The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 367 Shao Qi went to see Han Lingying!

Chapter 367 Shao Qi went to see Han Lingying!
Yunlei hissed, took a breath, stepped forward and put the sword back into the scabbard, "My lord, calm down, there is no need to get angry with them."

The others leaned against the tree, leaned against the wall, squatted on the ground, and stopped talking to Shao Qi.

After a while, Cao Dan let out a breath of annoyance, looked at the gate of Guangxian Palace, and immediately frowned, "Why hasn't Sister Tang come out? Nothing will happen inside, right? Don't go in and take a look?"

Fu Yushu said: "Before she went in, she told us to wait outside and not to go in. Everyone should obey orders and do things. You Shuang is here, and the chief's martial arts are high, nothing will happen."

At this time, Heng'er ran out of the room bouncingly, still humming a tune. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out of the threshold, Xiao Xiong dragged him to the corner of the wall, and said coldly: "Say, take Tang Concubine Empress how was it?"

Sudden being dragged to a corner, Heng'er was taken aback, her heart thumped, as she was afraid of these guards like a plague god.He stammered back to Xiao Xiong's words: "Tang Tang Tang, Tang Concubine, she, her, it's okay! It's okay!"

Xiao Xiong let go of him, "Hmph, if something happens, you will die!"

After Heng'er stood up, he took a deep breath.It is said that Ouchi guards are not easy to mess with, and they are right.He has not provoked him yet, and he has formed a relationship with the other party, mother, if the guards in the palace see it in the future, they will run away from it.

"Why doesn't my mother come out?" Fu Yushu asked Heng'er.

Heng'er said truthfully: "Oh, that's how it is. The Tang concubine's dinner is served in our Guangxian Palace, so she will be drinking tea with my wife in the side hall."

Fu Yushu, "That's it."

Heng'er looked at everyone cautiously, "If there's nothing wrong, then the guards, the slaves...leave first?" Without any sign from the guards, he moved secretly, walking farther and farther, until his ass slip.

In a blink of an eye, it was already evening.The yellow clouds in the sky are dazzling.

Dishes were brought into Guangxian Palace one by one, and finally placed on the dining table in the side hall.

Yishuang gently took off the cloak for Tang Lin, and then held it up.

After all the food deliverers left, Concubine Xian said to Tang Lin: "My sister has prepared this table of food for my sister on my own initiative, and I don't know if my sister likes it or not. Please use it!"

Tang Lin smiled gratefully, "Sister Zhang Luo, please, I'm so ashamed, why don't you like it, thank you sister!" After speaking, she picked up the chopsticks, put a little bit of tofu into the mouth, and then covered her face with her hands and ate it .

At first glance, Concubine Xian could tell that Tang Lin came from a noble family, and that her words, deeds, and etiquette were all in place.

Looking up, seeing Concubine Xian was looking at her, Tang Lin frowned slightly, "Sister, why don't you eat?"

"Eat, I'm eating," Concubine Xian immediately picked up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables, to cover up her preoccupation.

After taking two or three sips, Tang Lin gently put down the chopsticks, and then sneaked a few glances at the few court ladies who were waiting at the side.I have never seen Xiao Nu before, and I don't know what Xiao Nu looks like, so calling out rashly may make Concubine Xian suspicious.

"Sister," Tang Lin looked at Concubine Xian and said with a smile, "All the maids in your palace look cute and beautiful, so you must be able to name them very well, right?"

"It's a coincidence that when they came to my Guangxian Palace, they were all newly recruited maids in the palace, and their names were also given by this palace." Concubine Xian put down her chopsticks, and couldn't help being interested in the names of the palace ladies. Come on, she looked at the few court ladies next to her, and told Tang Lin their names one by one, "This is Dong'er."

Dong'er, who didn't look amazing, but looked more peaceful, stepped out two steps, and bowed to Tang Lin, "Slave Dong'er, I have seen Tang Concubine."

Tang Lin smiled and said, "What a sensible girl!"

Concubine Xian said the names of the remaining maids one by one, "This is Qiu'er. This is Chun'er. This is Xia'er. I didn't think much about it, so I named them after Chun Xia Qiu Dong, Sister, I made you laugh."

Tang Lin said: "Actually, they are all pretty good. The name of the four seasons is spring, summer, autumn and winter. My sister thinks it is very poetic. Sister, how many maids are there in your Guangxian Palace?"

Concubine Xian thought for a while, and then said: "There are about ten names. They have just delivered the food, and they all went out. Their names are all named after plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum. Sister, I am ashamed to say that we Guangxian The palace people are not as good as Yongning Palace, there are not many people, but there are also many."

Tang Lin giggled, "I am Yongning Palace, and there are more than a dozen court ladies." Whether it's spring, summer, autumn and winter, or plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, isn't there anyone named Xiao Nu?

At this moment, Heng'er walked in, "Your Majesty, look who's here!" Behind him was a very graceful court lady.Tang Lin had seen the maid standing behind Heng'er at the moment.That day all the concubines gathered in Xiangning Palace, Concubine Han did not come, it was her palace maid who spoke on behalf of her, and this maid was Zimei standing behind Heng'er.

Zimei glanced at Tang Lin, and immediately recognized Tang Lin as Concubine Tang. That day when all the concubines gathered in Xiangning Palace, she had already seen the true face of Concubine Tang.She took a few steps forward and bowed to Concubine Xian and Tang Lin respectively, "Zimei has met Concubine Xian and Concubine Tang."

Concubine Xian had a smile on her face, she waved her hand to Zimei and said: "Don't be too polite to Zimei."

After Zimei straightened up, Concubine Xian asked: "Zimei, what's the matter with me?"

"It's like this," Zimei replied neither humble nor overbearing, "Today there are rumors in the palace that my empress beat up Concubine Xian and Empress Li in Guangxian Palace, my empress asked Zimei to come over to say hello, empress Xian Are you okay?"

The other party came here on purpose not to blame herself, but to care about herself. The concubine Xian immediately said, "I'm fine. Concubine Han didn't blame me for causing this kind of thing. On the contrary, she still cares about me so much. I'm ashamed." !"

Zimei comforted: "Concubine Xian, there is no such thing as Concubine Han hitting someone. This is pure nonsense from the people below. You don't have to feel guilty about it."

Concubine Xian slowly breathed a sigh of relief, with a straight expression, "Well, Zimei, you are right, I don't need to feel guilty about this matter, and I don't need to get angry. You go back and tell your mother that I am fine, thank her Concern, when I am free in the future, I will personally go to Fengyang Palace to thank Concubine Han."

"En!" Zimei nodded, "As long as the concubine Xian is fine, then Zimei will leave first."

After Zimei left, Concubine Xian looked at Tang Lin, unexpectedly seeing Tang Lin thinking.For some reason, she was terrified of Tang Lin's pensive look, as if she was secretly analyzing something that was not good for her.

"Sister?" Concubine Xian interrupted Tang Lin's thoughts.

Tang Lin realized that she was originally thinking about Concubine Han, but she hadn't realized anything yet, and was interrupted by Concubine Xian, "Huh? What does sister want to say?"

Concubine Xian smiled, "What were you thinking just now?"

Tang Lin said truthfully: "Oh, it's Concubine Han. Since Concubine Han didn't hit anyone, it's really nothing to say that Concubine Han beats up sister you and Concubine Li in Guangxian Palace." The concubine will be suspicious of something.This concubine Xian is a sensitive person, there must be some shady secret hidden in her heart, otherwise she wouldn't be nervous about other people's contemplation.

Concubine Xian said: "Let's just let this matter go. It's not good if it gets bigger and bigger. The Empress Dowager is cleaning up recently, so it's better not to disturb her old man."

"Stop!" Heng'er personally sent Zimei away from Guangxian Palace, but Xiao Xiong stopped her when she stepped out of the door.

Heng'er laughed dryly, "Master, what's the matter?"

Xiao Xiong said angrily: "Look, it's getting dark, when will my mother come out? Did your mother miss my mother and hurt my mother?"

When Henger heard this, he was frightened, and hurriedly clarified, "No, nothing, Tang Concubine is having dinner with my wife, it's fine."

Zimei confirmed for Heng'er: "My lord guard, Tang Concubine is indeed having dinner with Xian Concubine inside. Tang Concubine is very good, she is fine."

"Huh," Xiao Xiong looked at Zimei a few more times, "Aren't you a maid of Guangxian Palace? Then how did you see you go in just now?"

Zimei bowed to him politely, and said softly: "As far as the guard is concerned, Zimei is a maid beside Concubine Han in Fengyang Palace. Zimei came to Guangxian Palace to do some things at the order of my mother."

Cao Dan thought of something, "Fengyang Palace, isn't this the palace where Concubine Han lives?"

Zimei nodded and said: "Yes. Several guards, if there is nothing wrong, Zimei will go back to Fengyang Palace first."

"Wait!" Zimei was about to turn around, but was stopped by the expressionless Shao Qi.

Zimei met his eyes, her heart tightened immediately, she immediately lowered her head, and asked nervously: "Master Guard, is there anything else?" She didn't provoke them, why is she facing herself with such a cold face?

Shao Qi asked: "Concubine is she?"

When An Ye heard this, he almost vomited blood, "Brother, how is Concubine Han, you can just go to Fengyang Palace and ask in front of Concubine Han? You should ask something else!"

Zimei was a little puzzled, not understanding how these guards cared so much for her Concubine Han. "Go back to the guard, my mother is very good."

"Come here," Fu Yushu pulled Shao Qi aside, "Why are you still hesitating? Now, immediately, immediately, let that maid take you to Fengyang Palace."

Shao Qi was startled, but hesitated, "This..."

Fu Yushu said impatiently: "What is this? Hurry up and settle the matter between you and Han Lingying. Don't you want to maintain a confrontational attitude with Yu Shengjun forever?"

Shao Qi's tone was light, "Yu Shengjun will never let me and Han Lingying know each other, will he? Then he can keep me by his side forever as a hostage!"

"You are the only one who thinks this way," Fu Yushu said earnestly, "If you really want to take you hostage, will you be made a bodyguard? Will you continue to let Concubine Han stay in the palace so that you have a chance to meet? Don't Stupid, Yu Shengjun has no such thoughts at all. He has not yet managed the huge Central Plains, and he will come to take care of you and Han Lingying? Now, the entire Central Plains belongs to him, and your emperor brother has no power, no Anyone can bring Yu Shengjun down again. He just hopes that you can live again, treat him faithfully, treat the world, and pay for the country and the people together. Think about it for yourself, you still have Is it possible to make a comeback?"

Shao Qi stopped talking, and slowly calmed down, analyzing Fu Yushu's words.

At this time, Zimei wanted to leave, but Xiao Xiong grabbed him. He looked back at Shao Qi over there, and then said to Zimei angrily: "Don't leave! Wait a while!"

Cao Dan and the others surrounded Shao Qi one by one, persuading him one by one.

"This is a good opportunity, don't hesitate!"

"My lord, Fengyang Palace is not far from Guangxian Palace. You must be able to meet Concubine Han, so let that maid take you there."

"Brother Qilin, if the matter between you and Concubine Han is not resolved for a day, your life will be difficult. Xueyan found you so hard, do you want her wish to come true again?"

"Yan'er..." At this moment, Shao Qi remembered the existence of Han Xueyan.That's right, finding her sister and brother-in-law has always been what Xueyan wanted to do the most. She must be impatient to see her sister, right?
"Okay!" Shao Qi made up his mind, "I'll go to Concubine Han!"

(End of this chapter)

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