The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 376 This condition is a bit yellow!

Chapter 376 This condition is a bit yellow!

Cao Dan replied: "Yes, ma'am. Xiao Cao will go to the imperial dining room to prepare."

Tang Lin suddenly thought of something, and called him: "Wait a minute!" Then, she turned her head to look at the imperial concubine, and asked, "Sister, have you used your dinner? Would you like Xiao Cao to order an extra meal for you? "

"No need!" The imperial concubine refused with a clear attitude, her words were cold: "I never eat after nightfall. This is my habit. No one in the harem doesn't know about it."

Tang Lin shrugged, no matter.Facing Cao Dan, he ordered: "The imperial concubine doesn't eat at night, so just prepare for my palace." Watermelon fried rice is now very popular in the imperial capital, so I don't believe that the imperial concubine can stick to her habit.

"Sister, please move to my sister's bedroom to rest!" Tang Lin faced the imperial concubine and made a gesture of invitation to the outside of the hall.

The imperial concubine raised her chin proudly, and walked straight out of the hall.

Tang Lin followed.

Walking out of the hall, the imperial concubine raised her head to look at the sky, and a flash of light on the edge of the sky caught her eyes.

Tang Lin also saw that flash of light. Isn't this lightning? No wonder there is no moon or star tonight.She said to the imperial concubine, "Sister, I'm afraid there will be a thunderstorm tonight."

The imperial concubine twitched her mouth contemptuously, "There is nothing I am afraid of. It is not like I have never seen thunderstorms since I was a child. I said sister Tang Fei, you are pregnant with dragon species, don't be fooled by this." The thunderstorm is frightening. It's not good for you to startle the fetus."

Tang Lin laughed and said, "I'll tell you the truth, my sister was afraid of thunder since she was a child. Before she entered the palace, her mother would accompany her to sleep every night so that she would not be frightened by the thunder. Since entering the palace, this is the first time I have met him tonight." Thunderstorm, luckily I have my sister by my side, my sister won't be afraid of thunder."

The imperial concubine didn't answer, she turned her face away and smiled sinisterly.It turned out that Concubine Tang was afraid of thunder when she was alone.When the thunder comes tonight, there will be a good show to watch.

Tang Lin's bedroom is in the east courtyard.

Before she and the imperial concubine entered the room, Yishuang had already come over to hold the lamp.The spacious room is as bright as day.

The imperial concubine looked around the room calmly, the layout was elegant and fresh, compared with her bedroom, it was not luxurious at all.This style of arrangement is not in line with her wishes.I don't know if I can sleep tonight.

"Not bad!" The imperial concubine said casually.

Tang Lin listened, just smiled casually, didn't say anything, and went straight to the bathtub on the other side of the screen.

Seeing her walking away, the imperial concubine asked, "Where are you going?"

"Taking a bath!" Throwing down a word, Tang Lin's figure had disappeared outside the screen.Immediately afterwards, another voice came out, "The water here is hot spring water, which is different from your imperial concubine's palace. Would you like to come in and soak together?"

The imperial concubine's lips moved, she wanted to speak but stopped, her footsteps wanted to move but then stopped.Yes, in the entire harem, except where the emperor, empress, and empress dowager live, there are hot springs. If the other palaces want to take a hot bath, they must boil hot water. How can there be hot springs?I haven't soaked in the hot spring yet, so I don't know how it tastes. I heard it's quite comfortable, and I don't want to leave when I encounter it.

At this moment, Tang Lin was already sitting in the bath and playing with water. On the slender and white lotus root arms, the steam was lingering and the water droplets were moist.Seeing that the imperial concubine was silent, she called out again: "Sister, are you still there? Come in and have a bath together!"

"No!" Out of face, the imperial concubine refused. "I'm not used to having no servants to take a bath. Go clubbing by yourself."

After a while, Tang Lin was about to go ashore to dry off and get dressed when she suddenly heard a "bang" from outside. Isn't this the sound of a gunshot?Who moved the pistol she kept on the dresser?

Immediately afterwards, the imperial concubine screamed, "Ah—" If the imperial concubine accidentally touched the gun and injured herself, it would be a big deal!Tang Lin didn't even dry herself off, she went ashore directly, copied a piece of fiery red tulle, put it on her body, and ran out of the screen.

When she rushed to the dressing table, she saw her pistol fell on the ground, and the imperial concubine curled up under the dressing table, her head buried in her legs, her body trembling, in a very embarrassing situation.

At the same time, Cao Dan and the others knew that the imperial concubine was making things difficult for others, and they thought what the imperial concubine had done to Tang Lin. They rushed over when they heard the gunshots, and because they were too worried about Tang Lin, they kicked open the door and entered. .

The fiery red gauze is translucent.Apart from this tulle, Tang Lin didn't have any other clothes.Her perfect curves, concave and convex figure, looming, are extremely enchanting in everyone's eyes.

Seeing that Tang Lin was fine, but the imperial concubine was lying under the dressing table, everyone was relieved, but when they realized that Tang Lin was dressed so provocatively, they all widened their eyes and stood stupidly.

Tang Lin saw the eyeballs of those people who were about to pop out of their sockets, and then realized how revealing her clothes were.Immediately, he became furious, annoyed those people, and shouted: "What are you looking at? Don't go out and poach your eyes and feed them to the dogs!"

Only then did everyone react, and in order to save their attention, they had to run out one by one in embarrassment.

Tang Lin angrily ordered Imperial Physician Wu who walked to the back, "Close the door, and no one is allowed to enter without my order. Anyone who violates the law will be punished!"

Doctor Wu didn't dare to raise his head, and quickly closed the door.

After clearing away unnecessary people, Tang Lin glanced at the imperial concubine who was still under the dressing table, then bent down, picked up her miniature pistol, and while wiping the pistol with her gauze sleeve, taught the imperial concubine: "Sister, I'm not talking about you. Don't touch this kind of thing. Fortunately, there is no silencer. If I didn't hear the gunshot, I don't know if you have disappeared."

When the gunshot rang out, the imperial concubine was already stunned.At this moment, still in shock, she hid under the dresser and dared not come out.

Tang Lin moved neatly, took out the magazine from the pistol, put it in the drawer of the dresser, and slapped the pistol directly on the stage.Seeing that the imperial concubine was still lying down, she reached out and touched her shoulder, "It's safe, sister, come out."

Slowly, the imperial concubine turned her face, her face was full of tears.

Tang Lin wanted to laugh. Could it be that the gunshots scared the imperial concubine to tears?Is it so weak?I thought this man was so strong that he was fearless!
Look at the ground, the thing is no longer there.The imperial concubine asked angrily and fearfully, "What about that thing?"

Tang Lin took the pistol on the stage, "This one?"

"Ah!" Seeing the pistol, the imperial concubine screamed in fear again, and continued to shrink under the dressing table. "Take it away! I don't want to see it! Take it away!"

"It won't go off again, don't worry, sister." While speaking, Tang Lin put the pistol back on the stage, then bent over and helped the imperial concubine out, "Sister, it's all right, come out!"

The imperial concubine glanced back and saw that the pistol had disappeared from Tang Lin's hands, and her tight nerves relaxed a little.After Tang Lin helped her up, she regained her composure, only to realize that she hadn't watched Tang Lin's good show yet, but let Tang Lin see her embarrassment first.Immediately, he was extremely embarrassed, but due to his face, he didn't show it on his face.

"I'm not afraid!" The imperial concubine pushed Tang Lin's hand away and said proudly.

"Really." Tang Lin smiled.Let her make things difficult for this arrogant woman again.She was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, she took the pistol on the stage and put it in the hands of the imperial concubine, "This is a good thing, let my sister appreciate it."

As soon as she touched the pistol, the imperial concubine was so frightened that she screamed and threw the pistol away, "Ah—"

When she wanted to hide under the dressing table again, Tang Lin held her back, "Sister, don't hide. If you don't move the gun, how can the gun hurt you?"

The imperial concubine was stunned, "A pistol? That thing is called a pistol?"

Tang Lin walked over, took back the pistol thrown in the corner of the room, operated it for the imperial concubine a few times, and introduced: "Sister, this thing is called a pistol. When it is filled with bullets, don't put your finger on it. Press it here, once you pull it, it will start. Don't touch this thing in the future, or it won't be worthwhile to take your own life."

The imperial concubine asked: "Where did you get this damn thing? Also, you..." Only then did she notice that Tang Lin was wearing a fiery red tulle, as glamorous as a demon.Not only that, but she also noticed Tang Lin's flat belly.

"A month ago, I heard that you were one month pregnant, and another month later, isn't it two months? Why does your belly...doesn't bulge?" The imperial concubine asked suspiciously.

Tang Lin smiled helplessly and stroked her abdomen, "Does it bulge after two months? My stomach used to be flat. Look, it has gained a lot of weight now. Isn't it just a bulge? Doctor Wu said that a two-month-old fetus tiny."

The imperial concubine looked at her suspiciously and said: "On the day of the party in the Xiangning Palace, I saw that you were very weak, but now you... Sister Concubine Tang, are you sure you have been plagued by illnesses since childhood?"

Tang Lin smiled, "Look at what you said, sister, it's not surprising that the disease will always recover one day. The fire in Ruining Palace last month made me completely reborn. Fortunately, the fetus was saved."

The imperial concubine gave a cramped smile, "A big fire can transform a patient, I would like to try."

At this time, Yishuang's voice came from outside the door, "Niang Niang! The dinner has been brought to you!"

Tang Lin said, "Bring it in."

(End of this chapter)

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