The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 383 Linlin?Tang Lin?Instructor Tang?Brother Tang?

Chapter 383 Linlin?Tang Lin?Instructor Tang?Brother Tang?
The sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

Yu Shengjun sighed deeply, "The matter between Concubine Xian and Heng'er is trivial, but I can't let Tang Lin be weak. One day, she will be bitten by those who pretend to be innocent. I will use hard on her now, It's just for her to live well in the future. It doesn't matter if she doesn't understand what I do, and it doesn't matter if she hates me."

Yitang plucked up his courage and said, "Ms. Tang has seen countless people. She can tell the good from the bad. She will not be easily designed by bad people. Maybe in the eyes of Ms. Tang, the law should have a tender side."

"The law should have a tender side..." Yu Shengjun repeated these words, after a long silence, he suddenly got up, "Let's go! Go to Lenggong! I will see Xianfei!" Lenggong.

The concubine Xian and his brother were imprisoned in the most dilapidated courtyard in Lenggong.Although Leng Gong is here, only Concubine Xian has been here since Yu Shengjun ascended the throne.

In this dilapidated courtyard, although the furniture is complete, they are all dilapidated.It is not even qualified to compare with the things of Guangxian Palace.

I didn't sleep all night last night, I only slept for a while in the morning, but I caught a cold.

Heng'er brought out a bowl of medicine from the kitchen, which he finally boiled for nearly two hours.He had never been in the kitchen before, and his face was covered in carbon black.

"Sister, the medicine is here!" Heng'er brought the medicine into the room and walked quickly to the bed, but he had to make sure that the medicine soup didn't spill out of the bowl.

Concubine Xian was lying on an unmade hard board bed, wearing plain clothes, coughing continuously, her face was pale and bloodless, she looked so weak that even a gust of wind could blow her away.

Heng'er pulled a stool and placed it beside the bed, then put the steaming soup on the stool, then went to support Concubine Xian's back, and gently lifted her up, "Sister, come, you should take the medicine Already!"

Outside, the night is dim.Only a dim candle light illuminates the simple room.

Concubine Xian leaned on Heng'er's shoulder, and Heng'er took a spoonful of soup every time, and blew the soup to cool before bringing it to Concubine Xian's mouth, "Come on, sister!"

Outside the opposite window, Yu Shengjun stood, looking at the scene in the house.

After taking a sip of the medicine, Concubine Xian raised her head slightly, Yu Jiao glanced inadvertently, saw Yu Shengjun standing outside the window, and was immediately startled.

Who is that person?

Finding that her expression was not right, Heng'er followed her gaze and turned to look at the window, only to see a person walking towards the next door.

Heng'er frowned, "Who's here?"

Yu Shengjun walked outside the door, and his white clothes cast a hazy halo in the silvery white moonlight outside the door, as holy as a fairy in the sky.

Heng'er thought it was a villain, so he immediately blocked Concubine Xian with his body, "Sister, don't be afraid, Heng'er protects sister."

After Yu Shengjun walked into the room, Heng'er and Concubine Xian took a closer look, and saw Yu Shengjun's face clearly, it was so handsome and alluring.

Concubine Xian and Yu Shengjun have never met face to face, so in her eyes at this moment, Yu Shengjun is just a stranger who is here for a purpose.She became defensive, "Who are you?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at Concubine Xian indifferently, and then turned his gaze to Heng'er. He was indeed an underage boy, handsome and plump, with delicate features. No wonder Tang Lin pleaded for mercy for this young boy, and did not hesitate to contradict herself.

Yu Shengjun took two steps towards Heng'er, and Heng'er was so frightened that he retreated to the bedside and could no longer retreat. "Don't come here, come again, I'm calling someone!"

"You two, brother and sister, have a deep relationship?" Yu Shengjun turned his gaze back to Concubine Xian.

His voice is full of magnetism, so nice that people can't extricate themselves from it, but there is an irresistible meaning in his words, which makes people have to tell the truth.

Concubine Xian was intimidated by this voice, and she couldn't force herself to tell a lie, so she told the truth, she thought, maybe the person who came was the judge from the Ministry of Punishment, who came to judge her, "Yes! Our sister and brother have a very deep relationship. , outsiders cannot understand! Therefore, in order to never be separated from my brother, I would rather know the law and break the law!"

Yu Shengjun turned his face away, as if he was thinking about something and lost his mind.The perfect side profile was just for Concubine Xian to take a full look at.This man looks like a miracle.

"Who... are you?" Although she knew that the other party might not answer if she asked, Concubine Xian still asked, and she was cautious. It didn't end well.

"Your Majesty," An Lin hurried in at this moment.

Hearing this title, Concubine Xian's siblings were startled, and their expressions changed.

An Lin's intrusion made Yu Shengjun extremely displeased, and there was a bit of anger in his words, "Didn't you and Yitang be guarded at the gate?"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," An Lin first bowed his waist to apologize, then raised his head and said anxiously, "Just now someone came to report, I don't know why Concubine Li went crazy and messed around at the exit of the harem, she had to go out to see the Emperor. The guards at the exit did not dare to be violent, and there was really nothing to do, so they came to report. The Queen Mother has gone out of the palace to worship the Buddha, so I can only report this to the emperor, you know. Your majesty, this matter should..."

Yu Shengjun ordered coldly: "You go out first! Let that woman go crazy, don't bother, but she must not be allowed to come to the main palace!"

"Yes!" An Lin replied, turned and walked out of the room.

Yu Shengjun turned his head to look, and the fearful and nervous expressions of the siblings were reflected in his eyes.He knew that the siblings were afraid and surprised when they knew their identities.

She stared at him in a daze for a long time before Concubine Xian suddenly regained her senses and immediately pulled Heng'er to kneel down together, knelt down tremblingly: "My concubine kowtows to the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live." Heng'er kowtowed three times together, and then kept his head down, not daring to raise it, not daring to take a breath, for fear of making Long Yan furious.

Yu Shengjun looked at the siblings for a long time without making a sound.The more silent he was, the more flustered Concubine Xian became, and the paler her face became, she was already so pale because of the cold, but now she was so pale and stiff, she was no different from a dead person.

Heng'er suddenly crawled over on her knees, hugged Yu Shengjun's leg, and begged with all her might, "Your Majesty, it's all the fault of the slave, who used the relationship between siblings to force the concubine Xian to send the slave into the palace. It has nothing to do with Concubine Xian, she is innocent. I beg you, my servant, please spare Concubine Xian, this is all my fault, this servant accepts any punishment, even if the body is divided into five horses, even if there is no bones left..."

"Heng'er, shut up!" Concubine Xian yelled at Heng'er with all her strength, but she was suddenly overwhelmed by dizziness.For Heng'er, she couldn't take care of herself.She also crawled over and pulled Heng'er away to prevent him from hugging Yu Shengjun's leg, while she gave Yu Shengjun a smack and a smack on the ground, making a sound of collision with the floor every time , the voice broke Heng'er's heart, "It is the concubine who has no law, and the concubine is too inseparable from this younger brother, so he secretly bribed the people in the palace to bring his brother into the palace. All this has nothing to do with the concubine. The younger brother has nothing to do, the emperor, please punish the concubine! Please don’t blame the concubine’s younger brother! Please! Please! Please!”

Heng'er cried bitterly, "...Sister!"

Yu Shengjun still looked at the siblings indifferently, without any reaction, but gradually, a thin layer of mist covered the two of them in his eyes.

If one day I also left Tang Lin, and God insisted on taking her away, would I be begging God like Concubine Xian?
But Concubine Xian is luckier than herself, her god is herself, and her god is the real god, Tang Lin's persistence can't be exchanged by begging!

"Sister, don't do this!" Seeing a large bloodstain on the floor and Concubine Xian's forehead, Heng'er panicked, and immediately rushed over to hug Concubine Xian tightly, crying and begging: " Sister, don't be like this, Heng'er doesn't want my sister to lose her life because of Heng'er! Woohoo!"

Concubine Xian was on his shoulder, sobbing in pain, "Sister, I'm sorry, it's my sister who hurt you, if my sister doesn't send you to the palace, you will be fine, it's my sister's fault..."

Heng'er let go of her, and knelt down again to Yu Shengjun, "Your Majesty, please, don't kill my sister, Heng'er doesn't want my sister to die, don't..."

Yu Shengjun looked away for a moment, and when he turned his head, the mist in his eyes was gone.He bent down and helped Heng'er up with one hand.

Concubine Xian was shocked when she saw this scene!
Heng'er was also stunned, not daring to take a breath, and let the emperor pull him up.Until he stood stiffly, Yu Shengjun looked him up and down carefully.After looking at it, he let go of his hand, and shouted at the door: "Come here!"

After a while, Yitang walked in, "Master!"

Yu Shengjun looked at Heng'er who was trembling in fear, Xu saw someone coming in and thought that he was going to be arrested and put in jail, so he trembled in fear.

When Concubine Xian saw Yitang coming in, her heart jumped into her throat.The emperor didn't want her brother to be arrested and sent to Lingchi, right?
Yu Shengjun gave orders: "This kid bumped into me in Yongning Palace that day, but he got a plea from the guards of Yongning Palace. Since someone appreciates him so much and Tang Lin pleads, well, I won't confine him for the rest of his life." Yes. I made an exception and accepted Yishuang. Today, I made another exception and accepted him. Together, send him to the guard department and let Zhang Xiangyang train him well. Whether it is life or death, it will depend on his own fate in the future Already!"

Yitang clasped his fists together and said, "Yes!" He glanced at Heng'er, with delicate features and twinkling eyes, he is a malleable talent. "Master, this kid should be able to endure hardship!"

Yu Shengjun said indifferently: "Take it down!"

"Yes!" As he said, he dragged Heng'er past him and left the room.

Yu Shengjun looked at Concubine Xian, at this moment, Concubine Xian was kneeling on the ground, her face was full of satisfaction.He asked coldly, "Are you satisfied with the result?"

"En!" Concubine Xian nodded and shed tears of emotion, "Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you!"

"Zhen..." He looked at her, and when the words came to his lips, he said them with so much difficulty.After struggling for a long time, I finally said in one breath: "In my life, there is only one woman, Concubine Tang, and she is the love of my life. In order to get her, I can let go of my airs and degrade. In order to have her forever, I can do anything. There is no need to go to extremes. In order to protect her, I don't even want my life. Even, because I can only belong to her alone, I... made a plan to abolish the harem, and this plan is still being implemented! And you, is The second step flag in the plan!"

Concubine Xian was laughing, sometimes smiling, sometimes smiling again, "Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha!" The laughter was mixed with sadness, self-mockery, envy, and resignation.

At this time, Yu Shengjun said surprisingly: "If you can die immediately, I am very grateful to you!" Concubine Xian raised her head in shock and looked directly into his eyes, her face full of astonishment.She couldn't believe that the handsome husband in front of her would say such a thing.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Yu Shengjun went straight to the side of the bed, pulled a white belt hanging on a wooden hanger, and then threw it on the beam,
This throw, in the eyes of Concubine Xian, not only threw out an arc more beautiful than a rainbow, but also threw out a lonely story, and even threw out a net of death.

On that white belt, she saw her loneliness and lack of interest in the harem for the past few years.In the end, he ended his life with passion.

In her life, every night was calm, except tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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