The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 377 Three concubines play mahjong at a table!

Chapter 377 Three Concubines Play Mahjong at a Table!

So there is still more than half of the area next to the bed empty where no one sleeps.

Yu Shengjun walked to the bed and sat down gently. Although there was no light in the room, he still felt the sound of someone's body shaking on the bed.This kind of trembling due to fear was easy for him to spot.The corner of the mouth couldn't help raising a playful arc.

Tang Lin herself said that she was not afraid of anything, so how could she be shaking so badly?Wasn't defeated by thunder!

This time, Tang Lin was already fast asleep.For her, plus Yishuang, there are eight great insiders protecting her around the palace, why is she still tensing her nerves to defend herself?There will never be another Shihe who asks Yu Shengjun to set fire to the palace.So, you can sleep peacefully without worrying about your own safety.

Another bolt of lightning exploded, the sharp and ear-piercing sound frightened the imperial concubine, and she, who was hiding under the quilt, trembled even more.

Seeing this, Yu Shengjun couldn't help but shook his head and smiled helplessly, then lay down beside the imperial concubine, thinking that the imperial concubine was Tang Lin, he gently hugged the imperial concubine into his arms, smiled, "I thought you Heaven is not afraid, earth is not afraid!"

Being hugged suddenly, the imperial concubine's body froze for an instant, and in the next second, "Ah—" there was a sudden scream, and it was not Tang Lin's voice.Hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun's face changed instantly.

"What happened?" Tang Lin was awakened from her deep sleep by the imperial concubine's screams, she sat up and looked to her side, she saw the imperial concubine lying on the bed, her limbs were constantly dancing, and she wanted to ask someone " Punching and kicking".

At the same time, Yu Jiao also caught a glimpse of a black shadow on the door and window not far away quickly disappearing.

The imperial concubine's limbs kept moving, her mouth was not idle, "Let me go! Let me go! Don't touch me!"

Tang Lin lowered her eyebrows and thought for a while, could it be that Yu Shengjun came?
Don't care about the imperial concubine!Tang Lin threw off the quilt and immediately got out of bed, casually dragged her embroidered shoes and ran towards the door, then quickly opened the door, ran out of the room, the door was not closed, and her eyes wandered around the courtyard outside.

Fortunately, she came out in time, and she caught the hurried black shadow under the night not far away, and she hadn't gone far.

"Junjun!" Tang Lin dragged her embroidered shoes and ran over.

Yu Shengjun stopped when he heard the sound, and turned around.In mid-air, lightning flashed and disappeared.Illuminated by the fleeting light, the flaming red figure that galloped in the night, like a ghost, occupied his eyes.

She who wore all kinds of military uniforms in the past gave him a refreshing and cold feeling.The white clothes she has worn since she became a concubine of the Tang Dynasty are as elegant and refined as a goddess descending to earth.But he never knew that she would be so seductive and bewitch his heart!

Putting on the long red dress, the black hair and skirt fluttering slowly in the night wind, everything around her will lose its color.

Soon, she stood in front of him, but his sight was still ahead, he was already fixed by the fiery red figure that was running first.

"What's the matter? What are you looking at?" She stretched out her hand and shook it in front of his eyes.

Only then did Yu Shengjun come back to his senses. It turned out that his fairy was already in front of him. Now, he couldn't help but look at her more carefully, with a warm smile on his lips, "I really can't tell what you look like in what you wear!"

Tang Lin walked around happily in front of him, her red shadow was enchanting. "How, is it beautiful?"

Yu Shengjun nodded seriously, "Yeah!"

Tang Lin shook the sleeves that were too long, and said with some regret: "It's just too long, and I'm not used to it, but I like this dress. Junjun, if you see the clothes I wore before, you will feel more beautiful !"

He gently took her hand, walked over to the stone table next to him, and sat down with her. "Who is that person who slept next to you just now?"

Thinking of the imperial concubine, Tang Lin became furious, "Don't mention it, your imperial concubine has eaten a green onion by mistake, and she wants to sleep in my palace, and, moreover, occupy my bed. Since the thunder appeared , She hasn't stopped until now, she's always trembling."

Yu Shengjun shook his head and smiled helplessly, "Based on what I know about you, I would let someone you dislike sleep next to your bed? Fortunately, she yelled just now, otherwise, I would have regarded her as a is you!"

"What did you do to her?" Tang Lin suddenly squinted at him with interrogative eyes, as if he would treat him dishonestly, and she would stalk him to the end.

Rather than lying and being suspected all day long, it is better to tell the truth.Yu Shengjun went all out and entertained honestly: "I thought she was you. After I went in, I saw you shaking so badly. I thought you were afraid of thunder, so I hugged you. Who knew it was her!"

"Ah," Tang Lin sighed with emotion, "I married you in my teens, and kept my body like a jade for so many years, only to get a hug from you. I feel sorry for the imperial concubine."

Yu Shengjun deliberately said: "If someone wants me to hug him one more time, then I will never refuse!"

Seeing that he was about to get up, Tang Lin immediately panicked, and quickly grabbed his hand, "I was wrong, Your Majesty! Please don't go!"

Yu Shengjun blatantly taught her a lesson, "Finally know that I was wrong? Now that I admit that I was wrong, then don't make an exception! From now on, you are not allowed to say those words that provoke me."

"Yes." Tang Linnu responded with an obvious expression of unwillingness to admit defeat. "It's so late, why did the emperor come to the harem?"

Yu Shengjun said truthfully: "The thunder was so loud tonight, I was worried that you would be afraid alone, so I came to take a look. Seeing that you slept so soundly just now, it is obvious that my worries are unnecessary." Speaking of this, lightly He patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said softly: "I am relieved to see that you are fine. Go back and rest, and I will not bother you two."

Tang Lin couldn't bear him to leave just like that, she pouted: "Is it just like that?"

Yu Shengjun smiled, stroked her hair lovingly, "What about this?"

Tang Lin's heart was still empty, but she also knew that he couldn't stay in Yongning Palace tonight, "Be careful when you go back. Your imperial concubine will definitely not live with me tomorrow, and you must stay with me tomorrow night Come with me?"

Yu Shengjun nodded and said: "Yes! I promise you, I will definitely come tomorrow night!"

Tang Lin wanted to say something, but the words fell back into her stomach.When I saw him after nightfall, I was very worried, but he didn't want to tell her.She wondered what was bothering him.But now it's past midnight, and he has to get up to go to bed at the fifth watch, so don't bother him with other things.Get up, pull him up, and send him to the door, "Go back early, or it will rain later, and you won't be able to leave!"

After sending Yu Shengjun off at the door, Tang Lin returned to her room.Standing by the bed and looking at it, although the imperial concubine has stopped making trouble, she has wrapped all her quilts around her body, huddled herself into a ball and slept on the corner of the bed, like glutinous rice balls.

"Oh," Tang Lin shook her head and sighed, "I ate my watermelon fried rice, but I couldn't meet the conditions I said, who is this?"

The next day, the morning after the rain, the air was particularly fresh and the sun was particularly bright.

Tang Lin was wearing a long white dress with a pink belt and a red cape.Although the sun is shining brightly in the morning, the morning breeze carries a coolness.It's autumn, and the breeze is refreshing, but it's still a little cool.

In order to keep warm and look weak and beautiful, Tang Lin wore thin clothes, but adding a cloak added a lot of warmth to her.

Now, she is sitting at the stone table.There is a pot of tea on the table, two cups, one of which is already filled with tea.She picked up the cup filled with tea, brought it to her lips, and took a small sip.

All the eight guards of Yongning Palace had rushed to Yongning Palace from the guard department, and they were standing beside Tang Lin in a line.

Cao Dan stared at the door of Tang Lin's bedroom from time to time, and then looked at the sky, "It's already three o'clock in the sun. You say, how long will this imperial concubine want to sleep before she wants to wake up? Today, no matter what, I have to put Send her away!"

Yishuang said unhappily: "Not to mention bullying us, but also occupying Miss Tang's bed, it's really lawless. If it wasn't for her being an imperial concubine, I, Yishuang, would have pointed my sword at her long ago. Why wait until now, hmph !"

Tang Lin put down the teacup slowly, and said lazily: "Don't complain, just wait, she will come out to breathe fresh air when she wakes up. She suffered so much here last night, she must be looking forward to it when she wakes up today. leave."

However, Tang Lin was wrong. The imperial concubine did not leave immediately after waking up, but ordered all the male guards in Yongning Palace to stand in a row in the courtyard. Go into the room and hug her.

At this moment, the imperial concubine was sitting in front of Fu Yushu and the others, and asked angrily: "It must be you, don't argue! Hurry up and entertain, who broke into Tang Concubine's bedroom last night in an attempt to misbehave with me? It's unreasonable, it's so daring Baotian, the Son of Heaven dares to commit such an outrageous thing, if you don’t stand up and admit the crimes you have committed today, I will interrogate you here until you admit it! Come, I will serve you with great punishment!”

Tang Lin, who had been drinking tea and watching the show by the side, immediately stopped when she saw the imperial concubine's seriousness, "Sister, don't make such a big fuss, you've been interrogating them for a long time, if they did it, why didn't they Admit it, right? They are all tough guards, and it is useless to torture them!"

At this time, the instruments of torture such as sticks, iron chains, and hand-clamps have been delivered by the imperial concubine's servants, and they are waiting by the side.

The imperial concubine said to Tang Lin: "If you don't give them some flair, they think I'm easy to bully. Concubine Tang, you put it nicely. The person who was defiled is not you, but Bengong. Bengong was born to be the emperor." Death is the emperor's ghost, although it is just a hug, but it has definitely bullied the emperor. If I don't find out this daring beast today and put it to death, I will never leave here!"

Hearing this, Tang Lin immediately made a bitter face, "Isn't it?" Are you going to hang on?Come on, my boyfriend is going to visit Yongning Palace tonight, there can't be another woman next to my pillow.

Tang Lin came over and said to the imperial concubine: "How about this, sister, I will help you find that beast that bullied you last night. It's been a day since you left the palace of the imperial concubine. Maybe there are still many things in your palace. Let you go back and deal with it, or... go back first? Don't worry, I will definitely help you find that beast!"

"No!" The imperial concubine refused straight away, "I want to find out that bastard myself! If I don't find out for a day, I will never give up! I will ask you again, who did it?"

Everyone lowered their heads and laughed, no one admitted, no one responded, all the imperial concubines were singing a one-man show by themselves.

At this time, a eunuch came in from the outside.When he came to Tang Lin, he reported, "My lady! Concubine Han from Fengyang Palace is asking to see you!"

"Ah?" Tang Lin was taken aback. She was really surprised that Concubine Han came in person.

Shao Qi was both surprised and excited.

Tang Lin said to the eunuch: "Go, invite people in!"

After a while, two court ladies followed Han Lingying and came to Tang Lin and the others.

Seeing the imperial concubine here, Han Lingying was a little surprised.

There was a quarrel yesterday, but today they came to the door!Tang Lin was a little angry and asked, "I don't know if Concubine Han came to my Yongning Palace in person, what's the matter?"

What shocked everyone instantly was that Han Lingying suddenly held Tang Lin's hand and begged, "Sister Tang Concubine, let me sleep with you tonight, is that okay?" Tang Lin pulled Han Lingying to the side hall and asked "What's on your mind? You ordered me and Shao Qi to get out of your palace last night. You should hate me to death. Why did you come to my palace today?" Moreover, you still plan to get out of your palace tonight. live here with her.

(End of this chapter)

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