The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 379 That Pattern!

Chapter 379 That Pattern!

Tang Lin didn't answer her question, "Don't you want to see the emperor and ask clearly? I'm giving you this opportunity now. Play by ear and don't offend the emperor. If you make a mistake, you will lose your head."

"I don't want it!" The imperial concubine firmly pushed the token back.

Tang Lin was puzzled, "Why?"

The imperial concubine lowered her eyes and said in a calm tone: "I don't want to see the emperor anymore."

Tang Lin was still puzzled, "Didn't my sister look forward to it for more than ten years? Why did I have the opportunity to meet, but didn't want to?" If this opportunity was given to other concubines, those concubines would have already taken action.I really don't understand what the imperial concubine is thinking.

The words Yu Shengjun said to her in the morning still lingered in the ears of the imperial concubine.She raised her head slightly, looking sadly at the tree beside her that had already grown yellow leaves.At this moment, in her body, the domineering and aggressiveness of the past can no longer be seen. "It's autumn again. All men have emotions and desires. If the emperor likes women, why don't he come to the harem? The guard in the morning is right. The emperor likes men. If I go to the emperor with a token, wouldn't it be Bring shame on yourself?"

Seeing the imperial concubine so sad, Tang Lin couldn't bear it, and wanted to explain: "Sister, in fact, the emperor..."

At this moment, Yishuang came over and interrupted Tang Lin, "My Lady, Your Majesty Xianfei is here."

Tang Lin frowned, a little surprised, and said to herself: "Why is she here?" She ordered Yishuang: "Go, please come in."

"Yes." Yishuang accepted the order to leave.

After a while, Han Lingying and Concubine Xian, led by Yishuang, came to the courtyard where Tang Lin and Concubine Huang lived, and Heng'er followed Concubine Xian.

Concubine Xian went up and bowed to Concubine Huang, "I've seen my sister." She met Concubine Han at the door, if Concubine Han hadn't mentioned that Concubine Huang would be in Yongning Palace, and she was staying in Yongning Palace last night, she would have thought The imperial concubine is in the imperial concubine hall.It's just that the imperial concubine, who has always been domineering, would rather condescend to come to Yongning Palace?

"Excuse me!" At this moment, there were many people present, and the imperial concubine returned to her usual arrogance and coldness.Glancing at Han Lingying, suspicion flashed across his eyebrows, "Why did you come in together?"

Han Lingying bowed to the imperial concubine, and then respectfully said: "Back to sister, my sister met Sister Xianfei at the gate of Yongning Palace, so they came in together."

Tang Lin stepped forward, gently shook Concubine Xian's hand, and asked nicely, "Sister Concubine Xian, why are you here?"

Heng'er explained to Tang Lin carelessly: "Concubine Tang, my concubine specially came to see you, Concubine Tang. I troubled Concubine Tang to visit my concubine at Guangxian Palace two days ago, but I haven't come to see Concubine Tang at Yongning Palace yet. How about you, my lady, so today my lady came here while the weather was fine.

Tang Lin had an epiphany, "So that's how it is." She couldn't help beaming with joy, "Sister Xianfei, thank you for coming to see me."

Concubine Xian smiled and said politely: "Sister Concubine Tang doesn't need to be so polite." It's just that her smile was a bit awkward and forced.Originally, the purpose of this trip to Yongning Palace was to get acquainted with Concubine Tang, and then find a way to get out of the harem from Concubine Tang, so as to send Heng'er out.If Heng'er was kept by her side, there was no guarantee that Concubine Li would not threaten Heng'er's life.It's just that I didn't expect the imperial concubine to be in Yongning Palace today and get along well with Concubine Tang. How should I find a chance to find a chance in Concubine Tang?
"Shuang'er," Tang Lin turned her head to look at Yishuang, and ordered: "Order, let the imperial dining room prepare lunch for the four masters today, and send it to the dining room as soon as possible. Also, go and prepare tea and snacks immediately, and serve the three lady."

Yishuang leaned back and said, "Yes, empress."

Tang Lin pulled Concubine Xian to sit down, and then said to Han Lingying, "Sister Concubine Han, sit down."

After the two sat down, the imperial concubine got up suddenly, grabbed Tang Lin's hand and walked to the side, which made both Concubine Xian and Han Lingying feel puzzled.

Pulling Tang Lin to the side, avoiding the eyes and ears, the imperial concubine said to Tang Lin: "This palace has decided, this is the way it is for this life."

Tang Lin couldn't understand the other party's compromising attitude, "Sister, what are you talking about?"

The imperial concubine took a deep breath and pulled herself together, "I have been able to endure it for more than ten years, and I will also be able to endure it in the second half of my life. Through the matter between that guard and Concubine Tang, This palace understands, now this palace does not have any hope for the emperor, I only hope that this life can be passed safely in this deep palace, that is enough."

Unexpectedly, the imperial concubine had such thoughts and understanding, Tang Lin understood in her heart.A woman is not as reliable as a man, so she must be strong herself.

"Sister, you never thought about..." and then throwing yourself into a new relationship.Tang Lin really wanted to say it in front of the imperial concubine, but considering her status as the imperial concubine, she dared not say so.The emperor's woman should not have the right to remarry, right?

But if the harem is not abolished, it is impossible for him to be Yu Shengjun's only one.

Thinking of this, Tang Lin sighed irritably, "What a headache."

"Don't have a headache, let's go and play mahjong!" The imperial concubine suddenly took Tang Lin's hand and walked towards Han Lingying and Concubine Xian. "Exactly four people, that's enough! Tonight, we will fight until dawn!"

Tang Lin drew a long tone, "Ah..."

When they came to the stone table, the imperial concubine urged Han Lingying and Concubine Xian to get up, "Hurry up, get up, and play mahjong in the bedroom of Concubine Tang's sister."

After a while, the mahjong table in Tang Lin's room was surrounded by four women.

Tang Lin drank Yishuang who had prepared tea and snacks and came in, "Shuanger, I and the three empresses will play mahjong for one afternoon and one night from now on. Go, prepare melon seeds, peanuts, sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and wine. Send it to this palace."

Although Yishuang was stunned, he still took orders one by one.She walked out of the door, looked back at the four crazy women, then turned her head to look at the sky, shaking her head helplessly.I hope the master doesn't come to Yongning Palace secretly tonight, if he sees that scene, he might vomit blood.In a blink of an eye, it was already Mutian.The setting sun is like blood.

The part of the imperial dining room in the palace is full of smoke.

The spacious imperial dining room is crowded and messy, with mountains of ingredients and the busy imperial kitchen becoming a landscape in the imperial dining room.I only heard the vague rumors from inside, "Has the Yongning Palace order been made yet? Hurry up, the people over there have already started to urge you!"

Yishuang was eating melon seeds at the entrance of the imperial dining room, watching the cooks and thugs coming in and out of the imperial dining room busy.

At this time, a little father-in-law ran out from inside, sweating profusely and said to Yishuang: "Please wait, Miss Shuang'er, the meals for Yongning Palace will be ready soon."

Yishuang urged: "Hurry up, Tang Concubine, Imperial Concubine, Han Concubine and Xian Concubine are all waiting."

"No, it must be as soon as possible!" After finishing speaking, the little father-in-law hurried in.

In the distance, there was a palace lady carrying a tray, staring closely at Yishuang with sharp eyes.Why?Why did the emperor's only favored concubine Tang, the empress dowager's favorite concubine Han, the most powerful imperial concubine in the harem, and the most popular virtuous concubine in the harem...have such good treatment?And get along well!Why didn't her mother-in-law?Why?
Yongning Palace.

In the morning, Yu Shengjun ordered Cao Dan to take Fu Yushu and the others to the guard department. At noon, except for Yishuang, the rest of the guards were also sent to the gate of the palace by Tang Lin to stay there.Now, Fu Yushu and the others returned to the entrance of Yongning Palace, and saw An Ye and An Ze sitting on the stone steps at the entrance, looking listless.

Shao Qi stepped forward and asked: "You two are not inside to protect the chief, why are you staying here?"

Anze sighed for a long time, "Don't mention it, Miss Tang doesn't need any of us to protect her if she has a companion."

"With company?" Fu Yushu frowned, "Who's here again?"

After Anze smiled wryly, he shrugged, "Concubine Xian is here. Just in time, we can join a table to play mahjong, and we played all afternoon. I don't know how the situation is now! But Miss Tang has an order, we are not allowed to go disturb!"

"Heh—" An Ye yawned, "I'm so sleepy."

Xiao Xiong said with a sly smile: "Sleepy? You didn't sleep today? We went back to the guard department and slept all day. No, we will go back to Yongning Palace when we wake up."

Fu Yushu said: "It's almost night, and it's time for the murderer to be rampant again. You have all seen the scene of the fire in Ruining Palace, we must be careful, and don't let that scene happen again, otherwise, if the master doesn't take our heads off this time, we will Are you ashamed to keep your head on your neck? Hurry up and protect Miss Tang, we just watch in the yard and try not to disturb Miss Tang and other empresses."

Although Fu Yushu was not the leader among the seven, Fu Yushu's conscientiousness and majesty seemed to be like a leader, and it had slowly formed in the eyes of the other six people.

They went in together and came to Tang Lin's bedroom, where they stayed by the big tree in the outer courtyard.The maids around the Imperial Concubine, Han Lingying's maids, and Concubine Xian's maids will all be on standby outside Tang Lin's room.Only Heng'er was not there.

The collision sound when rubbing mahjong is very loud, coming from the room, it is harsh, and it can stimulate people's desire to touch it.

Xiao Xiong became emotional, "This is the difference between men and women. Why are we going through life and death? It is to protect them. And they are enjoying their lives to the fullest."

Yunlei pushed Xiao Xiong, and said cruelly: "Platoon leader, if you have the ability, you can become a woman, and I will serve you."

"Go!" Xiao Xiong pushed Yun Lei back and gave him an angry look.

Cao Dan rubbed his itchy hands and stared at the door of Tang Lin's room, full of longing, "Remember that time in the training camp? Sister Tang killed all of us, and we all lost terribly. Want to avenge my money again!"

Shao Qi poked his forehead and said with a joking smile: "Come on, Brother Cao, you still want to take revenge just for your two tricks? Your money must have been rewarded by the chief to the maids and eunuchs! Why don't you come back?" Already!"

Cao Dan pursed his lips, "My poor Yinzi!"

At this time, Yishuang came back from the outside, followed by Heng'er, chattering endlessly: "Tonight, there are roast goose, roast duck, abalone, and..." put down his fingers, "There are many more There are a lot of dishes that Heng'er can't name. Sister Shuang'er, tonight, my mother will be lucky."

Yishuang ignored Heng'er's chatter, and headed towards Fu Yushu and the others.When he came to everyone, he asked, "Why are you all here?"

Anze explained: "Miss Tang ordered not to come near her room. We were afraid of disturbing Miss Tang and the murderer's sneak attack, so we didn't dare to stay at the door, so we stood a little farther away here. Yishuang, Miss Tang Are you ready for dinner with the ladies?"

"Yeah!" Yishuang nodded, "I'm already ready to go to the dining room, and I'm going to call Miss Tang and some empresses."

Anze nodded, "Well, then you go and call, don't delay."

Yishuang didn't say anything, turned around and walked to Tang Lin's room.Only a few dozen steps away, she soon stood at the door of the room, and was about to knock on the door, when she heard such words from the room,

"Get rich!"

"do not want!"


"Sisters, I'm really sorry, I... have been fooling around again!"

Hearing the phrase "you're stupid again", Yishuang directly shook his head and smiled helplessly.Apart from being able to draw a tie with the emperor, none of her mother and mother can beat the emperor so far. How can those three women have the ability?Consider yourself unlucky!
(End of this chapter)

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