The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 386 Tang Lin's Perfect Solution to Moving the Capital!

Chapter 386 Tang Lin's Perfect Solution to Moving the Capital!
Tang Lin smiled arrogantly, "Sick, there will always be a better day, isn't it?"

Concubine Li was about to say something when suddenly a few drops of rain fell on her body. When she felt it, she looked up at the sky, but the moon was gone, only the light of lightning, accompanied by increasingly fierce thunder.

"It's going to rain heavily. This is not a place to talk. This place is close to Yongning Palace. Sister and I will go back to Yongning Palace to hide from the rain." As she spoke, Tang Lin took Concubine Li's arm, and then moved towards the side of the palace. Shuang shouted, "Shuang'er, go back to the palace!"

When they returned to Yongning Palace, it was already raining, and Tang Lin and Concubine Li came back wet.

As soon as Yishuang came back, he sent someone to prepare ginger soup.

Tang Lin took Concubine Li back to her room, and when she reached the door, Fu Yushu and Shao Qi, who were guarding the door, called out respectfully, "Your Majesty!"

The two of them took a look at Li Fei.

Fu Yushu took a closer look at Tang Lin, and only then realized that Tang Lin got wet a lot. At this moment, he complained to Yishuang, "Shuang'er is true, she doesn't bring an umbrella when she goes out. Is your lady okay? I'll tell Wu Yu come doctor,"

"You don't need to call Doctor Wu. I'm fine. I won't die for a while!" Speaking of this, Tang Lin waved her hand to Concubine Li who was beating the drops of water on her clothes. "This is Concubine Li. Concubine Li?"

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi kowtowed together and said in unison: "Hello, Concubine Li!"

Concubine Li raised her head when she heard the sound, and she saw two handsome faces. She didn't expect the guards in Ouchi to be so good-looking.Because I was fascinated by it for a while, I forgot to respond.When Fu Yushu and Shao Qi looked at each other in puzzlement, Concubine Li came to her senses, "There is no need to be polite."

Tang Lin asked the two guards: "Has the imperial concubine gone back?"

Fu Yushu replied: "Go back to my lady, it's not there yet. Tonight, my lady, you just left the house, when Concubine Han came again, and she was playing mahjong with the concubine of the imperial concubine."

"Yes," Tang Lin replied, "Understood." Turning to Concubine Li, she said, "Sister, come into my room and change your clothes. It's not good to have a cold!"

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi turned around and opened the door.

Han Lingying, who was reading a book inside, and the imperial concubine, who was drawing a picture by the side of Xiangxiang, heard the sound, and they both looked at the door of the room, and saw Tang Lin walking in with Concubine Li.

The imperial concubine put down her work and said in surprise: "Isn't this Li Concubine?"

Concubine Li stepped forward and bowed to the imperial concubine, "Concubine Li has met my sister, hello." After straightening up, she simply nodded and smiled at Han Lingying, "Sister Concubine Han, you are also good. I didn't expect you all to be in Yongning Palace."

"How did you bring her back?" The imperial concubine dragged Tang Lin aside and questioned her in a low voice, and occasionally brushed her off at Concubine Li, "Do you know how bad her reputation is in the harem? You're making excuses for nothing! "

Tang Lin smiled helplessly, "It's raining, I couldn't bear to leave her at the exit, so I brought her back."

"I said that," the imperial concubine hurried back to Concubine Li angrily, and warned: "This is Yongning Palace, and Concubine Tang is still pregnant, hold some for yourself, don't take away your usual arrogance." Coming here hurts Concubine Tang's younger sister, and I will never end with you."

Concubine Li did not expect that the imperial concubine whom everyone feared in the harem would support Concubine Tang so much.Normally, if it weren't for her own family background, the imperial concubine would not dare to do anything to her, otherwise, she would have been tortured to death by the imperial concubine in power.

"Yes, Concubine Li knows." Concubine Li leaned forward and said.

The rain tonight is no less than usual.The sound of splashing raindrops kept hitting the golden tiles on the temple.

At this moment, a gust of wind roared in, and several of the palace lanterns on the beams outside the imperial study were blown out, and the grass and trees in the outer courtyard were unbearable torment, twisted and twisted.

The door of the imperial study room was open, and at this time Yu Shengjun was standing at the door, quietly watching the hazy rain scene, except for the ear-piercing sound of rain, there was still the sound of rain.

At this time, the wind was strong, and An Lin, who was standing beside the Hou, was afraid that Yu Shengjun would get a cold from blowing like this, so he said earnestly: "Your Majesty, the wind is strong and the cold is deep. You should go to the back room to rest. If you are not careful How can this old slave explain to the Queen Mother and the subjects of the world after suffering from the wind and cold."

Yu Shengjun didn't respond at all, and still looked at the rain scene outside quietly, with deep eyes, no emotion could be seen.

An Lin was anxious and didn't know what to do.

Looking at the hazy rain scene, Yu Shengjun's brows and eyes gradually showed deep sadness. He looked at the torrential rain outside, and said lightly: "In recent days, many books have been reporting the disaster situation in the imperial capital. , either there are continuous floods, or the mountain roads collapse, or the dams are washed away, or the villages are submerged. I pray to God every night when I go to sleep, and hope that God will take care of my people in the Yuxin Imperial Capital. Before moving the capital, it will stop raining. Don't make the mountain god angry, I don't want to see so many innocent lives die in natural disasters!"

Now, An Lin finally understood why Yu Shengjun was standing here.He sighed, "Alas! It takes two months to ride a horse from here to the capital city in the north. It takes a year or half a year to walk, and you will never get there. Your Majesty, there are too many people in this capital city. If we all set off together , It is estimated that if there is a little carelessness on the way, there will be chaos. It is also difficult to guarantee that food will be cut off on the way, or natural disasters such as rain and snow will occur. It is now autumn, and in two or three months, it will be even more difficult if snow comes It will probably be two months before the Second Prince and the Prime Minister return after they have stabilized the situation in Xindu. If there is a large-scale relocation in two months, if they cannot make complete preparations, they may have accidents, which will be terrible. It’s winter, and the weather is extremely cold, and if the capital is moved, the common people won’t be able to stand it at all!”

Yu Shengjun said worriedly: "It's not that I haven't considered what you are worried about, but if this continues, this kind of bad weather every now and then will kill more people. The back of our imperial city faces the sea, and if it rains like this, Once the sea roars, not only the entire imperial city will be submerged, but even the imperial capital will be submerged! I have a faint feeling that something will happen sooner or later in the imperial capital! And this day will not exceed next year!"

The frequent rainy days made Yu Shengjun's bad premonition more and more intense. He already strongly felt that if he didn't move the capital this year, the entire imperial capital would be gone next year!

"No," Yu Shengjun cheered up, "I can't let things go on like this. Instead of waiting for natural disasters to destroy my people, I might as well find another way to avoid natural disasters!"

Yu Shengjun's cheering up made An Lin feel full of confidence, and he cheered up himself, "Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

Thinking of Tang Lin, Yu Shengjun was full of confidence, and he would start talking to himself, "Since Linlin came from the future, she must have the ability to overcome natural disasters!" Speaking of this, he turned his head and said to An Lin: " Let's go to Yongning Palace, I will discuss with Tang Lin about moving the capital!"

An Lin pointed to the heavy rain outside, with a worried expression on his face: "Your Majesty, it's going to be raining..."

This time, Yu Shengjun has already walked into the water.An Lin immediately caught up, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" After changing into warm and clean clothes and drinking a bowl of ginger soup, Concubine Li felt much better now, her body was no longer as cold as before.

After Tang Lin finished drinking the ginger soup, she put the bowl on the table and called out to the door, "Shuang'er!"

Hou Zai was chatting and laughing with Fu Yushu and Shao Qi outside the door, and after hearing Yishuang, he walked into the room and came to Tang Lin, "Ma'am, Shuang'er is here!"

Tang Lin glanced at the dining table, and said, "Take the bowl away. I guess the rain won't stop tonight, so you go and order the people below to clean up the East Wing so that Concubine Li can stay here."

Yishuang nodded and said: "Yes, empress, Shuang'er is going to prepare now!" After finishing speaking, he cleared the table and went out.

Fu Yushu closed the door.

Shao Qi unintentionally glanced at the front of the outer courtyard, and found that a figure was coming in the rain. Before he could alert, the figure had already walked up the stone steps and stood in front of him.

After seeing the person clearly, Shao Qi was slightly surprised, "Director An?! It's so late, and you're not serving the master by his side. What are you doing here? You don't even hold an umbrella. You're getting drenched like this. You're so old. If it gets wet, who will be more suitable to serve the master in the future!"

An Lin didn't care about himself, and said anxiously: "The old slave came here on the order of the Holy Majesty. The Emperor said, let the guards of Yongning Palace return to the Guard Department. Commander Zhang has important tasks for you! Except for Tang Lin, all of you The two of you, hurry up and notify the others, and return to the guard department."

Fu Yushu asked: "Director An, there are quite a few people in the guard department, why should I wait?"

An Lin shook his head and said, "How does this old slave know. Everyone, it's better to go back to the guard department as soon as possible. If it's late, there will be some major delays, and we can't bear it."

"In such a hurry? Then I'll call someone else!" After finishing speaking, Fu Yushu ran to the corridor in the backyard, while Shao Qi walked away in another way.

An Lin didn't linger, and ran into the heavy rain again, leaving Tang Lin's bedroom.

After a while, together with Yishuang, all the guards of Yongning Palace left Yongning Palace.Yu Sheng Jun Hou watched these people leave from the hidden corner of the door before going in.

When he came to the door of Tang Lin's room, Yu Shengjun didn't push the door directly to go in.At this time, he was already drenched by the rain, and the thin pure yellow foreign fir was stuck to his strong body, perfectly setting off his perfect figure.The water droplets on the hair, sliding down to the neck, are very tempting.

Tang Lin's room was brightly lit, and the sound of music could not stop coming from inside.

Yu Shengjun walked to the window and looked in through the half-covered window, only to see Tang Lin lying on the bed, holding the mobile phone in her hand, looking at the roof in a daze, without saying a word, " The imperial concubine and Han Lingying are also really mean, they would rather live in the East Wing with Concubine Li than sleep with me. I don't have any children, how could they hurt me while sleeping."

Seeing this, Yu Shengjun's lips curled up in a beautiful and helpless arc.Why is this little girl getting more and more funny, she just wants to bully her!

Yu Shengjun walked to the door and knocked on the door with a smile.

It seemed to hear a knock on the door, but it was not sure.Tang Lin turned down the sound of the music a little, and then pricked up her ears to listen carefully, when the knock on the door came again.Sure enough, there was a knock on the door, and someone was outside.

Yu Shengjun pretended to be impatient and urged loudly: "Linlin, open the door!"

Tang Lin was startled, Yu Shengjun?Immediately put down the phone, didn't wear shoes, and ran to the door quickly, and the door was opened by her without a single breath.

Seeing that it was Yu Shengjun, she jumped over happily, "Junjun, I love you to death!"

About to hug him, he suddenly stretched out his hand to stop her, "Don't move! Don't look at it clearly, I'm wet all over!"

It was only then that Tang Lin noticed that Yu Shengjun was completely soaked. Look at the dripping hair and the clothes clinging to the cloak... After a closer look, this man actually aroused her strong desire to possess, "I Speaking of the emperor, did you deliberately come to seduce me in the middle of the night?"

"You still have the nerve to say that," Yu Shengjun rolled his eyes over, "I came from the main palace to look for you in the heavy rain, you don't care about me, you are still talking sarcastic!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Tang Lin realized that she had indeed ignored the other party's feelings. She pulled Yu Shengjun into the door and apologized, "I'm sorry Junjun, you have suffered. How are you now? You see that your whole body is wet It must be very cold, right? Go, take a hot bath first, don't freeze."

(End of this chapter)

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