The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 384 Yu Shengjun, You Are A Coward

Chapter 384 Yu Shengjun, You Are A Coward
The belt was thrown over the beam, fell off, and was tied into a knot by Yu Shengjun.Everything was ready, he turned to Concubine Xian, now, no sadness could be seen on her face, she laughed at herself, envied her, and accepted her fate.All that was left was a calm face.

Slowly, Concubine Xian stood up, she had exhausted the little bit of strength she had in her body to stand up.She glanced at him calmly, then walked to the knotted belt.

Yu Shengjun turned around, turned his back to her, and his voice ruthlessly broke Concubine Xian's heart, "Go, so that I can give the harem an explanation!"

Concubine Xian stretched out her trembling hand, grabbed the belt, and the tears fell down her cheeks without any disappointment, "This concubine understands! This concubine will not embarrass the emperor!"

When she stood on tiptoe and raised her head high, he asked lightly, "Do you have someone you like?"

Concubine Xian was startled, why did the emperor ask herself this way?

Yu Shengjun said: "There is no need to leave this world with such thoughts. As long as you die alone, I will not embarrass anyone related to you!"

Hearing what he said, Concubine Xian heaved a sigh of relief.Since he wanted to know, and he wanted to spit it out, and he was about to die, it didn't hurt to talk about it. "Yes, the concubine has a happy man. His name is Yang Zi. He is from our village and the only one who can be an official. He is currently serving as the local magistrate. Although we are in the same village, we have never had any intersection. During the draft I know that he has been secretly fond of me for a long time. But I have already been chosen as a concubine, so I can only reject him. Your Majesty, I hope you will do what you say, and don’t embarrass Yang Zi!"

"Okay! I will do what I said! Now, you can die!" After speaking, Yu Shengjun walked out of the room coldly.

A humble room, a dim candle,

Concubine Xian closed her eyes and silently shed two tears. Immediately afterwards, she dragged the stool next to her with her feet, stood on the stool, and sent her head to the knotted belt. Then, the stool was taken by her feet. kicked down,

Yu Shengjun stood at the window, looking indifferently at those struggling feet...

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly.

Yu Shengjun went straight to the imperial study room after he left the early court.At this time, An Lin and Yitang were already waiting in the room.

After sitting down, Yu Shengjun immediately asked: "Tell me, Concubine Li made a big fuss about the exit of the harem last night! I want to know the cause and the result!"

An Lin stammered: "Your Majesty, the reason... is unknown, but in the end, this old slave ordered someone to forcefully send Concubine Li back to Sun Li Palace, and ordered people to guard the gate firmly so that Concubine Li would not be allowed to step out of the Sun Palace again. Take half a step from the Li Palace, so as not to go to the exit of the harem and make a fuss."

Yu Shengjun asked again: "What happened to Yongning Palace?"

Yitang also hesitantly said: "This Miss Tang...hasn't moved at all, she has been staying in the room, seeing no one, and not eating."

Yu Shengjun had already taken a notebook and was about to approve it. After sighing, he put the notebook back and got up, "I really hurt her this time!"

Not long after, Yu Shengjun walked into Yongning Palace and came outside Tang Lin's room. The people of Yongning Palace were waiting to kneel down, "See the emperor!"

Yu Shengjun waved his hand casually, "Get up!" Looking at Tang Lin's room with the closed door, he asked a few people, "What's the situation?"

One by one showed a helpless expression, some spread their hands, some shrugged.Only Yishuang said, "Master, since Miss Tang locked herself in her room last night, she hasn't come out. When I knocked on the door, there was no answer. When I was about to knock on the door, her voice appeared again. After that , I dare not disturb her any longer."

"You all go down!" Yu Shengjun ordered, "I'll go and have a look!"

Everyone kowtowed, "Yes."

After everyone left, Yu Shengjun walked to the door and knocked, "Linlin?" Knocked again, "Tang Lin?" Knocked again, "Instructor Tang?" Keep knocking, " Brother Tang?"

Yu Shengjun took a deep breath, "Damn girl, you don't even pay attention to me." He stopped knocking on the door, pushed hard with both hands, and just pushed the door open.Walk in, take a look at the big bed not far away, it's really disgusting, the dead girl is actually fast asleep on the bed.

"It's unreasonable!" Yu Shengjun rushed over angrily, walked to the bedside, and took a closer look, Tang Lin was sleeping quite soundly, and the corners of her mouth were still curved sweetly, as if she was in her prime.Oddly, something was plugged into her ear, and it was still connected to her phone.

As everyone knows, Tang Lin is listening to the song.It's no wonder why I knocked on the door so many times, but I didn't hear it. I dare to listen to music with headphones.

Yu Shengjun sat down beside the bed, stretched out his hand and pushed Tang Lin's waist, "Linlin!" He couldn't wake up, nor could he push, so he pinched Tang Lin's waist, "Linlin!"

"Ah!" Tang Lin yelled and sat up from the bed, one earplug fell off.Looking ahead, Yu Shengjun was staring at him, and he couldn't help being surprised: "Junjun? Why are you here?"

Yu Shengjun said angrily: "You just knocked on the door for so long, why didn't you open it?" Speaking of this, he poked Tang Lin on the head, "You are getting more and more presumptuous!"

"I don't know!" Tang Lin said innocently, and realized what was going on when she realized that she was listening to the song. "Uh, Junjun, I'm sorry, I've been listening to music. I fell asleep after listening to it last night. I didn't open the door on purpose, but because I didn't hear it." Glancing at the window, the sun was shining, "Is it daylight?"

Yu Shengjun couldn't bear to give her an annoyed look, "I thought you were angry with me all night, but everyone was frightened, and they didn't eat or drink, and didn't see anyone."

Tang Lin grinned, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I was quite angry last night, but after thinking about it, it's really wrong to punish myself with other people's mistakes, so I listened to music and fell asleep."

Yu Shengjun's expression darkened, "Are you still blaming me for treating the concubine and brother Xian like that?"

Tang Lin pursed her lips and looked at him with a smile, "Strange? How could it be? You are the Ninth Five-Year Lord. How can I, Tang Lin, be blamed? Besides, I, Tang Lin, am not from this country. How dare I violate the laws of this country."

"Look at me!" He suddenly held her face in his arms and looked at him, "It doesn't matter if you blame me or hate me, but you can't hurt yourself!"

She pulled his hand away, "Who is self-harming? You are the one who is self-harming!" The crimes of Concubine Xian's brother and sister have been confirmed, and there is nothing she can do, so let's get over it.

"Come down!" Yu Shengjun helped her, "Yesterday's dinner is useless, and today's breakfast is useless. You don't call this self-mutilation, what do you call it?"

Tang Lin poured herself into the other's arms delicately, and smiled, "It's nice to have a boyfriend who hurts."

Yu Shengjun asked: "Then you will let me love you forever?"

Tang Lin said without hesitation, "Of course!"

Yu Shengjun smiled gratifiedly, "That's right!" God, don't let me dream of Tang Lin leaving me again, and don't let the time tunnel appear again.

Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin had breakfast together in Yongning Palace. During the meal, Yu Shengjun told about Concubine Li making a fuss at the exit of the harem, "Concubine Li made a fuss at the exit of the harem last night."

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned, "Is there such a thing?"

He put a few pieces of meat in her bowl, and said: "I don't know why Li Fei did such a rebellious thing. Linlin, it just so happened that Xiaonu's clue came to Li Fei. Are you free?" Just go to Rili Palace to have a look, maybe we can find nothing."

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Yes, I see."

Yu Shengjun bowed his head to eat, Tang Lin didn't see much content in his expression at this time.

"Come on, the emperor eats more too!" Although he had already eaten breakfast, Tang Lin still put delicious food on his rice bowl.

Yu Shengjun smiled gratefully at her, and wanted to say something, but in the end these words only remained in his heart, "Tang Lin, you don't know that I am using you to abolish the harem. Concubine Li is exactly what I want The third person cleared."

After breakfast, Yu Shengjun returned to the main palace.

When Tang Lin was drinking morning tea in the palace compound, the imperial concubine came again, "Sister Tang Concubine, you are so elegant. You are pregnant, so you should not drink more tea!"

"Sister, why are you here?" Tang Lin put down her teacup and got up to greet her.

The imperial concubine helped her to sit down, and then she sat beside her. Before speaking, she took a look at the fallen leaves on the ground and sighed, "I will tell you my sister, there is nothing in this harem that I am interested in. In this palace It was boring to stay there, so I came to talk to my sister to pass the time."

Tang Lin smiled helplessly, "Sister, why don't you think about how to climb up to the back seat while you have time. That back seat is still vacant now."

The imperial concubine sighed and said: "In the past, I would really try my best to get the back seat, but since I found out about you and that guard, the back seat is no longer important to me. Even if the emperor doesn't like it Male sex, even if the emperor comes to the harem every day, this palace is not qualified to be in charge. Forget it, it is better to be content with the status quo than to fight back and forth."

Tang Lin said: "Let's not worry about these things anymore. I heard that Concubine Li made a big fuss at the exit of the harem last night. My sister wants to visit Rili Palace at this time. Will my sister go?"

The imperial concubine nodded and said: "I also heard about this matter this morning. I also want to go and see what's going on."

"Let's go and have a look. Maybe there's something interesting about it." As she spoke, Tang Lin pulled the imperial concubine past her and walked out.Rili Palace.

Crackling sounds appeared in Concubine Li's bedroom.A group of servants and servants from Sun Li Palace were standing outside Li Concubine's room, not daring to move.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Xuezhan, the court lady who served Concubine Li's daily life, was thrown out of the room, and then the door was slammed shut.

Xuezhan kept knocking on the door, anxiously said: "Your Majesty, please open the door, Your Majesty, please don't do this! Your Majesty!"

At this time, the sound of the collision and breaking of the cups and saucers came out again, accompanied by Li Fei's painful roar: "Yu Shengjun! Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go, if you have the guts, get out!" , What kind of a man is hiding? You are a coward, a coward!"

When Concubine Li roared these words, Tang Lin and Concubine Huang Guifei had already walked in.

When the palace maid Xuezhan saw these two people, she immediately recognized them. Aren't they the imperial concubine and Tang concubine? On the day of the party, she would not have the opportunity to see Concubine Tang's true face, so she would not recognize Concubine Tang at this time.

Seeing Xuezhan knelt down, other eunuchs and court ladies also knelt down one after another, "I have seen the imperial concubine, the Tang concubine."

The imperial concubine waved her hands to everyone, "Get up!"

After Xuezhan got up and stood up, Tang Lin asked: "What's wrong with your mother? Why did you lose your temper in the room? Last night... what happened? Fortunately, the emperor was busy with other things yesterday and didn't ask about the harem. With the aura of your mother last night, is she still alive today?"

Xuezhan panicked: "Concubine Tang, if the Emperor and the Empress Dowager pursue it, you must speak for my empress, she is not that kind of person, she is not, she is very kind..."

"Oh," the imperial concubine sneered, "did you do that kind of thing, kind? You can ask anyone in the harem, is Concubine Li the worst person in the harem? Thank you for having the face to say here, you and Concubine Li is not ashamed, I am ashamed for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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