The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 388 I am the Emperor

Chapter 388 I am the Emperor

After mustering up her courage, Concubine Li scolded coldly: "Bold! Why are you talking to Bengong in such a tone? Don't you know who Bengong is? I'm here to find your concubine Tang, why don't you go in quickly?" Notification? Be careful, and make Bengong unhappy, and see if Bengong won't sue Tang Concubine you!"

After taking a cold look at Concubine Li, Yu Shengjun smiled and asked coldly: "You have always been this arrogant? Don't you know how to respect others and restrain yourself? Have you always looked down on others and have no one in your eyes? How did your parents bring up a daughter like you? Or, are you exactly the same as your parents, who also don't take anyone seriously, are arrogant and arrogant?"

Mentioning parents seems to touch a fragile and soft string in my heart.Concubine Li was so angry that she pointed at Yu Shengjun's face and said angrily: "You, you are not allowed to insult my parents! Apologize to Ben Gong immediately!"

"Apologize?" Yu Shengjun smiled slyly, "Are you worthy?" At this point, his face suddenly darkened, "Get out of here immediately! Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Concubine Li said angrily: "No! You apologize to Ben Gong first, if you don't apologize to Ben Gong, you will never want to stay in Yongning Palace today. As long as Ben Gong is alive, you will definitely be ruined!"

Yu Shengjun raised his head and laughed proudly twice, then uttered harsh words word by word, "If you have the ability, try it and see who will ruin the other first!" Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly woke up. , "Oh, by the way, by the way, there is no one you are looking for here. If you want to see Concubine Tang, go to the main palace to find it. Oh, why did I forget, it seems that except for Tang concubine, other concubines are not allowed to enter the main palace! Tsk tsk, I really sympathize with what happened to you, it's so pitiful that you have a husband but can't meet each other!"

Concubine Li was so angry that her face turned blue, but after Yu Shengjun finished speaking, he pushed her aside unceremoniously, walked straight to the stone steps, opened the umbrella, and walked into the rain gracefully.

Concubine Li turned her head to look, her anger disappeared into the handsome figure in the hazy rain scene.What woman could have such a beautiful man, what more could she ask for!It's a pity that I have already had a husband, although I have never met, even though there is only a wall in the main palace, even though... I am a sworn enemy.

After watching Yu Shengjun's figure disappear into the rain, Concubine Li hadn't reacted yet, at this moment, a slender hand waved in front of her, accompanied by a cold and mocking voice, "Don't look, he doesn't Belongs to you!"

Although she had a tit-for-tat quarrel with Yu Shengjun just now, it didn't reduce Yu Shengjun's favor in Concubine Li's heart, such a handsome man, how could she be careless.Being poked at the center of the matter by the imperial concubine, she was a little shy, and covered it up with embarrassment, "It's nothing, my sister misunderstood."

The imperial concubine pulled her lips and said with a sneer: "The reason why I can survive in the harem until now is because I know how to judge people. How can you hide it from me with your little thoughtfulness? I advise you to be more sensible and don't beat the guards of Yongning Palace." Bad idea, don't say that I didn't remind you, you are the same as me, since you stepped into this imperial city, you were born as the emperor's man, and died as the emperor's ghost. Think about it!"

Concubine Li lowered her head and became silent. The other party had already mentioned this, so what else could she say.It is true that he cannot be tempted by any man, because he only belongs to the emperor, even if it is life or death.

"Who is that, wait a minute!" Yu Shengjun walked through the front yard with an umbrella, heading for the door. At this moment, a hurried female voice came.

Hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun looked towards the source of the sound.Who is calling yourself?I saw a tall figure running towards me at the corner of the hazy palace in front of me.When that tall figure appeared in front of him and hid under his umbrella, Yu Shengjun could see who it was.

Seeing this person, Yu Shengjun frowned slightly displeased, usually he had no intention of having any interaction with this woman.

Due to the heavy rain, the surrounding scenery was blurred. Han Lingying thought that what he saw in the distance were the other guards of Yongning Palace except Shao Qi, maybe Cao Dan, maybe Fu Yushu, but she never expected that it was this fresh man. A mysterious guard who seldom shows up in Yongning Palace.If the scene that morning was true, and the emperor really allowed the guards around him to choose a concubine in the harem, then wouldn't this be a strong proof that all the concubines in the harem would never recover in this life?At the same time, it also strongly proved that the guard in front of him had an extraordinary status in the eyes of the emperor.None of the other guards had the honor of being a concubine in the harem, except for the one in front of him.What kind of talent does this bodyguard have to be so favored by the emperor?Could it be that it was because of his... looks that he won the emperor's favor?Is the emperor really biased toward masculinity?

Han Lingying is very self-aware, except for Shao Qi, he will not be distracted when facing any handsome man, except for this one in front of him.When she met him, she was always calm and calm, but she couldn't calm down no matter what.Either I couldn't speak normally, or I stuttered when I spoke, either I was nervous or flustered, and I didn't look like my original self at all.But the other party is just a guard, and he has never had any contact with him before, so why would he be distracted by a stranger?It shouldn't be!Is it because I have changed, or is the charm of the other party so amazing that I can't calm myself down?

He didn't want to have any contact with this woman, so Yu Shengjun threw the umbrella over while Han Lingying was in a daze, "Use it!" After speaking coldly, he left the umbrella, walked into the rain, and headed for the gate.

Han Lingying was stunned for a while before reacting. Instead of returning to the East Chamber with an umbrella, she chased after Yu Shengjun with an umbrella, "Who is that, wait a minute!"

After leaving the gate of Yongning Palace, Han Lingying finally caught up with Shangyu Shengjun.When she raised the umbrella to Yu Shengjun's head and covered him from the rain, she realized that he had been drenched a lot, and felt guilty for a while, "I'm sorry!"

Suddenly, Yu Shengjun stopped, turned sideways, and looked at her indifferently, "Why did you follow?"

Han Lingying lifted the handle of the umbrella over, "Take this umbrella back. I, Han Lingying, am not a heartless person. How could I take your umbrella and let you get caught in the rain? I live nearby, so I don't need an umbrella. You Take it back."

"Since it's not needed, why did you stop it just now?" Yu Shengjun said impatiently.

What he said made it difficult for Han Lingying to step down, and his expression became quite embarrassing. "I didn't expect it to be you." She was sure that if it was another guard, she would not talk like him and hurt people so much.

After looking at her for a while, "Let's go for a walk together." After speaking, Yu Shengjun turned around and walked towards Qian, with a more relaxed attitude.

Han Lingying was very happy in his heart. He thought this man was not pleasant for a while, but now it seems that it is not difficult to talk.But she didn't understand his intention, "It's raining, let's go together... Isn't it a little..." Not appropriate!
Yu Shengjun didn't speak, and walked straight forward.He hates meaningless chatter, so there's no need to explain it.

Han Lingying still followed him, raising his hands straight so that he could hold the umbrella over him who was tall.He is really tall. In my opinion, although there are many women who can match his height, Tang Lin is definitely the one who is the best match. Only Tang Lin's body can match him with a stalwart figure.

After walking for a while, I passed a corridor with a gazebo.The gazebo is built in the middle of the curved corridor.

After walking into the corridor, Han Lingying took down the umbrella and followed behind Yu Shengjun.At this time, she was very nervous, not knowing what he wanted to do with her. "That..." paused, "I'm ashamed to call you that. It's not because I'm rude, but because I don't know how to address you."

Yu Shengjun didn't answer right away. After walking up to the gazebo, he stood on one side of the gazebo, facing the hazy rain scene of the opposite pavilion.At the end, he said lightly, "I heard about you and Shao Qi, and I also heard that the emperor let you go!"

Han Lingying laughed, "Unexpectedly, Shao Qi and I have quite a reputation. Do you think the emperor will let me and Shao Qi leave together?"

"No!" Yu Shengjun gave the answer without any hesitation.

"Why?" Han Lingying couldn't guess that he would give such an answer, "Mu Dongfang's family is controlled by the emperor, Shao Qi will not disregard his brother's life and raise the flag to rebel, in my mind, Shao Qi is not a willing A rebel. I can guarantee that if I didn't die at the hands of the emperor, Shao Qi would never have the slightest thought of rebellion! But you think the emperor will not let us leave together, how do you know?"

"You!" Yu Shengjun turned around and looked into her eyes confidently and firmly. "Shao Qi can't be successful, but with you by his side, he has a chance to make a fortune. The emperor is not guarding against Shao Qi, but you——Han Lingying. You are a very sensible woman except for your children's affairs. You are blind While loving Shao Qi, you can also rationally pave all the way for him. Tell me, does the emperor allow you to leave together?"

Hearing these words, Han Lingying was not angry but was full of emotion, "I have lived for more than [-] years, and even Shao Qi, no one can really understand me. Today, I know the people who understand me. I am very relieved that the emperor misses me so much. I think I have met a confidant. Now that I think about it, no one wants to see a smart legend like the emperor. Even I am so curious. I really want to see People who know me so well. It's a pity that this opportunity will never exist in this life. I have always wanted to see him and ask him how to deal with the matter between me and Shao Qi. I have nothing to hate, except for Shao Qi and my sister, For them, I can do anything. Before I met Shao Qi, I had the idea of ​​becoming a monk. I like the quiet life of me. Even if I have the ability to turn my hands into clouds and rain, I will not do anything! So, Your Majesty Don't worry after Shao Qi and I leave, I will assist Shao Qi to restore the country!"

Yu Shengjun looked at her quietly, this is indeed a very sensible woman, and what is rare is that her low-key behavior hides her edge.Turning around, he faced the rainy scene outside again, "If the emperor allows you to leave, how do you plan to spend the rest of your life?"

Han Lingying was silent for a while, looked at the distant scenery, and said longingly: "If we can go out of the palace with him, we will go far away, find a remote mountain and old forest to live in, where men farm and women weave. Life, if you can have a son and a half daughter, this life is enough."

Yu Shengjun said: "You can see fame and fortune as passing clouds, you did it. But Shao Qi is also a good-looking talent, are you willing to bury his future to accompany you through this life?"

Han Lingying sighed and said: "I hope he will serve the court, but it is conceivable whether the court will use him. He is the prince of the northern border country. If you give him power, is it not to lure wolves into the house? Therefore, the emperor can save his life. I would like to take him away from the sight of the world forever."

"I have a good word, I promised to let you go, how can I not keep my word." Yu Shengjun slipped this sentence in his mind.

"Can you tell me about your business?" After finally mustering up the courage to ask, Han Lingying didn't want to give up at this moment.She was curious about the current emperor, and also curious about the mysterious guard in front of her. "You haven't answered my earlier question."

Yu Shengjun smiled wryly and said, "You don't need to be interested in my affairs, let alone my name." But it's not a question of whether it's worth it or not.

Han Lingying walked to his side, watched his expression change, and asked cautiously: "The child in her belly... is it your child, or the emperor's?"

(End of this chapter)

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