The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 370 Besides me, there are modern people in this harem?

Chapter 370 Besides me, there are modern people in this harem?
Her aggrieved confession made Yu Shengjun lose his anger all at once. He stretched out his hand and squeezed her cheek unceremoniously. I'm angry!"

While rubbing her sore cheeks, Tang Lin complained softly, "Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger. Someday my old lady's wings will harden and she will escape from the palace and never come back again."

Hearing her words, Yu Shengjun couldn't help smiling arrogantly, then took her arm unceremoniously, and forcibly pulled her forward, "I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible, you will never have a chance to leave my side in your life .For this, I am very confident."

Tang Lin said angrily: "Savage guy."

"Help! Help!" A woman in white ran over from the front corridor, while running, she turned her head and looked behind, as if a ghost was chasing her, because she didn't look at the road, she ran into Yu Shengjun's arms .Seeing the woman buried her head in Yu Shengjun's arms, Tang Lin was furious.In the middle of the night, which female ghost in white came out of the well?Dare to touch her Junjun!

Touching himself without permission, this is the last thing Yu Shengjun would allow to happen, the two sword eyebrows frowned in displeasure.The strong fragrance on the woman's body disgusted him even more.

As a weak concubine Tang, Tang Lin didn't have the strength to push her away, so she had to bear it.Wait, if she finds out who moved her family's Junjun, she will not be forgiven lightly.

Slowly, the woman left Yu Shengjun's arms because she felt the cold breath.Before she recovered, she raised her head and saw a pair of sharp eyes. She could no longer appreciate that peerless face, and she immediately yelled out in fear, "Ah——"

When Tang Lin saw the woman raised her head, her eyes widened.Why, why is it the imperial concubine?Dressed so ecstatically in the middle of the night, what is she doing?
This ear-piercing sound made Yu Shengjun close his eyes coldly, clenched his fists, and there was a "creaking" sound from his knuckles.He really wanted to kill.

"Stop barking!" Tang Lin covered her ears and ordered the imperial concubine.

The imperial concubine gradually stopped talking, her eyes fell on Tang Lin's face, she was startled immediately, "Concubine Tang?"

Tang Lin nodded and said, "It's me. Are you okay? In the middle of the night, why did you, a high and noble concubine, come here? The front is the exit of the harem, so it should be far away from your palace."

Speaking of this, the imperial concubine's face was full of panic again. She immediately hid behind Tang Lin, hugging Tang Lin's arm, staring at the dim corridor in front of her in fear, and said with trembling lips: "Yes, someone is going to kill you!" Bengong! Concubine Tang, save me!”

As soon as the imperial concubine said that someone was going to chase her down, Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun's expressions changed at the same time. They thought of the mysterious murderer hiding in the harem who killed the two concubines.

Tang Lin looked towards the corridor, and after a few glances, there was only wind and grass, and the shadows of trees cast by the moonlight, but no one could be seen. "Why didn't I see anyone?"

The imperial concubine took a closer look, her eyes were still full of fear.After watching for a while, the black shadow that was chasing her didn't come after her at all. "Is it gone?"

Tang Lin pulled her hand away and said in a good voice: "Sister, I think you are sleepwalking in the middle of the night. Where is someone going to hunt you down? This is the palace, assassins can't get in. Sister, where is the Palace of the Imperial Concubine? I'll take you back."

The black shadow chasing and killing him did not appear, and the imperial concubine heaved a sigh of relief.After she calmed down, she thought of asking Tang Lin: "Concubine Tang, why are you still outside at such a late hour?"

Concubine Tang glanced at Yu Shengjun slyly, and then answered the imperial concubine seriously: "The emperor wants me to go to bed tonight, so this will..."

When the imperial concubine heard this, a fire burst out of her body.She turned her face away, bit her lower lip, her eyes were filled with anger, she gritted her teeth in a low voice and said, "How dare you... how dare you snub Ben Gong!"

Although it was in a low voice, Yu Shengjun heard it, and his expression showed disdain.

Tang Lin didn't want to spoil Concubine Tang's image in the eyes of the imperial concubine, so she pretended to be a good person to the end.Then he spoke kindly to the imperial concubine: "Sister, shall I take you back to the palace?"

The imperial concubine was so angry that she didn't want Tang Lin to send it to her, but when she saw the darkness in the corridor, she immediately felt terrified.She involuntarily pulled Tang Lin's arm again, "Okay, okay, then please go to Concubine Tang. I must be sleepwalking. I can't even remember where the Palace of the Imperial Concubine is."

"Then let's go!" Tang Lin gave Yu Shengjun a wink, beckoning him to follow, and then walked back with the imperial concubine.

On the way back to the imperial concubine hall, the imperial concubine kept holding Tang Lin's hand, for fear that Tang Lin would leave her.She is not afraid of the night, ever since someone wanted to chase and kill her, she was especially afraid.

As Tang Lin walked, she was out of breath, and she walked more and more slowly, until the imperial concubine felt it and then stopped, "Tang Concubine, what's wrong with you?"

Panting weakly, Tang Lin supported her abdomen, and said weakly to the imperial concubine: "Sister, I'm really sorry, my body has been weak since I was a child, and if I walk fast on this road, I won't be able to catch my breath. Are you You know, I am pregnant with dragon species, and I need to drink the anti-fetal medicine prescribed by Wu Yuyi every day, so that the fetus can be preserved until now. I have to think about the fetus, after all, this is the only blood of the royal family."

The words "this only bloodline" irritated the imperial concubine, and she felt very uncomfortable. She wanted to fight back against Tang Lin, "What's so great about having a dragon seed?" But she knew very well that if Tang Concubine was pissed to death, she would not be able to escape Once he died, he endured it.

She said to Tang Lin: "Yes, you have a dragon seed, so you can't walk so fast. Then..." Just as she was about to help, she thought of another person at the scene.

The imperial concubine turned around, and happened to meet Yu Shengjun's eyes.She was a bit reluctant to order such a handsome man to do things, but she knew herself, she was a noble concubine, how could she condescend to help others, even the emperor's favorite concubine Tang. "Hey, so who, don't be idle, help your concubine Tang!"

Yu Shengjun did not refuse, walked over with a cold expression, and held Tang Lin's hand.Tang Lin, on the other hand, secretly cast a sinister and cunning look at him, accompanied by gloating.

He gave her a blank look.Looking for something to do when he has nothing to do, he's doing well, why drag him to the imperial concubine's palace?

Tang Lin didn't know which corner of the imperial concubine's palace was located, so at the crossroads, while the imperial concubine beside her was watching the night, she secretly whispered to Yu Shengjun, "I don't know the way."

Yu Shengjun has seen the topographic map of the harem, and has also visited the harem himself, so even if he has not done the survey, he can still find the imperial concubine hall with the map of the harem that has been imprinted in his mind.

He gave her a reassuring look, indicating that he knew how to get to the imperial concubine hall.

At the intersection, Yu Shengjun chose to go straight.He supported Tang Lin to walk step by step, and the imperial concubine fell behind the two of them as she walked.

Looking at the black and white figure in front of her, the imperial concubine couldn't help feeling a little sad.When did I have a man supporting me like this?Even if it's a stranger.

The imperial concubine fixed her eyes on Yu Shengjun's back, she felt that this "guard" was perfect from the bottom of her heart.It's a pity that such a handsome man can only protect a sick concubine in the harem.

At this time, Tang Lin stopped, turned to look at the imperial concubine who was looking at Yu Shengjun's back, and called softly: "Sister!"

The imperial concubine came back to her senses, "What, what?"

Tang Lin waited for her to reach her side before continuing to walk forward, asking as she walked, "Sister, can you tell me what happened during your sleepwalking just now?"

It's not about revealing a secret, so the imperial concubine thinks it's okay to say it.She told Tang Lin what had happened before, "I went to bed already tonight, and I woke up slowly when I felt my body was cold, but how could I expect that I was lying on a piece of grass, Surrounded by dark abandoned yards. Bengong was terrified and fled from that place, but when he fled, he was discovered by a black shadow, who was chasing after Bengong with a knife. I fell in love with you, Concubine Tang."

When the imperial concubine was narrating, Tang Lin recalled in her mind the environment where the imperial concubine woke up, and the scene of being chased and killed by the shadow. "That must be related to sleepwalking."

The imperial concubine panicked, "If this is the case, is this palace awake now, or is it still sleepwalking?"

Tang Lin giggled, "It should be sleepwalking. I heard that people who are sleepwalking can't be woken up, otherwise they will die. Although my sister is talking now, they are all sleepwalking, so there is no need to be afraid. "

The imperial concubine wondered: "When did I have sleepwalking? Why didn't I know about it? If it was really sleepwalking that would appear outside, then when I came out, no one would see it?"

Tang Lin casually found a reason to perfunctory, "Maybe, everyone in your palace is asleep."

The imperial concubine sighed sullenly, "It's really unlucky."

Seeing that she was wearing little and thin clothes, Tang Lin planned to take off her coat and give it to her.Although his coat was thin, it was already autumn, and the women in the harem should not be able to stand the cold. "Sister, are you cold? Shall I take off my coat and put it on for you?"

It would be a lie to say it wasn't cold, the imperial concubine was already shivering from the cool evening wind in such thin clothes.However, it is not cost-effective to warm myself but freeze the emperor's beloved woman to death.

"No need. Ben Gong is in good health."

But while walking, the imperial concubine suddenly covered her mouth, "Haqiu—" sneezed hard.

Tang Lin looked at the road ahead. The harem is huge, and the harem is far away from the imperial concubine's hall. There must be a long way to reach the imperial concubine's hall.The imperial concubine couldn't bear the evening wind.

She was about to take off her coat, but Yu Shengjun stopped her.Without saying a word, he took off the black brocade robe, and put it on the imperial concubine himself.

The sudden move frightened the imperial concubine.After reacting, he realized that the guard gave him his clothes.

Yu Shengjun returned to Tang Lin's side and continued to support her.

When the imperial concubine looked over, his expression was still indifferent, as if he didn't want to be in contact with people.She looked sideways at his clothes on her shoulders, a warm current filled her heart.

This is real thoughtfulness.This is the man she wants to love.Although the guard was cold, he was even worse than the emperor.

Soon, the imperial concubine hall arrived.

Tang Lin stopped at the door, and said softly to the imperial concubine, "Sister, I'll take you here, hurry back and rest. See you some other day."

The imperial concubine glanced at Yu Shengjun, then pulled Tang Lin to a corner, and asked, "Concubine Tang, who is that person... I know he is a guard, and I want to know his background!"

Tang Lin smiled, and replied seriously: "Emperor! Your husband!" The imperial concubine didn't believe what Tang Lin said at all, but gave Tang Lin a blank look, "Are you kidding? Concubine Tang, I am very serious with you. Speaking of which, you don't need to make such jokes when you are sleepwalking in this palace."

Tang Lin shook her head helplessly, shrugged and said, "I don't believe it."

"What's his name?" The imperial concubine asked Tang Lin after glancing at Yu Shengjun over there.

"His name is..." Tang Lin bit her finger and spent a few seconds trying to think of a name, "It's called Ajun." I remember Yishuang said that Shihe met Yushengjun, and Shihe also asked Yishuang about Yusheng at that time Jun's name, Yishuang told Shihe Yushengjun that his name was "Ajun".

(End of this chapter)

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