The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 371 Who is it?

Chapter 371 Who is it?

Since there is a ready-made name, why not use it, and I am too lazy to think of other names.

"Ajun..." The imperial concubine looked at Yu Shengjun and muttered the name seriously, but before Tang Lin could rest, she asked again: "Then where is he from?"

Tang Lin smiled wryly and said: "I say good sister, Ah Jun is the bodyguard of the Ouchi, and only the emperor and those in the bodyguard department know about the family background of the Ouchi bodyguard. I am a concubine, how can I know so much?"

The imperial concubine said contemptuously: "The emperor arranged for you to protect you, why didn't you ask?"

Tang Lin smiled wryly again, "It's nothing, why should I inquire about other people's affairs? Besides..."

"Okay, okay," the concubine Huang Guifei waved her hand impatiently and interrupted Tang Lin, because she didn't want to waste time listening. "Let's save your nonsense until you return to your palace. I will go back first."

Tang Lin's anger surged into her chest immediately, and she secretly bared her teeth.This imperial concubine is really rude, to criticize her as nonsense?Wait, I'll take care of this stinky bitch in the future.

"Send off sister." Tang Lin held back her anger, and bowed politely to the imperial concubine, making a gesture of sending her off. "Sister, go slowly, see you another day."

"There is no need to wait for another day. I will wait for me in your palace tomorrow." After finishing speaking arrogantly, the imperial concubine walked away without turning her head.When passing by Yu Shengjun, he arrogantly smiled at Yu Shengjun, then turned around and walked into her palace domineeringly.

Tang Lin stared at the gate of the imperial concubine's hall with eyes full of anger, her teeth itching, "What's the point, when will I, Tang Lin, bow my head to others? If the murderer hadn't been found for a day, my aunt..."

"Heh!" Yu Shengjun suddenly looked at her and smiled.

Immediately, her eyes were filled with more flames and she stared at him, "You are laughing at me at this time, are you looking for death?"

Yu Shengjun pursed his pretty lips and smiled again.Then he turned around and walked towards the loop.

Under the moonlight, his back is beautiful and unrestrained, hazy and intoxicated.

"The wings are stiff, aren't they? Sir, you dare to use such an attitude!" Tang Lin chased after her angrily.

Yu Shengjun smiled and said as he walked: "I don't laugh at this time, do you want me to cry?"

Tang Lin said angrily, "That little bastard's smile is hateful enough, and you'll come back and say, don't you think I'm an instructor?"

He stared at her funny, "what's the matter."

Tang Lin still didn't let him go, "Then why were you laughing at me just now?"

Yu Shengjun smiled, and said truthfully: "I just think that you don't have to be so hard on the imperial concubine, she thinks it's her own business, you just turn a blind eye and bear it, it's not worth it Punish yourself with her mistakes. Look at you, did you get angry just because of the few words of that little bitch? Why bother, you are the only one who hurt yourself in the end!"

Tang Lin was already stupefied by Yu Shengjun, "It makes sense. Who is this lady? Tang Lin is too, and she made a mistake to feel sorry for a little bitch?"

Yu Shengjun turned his face away and snickered for a while, and when he turned his head to look at Tang Lin, he already had a serious expression, "Yes! It's really good that my Linlin has such understanding!"

After walking for a while, Tang Lin had forgotten about the imperial concubine's sarcasm about her, and she said to Yu Shengjun very seriously: "Your Majesty, your imperial concubine looks good, do you think about showing your identity? It relieved her years of lovesickness!"

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "Didn't you just confess my identity to her?"

"But she doesn't believe it!"

Yu Shengjun shrugged, "She doesn't believe it, and I can't help it."

Tang Lin remembered the dream that the imperial concubine said, and analyzed it to Yu Shengjun, "This is definitely not sleepwalking, I can be sure. The imperial concubine must have been kidnapped from her palace by the man in black. What was the man in black going to do with her? What the man in black didn't expect was that the imperial concubine woke up suddenly, which gave the man in black the idea of ​​killing someone. Fortunately, the imperial concubine bumped into us in the end, otherwise, she would have undoubtedly died. "

Yu Shengjun asked: "Do you think it was the murderer who killed the two concubines?"

Tang Lin shook her head, "I don't know. The eunuchs in the imperial concubine hall should have martial arts skills. The man in black can enter the imperial concubine hall and kidnap the imperial concubine, so his martial arts must be higher than those eunuchs."

Yu Shengjun said: "The man in black kidnapped the imperial concubine, tomorrow I will let the guards..."

"Don't," Tang Lin interrupted his thoughts, "Your Majesty, let's put this matter on hold for a while. If the man in black is related to the murderer of the two concubines, if you touch the man in black at this time, you will definitely startle the snake. Why don't I secretly Investigate. I believe that sooner or later the murderer will be found."

"Okay." Yu Shengjun didn't do anything else with the matter of the man in black, "Then you have to be careful. No matter where you go in the future, you must take Anze and the others with you. I don't trust you."

Tang Lin immediately put on a cool military posture, "yes, sir."

Yu Shengjun was very depressed when he heard it, "Your color?" He paused, and when he thought of something, his face immediately darkened, "My lord? You little Tang Lin, you actually scolded me?"

"No!" Tang Lin yelled tragically towards the sky, "Don't bring such ones!" Communication barriers, hey.

Until he returned to Yongning Palace, Yu Shengjun still did not let Tang Lin go, "Tang Lin, stop, what do you mean? Quickly explain, sir, I am not lustful! I am not lustful!"

"I won't explain it! I won't explain it! I won't explain it!" Tang Lin growled impatiently, covered her ears, entered the gate, and covered the compound.Turning and turning, she almost stepped on the corner of her skirt several times and was about to fall. Fortunately, Yu Shengjun behind her supported her back in time.After finally walking to the outer courtyard of the bedroom, he did not expect to see Fu Yushu and others lined up at the door and turned around to look at her together.

The posture of this group of people told her that they must have been lined up before, facing the door wall of the bedroom.Didn't know she wasn't sleeping in it.

This time, when they saw her come back, they were all shocked.

Seeing Yu Shengjun following behind, he was even more shocked.

After responding one by one, they walked over together. Kneeling together was not to greet Tang Lin, but to greet Yu Shengjun together, "Your subordinates wait to see the master, long live the master!"

Yu Shengjun casually glanced at everyone, "Get up."

Tang Lin raised her head to look at the sky, the moon was already in the sky.After lowering his head, he glared at everyone, "What time is it? What are you doing outside my room? Peeping?"

Cao Dan smiled dryly, "Sister Tang, when we were in Ruining Palace, we used to guard outside your bedroom every night. At that time, why didn't you teach us a lesson, this time..." The more he talked, the more novel , because now Tang Lin just stared at him fiercely.

Everyone could see that Tang Lin had obviously eaten explosives.

Xiao Xiong kept silent, afraid of getting into trouble.

Yishuang didn't dare to ask Tang Lin, so she asked Yu Shengjun in a low voice, "Master, it's so late, why did you come to the harem? Miss Tang... is she okay?"

In front of everyone, Yu Shengjun directly pointed at Tang Lin to criticize her, and he was very confident, "She is presumptuous, she scolds me!"

"Ah?" Question marks appeared on their faces before they recovered.

Yu Shengjun repeated in a bad mood, "Ah, what, Tang Lin is the one who offends her, she has no eyes and no eyes, no one else scolds her, but she just scolds me!"

Now, everyone understands.It turned out that it was Tang Lin who scolded the emperor... for sex? !
Everyone was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

An Ye bravely looked at the faces of Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin, and asked cautiously: "Master, I don't understand, it's fine, why did Miss Tang scold you for Could it be that you molested..." Her!

"Presumptuous!" Yu Shengjun was displeased, and shot cold eyes at An Ye, with violent words.

An Ye was startled, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, then he lowered his head, not daring to speak anymore.

Seeing that Long Yan was furious, the others didn't dare to speak anymore.

Yu Shengjun faced Tang Lin, with a serious expression that made Yishuang, who looked up at him slightly, want to laugh. "Tang Lin, tonight you have to explain about my sex before you can go to sleep, otherwise, I will punish you to stand here all night."

"What?" Tang Lin almost went crazy when she heard it, "Your Majesty, I have explained this many times along the way. I didn't say anything about you. I just said yes, sir! OK?"

Immediately, those people said in unison: "You actually scolded the master? Tang Lin, you are bold!"

Tang Lin looked at them, gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and her eyes were bloodshot, "I said yes, sir. It's not a lord, why are you deaf like him and can't understand?"

Yu Shengjun immediately took a deep breath, "Are you deaf?"

Realizing that she had said the wrong thing, Tang Lin immediately lost her smile, "Your Majesty, Tang Lin didn't mean that! Don't get me wrong! I was in a fit of anger, and my words went too far,"

"Then tell me what's going on with "Master's Color", and I won't pursue your fault."

Tang Lin was speechless, "It's just a sentence in English, is it necessary to be so serious, my lord?"

"Miss Tang," in the middle of the night, this meeting appeared in the harem.He walked towards Tang Lin slowly, and said unhurriedly: "That's right. The master heard someone say this in the harem a few days ago, so the master can't wait to know what it means !"

Tang Lin was startled, "What? Someone said it? Could it be that there are modern people here?" Hearing what Tang Lin said, Yu Shengjun was startled.While others were still struggling with the "modern person" Tang Lin mentioned, he had already pulled her aside, "Linlin, what did you just say?" Apart from her, how could there be another modern person hiding in the harem? .

Tang Lin felt that this was an incredible thing, and she hadn't fully recovered from it yet.She explained the meaning of that sentence, "Your Majesty, "yes, sir" is translated into "yes, sir" in our words. This sentence should only appear in the future world, right? You just said that you heard it from others, listen Who said that?"

If there is another modern man here, it's company.It's better to talk about modern things and live together than to chat with a group of pedantic ancients.

Yu Shengjun thought about it deeply, "A few days ago, I visited the harem at night, and my starting point was to understand the topography of the harem. It seems that I heard someone say that there were several concubines in the imperial garden. I didn't want them to find out about enjoying the moon over the lotus pond, so I bypassed it. But I can be sure that those words came from one of my concubines."

"Oh," Tang Lin sighed, "Then it will be difficult to find out, and I don't know who it is."

"Don't be angry," Yu Shengjun suggested, "Why don't you use a different method to let that person know that you are a modern person! In this way, the two of you can meet each other?"

It's okay to meet, but the premise is that that person doesn't bring Tang Lin back to modern times, otherwise, he will break up the two of them cruelly.

Tang Lin calmed down and began to think of a way.

Fu Yushu and the others looked at it in bewilderment.

Cao Dan looked at Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun, and asked everyone puzzled, "Sister Tang and master, what are you talking about? What's the matter, will it be a secret between the two of them?"

(End of this chapter)

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