The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 381 Please come with us!

Chapter 381 Please come with us!

"Ah!" Cao Dan screamed again, he couldn't see his surroundings with his hands, and every sound made him shudder.

This time, it was Shao Qi who said it.

Everyone didn't know that in Tang Lin's room, it would be a different scene.

The mahjong on the mahjong table has been taken away. On the incense table near the mahjong table, there is a lamp, only a red candle is burning, and the candle tears flow, forming a hideous pattern below Come.

The four of Tang Lin were sitting at the mahjong table. There was a piece of white paper on the table. The white paper was so wide that it covered the entire mahjong table.On the table, there is still a writing brush.

Four human heads are gathered in the center of the mahjong table.After whispering for a while, Tang Lin raised her head first, "Do you understand? Please ask the pen fairy to come out. If the pen moves, it means that the pen fairy has come, and then everyone can ask the pen fairy to ask themselves the answers needed."

The imperial concubine couldn't wait to see the Bi Immortal, she obviously didn't know how terrifying the Bi Immortal was, she just thought it was a fairy in the sky.

Tang Lin picked up the pen, holding the pen alternately with the three of them. "Everyone, hold it gently. I said three, two, and one can start inviting the pen fairy. Prepare——three, two..." Eyeballs slipped furiously, and then said: "One."

Immediately, the imperial concubine said sincerely: "Bi Xian Bi Xian, come quickly, I have something to ask you."

Han Lingying spoke silently without making a sound.

The same is true for Concubine Xian.

Tang Lin was the same as the imperial concubine, "Bi Xian Bi Xian, please appear quickly!"

Suddenly, a gust of wind came in from the window, frightening Han Lingying and immediately opened his eyes, "What happened?"

At this moment, the pens they were holding suddenly moved.

The imperial concubine and the others felt incredible, but also terrified.There is such a supernatural thing.But curiosity overcame their fear.But they always feel that their backs are gloomy, and the air-conditioning is hitting their backs.

"Hurry up, hurry up," Tang Lin urged everyone, "If you have any questions, please speak up quickly. The pen fairy will write on paper with a pen."

The Imperial Concubine seized the opportunity for Han Lingying to talk to Concubine Xian, and immediately said to the pen, "Pen Fairy, Bi Fairy, please tell me, what is my future fortune? Do you have any children? Will you become the Empress Dowager?"

Slowly, the pen moved again, and then, without the control of the four of them, they wrote two words on the paper: Dreaming.

Seeing these two words, the imperial concubine let out a long breath, not as disappointed and sad as Tang Lin imagined.

Han Lingying immediately asked: "Bi Xian Bi Xian, please tell me, Shao Qi..." Speaking of this, he glanced at everyone, and then asked nervously: "Will he rebel again in the future?"

Tang Lin didn't expect that Han Lingying was most concerned about this issue.

As soon as the pen was about to move, Concubine Xian immediately asked: "Bi Xian, wait a moment, listen to my question before answering her. Bi Xian, Bi Xian, please tell me, my Heng'er...he will go out safely right?"

However, the pen stopped moving.No matter how the imperial concubine asked, the pen stopped moving.

Tang Lin said: "You must be asking too many questions, let me ask one. Bixian, Bixian, please tell us, among us, is there any murderer who killed those two concubines?"

The pen, at this moment... moved strangely. "What's going on?" Tang Lin was startled.Whether the brush moves or not is completely controlled by myself. Now, how did the brush move?The strength in the hands of the other three women was not as strong as hers, and they couldn't control the pen at all. I didn't push the pen at this moment, so there must be a third party pushing it. Could it be that the pen fairy appeared?

Thinking of this, a trace of coolness passed over Tang Lin's heart.In an extremely dark room, with a gloomy back, at this moment, she felt that the surrounding atmosphere engendered fear in her heart.Strange, she never believed in the theory of ghosts and gods, even if there were ghosts and gods, she would not be afraid at all, why would she feel guilty?
The brush moved slowly, trying to write something on the paper.

Tang Lin tried her best to control the pen, but no matter how hard she tried, the pen was still moving, and she couldn't control it at all.

The other three women were about to write something on the paper when they saw the pen, and they all panicked.They were all afraid of seeing their names appear on the paper, and they would become murderers.

Suddenly, a strong wind came in through the window and blew out the only lit candle in the room.

In an instant, the room was darkened, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Tang Lin took a closer look at the pen in her hand, and suddenly found a golden light appearing in an uproar, and then disappeared in a flash.

Seeing this fleeting golden light, Tang Lin noticed something. Her hand was withdrawn from the hands of the other three women, and she no longer held the brush.

When the three women were puzzled by her actions, she slowly stretched out her hand, pinched her thumb and forefinger to the edge of the brush, and actually pinched an invisible gold thread.

Tang Lin followed the golden wire and looked towards the distant window. A black figure was leaning against the window lattice, and she couldn't tell who it was.But there is only one person who can control her.

As if he had noticed something and was discovered, the golden thread was suddenly pulled by the shadow and loosened from Tang Lin's hand.

Tang Lin ignored the three women in the room, got up, ran to the door, and quickly opened the door.

The imperial concubine called out loudly: "Concubine Tang, why are you leaving?"

Tang Lin ran out of the room, and several guards who were standing next to the big tree not far away heard the sound and asked one by one what happened.

Tang Lin ignored them, and immediately ran to the window. Except for an open window, there was no shadow.

Yishuang was about to ask what's the matter, but Tang Lin had already run towards the gate, and only said a word to the people behind, "Don't follow!"

Yu Shengjun walked slowly in the corridor of the Huizheng Palace, twisting the gold thread wrapped in his hands, with a lot of thoughts.

At this time, Tang Lin, who was wearing a dark blue gauze, ran not far behind him, saw his back, and immediately called: "Junjun!"

Yu Shengjun stopped when he heard the sound, and turned around to look.No matter what color his girlfriend is wearing, everything around her will be overshadowed.

When Tang Lin walked up to him, he asked, "Why are you chasing me?"

Tang Lin looked into his eyes, and her eyes gradually became complicated, "Junjun, I feel that I don't understand you more and more."

"Don't think about it, I'm still the Yu Shengjun you know!" He said to her softly, took her hand gently, and walked forward.

Tang Lin was puzzled, "Then why did the emperor come to Yongning Palace in the middle of the night to make trouble? If I didn't find that golden thread, what did the emperor plan to write on the paper?"

Yu Shengjun said truthfully: "No. There is no murderer."

Tang Lin said: "I know that the three of them are not murderers, but I just want to scare them with this method. Maybe they will confess something shameful out of fear."

"I don't know what's wrong," Yu Shengjun said quietly, "I can't fall asleep if I don't visit you once a day. Just now I saw that you are playing so hard, so I mixed it with itchy hands."

Tang Lin shook her head and smiled helplessly, "I'm really defeated by you." Seeing that his other hand was wrapped with gold thread, she asked, "Is that what the emperor carried with him?"

"En!" Yu Shengjun nodded his head lightly, "I have never left my body. Compared with swords, this kind of weapon is more convenient for me to carry."

After walking for a while, Tang Lin changed the subject: "Junjun, you seem to be very preoccupied these two days. Last time you said you had something to tell me, what is it?"

An Lin is right, Tang Lin has a lot of tricks, maybe she has a solution.Yu Shengjun hesitated for a while, and then said truthfully: "The relationship between An Leng and Xinrui has split."

"Ah!" Tang Lin was really surprised, "Separated? What's going on? Your mother and queen have agreed to their marriage, and they have already chosen an auspicious day to get married. Why is it so sudden?"

Yu Shengjun said depressedly: "I don't know the ins and outs of the matter. A few days ago, I ran up to me secretly and insisted on canceling his engagement with Xinrui, and swore that I would disdain to have anything to do with Xinrui in this life. That day I In a fit of rage, he was thrown into the cell of the underground palace, where he has been locked up until now. After Zi Xinrui heard about this, she quietly left the palace that day. I was afraid that something was wrong with her, so I sent Yifeng and others out of the palace to look for her, but so far, nothing has been found. .I wanted to tell you about this a long time ago, but considering that you are currently focusing on finding the murderer, I don't want to bother you with this matter."

Tang Lin reprimanded: "It's really wrong to tell me now that such a big thing happened. But, having said that, the two of them have a deep relationship, and they have also experienced life and death together. How can they split? Cold, is there something wrong with him?"

Yu Shengjun said: "I have been thinking hard in Wangtian Pavilion all day today, but I can't find a reason for An Leng to break with Xinrui. Linlin, you have a lot of ideas, analyze the reason for their split."

Tang Lin said: "There is nothing wrong with Xin Rui, the key is An Leng. As long as you ask An Leng, you will know the reason why he and Xin Rui split."

Yu Shengjun was distressed, "The problem is, since An Leng was locked up until now, I have visited him several times and asked countless times, but he has kept silent, and I have no way of asking why."

"Strange," Tang Lin was puzzled. "An Leng is your bodyguard. He is loyal and only listens to you. You tell him to go east, but he doesn't dare to go west. It stands to reason that he should obey what he says and answer questions when asked." Yes, but why did you disobey you this time? How about asking your mother to ask him? Maybe the words of the elders can be heard by him. "

Yu Shengjun said: "The queen mother has been out of the palace for several days. She went to a temple far away to worship the Buddha. She should not come back in a while. Xinrui is my imperial sister. I know her very well. She wants to hide. People can find her."

Tang Lin smiled wryly, "Xinrui is the princess of thousands of faces, it's no wonder that she can find it, who knows who she disguises today, and who she hides tomorrow."

Yu Shengjun asked: "Is there a way to resolve the conflict between them?"

Tang Lin shrugged at him, and said regretfully, "I don't know what to do for now. I'll think about it when I have time. If there is a way, I'll inform the emperor."

At this time, Yu Shengjun stopped, looked back at the road behind, and then looked at Tang Lin, "Aren't you going to sleep in your palace tonight?"

Tang Lin pouted, "I don't want to share a bed with them." She grinned at him, sweet and greasy, "I want to sleep with the emperor!"

next morning.cloudy day.

The three women were still sleeping on Tang Lin's bed.The room was a mess like a doghouse.The ground was a mess.

At this time, the rough sound of romping came from the backyard.The imperial concubine scratched her ears and growled in a daze, "I'm so noisy!" But she didn't wake up.

The three of them slept more soundly than dead pigs, but they didn't know that such a scene was staged on the green lake in the corner of the backyard:
A group of big men fought shirtless in the lake and had a great time, not afraid of the current weather at all.Except for Fu Yushu who was wiping the sword in his hand by the lake, looking at the few people in the lake from time to time, shaking his head and laughing from time to time.

Except for Yishuang, all the guards of Yongning Palace are here.

Hearing the commotion, Heng Er rushed from the front yard to the back yard. When he came to the lake, he saw a group of people fighting shirtless in the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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