The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 380 Please tell me who the murderer is!

Chapter 380 Please tell me who the murderer is!
Yishuang put on a serious look, reached out and knocked on the door twice, the voices inside stopped, and she said respectfully: "Your Majesty! Dinner is ready in the dining room!"

Within three seconds, Tang Lin's words came out, "Shuang'er, order someone to bring all the meals to my room. Bengong and the three empresses don't plan to go out today! By the way, prepare some more peanuts by the way. Come with melon seeds and wine!"

"Yes." Helpless, Yishuang had no choice but to obey orders and prepare.

At this moment, the scene in the room is so "chaotic".Peanut shells, peanut skins, melon seed skins, and leftover cakes were all over the floor.What's even more "spectacular" is that the four tables are arranged in different ways and placed at the four corners of the mahjong table. Tea, snacks, peanuts and melon seeds are placed on the tables.Those melon seeds, peanuts, drinks, and leftover pastries that were not eaten were all piled up on the table, not an ordinary mess.

Under the mahjong table, four pairs of beautiful feet have taken off their shoes, and the eight feet are put together, dazzlingly white and very indecent.

But those don't matter.

At this moment, the imperial concubine was left with only a thin single dress wrapped around her body, and Han Lingying, on her head, neck, ears, hands...all the nobile earrings and rings she wore, were all gone. His hair was a mess, but he was in good spirits.Concubine Xian doesn't wear any gold, silver or jewelry, and her clothes are not as expensive as Tang Lin and Huang Guifei, so what she was like before entering the room is still the same now, but her face... one stroke of red, one stroke of black, one stroke of black Yellow... colorful, has become... a painted face.

But Tang Lin was intact, and there were still a lot of "trophies" won in front of her. They were all the top-grade clothes of the imperial concubine, as well as the gold and silver jewelry worn by Han Lingying.As for Concubine Xian's painted face... it was all because she had nothing to lose, so Tang Lin could only "paint" on her face.

This time Tang Lin messed up again, and the three of them had nothing to lose, so they could only curl their lips together, as wronged as a bride who was snatched into a sedan chair.

Tang Lin was looking at the three of them with a sinister smile, and stretched out her hand, "Bring it! My money!"

Han Lingying touched his hair, his ears, his ears and his hands. In short, he wanted to find something on his body that could be worth the silver.However, after touching it a few times, she finally looked at Tang Lin with her mouth curled up, "What should I do if I don't have anything valuable?"

Tang Lin nuzzled, "I don't care. If you lose, you have to give money. We agreed before playing mahjong that we will give you money if you lose. If you don't have money, you can use what you wear to pay for it."

This time, Han Lingying was at a loss. She pinched the belt with trembling hands, and took off the belt with a ruthless heart. Immediately afterwards, she took off the coat decisively and threw it on the ground next to Tang Lin, "Here you are." I, Han Lingying, don't believe it anymore, so I can't win again! Come again! I vow to fight you to the end!"

Tang Lin smiled satisfied, "Ambition, good, if you dare to play, I will accompany you!"

Concubine Xian dawdled and handed a pen dipped in red ink to Tang Lin, "I lost, I have no money, Sister Tang Concubine, you can draw according to your mood, it doesn't matter how many lines you draw." Then she closed the pen. Eyes, as if sworn to death, "Come on, I'm not afraid!"

Tang Lin took the pen, but she hesitated whether to draw or not, "Sister Xianfei, have you conceded defeat?"

Concubine Xian suddenly opened her eyes, with firm eyes and a firm tone, she said: "Don't be afraid!"

"Alright then!" Tang Lin reluctantly agreed, then stretched out her hand and drew a pattern on Concubine Xian's face.

Han Lingying and the imperial concubine took a look, only to see that the pattern was "XXOO" in this shape.

Han Lingying said: "This pattern is so special, Sister Tang Concubine, does this picture have a meaning?"

"No, no, no!" Tang Lin replied with a smile.

The imperial concubine kept tugging at the only long dress left on her body, and looked at Tang Lin with embarrassment and shame written on her face, "Sister Tang Concubine, if my sister takes off this dress, there will only be... a bellyband. Sister Can I owe it first?"

Tang Lin readily agreed, "No problem, sister. Come on," and returned the clothes that originally belonged to the imperial concubine, "It's cold, sister take it back and wear it, this money... Just remember it first."

The imperial concubine took the clothes and put them on quickly, she really felt the chill.

Tang Lin looked at the three of them and smiled mysteriously, "Three sisters, I see that you are all preoccupied recently, maybe you are tired from playing mahjong at night, how about we play a fun game to dilute your bad mood?"

Han Lingying asked, "What game?"

Tang Lin smiled, it seemed that only her muscles were moving, and she was a little scared, "Pen, fairy!" Wangtian Pavilion, built in Xuanyu Palace, is the highest attic among the palaces and attics of the imperial palace. Standing on the top of the attic, not only It can overlook the sky for thousands of miles, and it can also overlook every palace in the entire palace.

Especially near the Wangtian Pavilion, as long as you stand at the top of the Wangtian Pavilion, you can see everyone's movements clearly.

The attic at the top is not wide, but it is not very narrow either, it can accommodate 30 to [-] people standing.In addition to being covered by an upright triangular roof, it can shelter from the rain on rainy days and the sun on sunny days. The rest is a tea table in the middle of the attic with a stool beside the table.

At this moment, Yu Shengjun was standing on the Wangtian Pavilion, with his hands resting on the guardrail, looking down at the palace, his expression was calm, but his eyes were melancholy.Around him, there was a sadness, a deep sadness.

An Lin walked up step by step on the wooden ladder, came behind Yu Shengjun, bowed his waist and said, "Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun did not turn around, his eyes still fell on the roof of the palace directly south of the palace, and he asked lightly: "What's the matter?"

An Lin replied: "News from the harem, Yongning Palace is very lively today. Concubine Xiangwu went to Yongning Palace to visit Miss Tang, and just got enough four people. Miss Tang and the three empresses played mahjong in the bedroom all afternoon. , had fun."

Yu Shengjun smiled warmly, but the smile on his face was unspeakably sad, "Really? She just needs to be happy!"

The sad atmosphere became more intense again.

An Lin stopped talking, and stood quietly behind Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked up at the sky, the earth, and the palace... After a while, he said to An Lin in a calm tone: "I seldom calm down, but once I calm down, I will know what I have done. How outrageous. An Lin, tell me, isn't my plan for the harem going too far? Will Tang Lin hate me?"

After hesitating for a long time, An Lin shook his head and said: "No, the emperor didn't do too much. If it were an old slave, the old slave would do the same thing. Miss Tang knew it, and it's too late to be moved. How could she hate the emperor! "

Yu Shengjun asked again: "Then I invaded the north border country, is this not too much? I don't know who said that the invaders are doomed to a bad end. If I really do not end well in the future, then the country I conquered , and how to go to perish?"

An Lin said: "It's Mu Dongfang who regards the people like ants. He has been fighting for years, and the people are in dire straits. The emperor's crusade is for the sake of the people of the world. There is nothing wrong with it, and it is not too much. The emperor is blessed and blessed, and he will live a long life." Years old, you'll be fine."

Yu Shengjun looked at something in the distance, and said quietly: "I am not afraid of anything, but I am afraid that Tang Lin will leave me. Before I met Tang Lin, I never knew what it was like to live alone, but Ever since I got to know her, I thought that she would leave me and leave forever. The feeling of being alone... makes my life worse than death. Now that the world is peaceful, there is nothing for me to overcome and challenge, except Tang Lin. Once she leaves, I can't go to the end of my life alone. Xiangwu slept in the study for a while, but I didn't expect to have a dream. The jade pendant that I wanted to throw away in every possible way before appeared in my life again. It's in my mind, is it possible that it will return to me in the end? In the end, I will hand it over to Tang Lin in person? Could it be that this is fate? Tang Lin will leave me in the end?"

An Lin has always been curious about the story between that jade pendant and Tang Lin, but never dared to ask. "Your Majesty, Miss Tang loves you so much, why is she willing to leave you? Besides, this world belongs to you, Your Majesty. Even if Miss Tang wants to leave, as long as you ask her, she will not come back obediently. If the Emperor is worried that Miss Tang will leave home too soon For a long time, why don't you send someone to Miss Tang's house and invite her family to live in the imperial capital! In this way, Miss Tang's roots will be firmly rooted in the imperial capital, and she won't want to go back to her original hometown!"

Yu Shengjun said lightly: "You don't know many things." Especially about Tang Lin.

An Lin said: "The jade pendant has been thrown away among the people, and it will never reach Miss Tang's hands again. Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about it. It would be a pity if Miss Tang really left the Emperor one day. Everyone agrees I like Miss Tang very much, and I can't bear her to leave."

Yu Shengjun looked up to the sky, his eyes were a little red, "Some things, if they are destined, then I can't change them. I'm just afraid, I'm afraid that everything is about to be completed, and when it's time to give her happiness, I don't have her."

An Lin smiled, "Then the emperor hastily married Miss Tang, as long as Miss Tang becomes the queen of the world, she will not be able to leave your side."

"Master!" Yitang hurried up.

Yu Shengjun turned around and saw Yitang's anxious expression, so he knew why, "Did you find someone?"

Yitang sighed and shook his head: "No!"

Yu Shengjun lowered his head, "She wants to hide, no one can find her, unless she comes to see us voluntarily. Order, don't look for it, withdraw people, let her wait for a while, won't be overwhelmed of."

An Lin's lips twitched for a while before he said: "Your Majesty, this old slave thinks Miss Tang has a lot of tricks, why don't you tell Miss Tang about it."

Yu Shengjun said: "Let me think about it again."

In the middle of the night, the moon hides in the clouds, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

"Woo hoo".From somewhere in the harem, the sound of an owl came, which was even more frightening compared to the sinking and silent night.

At this time, a gust of wind extinguished all the palace lanterns inside and outside Yongning Palace, and in an instant, it was extremely dark.

The people who were guarding outside Tang Lin's bedroom were not only frightened by the chilly wind, but also frightened by the instant darkness.Pairs of eyes gazing with fear turned around in the dark night.

The oppressive air made it hard to breathe.

Although there was no light around, there was only one place, which was Tang Lin's room.

Everyone looked at Tang Lin's room. The lights inside were not very bright. To describe it in one word, it was "dim".Through the blurry wooden walls, everyone could vaguely see that the room was dark yellow.

There seems to be only one candle inside, which is likely to be extinguished at any time, which is more terrifying than a dark night without lights.

Before the gust of wind came, there was the sound of mahjong colliding, but after the gust of wind passed, let alone the sound of mahjong colliding, there was not even a trace of popularity, let alone any other sounds.

The air in that room, as if it had been hollowed out, was dead.

Cao Dan rubbed his numb arms, lowered his voice and asked everyone tremblingly: "Could it be that the murderer took the opportunity to end Sister Tang's life?"

"will not!"

"Ah!" Fu Yushu's voice suddenly came from behind Cao Dan, so eerie that he cried out in fright.

Fu Yushu went on to say: "If there is light, it means that people are still there."

"The officer is so powerful, what will happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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