The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 372 Heng'er's Disaster!

Chapter 372 Heng'er's Disaster!
Yun Lei said earnestly: "It can be seen that the sentence mentioned by the officer just now is very important to the master."

Yishuang looked at Yitang, with a worried expression on his face, "Yitang, those words won't threaten the safety of the master, right?"

Yitang said: "To the master, it was just a sentence that I heard casually, but now Tang Lin also said this sentence, the master is so formal, it may have something to do with the other person who said this sentence."

Yun Lei, who didn't know what the situation was, said angrily: "There are still people who call the master childish, how unreasonable it is!"

"Yes!" Tang Lin's eyes suddenly brightened, and then a confident smile appeared on her face.She looked at Yu Shengjun and smiled confidently, "I will make a question and post it in the most conspicuous place in the harem. If there are modern people here, they will know the answer to the puzzle. As long as someone tells the answer, I can guarantee that She and I are in the same world."

The next morning.

Yishuang came outside Tang Lin's bedroom and knocked on the door, "Miss Tang, are you awake?"

At this time, Tang Lin's voice came from inside the door, "Come in."

Yishuang opened the door and came in, and saw Tang Lin standing in front of the incense table holding a brush, so serious that she didn't know what to write on the paper.She took a closer look and saw a horizontal line on the paper.

This horizontal character is well-written and simple, and the font seems to be no different from the characters in the Central Plains.

"Miss Tang, what are you writing?" Yishuang asked curiously.

After writing the last word, Tang Lin picked up the pen with satisfaction, hung the pen on the pen stand, and then took the white paper to blow in front of her, drying the ink.

She said to Yishuang: "With this, I can't believe I can't find the person I'm looking for." Then, she put the paper in front of Yishuang, "Paste this paper in the most conspicuous place in the harem! The people in the courtyard must pass through, so you post it!"

"Okay!" Yishuang was a little disappointed when she couldn't get an answer, but she still pasted this piece of paper on the most conspicuous place in the palace for Tang Lin - the east entrance of the Imperial Garden.

After the white paper was pasted up, within half a day, the place was already surrounded by people.

See such a scene.Yishuang was amazed.In the afternoon, she ran back to Yongning Palace and told Tang Lin about the situation in the Imperial Garden, "Miss Tang, you don't know, there are many people watching your piece of paper over there."

Tang Lin was sitting at the stone table in the courtyard, drinking afternoon tea leisurely. "Oh? But someone wrote the answer on it?"

Yishuang lowered her head and replied weakly: "No!"

"How could it be?" Tang Lin couldn't help worrying, "It's been posted for a long time, and it's been passed around in the harem, so that person shouldn't be able to see it."

"Then go and have a look."

When Yishuang turned around to leave, Tang Lin waved her hand and signaled, "No need! It's important to find the murderer, and don't waste too much time on these things. Let that piece of paper stay there. If anyone knows the answer, they will surely Write it down on paper, and find someone to look at it occasionally, instead of squatting there all the time."

Yishuang nodded and said, "This subordinate understands. Then Miss Tang, are you going to Guangxian Palace now?"

Tang Lin raised her head to look at the sky, and a trace of anger crept into her eyes, "Damn it! The imperial concubine promised to come today, and I wasted half a day in the palace just to wait for her. How could I forget?" Now, she is a famous "latecomer", purely on purpose, just to prove her importance to make a big name."

Yishuang asked: "Miss Tang, the imperial concubine is supposed to have lunch, are you still waiting?"

"Wait no more!" Tang Lin stood up, "The murderer is more important than her."

Yishuang said worriedly: "If she comes and doesn't see you, she will probably go crazy in our palace."

"Let her send it! I, Tang Lin, don't take care of me! She deserves it for being so mad!" After speaking, Tang Lin walked towards the door of the bedroom, and threw a few words to Yishuang behind her, "I'll go in and change clothes, Find Shao Qi and Fu Yushu, and let them accompany me to Guangxian Palace today."

On the high mountain, the proud snow is flying all over the sky.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl was dancing gracefully on the top of a snow-capped mountain, and shouted to the surrounding open mountains, "Heh - I'm going to enter the palace!"

A seven or eight-year-old boy was squatting on the ground and playing with the snow, with a silly smile on his lips.

The girl looked back at the little boy and giggled.Then he walked up to the little boy and knelt down, cupped the little boy's face with both hands lovingly, and said innocently: "My sister has passed the draft, and my sister is going to enter the palace! When my sister becomes the emperor's concubine, my sister will let the emperor reward me a lot." The money to help the people in our village!"

But at this moment the little boy lowered his head sullenly, "Heng'er don't leave sister. Parents are gone, Heng'er should not live with uncle..."

The girl hugged the little boy into her arms, tears dripping down, "Heng'er can't stay in the harem, otherwise Heng'er won't be able to get married in the future, Heng'er is good, live a good life with uncle..."

The day to enter the palace arrived, and the girl walked out of the house dressed very beautifully.Seeing her younger brother who was being dragged and cried non-stop by her uncle, she was very sad.But she still gritted her teeth and left cruelly...

The harem is very beautiful, but there is no snow and a cute brother... The girl looks at the fallen leaves in front of the window, feeling more and more sad.

Finally one day, she heard a shrill scream, which seemed to come from the eunuch's castration room... It seemed that her Heng'er was suffering inside to see her!
Do not!


"Sister, I'm here! Sister!"

"Heng'er!" Abruptly, Concubine Xian woke up from the nightmare and sat up on the big carved bed.His eyes were terrified, his face was covered with sweat, and his chest was heaving.

"Sister! Did you have a nightmare?"

Slowly, Concubine Xian turned her head to the side and looked at the bedside.When Heng'er's handsome and delicate face came into his eyes, he burst into tears suddenly, leaned over, and hugged him, "Heng'er, sister, I'm sorry!"

Heng'er patted his sister's back lightly, and asked softly, "Sister, what's wrong with you? Heng'er is right next to my sister, and my sister didn't apologize to Heng'er! Sister, have you always worried about Heng'er?"

Concubine Xian let go of her younger brother, and lovingly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, "You are not a real eunuch, the harem does not allow fake eunuchs to exist, if this gets out, sister deserves to be severely punished, but Heng'er, are you My sister's relatives, my sister doesn't want anything to happen to you."

Heng'er said: "Sister, you are too worried. No one knows about Heng'er being a fake eunuch except Concubine Li and Xiaonu. Sister, Concubine Li promised not to talk about it?"

Concubine Xian was about to say something, when the maid Dong'er came in, "Your Majesty, Concubine Tang is here."

Heng'er was overjoyed, "The beautiful Tang Concubine is here again. She is very nice, and she talks gracefully with her elder sister, but she looks very weak. But..." Thinking of those guards, I feel chills all over my body, " I hope those guards don’t follow, it’s scary.”

Concubine Xian told Dong'er, "Go, invite Concubine Tang to the back attic."

Not long after, Dong'er accompanied Concubine Xian to the back attic.

Tang Lin was admiring the scenery of the back attic, when she saw Concubine Xian coming, she called softly, "Sister."

At this time, Heng'er was extremely excited and ran towards the attic with his cloak in his hand, shouting: "Concubine Tang! Concubine Tang! Heng'er is here!" skidding,
Tang Lin didn't pay attention for a while, and was thrown to the ground by Heng Er, and almost kissed him.At this moment, the pain in her whole body made her frown.This little mud head, Bai Chang is so handsome, doesn't he look at it when he walks?

However, when she wanted to push him away who was lying on her body, the hand on her waist with the palm up seemed to catch something.Very soft, what is it?She scratched again curiously,

When Heng'er threw Tang Lin down, Concubine Xian was already frightened and panicked, so she didn't have time to observe the expressions of the two.She thought, this concubine Tang is so weak, and she is pregnant with dragon species, if such a fall kills the child, let alone tomorrow, she probably won't even live tonight.

Tang Lin moved her hand, but she couldn't pull it apart.But she didn't know that Heng'er was five or six years old now, and was in adolescence, so he couldn't stand being disturbed by her like this.

He looked at her with a look of panic, without any other expression.

Concubine Xian reacted, and immediately came over and slapped Heng Er away, "It's unreasonable, go away! Let's see what you do to Concubine Tang." After Heng Er got up, she immediately helped Tang Lin up, and kept asking: "Sister, your Are you feeling unwell? Tell your sister quickly, where is the injury? How is the child?" Concubine Tang was weak in the first place, and after such a fall, the child will definitely...

Tang Lin smiled softly, "It's okay, sister. I know you're worried about the fetus. It's okay. I didn't fall hard just now." She brushed off the dust from her clothes, and secretly looked at Heng'er.

This young and handsome eunuch is a fake.Could it be the little boy who was hidden in Guangxian Palace by the concubine Xian?If it is true, Concubine Xian really has a strong taste, hiding a man who is so much younger than her.

Hearing that Tang Lin said she was fine, Concubine Xian heaved a sigh of relief.Now it's all right, Concubine Tang is fine, and she doesn't have to bear the death penalty of dropping the dragon seed.

"Come," Concubine Xian helped Tang Lin to sit down at the table, and then told Dong'er, "Go, make a bowl of soup for Concubine Tang."

Dong'er leaned back and said, "Yes, empress."

Tang Lin said embarrassedly: "Sister, this soup will have to boil for another hour or two, so don't bother. I'm really fine, I don't need to drink soup."

Concubine Xian has made up her mind, "I want to drink. It's my sister's fault," she glared at Heng'er, "It's my sister who doesn't know how to teach the people below, and offended my sister. It scared my sister. You must drink this shocking soup. .”

Unable to resist, and didn't want to continue talking about the topic of soup, Tang Lin had no choice but to accept the topic with a nod, "Okay."

Concubine Xian glared at Heng'er with cold eyes, "Why don't you go down and do your business? Look at the good deeds you have done."

Isn't it just a fall, as for being scolded?Heng'er pursed her lips in grievance, and stood beside her with the cloak, neither staying nor staying, "But this cloak..."

(End of this chapter)

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