The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 374 Tortured to death by the imperial concubine!

Chapter 374 Tortured to death by the imperial concubine!

At this time, another personal maid walked up to the Watching He Pavilion nimbly and quickly.When he came behind Han Lingying, he said anxiously, "My Lady, Tang Concubine is here. The bodyguard who wants to see you has also followed."

Hearing this, Han Lingying's heart throbbed violently.She turned to look at the maid, hesitated to speak.At this time, she didn't care about why Concubine Tang came here, but should she go see Shao Qi?She is very tangled!

Zimei calmed down and thought for a while, puzzled: "At this time, why is Concubine Tang here? Fengyang Palace and Yongning Palace have nothing to do, so what is Concubine Tang doing here?"

Ling Qiao said unhappily: "In my opinion, it must be to show off. She is favored by the emperor and she is pregnant with the dragon seed. She wished she could go to another palace one day and another to show off what she has. On the surface, this person looks like He seems weak, but actually has a heart like a snake and a scorpion. This person is very powerful, Madam, our Fengyang Palace will ignore this kind of person."

"Be careful what you say, so as not to bring disaster to our Fengyang Palace." Zimei warned Lingqiao.

Ling Qiao didn't hold back, "This is in our palace, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that her concubine Tang won't hear it? Our empress is still the real power in the harem, not the imperial concubine. Are you afraid of a little concubine Tang?"

"Okay, you two," Han Lingying ordered displeasedly: "Zimei, go warm a bowl of honey water. Concubine Tang is pregnant, so it's not suitable to drink tea. I'm going to change clothes before I go to see Concubine Tang. Dexterity, Go and invite Concubine Tang to the main hall."

"...Okay." Lingqiao originally wanted to say, why did she receive Concubine Tang.But when he received Han Lingying's displeased look, he swallowed everything he wanted to say.

On the edge of the sky, the sunset is gorgeous and beautiful.

"Concubine Tang, please!" Lingqiao invited Tang Lin into the main hall of Fengyang Palace, Shao Qi and Fu Yushu followed and accompanied her.

After Tang Lin sat down properly, she said deftly, "My mother will come as soon as she changed her clothes. Please wait a little longer, Tang Concubine, my mother will come soon."

Tang Lin smiled gracefully, "No problem, I will wait for you."

Lingqiao didn't say much, and then stepped aside and waited.

After a while, Zimei came in with a bowl of warm honey water, put it on the incense table next to Tang Lin, and said, "Tang Concubine, this is the best honey in the palace. Prepared for Tang Concubine, I hope Tang Concubine can drink happily."

Tang Lin glanced at the bowl of honey water, and could smell the strong honey smell from a distance. It was indeed top grade, not mixed with too many other substances, except for a little water, it was all pure honey.She smiled gratefully at Zimei, "I like it very much, thank you for your hospitality."

After a while, Han Ling ushered in. The turquoise clothes she was wearing had been replaced by more formal and better clothes, which were luxurious and magnificent, adding a lot of aura to her.

She walked in with lotus steps, and Shao Qi's gaze was on her all the time, without hesitation.Han Lingying, who was dressed in simple and elegant clothes in the past, has changed suddenly, so noble and elegant that he feels a lot strange.But that peaceful temperament, that aloofness, still remained in her.

Six years ago, as soon as she entered Yuxin, she was plotted against, and she was rescued by a lotus pond.From then on, this beautiful, elegant and dignified woman was imprinted in his heart.

In this life, it is she who does not love.

Han Lingying pretended that Shao Qi didn't exist, and never looked at him.Tang Lin stood up when she came in, and only saluted when she got close to her, "My younger sister has met Sister Han Fei."

"Concubine Tang doesn't need to be polite." Han Lingying immediately held Tang Lin's hand, and she was only surprised when Tang Lin raised her head. "You..." Isn't this the beautiful woman who appeared at the gate of her Fengyang Palace with Shao Qi last night?I remember that there was another guard there.

Tang Lin smiled ashamedly, "I didn't have a chance to reveal my identity last night, which surprised my sister."

Han Lingying came to his senses and smiled: "It's okay. Last night, my sister was unreasonable and left Tang Concubine's sister outside in the cold. My sister is ashamed. Come, please sit down."

The two sat down one after another.

Han Lingying spoke first, "Sister, I apologize to you for being neglected last night. I hope you can forgive my sister for her ignorance."

Tang Lin said politely: "It's all in the past, sister don't have to blame yourself too much for this matter. My sister is not an unreasonable person. Something must have disturbed my sister's mind last night, so I can't recognize my sister. This matter will say If you open it, there is nothing to pursue, and I hope my sister will stop blaming herself."

Han Lingying smiled happily, "Sister Concubine Tang, you are so kind. I don't know if my sister wants to see my sister last night, what's the matter?"

"He!" Tang Lin pointed out the matter of coming here without ambiguity at all.She glanced at Shao Qi who was beside Hou, "It's because of him!"

Han Lingying glanced at Shao Qi casually, and suddenly smiled, "Sister, my sister and the guards have never met, but my sister came to see my sister for a guard, what is my sister doing?"

Tang Lin suddenly gave a smirk, which didn't fit her weak image at the moment, "If you want to get rid of your Concubine Han from the Zodiac Palace, I must invite this guard!"

Han Lingying's face suddenly turned cold, "I've never met you before, when will I get rid of my hatred with you?"

Tang Lin looked at her fingers, played with her nails, and said leisurely: "No way, I only want to be the only concubine of the emperor. Who said there are too many concubines in this harem, and if we don't clear them one by one, what should I do?" stay?"

"I really didn't expect that," Concubine Han said indifferently, "Others kept saying that Concubine Tang was weak and weak. Seeing you today made me look at you with admiration. Although I, Han Lingying, come from a humble background, I will never bow my head in front of evil forces." Immediately Pointing to the door, he said expressionlessly: "Fengyang Palace does not entertain people from Yongning Palace, see them off!"

Lingqiao angrily said to Tang Lin and the three of them, "Please, everyone!"

Tang Lin stood up suddenly and stepped on the incense table with one foot. Han Lingying's cold posture in the past was displayed in front of Han Lingying, and her aura suddenly became much stronger. She didn't look like a weak concubine Tang at all. I, Tang Lin, will feel better with you!"

Tang Lin? !Han Lingying was taken aback suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, looked at Tang Lin, her eyes widened, "Aren't you just..." The myth in the Ouchi trials? "Enough Tang Lin, don't go too far!" Shao Qi didn't want to see anyone bullying Han Lingying, including Tang Lin, so he said this to Tang Lin in an orderly tone.

Tang Lin squinted at him, with a sneering smile on her lips, "I thought you would stay dumb forever, are you willing to protect your lover?"

"Please go out!" Han Lingying suddenly pointed at the door and ordered the two of them coldly.At this moment, no matter how much she was curious about Tang Lin, she didn't want to face the words and deeds of the two at the moment.

"Did you hear my mother's words?" Ling Qiao yelled.

"I know you, Miss Han, are noble, okay, I won't act wild, you guys talk slowly." After speaking, Tang Lin greeted Fu Yushu, "Fu Yushu, let's go!"

Fu Yushu glanced at Shao Qi, and Shao Qi kept sending him pleading looks. He shrugged, expressing that he was helpless, and then followed Tang Lin out.

Tang Lin's unrestrained walking posture made Han Lingying depressed and angry several times.This Tang concubine is not as weak and easy to bully as in the legend, let alone sick, she probably has the strength to strangle a person to death.How is this going?Is it the real Concubine Tang?

Tang Lin didn't call her, and Shao Qi didn't leave or stay. He would just stay where he was, not knowing how to react.

Han Lingying didn't even look at him, turned around and walked out of the main hall indifferently.

Seeing this, Shao Qi chased him out, "Yinger!"

Han Lingying speeded up every step he took, but Shao Qi still caught up steadily.Until he came to the Wanghe Pavilion in the East Pavilion, he couldn't get rid of Shao Qi, but was grabbed by Shao Qi, "Ying'er! Don't hide from me!"

"Let go!" Han Lingying shook off the opponent's hand, but he couldn't shake it off, and was so angry. "If you don't let go, I will call someone!"

When Shao Qi heard the sound of "Ben Gong", it seemed as if it had touched a soft heartstring in his heart, and he immediately let go.He looked at her indifferent and angry eyes, and asked softly, "Ben Gong? Are you... used to this address?" As soon as he said these words, his voice was so soft that he could instantly tighten his heart.

Han Lingying's heart trembled slightly. She didn't expect that after so many years, she would still be touched by any of his emotions.But so what?Compared with his deceit, what she is doing now is not an exaggeration at all.

She turned around indifferently, "That's right, I'm used to being called "Ben Gong", and I will like it for the rest of my life. I have never had any contact with anyone in the guard department, and I don't want to have one, so please leave, Your Excellency." .”

Every word that comes out of her mouth is light without a trace of fluctuation or emotion. Shao Qi's heart undoubtedly collapsed when he heard it. "I apologize, I have lied to you all these years! If there is anything I can do to make it up to you, I will do my best to do it, I just hope you can come back to me! I really don't want to let you go! Otherwise, I will never let you go! going crazy!"

Han Lingying suddenly sneered, but tears filled his eyes, "Please? Hehe, I guess you forgot that I am Concubine Han now. The emperor's concubine... can I ask for it? Stop dreaming!"

"Ying'er, listen to me," he turned her around, held her shoulders tightly, and looked at her with extremely firm eyes. "The emperor has agreed that we are together, and he will not make things difficult for us. Ying'er, please forgive me."

Han Lingying spread his hands on her shoulders, and suddenly said angrily: "Please figure it out, forgive you? Is it possible? All these years, you know that I am in this harem, and you would rather be the general of the soldiers and horses." , and I don’t want to rescue me from the deep palace! I’ve already given up on you, please don’t harass me again, okay?”

No matter how she treats herself and what attitude she uses, Shao Qi will not give up, "Ying'er, I will not give up on you. I know I hurt you deeply, so well, I will stay by your side until Until you forgive me!"

Han Lingying said coldly: "I am Concubine Han, don't let your evil thoughts come to you."

Shao Qi said resolutely: "Even if you are the queen, I will not let go of the idea of ​​being with you. In the past few years, I have only two goals. First, to rescue you from the emperor. Second, to help me Beilin won Yuxin. Now, the latter is shattered, but I will not give up the former. The emperor has allowed us to be together. He agreed, which shows that he does not have you in his heart. Ying'er, I know you don't want to Staying in this harem, don't tell me you won't give me the chance to take you away all your life?"

"Impossible, give up!" After finishing speaking, Han Lingying left.

Her indifferent turning around left him with great pain.

What should I do to win back her heart?
"Master, why are you here?" Walking out of the gate of Fengyang Palace, Fu Yushu was surprised to see Yu Shengjun there.

Yu Shengjun took a look at Tang Lin, and sent the cloak in his hand to Fu Yushu in person. In Fu Yushu's eyes, he seemed a little surprised. If he didn't send it, it would be a waste of time.

After struggling again and again, he casually said something, and walked away, "I went to the harem to see the environment, and passed by here. I have returned to the main palace, and you two should return to Yongning Palace earlier."

(End of this chapter)

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