The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 387 All other concubines are not allowed to enter the main palace!

Chapter 387 No other concubine is allowed to enter the main palace!

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Okay."

Because of the rain, it is autumn again, and the temperature at night is very different from that during the day.Tang Lin hid under the blanket while Yu Shengjun was taking a bath.If you can’t fall asleep, play Doudizhu.

After a while, she vaguely felt that the quilt beside her had been lifted, and she knew that Yu Shengjun must have come out of the shower.Turning around and looking, Yu Shengjun was sitting on the bed, his upper body was naked, his lower body...was under the quilt, I don't know if it was naked or clothed.

Tang Lin suddenly realized that this is Yongning Palace, and there is no Yu Shengjun's clothes, "Jun Jun, I'm sorry, you may not have clothes wear!"

Yu Shengjun smiled, "It's okay! An Lin will send it over tomorrow morning!" There seemed to be something hard in the quilt, which made it uncomfortable to touch.He took out something from the quilt, and it turned out to be a book, or a scripture, "Hehe, I can't tell, my Linlin also likes to worship Buddha!"

"Ah?" Tang Lin was taken aback, took a look at the book in Yu Shengjun's hand, and then realized, "This is not what I read, it is the book that your imperial concubine likes to read! I have often seen her reading in the past two days , but I didn't pay attention to what books she was reading, I didn't expect that she had the mentality of being with the green lantern and wooden fish."

Yu Shengjun looked at the scripture and was silent for a long time.

After Tang Lin put the book under the pillow, she asked Yu Shengjun, "Junjun, you know that I will take care of myself, why did you come to me at night? The rain is not as strong as before, if something happens How can I explain to the subjects of this world and your queen mother."

After Tang Lin's question, Yu Shengjun was worried about the purpose of his trip to Yongning Palace to find Tang Lin, "I came to see you for something."

Tang Lin didn't know what was going on, "Junjun, are you worried about the people in the imperial capital, right? It's very disturbing that there will be heavy rain all night every now and then. The back of the palace is facing the sea. If it rains for too long and heavy, the water level will It will definitely rise a lot, and once it is higher than the rock wall, it will submerge the Royal Forest and then the Imperial City."

Yu Shengjun sighed deeply, "I came this time to discuss with you the matter of moving the capital. In the past few months, the rainfall has been much more than before. I am afraid that the roar of the sea and the earthquake will destroy the imperial capital. Therefore, I If you want to move the capital as soon as possible, does Linlin have any good ways to reduce casualties and ensure the safety of the people?"

Tang Lin was puzzled and said, "Do we have to move all the people from the imperial capital to the capital in the north? We can assign the people of the imperial capital to other safe counties in Yuxin!"

Yu Shengjun explained: "Most of the people who live in our imperial capital are merchants from Yuxin. The reason why Yuxin is prosperous, covered with gold bricks and tiles, and the houses are stable and stable, is all in exchange for these merchants. Without them, The people of the imperial capital died in the earthquake a long time ago. Without them, the emperor would not be as prosperous as it is today. Therefore, these businessmen must stay at the feet of the emperor. First, they can be well protected. Second, It is also convenient for the court and businessmen to communicate! It is not that I have not considered moving a small number of people to other counties in Yuxin, but these small number of people are more than the number of people in several counties, and the local counties have been stabilized Well, in terms of personnel arrangement, the government has done a good job. Once a large number of people move in, it will definitely be messed up. I know that the capital of the three Yuxins is not as good as the capital of the north. It is vast, just enough to accommodate all the people in our imperial capital! But I am worried that if a large number of people are relocated, there will be casualties during the half-year-long capital relocation process, but I don’t want these things to happen!"

Tang Lin thought for a while, and said with concern: "It will take a month or two to ride a horse from here to the north. This large number of people must move on foot. If they want to move, they will move all at once. It would be inappropriate to relocate twice, it would cost money, troops, and time, and it would be inappropriate if the relocation is completed this year. But if the inland relocation is completed this year, it will be winter soon. Once the relocation starts, it will take a whole winter We have only just arrived in the north, how can the common people bear the bad weather in winter! But if we don’t move within this year, with the current state of the imperial capital, the casualties are likely to increase daily! We can’t stop God’s emotions at all, who knows it If it rains several times a month, will the plate move again! No matter how strong the house is, it will not be able to withstand the earthquake after all!"

Yu Shengjun said: "I have a bad premonition that something will happen to the imperial capital within this year. Therefore, I want to move quickly, and I can't wait for the spring of next year! But I am afraid that this large-scale relocation will cause frequent accidents!"

Tang Lin thought, Yunshan in the future world will not have the footprints of Yuxin Imperial Capital at all.Could it be that it is purely a piece of nature?Impossible, if the root of Yunshan in the future world is not the Yuxin Palace, how could I know that the Royal Forest has a shortcut to the palace.

If it is really Yunshan in the future world, then this imperial capital will really undergo earth-shaking changes in the future, and become a natural military exercise base and an earthquake-prone place in the future.

This big change, is this year?Or decades later, or a hundred years later?Or... within this year?

If it is within this year, then the imperial capital must be relocated within this year, otherwise, no one here will survive, including Yu Shengjun.

no!Can't let him have an accident!We must think of a perfect plan to ensure the safety of him and all his people!

I thought about it, thought about it, and thought about it, racking my brains.In the end, Tang Lin finally thought of a solution that she thought was the best, "Junjun, I have thought of a solution!"

"Really?" Yu Shengjun was very excited, "Tell me about it!" Tang Lin smiled confidently, "Go, water, road!"

Yu Shengjun was stunned, "This..."

Tang Lin smiled, "You must have never thought of this shortcut, right? Or you are more afraid of taking this path! During the month of recuperating after the fire in Ruining Palace, I read it in your study at Xuanyu Palace. Many of Yuxin's land and water transport maps found that the channel of water transport is the fastest to reach the northern border, and the northern border is just across the bank. Although the sea route is large, it is not in the way. In the past, because the two countries were not unified, the waters on both sides of the strait It is blocked, ships from the two countries are forbidden to communicate, and it is impossible to pass ships in the waters of the two sides. But now it is different, the two countries are unified, we can go to sea across the border, can't we? In this case, we will go by sea! "

Yu Shengjun was worried, "It's not that I didn't think of this shortcut, but Linlin, the flood is serious now, how dare I take the waterway!"

"Junjun, don't worry about this," Tang Lin said, "I have been familiar with the area near Yunshan since I was a few years old, and I know the marine traffic conditions on both sides of the strait. I knew it before, only the seaside area of ​​the imperial capital The waters are unstable, but there are safe harbors in other oceans, which are good sea lanes for ships, and I often play in this ocean. If the capital is moved by land this time, given the current traffic situation and there is no convenient means of transportation, It must take as much as half a year. However, the water route is different. In our place, the capital city in the north and Yunshan are the land of one country, and the land of two provinces and cities. If you want to go to these two places, take the The yacht and the car arrive at the same time. It takes half a circle to reach the north border country on the other side of the land. At that time, we could have a car instead, but there is no car here, and the road is not a first-class highway. The natural speed It’s not as good as ours. But if you take a boat, you don’t need to spend half a circle. The waterway is a straight line, and the land is a curve. It takes half a Yuxin to reach Beilin, which is not worth it!”

Hearing Tang Lin's analysis of these, Yu Shengjun had to sigh that the future world is a miracle, "Since you don't have to worry about flooding when you walk by water, then I decided to take water!"

Tang Lin smiled gratefully, "Junjun, thank you for your idea of ​​hiring me. If I hadn't known about it before, I wouldn't have suggested this!"

Yu Shengjun couldn't help looking forward to it, "I really hope that one day I can go to see the appearance of Yunshan in the future world, even if it's the next life, it's worth it!"

"Shh!" Tang Lin stopped him, "Don't say such things! You will make me worry all the time! Since you have decided to go by water, at the speed of the ships built in your era, if you go by water, you should It only takes one month to reach the north bordering country on the other side! The capital city of the north bordering country is the same as Yuxin Imperial Capital. It is also built in the seaside area. Although it is not very close to the seaside, there is a good harbor shelter there. Like our imperial capital, we often encounter natural disasters. Junjun, this is a very good place to build a capital! Ships don’t need to be built too much, and they can be recycled, just like buses. Both sides leave at the same time. The move is over? The cold winter will officially enter after two months, and it happens that the people who walk by water will not have to suffer from the cold for so long, killing two birds with one stone!"

Yu Shengjun admired Tang Lin with admiring eyes, "The rise of Jundiexuan has already made me admire your business ability, and the outstanding performance in the Ouchi guard selection competition has made me admire you even more. Since the training, I have concluded that you are definitely a genius. Now, you have helped me solve the difficult problem of moving the capital, I can no longer describe you, God?"

"Hahaha!" Tang Lin laughed loudly, patted Yu Shengjun on the shoulder boldly, and said with some embarrassment: "Thank you for your praise, Tang Lin is ashamed, ashamed!"

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "It seems that I shouldn't praise you like this, what should I do if I am proud?"

Tang Lin smiled, "I won't boast from now on, and I'm also quite worried that I will be proud and conceited one day!"

In the morning of the next day, the heavy rain did not stop overnight, and there was no trace of light in the dark sky.

When Yu Shengjun got up, there was no Tang Lin beside the pillow. Looking at the bed, a brand new set of black brocade clothes was neatly folded on the high stool beside the bed. On it was a white Paper.

"Huh?" Yu Shengjun frowned slightly with his beautiful sword eyebrows. It wasn't the suit that made him react, but the white paper on the clothes.

Yu Shengjun got out of bed, took the white paper, looked carefully, and saw a line of flamboyant and elegant words written on the white paper: Junjun, after Director An delivered the clothes, I went back to the guard department with him. Some things go to the Ministry of Guards to find out.When you leave, be sure to take your umbrella with you.

Seeing this, the corners of Yu Shengjun's lips raised a slight warm arc.

After a while, Yu Shengjun was fully dressed and washed, and took the umbrella hanging on the beam to leave, but when he opened the door, he faced a person at close range.

Concubine Li was standing at the door, already stretching out her hand to knock, but she didn't expect the door to open before knocking.

When Yu Shengjun's peerless and handsome face came into her eyes, Concubine Li couldn't help but widen her almond eyes, took a deep breath, and then held her breath.

The first time Yu Shengjun saw Concubine Li, he had no emotion at all.He secretly sized up the woman in front of him twice, she looked fresh and delicate, but her charm... looked like a person, could it be that this is Concubine Li?

Concubine Li looked at the perfect face in front of her, and unconsciously, a trace of saliva trickled down to the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this, Yu Shengjun frowned displeased.It is true that I am good-looking, and I should not appear in front of women.

"Is there something wrong?" Yu Shengjun made a displeased voice. The voice was both beautiful and fascinating, and it was also so sharp that it made people's heart jump and creepy.

Concubine Li suddenly came back to her senses, she was no longer infatuated, but because Yu Shengjun's voice was too harsh and cold, mixed with dreadful anger, her heart was still shaking.At this moment, she really wanted to escape from this man's sight.However, I am a dignified concubine, and the man in front of me is wearing a guard uniform, he is undoubtedly a guard of Yongning Palace, my status is higher than that of the guards, how can I show weakness to the other party?However, my usual arrogance has been suppressed, how can I suppress the other party?
(End of this chapter)

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