The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 382 But I'm a soldier

Chapter 382 But I'm a soldier

At this time, Anze's head suddenly appeared by the lake, and shouted at Heng'er, "Wow!"

Heng'er was frightened, and was about to back away, but was suddenly pushed forward by Fu Yushu who came behind him, "Little eunuch, if you like it, go down and have a good time!"

His body lost his balance and he didn't have the strength to hold it back. With a plop, Heng'er fell headlong into the lake as if he had stumbled. Anze took the opportunity to push his head into the water, "Little eunuch, is it exciting?"

At this time, everyone else swam over.

After Heng'er's head came out of the water, he was surrounded by a group of people before he finished spitting out the water in his mouth.Either strip him of his clothes, or take a handful of water and pour it over his head.

Soon, he was stripped naked and bullied by the mighty bodyguards.

Fu Yushu laughed again and again by the lake, "Nonsense!"

After playing for a while, when Heng'er was choking, everyone stopped torturing him, and left him one after another, went ashore, picked up the clothes on the grass, and put them on.

Heng'er was the last one to climb ashore.After landing on the shore, I sneezed one after another, which made the others laugh again and again.

"Hahaha!" Xiao Xiong laughed three times, "Little eunuch, you are too helpless!"

Heng'er complained and gave everyone a look, too pitiful to dare to contradict her.He picked up his wet clothes and put them on.When he was getting dressed, Fu Yushu glanced at him unintentionally, as if he had discovered something, his expression tightened.

Ring noon.The weather is still cloudy, it seems that this is a premonition that a catastrophe will happen.

Tang Lin returned to Yongning Palace and had lunch with the three concubines. Concubine Xian proposed to go back to Guangxian Palace first. She and others sent Concubine Xian to the gate, "Sister Xianfei, come to Yongning Palace often when you have time."

Concubine Xian smiled, "Naturally." After speaking, she turned to Heng Er beside her, "Let's go back to the palace."

At this moment, Fu Yushu and Shao Qi came back from the outside and blocked Heng'er's way together.Fu Yushu sternly said: "Stop! Fake eunuch, the emperor has summoned you, come with us!"

Hearing this, Concubine Xian's eyes darkened and she passed out.Those who should come can't escape.Tang Lin pressed Concubine Xian's Renzhong acupoint, Concubine Xian's eyelashes moved, and then she slowly opened her eyelids, regaining consciousness.

"Wake up! My sister is awake!" Heng'er's excited voice lingered in Concubine Xian's ears.

With Tang Lin's support, Concubine Xian sat up and looked around. She was in Tang Lin's room. Except for Heng Er who was crying and Tang Lin who looked helpless, she didn't see anyone else.Seeing Heng'er, he remembered what happened before he passed out, and immediately grabbed Heng'er's hand, "Heng'er! Heng'er! Is that you?"

Heng'er cried and nodded, "It's me! Sister, it's me!"

Concubine Xian looked at Tang Lin with a puzzled look on her face, "I remember that your bodyguards are going to take Heng'er to see the emperor. He is a fake eunuch, or has he been exposed? Why are we still here?"

Heng'er cried and said, "Sister, you suddenly passed out just now, it was Tang Concubine who stopped those people from bringing us to her room."

Concubine Xian immediately got up, got out of bed, knelt down to Tang Lin, and begged hard: "Sister Tang Concubine, please save Heng Er, we didn't deceive you on purpose, we didn't do it on purpose."

"Come on, get up, don't do this!" Tang Lin bent down and helped Concubine Xian up. "Tell me what's going on first. It's not like you don't know the rules of the harem. Fake eunuchs are not allowed to exist. Why do you think the rules don't exist?"

Thinking of what happened back then, Concubine Xian felt very sad for a moment, "I was chosen by the Empress Dowager to enter the palace. My parents are gone. Heng Er is the closest to me and cannot leave me. After I entered the palace back then, I was worried about him in every possible way. Finally, I asked an old lady-in-waiting who had reached the age to leave the palace, and asked her to deliver a letter to my father-in-law, so that when the father-in-law went to the folks to recruit eunuchs, he would recruit Heng'er into the palace. The father-in-law is from our village. Since I was a child, I watched me grow up, and I was chosen as a concubine by the Queen Mother at that time, and I was very favored by the Queen Mother. Seeing that I was very favored by the Queen Mother, the father-in-law agreed. This is my favor. In this way, Heng'er has been accompanying me as a personal eunuch until now. I didn't expect that the matter would be exposed. Sister Concubine Tang, I didn't mean to deceive the royal family, no,"

Tang Lin asked: "The secret that Heng'er is a fake eunuch, except you two and the father-in-law, who else knows?"

"Yes!" Concubine Xian revealed, "Concubine Li also knows!"

"Concubine Li?" Tang Lin frowned, "How did she know?"

Concubine Xian said: "Heng'er fell in love with Concubine De's servant girl, and I have a very good relationship with Concubine De, so I begged Concubine De to give me this slave. After I took Xiao Nu to my side, I thought she could be with Heng Er'er is together every day. Unexpectedly, Xiao Nu told Concubine Li that Heng'er was not a eunuch. In this way, Concubine Li took advantage of me and kept threatening me with it. If I gave her something good, she would expose Heng'er's affairs. For Heng'er's benefit, I put up with all kinds of difficulties from her. I think, the emperor knows that Heng'er is a fake eunuch, so she must have exposed it!"

Tang Lin asked again: "The little slave is not a maid of the Rili Palace. How could she tell Concubine Li the secret of Heng'er? Even if the little slave wants to expose Heng'er, he should tell the queen mother or imperial concubine the secret. How can I tell it?" What about Concubine Li, who has a low status?"

Concubine Xian shook her head and said: "I have never been able to figure this out. Guangxian Palace and Huide Palace have never had any contact with Rili Palace, so how can I have the opportunity to curry favor with Concubine Li? Besides, I am not that kind She wants to climb a branch and become a phoenix girl! It's strange to say that since Concubine Li knew that Heng'er was a fake eunuch, Xiao Nu was taken away by Concubine Li, and Xiao Nu has never returned to Guangxian Palace to look for Heng'er. I It can be seen that she likes Heng'er quite a lot, so she didn't restrict her relationship with Heng'er. If she really likes Heng'er, she shouldn't tell Li Fei Heng'er's secret!"

Tang Lin analyzed, "It's related to the little slave again. Could it be that this little slave is used by Concubine Li as a yellow card to expose Heng'er?"

Concubine Xian affirmed: "It must be like this. Concubine Li controls the little slave, and she wants to expose Heng'er to the emperor as an adult certificate and let me step down! For Concubine Li, it is best for all the people who are higher than her in the harem All step down! Concubine De lost her life because of colluding with her childhood sweetheart, Imperial Doctor Zheng, and my Heng'er...will it be the same?"

Heng'er immediately knelt down to Tang Lin, and begged bitterly: "Concubine Tang, please, Heng'er's death is not a pity, but Heng'er doesn't want to hurt my sister!"

"Heng'er!" Concubine Xian yelled at Heng'er, feeling very distressed. "Don't talk nonsense!"

Tang Lin helped Heng'er up, and said with a distressed expression: "Heng'er, you must know that Tang Concubine is just a woman, not the emperor. However, I will try my best to plead with the emperor. But, Heng'er, you have to understand that at the beginning Regarding Concubine De and Imperial Physician Zheng, I also pleaded with the emperor, but the emperor still wants their lives. In fact, no one is at fault. You came to the wrong place and were killed by the system. It will give others a chance to grow criminal wings. But don't worry too much, Concubine De committed a serious crime that shamed the royal family, you are different, the emperor should not want your lives."

Concubine Xian said sadly: "Your heart is unpredictable, if you don't punish severely, how can you set an example to others. If Heng'er has something good or bad, how should I explain to Quanxia's parents?"

In the evening, Concubine Xian and Heng'er were put in prison.

Tang Lin went to the imperial study and saw a group of people waiting at the door, she stepped forward and asked, "Is the emperor in there?"

An Lin replied: "Yes!"

Tang Lin was about to open the door to enter, but was stopped by Yishuang, "Miss Tang, the Emperor learned that Heng'er is a fake eunuch, and has already taken Concubine Xian and Heng'er into custody, and will interrogate him at another day. Suddenly something like this happened in the harem." , the emperor couldn't calm down for a while, no, he hasn't called anyone in for a long time. At this juncture, Yishuang is afraid that Miss Tang will be killed by the emperor..."

Tang Lin interrupted her, "There is always something to be done, procrastination will only waste time." After speaking, she opened the door and walked into the imperial study.

Yu Shengjun was writing the memorial in his room with a calm expression.

Tang Lin took a few steps forward, and Yu Shengjun calmly wrote the memorial. She couldn't bear to break it, for fear of disturbing this beautiful and peaceful scene, but she still called softly: "Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun wrote something on the memorial, focusing his eyes on the tip of the pen, "You have a weakness, that is, you are moved to compassion when you are pitiful and hateful. I will break your weakness. As long as this Once your weakness is gone, you will be invincible and there will be no more threats. So...don't intercede with me for them."

After hearing these words, Tang Lin swallowed the words that slipped to her lips.What Yu Shengjun said is right, poor people must have something to hate, just sympathize with them, and don't take those troubles.However, this weakness has become a haze that I can't get rid of, and it can't be broken just by saying it.

"How does the emperor plan to deal with them?" At this time, pleading for mercy will definitely make Yu Shengjun unhappy, so Tang Lin simply omitted the previous words and asked the result directly.

After the last stroke was made, Yu Shengjun put away the brush and put it on the inkstone.He closed the folder and put it on the edge of the table, "Everything I did to them is here, take a look, and I'll ask An Lin to carry it out later."

Tang Lin took the booklet, opened it, and looked at it. Instead of letting out a sigh of relief, the breath deepened in her body.The word "Lenggong" on the notebook kept appearing in her mind.

Yu Shengjun left the chair, walked down, and stroked Tang Lin's shoulder, "I know you are sad, but this is my decision. You will be fine in a few days!"

"But," Tang Lin's voice was full of tears, "Heng'er is only fourteen or fifteen years old, and he's still a minor. How can they get ahead if they keep their siblings in the harem for the rest of their lives? Especially Heng'er!"

"I knew this before, so why bother? Knowing the law and breaking the law, this is their end! If I can let everyone go, treat the rules like a child's play? I have made up my mind, and no one can change it, that's it!" After finishing speaking, Yu Sheng Jun waved his robe, and walked out of the imperial study room indifferently.

Tang Lin chased her out, "Your Majesty!"

After chasing to the door, Yu Shengjun was stopped in front of everyone, "Your Majesty! Heng'er is still underage, you can't just ruin his life like this, you can send him to a labor camp for reform,"

Yu Shengjun leaned close to her ear and said the words word by word, each word piercing Tang Lin's heart, "This is not your... country before!" After finishing speaking, he walked away.

Tang Lin was like a yellow leaf that suddenly fell from a tree, fluttering and without any reaction.In the end, his eyes were full of mist, "But I am a soldier, how can I turn a blind eye..."

into the night.Half the month.

Pavilion in the back garden of Xuanyu Palace.On the stone table, there was a plate of fruit, a jug of wine, one or two wine glasses, and an incense burner, filled with smoke.

Next to the stone table, next to the lotus pond, there is a piano table.

Yu Shengjun was sitting in front of the qin, dressed in white and lying on the ground, looking at the bright moon with bright eyes, and gently playing the qin.The leisurely and clear, yet sad and low-pitched sound of the piano spread in the back garden.

An Lin bowed his waist slightly, quietly waiting in the corner of the gazebo, listening to the sad sound of the piano, how could he feel better in this sad environment.

Yitang quickly walked up to the gazebo, cruelly breaking the hazy, intoxicating and melancholy atmosphere, "Master, Miss Tang returned to Yongning Palace and locked herself in her room until now, neither eating nor drinking, what should I do?" Okay? Besides, since it’s locked up, there’s been no sound at all, have you done something stupid?”

(End of this chapter)

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