's not like me, I have been in this harem for several years, But never saw the emperor's face.

Tang Lin smelled a sour smell, she knew that Concubine Xian was envious of her, and at the same time felt sorry for what happened to her.

"The emperor heard that Concubine Han beat my sister and Concubine Li here, so I came here specially to see, sister, are you okay?" Tang Lin explained the purpose of this trip.Xiao Nu's whereabouts had to be investigated, why did Concubine Xian take Xiao Nu away from Concubine De?

Concubine Xian panicked, "How did this matter get to the emperor?"

Dong'er beside him said angrily: "Damn it, Concubine Li even asked someone to report the matter to the emperor!"

Tang Lin was startled, "The people from the queen mother went to report this matter to the emperor, and it happened that my palace was with the emperor at that time. Is this really the case?" Concubine Han is too strong, she can actually beat the emperor with her hands. Two people, and they are too courageous, dare to make trouble in the harem, do you really think the emperor will not care about her?

"No, no, no," Concubine Xian hurriedly clarified the incident of Concubine Han's beating, fearing that the more it spread, the worse it would become. "Sister, listen to me. Concubine Han and Concubine Li did come to my Guangxian Palace, but they didn't hit anyone. It was misrepresented by the people below. Don't take it to heart. Can I trouble you to explain to the emperor? Is this a matter? After all, only you can meet the emperor! Sister, this matter is indeed nonsense, please explain to the emperor, please forgive us, "

Tang Lin stroked the back of Concubine Fuxian's hand, and comforted her: "My sister is in the harem, but she is known as a good person. How could she fight with others? It must be that the people below are jealous of you, so they gossip everywhere. It's okay, Your Majesty I don't care about the harem, my sister doesn't have to worry about being punished for it."

Concubine Xian beamed with joy, "Really? That's great!"

"Sister," Tang Lin hesitated to speak, and struggled a few times before she could speak, "Sister, my sister wants to ask you about someone, is that okay? Is there a maid named Xiaonu in your palace?"

"Little slave?" Concubine Xian hadn't made any reaction yet, but Heng'er next to her suddenly cried out in surprise. "Go, go to my room and get a cloak! Qiu Liang, don't let Concubine Tang catch a cold!" Concubine Xian ordered Heng'er coldly, intending to send him away.

Tang Lin looked at Heng'er, and took a few extra glances at the little eunuch.The little eunuch is not only handsome and beautiful, but also young. Compared with other eunuchs, he lacks the sissy air.She thought, this little eunuch must know something about Xiao Nu, otherwise he wouldn't be dismissed by Concubine Xian, obviously he didn't want him to say anything later.

"Oh!" Heng'er pursed her lips, and said "Oh" reluctantly. "Then I'll go to the room to get the cloak!"

Tang Lin frowned, she felt strange that this little eunuch didn't call herself "slave" in front of the master Xianfei, but called "I" instead. Could it be that the relationship between the master and servant is too good?
Seeing Tang Lin watching Heng'er leave with suspicion in her eyes, Concubine Xian panicked, fearing that Tang Lin might see something, she squeaked back to Tang Lin, "Sister!"

Tang Lin turned her gaze back upon hearing the sound, and smiled slightly, "Sister, what do you want to say?"

Concubine Xian held her hand, and said in a pleading tone: "Sister, just now my sister also clarified that the matter of Concubine Han beating me and Concubine Li in my Guangxian Palace is not true, I hope my sister will explain it when she goes to see the emperor. "

Tang Lin smiled helplessly, "Sister, just now my sister also said that the emperor doesn't care about the affairs of the harem. If the empress dowager refuses to take care of this matter, who will pursue it? You should be very clear that the emperor has Never deal with the affairs of the harem!"

Concubine Xian was still worried, "The emperor these years, no matter what happened in the harem, he really didn't deal with it. But sister, you must have heard about Concubine De and Zheng Yuyi, right? The emperor arrested them, it must be The two of you must be severely punished, I am afraid of beating people..."

"Sister," Tang Lin said with a helpless smile, "you can rest assured, the emperor will not pursue this matter. The matter between Concubine De and Zheng Yuyi is no small matter, it will shame the royal family, Your Majesty They must be severely punished. If the emperor really wants to accuse you, my sister will definitely intercede for her."

I didn't expect Concubine Tang, who had never dealt with him before, to be so righteous.Concubine Xian felt relieved for a moment, she held Tang Lin's hand even tighter, and even shed tears of thanks, "Thank you, Sister Tang Concubine."

Tang Lin smiled gracefully, "It's nothing." Just as she was about to ask about Xiao Nu again, Heng'er came with a cloak.

"The cloak is here!" Heng'er hurried up to the attic and brought the cloak to Tang Lin. Just as she was about to put it on for Tang Lin, Yishuang took it.

Yishuang said with a cold expression: "I'm coming!" After speaking, he opened the cloak and put it on Tang Lin.

Tang Lin tied the belt around her chest and tied it into a knot.

A gust of cool wind blew across the attic, and those court ladies shivered unavoidably because of their thin clothes.

Concubine Xian got up at this time and said to Tang Lin: "It has been autumn for a month or so, no wonder the wind is so cold. Sister, you are in poor health and pregnant, so it is not appropriate to blow the wind outside. Let's move to the side hall Come on, have a cup of warm tea."

Tang Lin had no intention of leaving for the time being, so she nodded her head lightly, as a tacit consent.

Concubine Xian instructed the ladies in the palace: "I will have dinner with Concubine Tang tonight. Concubine Tang is pregnant. You ask the Imperial Dining Room to make light and nutritious meals from Guangxian Palace."

Those maids bowed their heads and replied: "Yes, empress!"

The entrance of Guangxian Palace.

A withered and yellow leaf slowly fell to Shao Qi's feet. He bent down to pick up the leaf and held it up to look at it. He couldn't help being filled with emotion and melancholy, "It's another year!" In autumn, he met Han Lingying.

Fu Yushu grabbed the leaf and crushed it with his palm, "Worry again, whitehead!"

Cao Dan said to Shao Qi: "Brother Qilin, Guangxian Palace is not far from Fengyang Palace, why don't you go to see Concubine Han in person? Don't worry, brothers and we will definitely support you and won't say anything about you." Abandonment of duty, everyone agrees, right?" Looking at other people, seeking sympathy.

Everyone kept laughing happily.

Shao Qi gave everyone an annoyed look, "I said, what else would you do besides gloating?"

Xiao Xiong, who was leaning on the tree next to the door, came over and patted Shao Qi on the shoulder, "Brother Qilin, I think what Xiao Cao said is right, if you leave once, we will not expose it to the master and Miss Tang. You are away from duty, go, go and meet your sweetheart!"

An Ze leaned against the wall, groping for her chin, "Concubine Han has always been easy-going in the harem, why did the beating incident happen? Could it be that she is always pretending to be easy-going?"

"You fart!" An Ze's guess was met with an angry retaliation by Shao Qi, "You are the one pretending, you are not allowed to call my family Lingying."

An Ye shook his head helplessly, and said in a reminding tone: "I said, your family Han Lingying is now Concubine Han, one of the concubines of the Twelve Palaces, although the emperor said that if Concubine Han is willing to be with you, he will allow you to leave. But, you have to be clear, you haven't seen Han Lingying for six years, you can guarantee that this woman won't change her mind? Maybe the glory and wealth of the palace has already eroded her heart. When we meet again, she won't recognize you anymore .”

"You fart!" Shao Qi uttered another curse word, "Whoever talks about Ling Ying again, I'll kill him with a sword!" As he spoke, the sword was half out of its sheath, and the cold light flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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