The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 373 I Annoyed Tang Lin, You'll Feel Better!

Chapter 373 I Annoyed Tang Lin, You'll Feel Better!

Tang Lin smiled, "No need, I have it on."

Concubine Xian grabbed the cloak and said, "You can go down now!"

"Oh." Heng'er reluctantly replied, and when he left, he reluctantly twisted his body, glanced at Tang Lin secretly, and then left the back attic.

After he left, Tang Lin picked him up and chatted with his sister, "The eunuch in your palace is quite young!"

A trace of panic flashed across Concubine Xian's eyebrows, but it was fleeting. "Sister, you don't know. Many eunuchs in the palace are very young. They all entered the palace to purify themselves since childhood."

Tang Lin said again: "Xiao Heng'er is quite foreign, sister, did you notice?"

Concubine Xian gave a dry smile to hide her panic.She was really afraid that word would spread that her brother was a fake eunuch. "It's just a little eunuch, but he also offended my sister, why are you mentioning him? Don't mention it, sister, let's talk about something else."

Heng'er walked out of the gate of the palace sullenly, sat down on the stone steps, grabbed the dry branch in her hand and poked the stone steps on the ground, and said plausibly, "Don't let me stay, hum, don't let me stay, my sister is too disgusting ,"

Two shadows slowly enveloped him.

When he realized that the light in front of him was completely covered, Heng'er raised his head impatiently and shouted, "Who dares to take my gaze?" When he realized that it was two guards approaching, he immediately laughed apologetically, "Hehe ! Why are you the guards?"

Fu Yushu crossed his arms and looked at him with a careless expression, "Look at you talking to yourself here alone, could it be that you wanted to have dinner with some court lady and were rejected?"

Heng'er laughed dryly, "How, how is that possible? Sir Guard, it's nothing." He's not a real eunuch, does he still need to be fed?

Fu Yushu walked over, sat on the stone steps beside Heng'er, put his arm on Heng'er's shoulder, and said kindly: "You look so talented, if you weren't a eunuch, we would definitely be brothers!"

Heng'er continued to laugh dryly, the corners of his mouth cramped up several times, "You are a guard, how can you be so small?"

"To tell you the truth, if you weren't a eunuch, we would have trained you to be a master and go to the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition." Shao Qi also sat down, sitting on the left side of Heng'er, and Fu Yushu sat on the left and right He touched both sides of Heng'er, and put his hands on Heng'er's shoulders.

Heng'er sat in the middle, he couldn't use other words to describe himself other than being nervous and fidgeting.What's the matter today?Not to mention being eaten tofu by Concubine Tang, but also being made things difficult by Concubine Tang's two guards! "You two guards, are you joking? Usually, other eunuchs have taught the young ones a little bit of kung fu, but it's just superficial, and the small ones can't become great ones."

Fu Yushu said with a smile: "I think your bones are amazing, you are a plastic talent. But I don't know if the guards will recruit eunuchs as guards? Qilin, do you know?"

Shao Qi shrugged, "I don't know, I never heard of it."

"Tell me, is there someone who is the opposite food?" Fu Yushu suddenly tightened Heng'er's neck.

But Heng'er didn't feel that his breathing was not smooth, he smirked, and then stammered: "I don't, I don't, I don't have food, but I like it, really... yes, there is one!"

"Yo," Fu Yushu and Shao Qi looked at each other, both a little shocked by Heng'er's words. "Then you said, which palace maid do you like?"

Although Fu Yushu just found some topics to tease Heng'er temporarily to waste time.However, in Heng'er's ears, it meant to force him to tell the truth.He said tremblingly, "Hui, Hui, the guard, Xiaonu used to belong to Huide Palace, but she is no longer. I like her."

Now, Fu Yushu didn't dare to joke anymore, and he didn't have the idea of ​​playing tricks on others.What did he hear?Little slave?Is the person this little eunuch likes a little slave?
Xiaonu, didn't you want to find the only person on the line of the murderer?
Fu Yushu exchanged glances with Shao Qi.They all calmed down and dealt with Xiao Nu.

Fu Yushu asked Heng'er in a different tone, without the intention of oppressing or inquiring, "Little eunuch, you like that little slave in Huide Palace, then have you been allowed by the concubine Xian to become a rival?"

Shao Qi spoke up, "Concubine De has now been punished by the emperor for breaking the law. The maids and eunuchs of Huide Palace should all be assigned to other palaces. Did you ask your empress to send the little slave to your palace? Just right , you can look up and see each other every day!"

Heng'er immediately clarified, "Nothing! Nothing! The two guards, the younger one likes Xiaonu, and my mother likes it too! My mother is very kind to me, she is the one who asked Concubine De to pick up Xiaonu. She came to our Guangxian Palace. But I don’t know, Xiao Nu’s illness just happened, so she was taken away by Concubine Li, saying that Xiao Nu can only stay in her Sun Li Palace, and she is not allowed to meet Xiao Nu. Xiao Nu I'm very sad, I haven't seen Xiao Nu for three or two months, I don't know if she is doing well."

Fu Yushu thought, if what the little eunuch said is correct, then Concubine Xian should have nothing to do with the murderer.

Shao Qi asked: "Why did Concubine Li take Xiao Nu away?"

Heng'er shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Fu Yushu patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged, maybe your fate with Xiaonu hasn't come yet, sooner or later, you will be able to meet her again. I wish you happiness!"

Heng'er smiled gratefully: "Thank you, Master Guard."

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi stayed at the door for a full hour. After an hour, they finally saw Tang Lin come out, and Concubine Xian personally sent her to the door, "Sister, go slowly! You are in poor health, go back carefully!"

"Thank you sister, I got it! It's cold outside, you can go back too, don't send any more!"

"That's good! My sister will deliver it!"

Fu Yushu went up to help Tang Lin, and only let her go when Concubine Xian turned around and went back, "Go back to Yongning Palace?"

Tang Lin said: "No! Let's go to Fengyang Palace with Shao Qi!"

Shao Qi looked at the two suspiciously, " want to accompany me to meet Ling Ying, what purpose do you have?"

The two looked at him furtively, "What do you think?"

Concubine Xian and Heng'er passed by the side hall, and Dong'er came out with a cloak in her hand, "Your Majesty, Tang Concubine's cloak has not been taken yet."

"Concubine Tang will be broken if she freezes, give it to me." Heng'er grabbed the cloak and turned around to leave.

Concubine Xian hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

Heng'er has gone away, but the voice is still echoing in Concubine Xian's ear, "Go to Yongning Palace and send the cloak to Concubine Tang."

Concubine Xian smiled wryly, "Do you only know that Concubine Tang is beautiful? I'm still you..." Sister.Due to Dong'er, he didn't say anything.

Yu Shengjun came to Yongning Palace alone again, but he didn't see Tang Lin when he came in, but Cao Dan and the others were there.He asked Yishuang: "Where is Tang Lin? Why are you alone?"

Yi Shuang replied slightly: "Master, Miss Tang has gone to Guangxian Palace. When she left, she said that the imperial concubine might come to Yongning Palace today, and let us stay to entertain. She only let Fu Yushu and Shao Qi follow, It is estimated that Miss Tang intends to go to Fengyang Palace with Shao Qi to find Concubine Han."

Yu Shengjun let out a dull breath, turned around and wanted to leave, Yishuang asked: "Master, have you returned to the palace yet?"

"En!" Yu Shengjun replied indifferently, and now, he turned around and left.

"Concubine Tang, your cloak!" Heng'er hastily ran in with the cloak, and her shoes slipped again and landed in front of Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked down, his eyes were indifferent, "Which palace is it? Can it walk? Pull it down, cut it off!" Hearing this, Heng'er's hair stood on end, but he didn't expect that the fall would kill him .He got up in a hurry, bowed his waist and raised the cloak to Yu Shengjun, "Master Guard, the little one didn't do it on purpose, the little one knew it was wrong. The little one came to deliver the cloak to the concubine Tang, when she left Forgot to leave the cloak in Guangxian Palace."

An Ye and they all knew Heng Er, and they all knew that Heng Er was the eunuch of Guangxian Palace, so they all came to intercede for Heng Er.

"Master, he is the little eunuch next to Concubine Xian, and he has never made any serious mistakes. Maybe he was so reckless because he was too anxious to deliver the cloak to Miss Tang. I hope the master will not take it to heart." An Ye stood for Heng'er plead.

"Master, don't be angry, don't spoil the dragon's body." Yishuang said nicely.

Anze took off the cloak in Heng'er's hand, and said harshly on purpose: "Get out yet? Be careful in the future!" His harshness was intentional, in order to send Heng'er away quickly.

Heng'er had been frightened for a long time. He couldn't think of what else to do except obey orders.He didn't even dare to look at Yu Shengjun's livid face, and ran away stumbled.

Yu Shengjun took off the cloak in Anze's hand, said nothing, and left with a sullen face.

After the people left, An Ze dared to let out a sigh, "What's the matter today, master? Generally, you won't make trouble with a slave, and you won't have to make trouble with a slave!"

Yishuang was careful, but thought of something, "It may be that there are too many state affairs, and the master spends all day in the imperial study dealing with state affairs, so it is inevitable that he will feel irritable."

Yunlei's expression darkened, "As a relative of the emperor, but unable to help the master share the burden, my cousin is useless at all."

Xiao Xiong sighed softly, "If I were not a bodyguard, but a servant of the master, I think I would help the master to share a lot of state affairs. Now, in order to calm down the affairs of the north bordering country, Yuxin's civil and military ministers have sent It's been a long time, and naturally there are not many people who can help the master with the state affairs. Why don't you just do this, I will ask the master to make me an official."

"Come on you," Cao Dan pushed Xiao Xiong, not because he wanted to despise him. "We don't understand people's sentiments, and we don't understand national policy. What are you messing about? If you don't understand, it will make the country more and more chaotic."

"Stop arguing, all of you!" Yishuang glared at them, "I'm just guessing, maybe the master isn't upset about state affairs at all."

An Ze said: "The master took the officer's cloak, so he should go to find the officer, should we follow?"

Yishuang reminded everyone, "Don't forget our mission. When Miss Tang left, she told us to wait in the palace. The imperial concubine is here. Please entertain the imperial concubine with all my heart."

Xiao Xiong broke into a sweat, "It's almost evening, if the imperial concubine comes, she will come early in the morning, why wait until now?"

"The imperial concubine is here—" Said Cao Cao, and Cao Cao arrived.At this time, a very loud and pleasant eunuch's voice came from outside the gate.

Xiao Xiong shrugged helplessly, and said to everyone: "Here comes the difficult time, everyone, hurry up and get ready."

Fengyang Palace.

East Pavilion, Wanghe Pavilion.

Han Lingying stood on the edge of the pavilion, looking at the peaceful lotus pond, the turquoise back was extraordinarily quiet.

The maid Zimei waited quietly by her side, sighing silently at Han Lingying's back from time to time.The empress is different from the past, usually she doesn't like to come to the East Pavilion, and she doesn't want to see the lotus, but today she has been watching the lotus in the Wanghe Pavilion for a whole day.

"Your Majesty, the wind in the evening is cool. Your wind and cold are good. It's not suitable to blow the wind outside. This servant will help you go back to the bedroom and rest?" Zimei worried that Han Lingying would fall ill if he stood up again.

"He's here, what should I do?" Han Lingying looked at the lotus pond with a flustered expression, and the corners of his lips were muttering.

Zimei was even more worried, "Your Majesty?"

(End of this chapter)

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