The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 369 Is This Han Lingying?

Chapter 369 Is This Han Lingying?

Tang Lin pursed her lips, "Don't even give me a chance to curry favor with you, you're stingy."

After a while, while everyone was eating in the dining hall, Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin left Yongning Palace.Since every time he comes to the harem, Yu Shengjun wears a bodyguard uniform, so there is no need to change it.

"Why haven't you come back?" Really impatient to wait, Shao Qi walked back and forth at the gate of Fengyang Palace.

"Shao Qi!" Tang Lin's voice came over.

Shao Qi looked over and was a little surprised to see Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun coming.Going forward, I greet Yu Shengjun, "This subordinate sees the master, I don't know why the master is here."

Yu Shengjun said: "I heard from Tang Lin that you went to Fengyang Palace, so I came here. I promised you that if Han Lingying still loves you and is willing to spend the rest of my life with you, then I will keep my promise and let you go." Gong. From now on, if you don't turn against me, Yu Shengjun, naturally I won't bother you."

Hearing these words, Shao Qi should have been happy, but he couldn't be. For some reason, when Yu Shengjun said that he and Han Lingying were going to be released from the palace, he was a little... reluctant.

"Master, do you really want to let Mu Lin out of the palace?"

Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows and asked: "Why, this condition is not satisfied? Why do you want me to reward you?"

"No, no, no," Shao Qi quickly explained, "This subordinate doesn't think so."

Seeing Shao Qi hesitate like this, Tang Lin thought, could it be that he was reluctant to leave? "You don't want to give up your status as Ouchi's bodyguard, do you? You want to stay on, don't you?"

Having said what was on his mind, Shao Qi had no face to admit it, and he was too embarrassed not to admit it.

Yu Shengjun said coldly: "This matter will be discussed later. I ask you, since you have come to Fengyang Palace, why don't you go in and look for Concubine Han?"

Shao Qi said truthfully: "It's like this. The maids of Fengyang Palace said that Concubine Han is gathering with all the concubines in the Imperial Garden. I don't want to disturb other empresses, so I just waited here."

Tang Lin said to Yu Shengjun: "I don't know when Han Lingying will come back, master, why don't we go back first?"

At this moment, Zimei's voice came from not far away, "Your Majesty, it seems that the guard is still there!" Looking from a distance, he became suspicious, "It seems that there are more than one!"

Han Lingying looked over. Due to the distance, the palace lanterns were not as good as daytime. He could only see three figures standing at the gate of Fengyang Palace, but he couldn't tell who they were.Strange, why does Ouchi guard want to see her?However, as he got closer and closer to the palace gate, Han Lingying's heart beat faster and faster, and his mood became more and more nervous.She could clearly see the faces of the three people standing under the palace lantern.

Except for that familiar face that was almost unfamiliar to her,
There was a face she had seen a month ago, when the maid Lingxiu said it was a guard.Although the man's appearance was astonishing, any woman's heart would be moved at the first glance.However, she already had her own heart, and she had no chance to fall in love with such a handsome man.

Who is that beautifully dressed woman?
Ten meters, five meters, three meters...

When the distance between them was only one meter away, Han Lingying stopped and just looked at Shao Qi's face with a calm expression.Even though the body was already surging, it did not show on the face.

However, compared to Shao Qi, he looked at her with an excited expression.Excited eyes, excited smile, so excited that I want to reach out and hug her.

The quiet and pure woman five or six years ago, after five or six years, is still peaceful, but she has matured a lot.

Tang Lin watched the two of them staring at each other without saying a word.It's understandable when you think about it, the two haven't seen each other for several years, and it's understandable that they didn't know what to say for a while.

However, what surprised Tang Lin was that after Han Lingying and Shao Qi looked at each other peacefully for a while, she turned around slowly like a stranger passing by, and walked into the palace gate calmly.

Lingxiu and Zimei were terrified by such impolite behavior of their own empress.This won't offend the guards, will it?
Han Lingying's turning around hurt Shao Qi's heart.He suddenly turned to look at the door, and the moment Han Lingying stepped into the door, he shouted, "Ying'er!"

What a familiar call, what a familiar name.Han Lingying's body trembled violently the moment he heard the long-lost familiarity of "Ying'er".

Her footsteps also stopped, turning her back to Shao Qi.

The two maids were very surprised, why did the guard call their empress "Ying'er" so directly?Could it be...does this guard have any special relationship with their mothers?
Thinking of this together, Lingxiu and Zimei exchanged a look.

"Ying'er! It's me!" Afraid that Han Lingying might not recognize him, Shao Qi looked at her back and answered eagerly. "Turn around, look at me, look at who I am!"

Han Lingying didn't look back, ever since she learned that Generalissimo Shao Qi was an undercover agent placed in Yuxin by Beilin Kingdom, with the purpose of rebelling - the moment she got the news, her heart sank.

Although it was later heard that Shao Qi was sealed as a Ouchi bodyguard and stayed in Yuxin as a hostage, but this was no longer something she was interested in.

It's been five or six years. Didn't he inquire about her whereabouts when he was the general of Zhen Guo?
"I don't have any contact with anyone in the guard department, so I'm sorry for being rude! Zimei, see off the guests for me!" Han Ling said with no expression on his face, and stepped directly into the door.

A layer of mist appeared in Shao Qi's eyes, and he stopped the hurried steps with a crying voice, "Why don't you want to recognize me?"

Zimei and Lingxiu figured it out, it's because their mother and this guard were old acquaintances.But one is a concubine and the other is a bodyguard. If the emperor finds out, the end will be the same as that of Concubine De and Imperial Physician Zheng.

Han Lingying's footsteps became faster and faster until his back disappeared at the door.

"Master Guard," Zimei reminded Shao Qi cautiously and kindly, "This is the harem, and my mother is Concubine Han, the emperor's concubine. Even if you are old acquaintances, you can't come here like this. If the emperor finds out, the fate will be terrible." My mother, and you, the guard, are not good. Please think twice, the guard."

Fearing that Shao Qi would be furious, as soon as he finished speaking, Zimei dragged Lingxiu into the palace.

Shao Qi glanced at Yu Shengjun calmly, yes, Han Lingying is Yu Shengjun's concubine.Suddenly, he squatted down on the ground slumped, hugged his legs, and buried his face in them, feeling sad and desperate for Han Lingying's unwelcome things.

Unexpectedly, when they met again, she actually wanted to leave him alone.

Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin looked at each other.

Tang Lin shrugged helplessly, then looked down at Shao Qi who was squatting on the ground, and said a lesson: "Hey! You are a bit promising, okay? A woman made you like this, so what?"

Shao Qi raised his head and stared at her, with tears in the corners of his eyes. "Have you ever loved someone? Do you know the feeling of heartache? If you don't know, don't talk nonsense here, get out of here!"

"I," Tang Lin said angrily. "You said I've never loved anyone?" Looking at Yu Shengjun, who knew he was smiling.Now, her teeth were itching, and she became even more angry, "You said I never loved anyone? How could you see it with your eyes? Oh, it's ridiculous, you can discourage me like this when you are frustrated in your feelings? Okay, didn't you say Does your heart hurt? Then simply dig out your heart! Don’t worry, I will take good care of your heart. How about feeding it to the dogs?”

Han Lingying turned around and left, pretending not to know him, which was enough to chill him, and now he was being ridiculed by Tang Lin, and now Shao Qi was furious.He stood up immediately, drew his sword out of its sheath, and pointed at Tang Lin immediately.

The moment the sword light flashed, one could imagine how sharp the sword was, it would seal the throat with blood.

For Yu Shengjun, Shao Qi could quarrel with Tang Lin, and it didn't matter if they fought to the death, but if he dared to point a sword at Tang Lin, he would not forgive easily, not even anyone.

"Presumptuous!" Yu Shengjun snorted coldly, then stretched out his hand, and easily clamped Shao Qi's sword between his fingers.With a light force and flick of two fingers, the sword broke in two.

Before Shao Qi recovered, the palm-length sword held between Yu Shengjun's slender fingers was already on his throat.He clenched his throat tightly, once, twice, and again, the eyeballs full of fear were about to pop out of their sockets.

He had already experienced Yu Shengjun's martial arts, but he did not expect that it was still so daunting.Moreover, the training camp has been over for so long, and Yu Shengjun's skills are still so high.

Yu Shengjun can still easily kill him without showing any trace.

If I had known that pointing a sword at Tang Lin would bring disaster, I wouldn't have done it if I killed him.It's not worth offending Yu Shengjun just to vent his anger.He couldn't die before he saw Han Lingying.

"Subordinate, subordinate is wrong!" Shao Qi looked at the shining sword in front of him, and carefully admitted his mistake to Yu Shengjun. "This subordinate shouldn't point the sword at your bodyguard. This subordinate made a mistake. I beg the master to spare this subordinate!"

Yu Shengjun said with a blank expression: "Forgive you? How many times have I spared you? You don't know good and bad, do you think I care about you as a hostage? Go and dream of your Spring and Autumn Dream! If you don't see You are pitiful, I have already ordered you to be executed."

Hearing these words, Shao Qi felt a chill down his spine.In the eyes of Yu Shengjun, he did not expect that he was so humble and humble.Only now did he feel how uncomfortable this unfair treatment made him.At this moment, how much he wanted Yu Shengjun to treat him like Yunlei.But in fact, Yunlei is a relative of the emperor, and he... is just a dead prince.

Indeed, it is already the greatest favor for Yu Shengjun to keep him alive.

"My subordinate is wrong, I'm sorry!" This time, Shao Qi apologized from the bottom of his heart.He hoped that Yu Shengjun would value him, and he didn't want himself to be so humble in the other party's eyes.

Tang Lin heard that Shao Qi's words meant a complete reformation, so she pleaded with Yu Shengjun: "Master, he has already admitted his mistake, so let him be spared. It was the subordinate who was wrong earlier, so I shouldn't have said that. If it is too much, Shao Qi is not completely wrong."

Yu Shengjun looked at Shao Qi, then at Tang Lin, extremely annoyed. "Which big inner guard is as mother-in-law as you? You... really disappoint me!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked back.

That hurried back made Tang Lin feel distressed.

"Let Han Lingying calm down, don't disturb her yet, go back to Yongning Palace early and rest, I'll go see the emperor." After speaking hastily, Tang Lin chased after Yu Shengjun.

On the way out of the harem, Yu Shengjun's footsteps were very fast, and the clothes Tang Lin was wearing had very long skirts, and she dragged herself every step she took.In order to catch up with Yu Shengjun, she could only run with the corners of her skirts up, for fear of stepping on them and falling.

"Your Majesty, are you angry?" She followed him at a trotting speed beside him.

Yu Shengjun looked at the road ahead with a livid face, his hands were crossed behind his back, and his whole body exuded a violent air. "That kind of trash is worth your pleading for him? I'm very angry, stay away from me!"

Tang Lin said with a smile: "But Shao Qi's heart is not bad, and there are still some things to improve. That's why you didn't kill him, Your Majesty, did you?"

"He's a waste, don't try to defend him. The more I look at him, the more he dislikes me. Instead of keeping him by my side to contradict me, it's better for me to cut him off first. It will save me a big head."

With a whoosh, Tang Lin quickened her pace, and finally turned around, blocking Yu Shengjun's way.Then, she pursed her lips and said rather aggrieved: "Your Majesty, Tang Lin knows that you got angry because Shao Qi pointed a sword at Tang Lin. It's Tang Lin's fault. Tang Lin shouldn't talk nonsense with that trash." , made the emperor angry."

(End of this chapter)

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