The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 378 Going to the Hotel

Chapter 378 Going to the Hotel

One imperial concubine is enough to torment her, but if there is another one, will she be allowed to sleep?
Han Lingying sincerely apologized: "Sister Concubine Tang, I'm sorry, my attitude and words and deeds yesterday were too much, I apologize to you. I didn't sleep all night last night, I thought all night."

Tang Lin raised her eyebrows with interest, "I've been thinking about it all night? Have you figured out how to make up with Shao Qi? There is no one in the guards who doesn't know about the matter between you, so everyone hopes that you can forgive Shao Qi." !"

Han Lingying took a deep breath, feeling heavy for a moment. "To tell you the truth, I have always hoped to have a fruitful day with Shao Qi. I treated him like that yesterday, and I couldn't forgive him for lying to me. After a night of thinking, I figured out one thing. Five or six years ago Since then, the emperor has always known about the matter between me and Shao Qi, but he has not made me two. Shao Qi told me yesterday that the emperor promised him to leave the palace with me. I think it is not that simple. Think about it, Shao Qi is the prince of Beilin Kingdom, will the emperor let him go easily? Isn't this a way for Shao Qi to live? I really don't understand what the emperor thinks. Finally, I made a decision, I want to see the emperor. I think Ask the emperor how to deal with Shao Qi, if you really don't let Shao Qi go, I am willing to work for the emperor for the rest of my life, and give Shao Qi freedom!"

Tang Lin smiled wryly, "Shao Qi lied to you, and you still voluntarily sacrificed yourself to give him freedom?" This woman's mind was flooded.

"Because I love him! He loves me too! From beginning to end, there is only each other and no one else!" Han Lingying said with firm eyes.

Although this sentence has a high content of disgusting, Tang Lin didn't feel disgusting when he heard it, but rather touched it.Yes, two people who love each other are willing to sacrifice for each other, even if it is their own lives.

In the past, Shao Qi's collusion with the imperial society was nothing more than wanting to ensure Han Lingying's safety. Isn't this a sign of loving Han Lingying?
The other party has already talked about this point, Tang Lin has nothing to add, but there is one thing she doesn't understand, "Since I figured it out, I want to see the emperor and ask about Shao Qi, why don't you go to see him? You still ran to my place Come live!"

Han Lingying smiled helplessly, "You know that none of the concubines in the harem, including me, have seen the emperor. Even if they applied to the queen mother to go to the main palace to meet the emperor, they were rejected. I was troubled all morning, and finally thought of I miss you. Sister Concubine Tang, I heard about your deeds in the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, I also heard about the iron-masked female instructor in the training camp, and I know that you are the second female bodyguard in Ouchi, so, you I must have the opportunity to meet the emperor often. Although I am not very smart, I am not very stupid. You are already very powerful, but there are a group of masters who accompany you into the harem. I think that it is not only you who enter the harem. For Concubine Tang, it’s as simple as needing guards to protect her, but there are other secrets. Ever since I knew you were Tang Lin, I thought, that weak Concubine Tang is a fake. You should not be pregnant. Your weakness should be faked. Right. So, I remembered the two concubine's death cases this year, and I haven't heard that the cases were closed every time, presumably..."

"You are very smart, smarter than I imagined!" Tang Lin admired, "Then I will not hide it from you, so many of us came to the harem, and I pretended to be Tang Concubine to secretly investigate the case of concubine's death! Arranged by the emperor!"

Han Lingying said ashamedly: "Compared to Tang Concubine, Ling Ying knows that she is much inferior. Only through Tang Concubine, can I have the opportunity to meet the emperor, so... Tang Concubine, please don't refuse Ling Ying's request!"

Tang Lin became distressed. I don't know if the imperial concubine will still live with her tonight, and now Han Lingying is added. Her bed can accommodate five or six people, but she is somewhat uncomfortable sleeping so many people at once. Habit.Asking Han Lingying to meet Yu Shengjun was a simple matter for him, but Yu Shengjun had not asked whether he wanted to see Han Lingying or not.

Seeing her hesitation, Han Lingying took her hand and begged: "I want to end the conflict between me and Shao Qi as soon as possible, so I must see the emperor and want to talk to him face to face. Sister Tang Concubine, only you can Do me this favor! Don't say no, please? I beg you!"

After struggling again and again, Tang Lin said to Han Lingying: "Whether the emperor will come to Yongning Palace or not, I don't know, but I'm afraid it's wrong to take you to see him without asking the emperor. How about it, I'll let someone go." Notify the emperor that you want to see him, and see if the emperor will summon you. Tonight... then you can stay with me. When there is news from the other side, I can tell you right away. What do you think? "

Han Lingying's eyebrows stretched, "As long as I can see the emperor, I will cooperate with you no matter what."

Tang Lin nodded, "Yes! Then it's settled! Let's go to the living room to drink tea. It's rare for Concubine Han to come here. My sister must treat her well!"

Han Lingying smiled, "My sister doesn't need to be so kind, my sister is not so delicate."

At noon, the three watermelons were brought to Tang Lin's bedroom by the serving lady, put them on the dining table, and left one by one.

At the moment, there were only three people in the room, the imperial concubine, Han Lingying, and Tang Lin.

The imperial concubine did not interrogate the guards of Yongning Palace anymore. When she saw the watermelon on the table, she sat down around the dining table and couldn't wait to remove the lid of the watermelon. She couldn't help but close her eyes to feel the beauty of this moment, " smells so good!"

Han Lingying was looking at Tang Lin's room, and Tang Lin introduced it with some embarrassment, "This is my room. It's not as elegant as Concubine Han's bedroom. Concubine Han must not laugh at it!"

Han Lingying smiled softly, "My sister is joking, Yongning Palace is the largest palace in the harem except Ruining Palace, how can my sister compare to my sister."

"When are you two going to talk about?" The imperial concubine asked while staring at the two people opposite while digging out the fried rice in the watermelon. "Lunch is already on the table, do you want to wait for it to catch cold before eating? Come here quickly!"

This imperial concubine is really mesmerized by her watermelon fried rice!Tang Lin smiled helplessly, then exchanged glances with Han Lingying, and walked towards the dining table together.

The two sat down one after another.

Han Lingying glanced at the imperial concubine's watermelon, feeling incredible.She moved gracefully to remove the watermelon cover in front of her, and the scent immediately smelt her nostrils, and she felt even more incredible, "I never thought that an ordinary watermelon could make such a delicious meal!"

After lunch, Tang Lin asked Yishuang to prepare a pot of tea and water for the outer courtyard.

There is a big tree beside the stone table, and this tree has a history of hundreds of years in Yongning Palace.The tree is not tall, and the branches grow luxuriantly. The whole tree is like a big mushroom, covering the light, so that the stone table under the tree is not exposed to the sun.

After autumn, the weather changes and the leaves turn yellow.As soon as the wind blew, two pieces of pale yellow fallen leaves floated down from the tree, and one or two floated onto the stone table.

Tang Lin, Han Lingying, and the imperial concubine were sitting at the stone table, drinking afternoon tea leisurely.The guards of Yongning Palace were all standing far away waiting.

Seeing the two pale yellow leaves on the table, the imperial concubine's eyebrows were filled with sadness, and she couldn't help but sighed, "It's another autumn. It has been more than ten years since I entered the palace, but In these more than ten years, I have never seen the face of the emperor once. Concubine Tang, concubine Tang, I am far inferior to you. At least you can see the emperor, receive treatment like a queen, and conceive a dragon child. "

If it was him, he would have gone crazy long ago after being neglected by a man for more than ten years, so at this moment, Tang Lin could understand the feelings of the imperial concubine.She seriously asked the imperial concubine: "Do you want to see the emperor now?"

The imperial concubine smiled bitterly, "In the past ten years, there has never been a moment when I didn't think about it, but so what? It's not that the emperor doesn't want to come to the harem!"

"Let's do this," Tang Lin made a decision, "Concubine Han also wants to see the emperor, so let's meet together. My sister sends someone to inform the emperor." Speaking of which, she looked at the people over there and called out: "Anze, come here!"

Anze walked over quickly and asked, "Your Majesty! What's the matter?"

Tang Lin ordered: "I feel a little unwell today, and I suddenly want to see the emperor. You go to the main palace and tell the emperor that I want to see him tonight, and I hope he can come to the harem. Go."

Anze nodded, "Yes! This subordinate will go now!" After speaking, he turned and walked away.

The imperial concubine became nervous, "Tonight... can I really see the emperor? Sister Tang Concubine, I'm not ready yet!"

Tang Lin said: "We are all the emperor's concubines, what preparations do we need to make? It's just a meeting together. Maybe the emperor will often come to the harem in the future. But this sister can't guarantee whether the emperor will come to see us tonight. .”

In this way, the imperial concubine was nervous from afternoon to night.Yu Shengjun, a legendary figure, even though she was his woman, said that she would meet if she wanted to meet, which made her nervous and her heart beat faster.

The character who has been in Chi Chi for more than ten years can be seen tonight, can you not be nervous?
Han Lingying only had Shao Qi in his heart, and she would only feel a heartbeat when she saw Shao Qi. For other people, even the current emperor, she didn't have any mood swings, so she was not as nervous as the imperial concubine.

She wanted to see the emperor only for Shao Qi.The imperial concubine is different. The imperial concubine can only love the emperor in her life, so she is nervous.

Right now, these two women are in Tang Lin's room, one is sitting quietly and the other is walking back and forth restlessly.

Tang Lin told Yishuang at the door, "Go to Shanglinyuan and get a set of mahjong."

"Ah?" Yishuang was taken aback, "Miss Tang, why do you want mahjong?"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "If the emperor is here, he will be able to play mahjong with our three concubines tonight!"

Yishuang shook his head helplessly, "Miss Tang, you still have a sense of elegance." After dinner, Tang Lin went to take a bath by herself, while Liuhuang Guifei and Han Lingying waited for the emperor's arrival in the courtyard.

Yishuang went to Shanglin Garden, and was in charge of serving tea and pouring water, which originally fell on Cao Dan, but was picked up by Shao Qi on the way, "Brother Cao, you have been tired all day, I will help you with this tea." to deliver!"

Cao Dan said gratefully, "Then please trouble Brother Qilin."

"You're welcome! Go and have dinner!" When Cao Dan turned to go to the backyard, Shao Qi turned around, carrying a pot of tea and two cups, and walked towards the stone table by the big tree in front.

At this moment, Han Lingying sat quietly at the stone table, while the imperial concubine walked back and forth in front of her, not letting herself calm down for a moment.

The imperial concubine has always been at odds with her, so this time, Han Lingying didn't want to talk and scold her, she turned her face away, but saw Shao Qi walking towards her, her heart skipped a beat.That's right, this man is the one I love in this life, otherwise he lied to himself for so long, why would he still have a heartbeat for him.

"You two ladies, it's cold at night, drink a cup of hot tea to warm your body!" Shao Qi walked to the stone table, gently put down a pot of tea, and poured half a cup of tea for each of the two concubines.When the imperial concubine came back to sit down, he took a look at Han Lingying, and then walked away.

His eyes were calm, Han Lingying couldn't see any emotion, but his heart beat for no reason.

The imperial concubine looked melancholy, and after sitting down, she picked up the teacup and took a sip casually, then put the teacup back to its original place.Looking up at Han Lingying, he asked feebly, "Do you think the emperor doesn't want to see us?"

(End of this chapter)

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