The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 375 The imperial concubine and Tang Lin share the same bed tonight!

Chapter 375 The imperial concubine and Tang Lin share the same bed tonight!

"Fu Yushu, you go back to Yongning Palace first, I will send the emperor back, I am worried that the murderer will appear and attack the emperor at night!" After speaking in a hurry, Tang Lin chased after Yu Shengjun, "Your majesty!"

Fu Yushu glanced back at the gate of Fengyang Palace, shook his head helplessly for Shao Qi who was still inside, and then left.

After chasing for a long time, Tang Lin caught up with Yu Shengjun, and took the cloak from behind him politely into her hands, "Isn't this my cloak? How could it be in your hands, the emperor?"

Yu Shengjun looked ahead and said as he walked: "You left it in Guangxian Palace and forgot to take it. People from Guangxian Palace sent it back to Yongning Palace. I saw it."

She walked a few steps ahead, then turned around, and while walking backwards, she looked into his eyes with a smile, but he didn't look at her as if he was betting on someone, "Are you afraid that I'll catch a cold, so I just ran away?" One trip, sent it to me?"

Yu Shengjun still didn't look at her, with a lifeless look, "Don't be smug, I don't have such a style."

"Disappointing!" Tang Lin's smile was immediately suppressed, and she pursed her mouth to complain.But it's just a complaint.She knew he had something on his mind tonight, so she couldn't see a smile on his face.

She ran back to his side, speeding up to his speed as much as possible, "Junjun, what's wrong with you? Why didn't you smile tonight? Are you too tired from dealing with state affairs? If so, start tomorrow, I'll help you share half of it!"

Yu Shengjun said something irritably, and then accelerated his pace, "It's not about state affairs."

There was no other way, Tang Lin could only keep up at a trot speed, "Junjun, have you encountered something difficult? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

Yu Shengjun stopped suddenly, and she walked over.Seeing him stop, she stepped back and listened carefully.

He looked into her eyes, his lips moved, and he stopped talking several times.In the end, he said, "Actually, it's nothing." Then, he started walking again.

Tang Lin stood where she was, not knowing what to do, "What's wrong with your boyfriend?"

At the exit of the harem, Yu Shengjun ordered Tang Lin to stop, "Stop! I want to be alone, Linlin, go back to Yongning Palace, I will come to see you tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, he walked out of the harem gate.

Tang Lin looked at his back and called out a few times, "Hey! Junjun! Your Majesty!..."

Yu Shengjun returned to Xuanyu Palace, when An Lin saw him, he stepped forward and asked, "Your Majesty, have you told Miss Tang?"

"No!" Yu Shengjun said irritably, and walked directly into the bedroom.

An Lin chased him in, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, why didn't you tell Miss Tang about this matter? Maybe, Miss Tang has other ways to solve it!"

"Forget it!" Yu Shengjun exhaled, and waved his hands wearily, "Let's go out first, I'm tired, I need to rest!"

"Your should rest well first, it's not too late to talk to Miss Tang about this matter tomorrow. This old servant will leave." After speaking, An Lin bowed his waist, retreated, and closed the door.

Yu Shengjun sat down on the edge of the bed, propped his arms on his legs, and for the first time was so irritable that he grabbed his hair.

Yitang came back from the outside and saw An Lin staring at the door with anxious back.He stepped forward and asked, "Director An, what's the matter?"

An Lin sighed softly, "It's not about the afternoon."

Yitang said: "Even the emperor can't solve it, so what can we do? Pity them both."

An Lin said: "I thought the emperor went to Miss Tang to ask her opinion, but the emperor didn't tell Miss Tang. I see, Miss Tang is already busy with enough things, so the emperor doesn't want to bother Miss Tang any more. .”

Yitang smiled wryly, "Even the emperor can't be the master, so how can Miss Tang do it?" He raised his head to look at the bright moon in the sky, feeling: "Even people who love each other can't be together. I..." How dare you tell Yishuang what's on your mind.

Tang Lin returned to the gate of Yongning Palace and saw Shao Qi, "Why did you come back so soon? Are you reconciled with Han Lingying?"

Shao Qi had a worried face.

"Well, I know the result just by looking at your expression." She put her arms around his shoulders like a buddy, and walked into the palace gate together, comforting as she walked: "Don't be discouraged! I can see that she loves you , she will come back to you sooner or later!"

Shao Qi smiled wryly, "I always thought you wouldn't bless the two of us, but I didn't are the most enthusiastic one."

Tang Lin rolled her eyes at him, "Don't you understand who I am, Tang Lin? When you are an enemy, I will never be soft on you, but if you are a friend, how can a friend bear to see a friend feel sad, right?"

"Thank you, sir. I want to say sorry for what I said just now." Shao Qi said guiltily.

At this time, Yishuang ran up to Tang Lin with hair as fluffy as a bird's nest, grabbed Tang Lin's hand, and looked like the sky was about to fall, "My God, Miss Tang, you are finally back! You If we don't come back, we will be tortured to death by the imperial concubine! Woohoo!" "Ah," Tang Lin was taken aback, "Is it so serious? When did the imperial concubine come? There is basically no one in Yongning Palace who is not Knowing martial arts, how could she have the opportunity to abuse you?"

Yishuang cried and said a sour sentence, "Because she is the imperial concubine."

ah!Now, Tang Lin finally understood, "The reason why she dares to love is because she is an imperial concubine with a noble status, so you slaves don't dare to fight back, right?" She took Yishuang's arm and walked in, comforting her : "Okay, my good Yishuang, don't be sad, I will avenge you!"

Yishuang worried, "Will there be a big trouble? If it gets to the Queen Mother, it will be difficult to deal with it."

"Who am I?" Tang Lin said triumphantly, "I am Yuxin's future queen, the queen mother's most important daughter-in-law in the future, as a concubine, how dare she do anything to the future queen? Just wait and see, I will Teach this old goblin a lesson severely!"

Shao Qi followed behind the two and entered the door.

At this time, the atmosphere in the main hall of Yongning Palace was very gloomy.The phenomenon is like this:
Cao Dan and the others stood on one side of the hall with their heads bowed and their waists bowed, not daring to take a breath for fear of being scolded.As for the imperial concubine, she leisurely sat in the seat where Tang Lin should have been.

The imperial concubine's maids and eunuchs are on both sides of her.

As for her, she was drinking leisurely, and when she heard the hurried footsteps, she looked up and saw Tang Lin, who was holding Yishuang, walked into the main hall angrily with a stern face.

When Tang Lin approached, the imperial concubine pursed her perfectly lined lips, smiled coquettishly, and her eyes shone brightly.She put the teacup on the table, looked up at Tang Lin, and looked Tang Lin up and down, "Sister Tang Concubine, you look good, you don't look like a patient at all."

"What do you mean?" Tang Lin stared straight into the imperial concubine's eyes and asked coldly.

The imperial concubine smiled lightly, and said slowly: "Sister Concubine Tang is very angry, who messed with you?"

Tang Lin said angrily: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I didn't see you, so you deliberately put me as a pigeon, right? It doesn't matter, you have to come at night, and you messed up my Yongning Palace. Royal concubine, you If you deliberately come to Yongning Palace to find fault, let me tell you, I will not make it easier for you!"

The imperial concubine stood up, walked in front of Tang Lin, reached out to stroke Tang Lin's shoulder, and said in a good voice: "My dear sister, don't be so angry," looking down at Tang Lin's belly, "You are pregnant It’s not good if you are angry and ruin your body. What you are pregnant with is a dragon species. According to the current situation, it is the only dragon species. If you lose your child’s anger, how can you be more expensive than a mother in the future? Hmm?”

"Release!" Tang Lin pushed aside the hand on her shoulder in disgust, then pulled Yishuang two steps over, and asked in front of the imperial concubine: "I ask you, what did you do to my people in Yongning Palace? "

The imperial concubine pretended to be surprised, "It's nothing, why did my sister Concubine Tang ask such a question? Look at them." She scanned the crowd, "Everyone is in good shape, one is not missing a hand, two is not missing a leg, three, will What's the matter?"

Tang Lin glared at the imperial concubine, with the meaning in her eyes, "You wait for me!" Then, she pulled Yishuang to Fu Yushu and the others, and asked them in a low voice, "What happened when I was not around?"

Cao Dan said with a bitter face: "Sister Tang, you don't know something, the imperial concubine is hard to serve. She just came here this evening, and she couldn't see you when she came here, so she thought that we guards hid you, she I ordered the people she brought to search carefully inside and outside Yongning Palace. After she finally gave up, she ordered us one by one, asking us to serve her with tea and water. All of us took turns serving her. After serving the tea and water, she did everything according to her instructions. However, she was able to pick out faults, either the tea was bitter, or the tea was too sweet, or the water was too hot, or the water was too cold. Yishuang has been used for the longest time, and she almost didn't cry. With such a master, I don't know why the maids and eunuchs in the harem are rushing to serve him!"

Hearing these words, Tang Lin's eyes were blazing, she gritted her teeth, and cursed: "Damn! How unreasonable, you dare to behave wildly in my Yongning Palace and order my people. If I will let her go, I will It's not Tang!"

When Tang Lin turned around, the imperial concubine took a look at the sky outside, it was pitch black, and there was no moonlight shining in the outer courtyard, obviously there was no moon tonight.She sighed, and then said tactfully to Tang Lin: "Sister Concubine Tang, in order to wait for you to come back, the night is also dark. The imperial concubine hall and Yongning Palace are far away. I'm here with you, you won't refuse, will you?"

This is a great opportunity for revenge!Tang Lin was so happy when she found out, how could she refuse?

"Okay!" Tang Lin turned around, met the eyes of the imperial concubine, and responded with a bright smile.Then Pidianpidian walked over, took the imperial concubine's arm, forced a smile, and said in a good voice, "My sister has been here in the harem for less than two months, and I don't understand many rules and things in the harem." I don’t know how much. It’s rare that my sister is willing to stay with my sister this night. Tonight, let’s talk by candlelight, how about it?” Without allowing the imperial concubine to speak, he went to urge Fu Yushu and the others, “You guys, go and clean up the largest wing of Yongning Palace. Alright, the imperial concubine is staying there tonight."

"Wait a minute!" The imperial concubine raised her hand to stop, then looked at Tang Lin, and sneered, "Sister, I'm not used to living in the newly furnished room, so I won't be able to sleep. Tonight...can I stay in your bedroom? "

Tang Lin was about to say that it was impossible, she would not live in the same room as her enemy, let alone sleep in the same bed.But the imperial concubine didn't give her a chance to speak, she suddenly got excited and said, "That's great! Thank you, sister Tang Fei!"

Hearing this, Tang Lin was astonished.When did she agree?This imperial concubine...

Seeing Tang Lin's dumbfounding expression, Fu Yushu and the others showed helpless expressions, and could only mourn her silently in their hearts.I hope that the two concubines can sleep together in the same bed...safely tonight.

Tang Lin thought, since the matter has been discussed, if she refuses, it will appear that she is too narrow-minded.She stroked her abdomen twice, although she ate some food at Guangxian Palace, but it was not a regular meal, and she felt hungry now.

"Xiao Cao," Tang Lin turned to Cao Dan and ordered, "Go to the imperial dining room and ask the imperial chef to help me make a watermelon fried rice from the private Jundiexuan restaurant." Cao Dan stayed in Jundiexuan, My ears are smoked and my eyes are dyed, and I have also eaten watermelon fried rice, so I must know how to order the imperial chef to make it.

(End of this chapter)

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