The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 385 Tang Lin Comes From the Future

Chapter 385 Tang Lin Comes From the Future
"Sister," Tang Lin glanced at the imperial concubine, hoping that the imperial concubine would stop talking.Turning to Xuezhan, he asked again: "Tell me, what happened to your mother?"

After Xuezhan sighed deeply, she said: "Ms. Tang Concubine, although my mother often has trouble with other empresses, she is really kind-hearted. My empress was born in a rich family, and she was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. Her family background is not as good as ..." Carefully glanced at the imperial concubine, and then continued: "My concubine's family background is no worse than that of the imperial concubine's. Moreover, the family background of any concubine in the palace is not as good as my concubine's. Therefore, those of noble birth Empress, ordinary people will not catch her eyes. But because of this, after entering the palace, she was ridiculed and made things difficult. Empress, she is not good at words, and it is difficult to have common ground with other concubines due to her temperament of a young lady. Language. In order to get others to look at me seriously, my mother used some of her methods to win everyone's favor for her, but I didn't expect it to be self-defeating. Some of my mother's behaviors made other concubines extremely disgusted. Over time, The empress has become the worst person in the harem. But the empress really likes to make friends with everyone, but she is not good at making friends. It will not be like today. Since the last palace change, the empress has changed, and she has become more and more arrogant day by day. She not only beats other ladies, but also beats the maids around her. But for Xuezhan, the reason why the empress has changed There is a reason for this, the empress is not such a person."

The imperial concubine said angrily: "Sister Concubine Tang, don't listen to this girl's nonsense. Concubine Li is a well-known evil person in the harem. If she is ranked second, no one will dare to be the first. Usually If it weren't for this palace being busy with the important affairs of the harem, this palace would have wanted to punish this hateful Concubine Li a long time ago."

Hearing these words, Xuezhan wiped away tears for Concubine Li because of her grievances, "Imperial Concubine, you have really wronged my mother..."

The imperial concubine said coldly: "Shut up! I don't want to hear it!"

"Xuezhan," Tang Lin ordered, "Go and inform your empress first, that the palace and imperial concubine are here, and see how your empress reacts."

"Useless Concubine Tang." Xuezhan said distressedly, "You two are not the only ones who came to see my concubine today, but they were all kicked out by my concubine in the end. Today my concubine is a bit abnormal. Concubine Tang is pregnant. Xuezhan is afraid that if something goes wrong, it will harm you, Concubine Tang!"

"Okay." Since the court lady was so worried, Tang Lin had no choice but to give up after seeing Concubine Li, "I won't force you anymore. I will visit you again when your mother is better!"

Xuezhan leaned back and said: "Xuezhan thanked Concubine Tang here for my mother! Xuezhan sent off Concubine Tang respectfully, Concubine Tang, please go slowly!"

Tang Lin didn't say anything more, turned around and walked away with the imperial concubine.As soon as the two of them left, there was no broken sound in Concubine Li's room.

Seeing this opportunity, Xuezhan knocked on the door again, "Your Majesty?"

"Get out! Get away from me!" A stern voice came from the door.

"Your Majesty, you must be hungry, right? The servant girl is going to the imperial dining room to urge lunch!" After speaking, Xuezhan turned to the door, sighed deeply, and then turned and walked away.

At this time, Concubine Li's room was already in chaos.On the floor, a pile of broken porcelain was scattered.Silk and satin, as well as light gauze tents, cut, torn, torn, scattered all over the floor, are also hung everywhere.

Everything on the dressing table was spilled on the floor, except for the mirror which was intact.

Concubine Li, who was dressed in brocade, was lying on the dressing table, looking at the face in the mirror that was still delicate and elegant despite the rainy pear blossoms.

Concubine Li looked at her own face in the mirror, every time she breathed and breathed, she was in terribly painful pain.She beat her chest and shouted, "Why? Why did Yu Shengjun treat me like this? In the past few years, he didn't treat me as his woman. I never blamed him for this. But why does he want, want..." Speaking of this, he was so painful that he couldn't speak, and then buried his head on the table, sobbing faintly, sobbing with all the strength in his body, and his body shook.

"Concubine Li!"

"Concubine Li! Don't go!"

"Concubine Li! Please save this servant, save this servant..."

"Little slave" suddenly, Li Fei woke up from the bed and sat up, her face was covered in cold sweat, her breathing was short of breath, obviously she had a previous nightmare.

Xuezhan was crying badly beside the bed, "Poor lady, you are having nightmares again!"

Concubine Li, who was still in shock, looked around and saw that the sky outside the window had already darkened. She asked, "What time is it?"

Xuezhan said: "Your Majesty, you have just fallen into the night. You have been sleeping for a whole day. After lunch is ready, the slaves came back and saw that you were asleep, so they did not dare to disturb you. Madam, you must be very hungry. You didn't eat anything last night. , I haven’t eaten all day today, you should get up and eat something.”

"Hehe!" Concubine Li suddenly collapsed, and smiled wryly twice, her eyes were full of despair, "What else do you want to eat? I am a guilty person, and sooner or later it will be my turn to go to prison!"

Xuezhan cried and shook her head, "No, the empress is a good person, and the empress will be fine."

Concubine Li immediately got off the bed, "I'm going to ask the emperor why he treats me like this."

"Your Majesty! Don't!" Xuezhan prevented Concubine Li from leaving the room, and reminded fearfully: "Mother, have you forgotten? Since the palace change, you have made trouble with the Queen Mother several times. If it wasn't for the kindness of the Queen Mother, you would have already You are punished. If Director An hadn’t said that the emperor was busy last night and didn’t ask you about making a fuss about the exit of the harem, otherwise, this servant would really not be able to see you today!”

"Stop it," Li Fei shouted angrily, and then, from under the pillow, took out a dagger with a pure gold hilt, "Even if I don't see the sun tomorrow, I will make trouble. I don't believe it." Yu Shengjun doesn't come to see me in person. I can't get the answer he gave, and I won't die with peace."

Xuezhan panicked, "Your Majesty! Don't do this! You will die! You don't understand the Emperor, if the Emperor pursues it, even if you have nine lives, it will not be enough for the Emperor! Your Majesty, don't do stupid things!"

Concubine Li pushed away Xuezhan who was blocking her way. Xuezhan was petite and not as tall as her, so she was pushed aside, "Get out! It's none of your business!" After finishing speaking, she rushed out of the room angrily.

"Your Majesty!" Xuezhan chased her out.

The night was hazy.

The exit of the harem has been strengthened, and even flying insects and beasts can't enter or exit.

Based on her intuition, Tang Lin predicted that Concubine Li would definitely come to make trouble tonight.Concubine Li was not afraid of death and made a fuss once, but if she doesn't see the emperor, she will definitely make another fuss.Therefore, she came to the exit of the harem early tonight to wait for Concubine Li to arrive.She only brought Yishuang here alone.

At this time, Tang Lin was standing by the door of the harem exit, looking up at the road ahead from time to time.At this time, she had vaguely seen a hurried figure walking towards the exit.

That was Concubine Li, chasing a group of people, shouting "My Lady!", "My Lady, let's go back to the palace!", "My Lady, don't do stupid things!"

When they reached the gate, it was not the guards who stopped Concubine Li, but Tang Lin.

Concubine Li looked at the fiery red dress in front of her, who was as glamorous as a bewitching concubine, and couldn't care less about admiring her beauty, she opened her mouth and said angrily, "Concubine Tang, how dare you block my way!"

Tang Lin smiled charmingly, and moved her hands and feet. Although she looked lazy, she was charming and glamorous. Anyone who looked at such a woman would be hooked away. Her voice was even more charming and provocative, " I said Sister Lifei, if you step out of this door, you will be in the main palace. You have neither a card nor an instruction. Once you step through, you will be beaten to death by the guards! They didn’t move you last night, they gave you a This is a chance to reform, if you do it again tonight, you will die without a place to bury you! You have to think about it, is life more important, or meeting the emperor?"

Concubine Li flashed out her short sword and raised it towards Tang Lin, "If you stop me again, I will kill you!"

"Heh!" Tang Lin smiled arrogantly, "I'll give you this chance, if you can move a hair of mine, I'll help you see the emperor!" Concubine Li glanced at Tang Lin's belly, her eyes were full of anger, After taking a look at Tang Lin's belly, the anger subsided a lot, but her expression became sad, "Don't think that I dare not do anything to you! Even if you are pregnant with a child, if you block my way again, I will kill you!"

Tang Lin folded her arms around Xiaoman's waist, twisted her waist lazily, and said arrogantly: "Really? Then come here! I'll be right here waiting for you!"

"You," the other party's arrogance stimulated Concubine Li, and she moved her sword closer, "Don't be crazy! I really underestimated you, the fire in Ruining Palace can't kill you, you are more favored than before, really good Ah you! If you don't get out of the way again, don't blame the sword in my hand for being ruthless!"

Tang Lin smiled, "I've said it all, if you can move a hair of mine, I'll help you meet the emperor, otherwise, even if you get through this exit, you will be beaten to death by other patrols of!"

Concubine Li said angrily, "It's up to you whether I live or die, you'd better get out of the way, do you hear me?"

Tang Lin could tell that Concubine Li was indeed not very bad, and the little maid named Xuezhan in Rili Palace was right.If Concubine Li has a vicious heart, how could she worry about hurting the "baby" in her womb.

After sighing, Tang Lin's earnest Concubine Li said: "Sister, why are you bothering? The emperor didn't do anything to you last night, so it doesn't mean he won't do it tonight. If you don't know how to restrain yourself, you will really I lost my life for this act, do you understand, elder sister? Even if there is any deep hatred, you should calm down and think about it, why do you do such violence?"

But Concubine Li didn't listen to Tang Lin's words. Instead, she said more indifferently: "This is my business. I don't need you to worry about what I want to do. If you don't go away, I won't be able to talk anymore ! Get out of the way!"

Tang Lin said firmly: "No! I am saving you, not harming you!"

"Okay, you forced me!" As she said, the sharp dagger in Li Fei's hand came straight to Tang Lin's heart, and suddenly there was lightning and thunder and the wind howled.

Tang Lin was not worried about the sharp sword that was quickly dodged, but looked up at the sky in a leisurely manner, and couldn't help sighing, it was going to rain again.When she lowered her head, Li Fei's sword had pierced through her fiery red dress.

Concubine Li closed her eyes, not wanting to see the bloody and cruel scene that followed, but when the sword in her hand was about to stab forward again, no matter how hard she tried this time, she couldn't penetrate Tang Lin's body. Startled, she saw that her sword was easily held between Tang Lin's fingers, no matter how hard she tried, the sword could not be retracted or pierced.

When Tang Lin exerted a little force, Concubine Li suddenly felt the hand holding the sword go numb, and the sword in her hand just dropped from her hand. Then, there was a "crack" sound.

Concubine Li's terrified and incredible expression caught Tang Lin's eyes, not to mention how fun it was.She smiled charmingly, and then withdrew her hand, "What, do you have the ability to touch me?"

Concubine Li did not expect that Concubine Tang, who has always been weak, would know martial arts. "You lied to everyone, you are not sick at all, you are just pretending!"

(End of this chapter)

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