The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 389: A Boy with Hair and a Life in the Wasteland!

Chapter 389 A man with hair and a wasteland for a lifetime!
Hearing this, Yu Shengjun frowned in displeasure, "Why, are you afraid that Concubine Tang will give birth to a prince who will take away your position in the harem? Since you want to hide from the world with Shao Qi, why do you need to know these things. "

"Don't be angry," Han Lingying explained. "To be honest, I'm not that kind of person. It's just that the emperor asked his bodyguards to choose his concubine. This incident really makes me feel a little appalling." Already told myself.This will ask the other party, just to prove whether the other party will lie to himself.

After waiting for a long time, Han Lingying saw Yu Shengjun reply, but his voice was too indifferent and tinged with anger, "No! Concubine Tang has no children! The reason why she appeared in the harem was arranged by the emperor!"

Han Lingying smiled gratifiedly, "Hehe, that's what happened." He didn't lie.

"There is one thing I will tell you in advance," Yu Shengjun looked sideways at her, his eyes were as deep as the sea, full of mystery. "The emperor has a plan! He wants to abolish the harem, clear out the concubines one by one, first Concubine De, then Concubine Xian, then Concubine Li, and then... it's your turn!"

"What?" Han Lingying's eyes widened, panic and disbelief flashed in his eyes, "The plan to abolish the harem? What plan? Why did the emperor do this? Why hasn't this matter been circulated?"

Yu Shengjun smiled mysteriously, "You would never have imagined that the emperor's actions were all because of Concubine Tang. The entire harem was abolished, and the emperor was for him alone, and it only belonged to Concubine Tang, not the entire concubine Tang." Harem woman!"

Hearing this, Han Lingying's eyes widened, but at the same time, there were many things he didn't understand, "Didn't you like Concubine Tang? The emperor asked you to choose her as his wife, but what will happen to you..."

Yu Shengjun smiled charmingly at her, the curve of his lips was vicious and cautious, "Because you will be eradicated soon, so I will not hide it from you, I am the current emperor, the legendary figure you have always wanted to see, and you have always been curious about— ——Yu Shengjun!" Hearing this, Han Lingying opened his eyes wide and gasped, his heart almost jumped out of his body the moment Yu Shengjun revealed his identity.

At this moment, the mysterious guard standing in front of him is the legendary figure who is known but invisible in the legend, the current emperor Yu Shengjun?

The person that all concubines in the harem dream of and want to meet day and night has appeared in the harem many times, but no one knows his true identity!

What I didn't expect was that the current emperor has such a shocking appearance, how crazy it would be for all the women in the harem to know that he is the emperor!

If he is the emperor, if what he said earlier is true, then the fact that the emperor allowed his guards to choose his concubine is purely fictional.

A few days ago, the reason why Yu Shengjun said that in front of the imperial concubine in the morning was undoubtedly a lie to cover up why he appeared in Tang Lin's room and Tang Lin's bed.At the same time, he also concealed his identity as the emperor well.

Facts have proved that he has no habit of breaking sleeves, and the rumor in the palace that the emperor likes men does not exist.He has a woman he likes, and this woman is not his concubines, but his bodyguard Tang Lin.His heart was only Tang Lin.

The facts once again proved that only Tang Lin could touch his indifferent heart, and he carried out the plan to abolish the harem for Tang Lin.

Two concubines have already had accidents, and he has to kill them all. No matter whether his concubines are good or bad, he can always give his concubines the death penalty of exterminating the nine clans.

The fate of Concubine De and Concubine Xian was terrible. He said earlier that he revealed his identity because he was about to get rid of himself.

He is the emperor, he will not let her go, he is afraid that with her assistance, Shao Qi will have a chance to rebel in the future.She was very pleased to know a confidant like him. If he really wanted to deal with her, it didn't matter. It was her honor to die at the hands of this legendary figure.

Thinking of this, Han Lingying's panic at the beginning was reduced a lot, and the suffocation in his chest was relieved.Even if she is going to die today, it doesn't matter, she has already lived enough, at least she is an ordinary folk woman, and in this life she has met the king of the north, Shao Qi, and legendary figures like Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun.worth.

It rained a lot.There are many places in the sky that are much brighter, and it seems that the sun will come out soon.

The feeling of sunshine after the rain made Yu Shengjun feel much better, and his complexion became much warmer.It was not so much that he was happy after the rain, but rather that Han Lingying was about to be cleared from the harem, and he felt very relaxed.At least eradicating this woman is more satisfying than eradicating other concubines.Other concubines are not a threat, but Han Lingying is different, she is not an ordinary woman.

"Let's go! Follow me to the imperial study, this time, I will not let you go in vain, I promise!" After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun walked down the pavilion.

Han Lingying recovered from his thoughts, turned around and looked at Yu Shengjun's handsome back, she had to sigh that it was a masterpiece of supernatural craftsmanship!

Such a beautiful man, such an emperor with the ability to turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain, many women dream of getting it, even with a light touch, but Tang Lin got it.

Such a rare and extraordinary man.

Such a frightening generation of kings.

And so... fascinated her?
Thinking that this trip would definitely cost him his life, Han Lingying's expression darkened a little. He died in the hands of Yu Shengjun today, and it was not a pity to die, but would Shao Qi also die because of it?
Yu Shengjun returned to the door of the imperial study, saw An Lin, was a little surprised, and asked: "Tang Lin and you go to the guard department in the morning, what is she going to do?"

An Lin replied: "Back to the emperor, the heavy rain last night didn't stop until just now. Miss Tang wanted to go with Commander Zhang to find out how high the water level in Houhai is. Don't worry, Miss Tang braved the rain to go to the guard department alone, so the old slave followed. I went. After Miss Tang and Commander Zhang left, the old slave came back here."

"Yeah!" Knowing the whole story, Yu Shengjun simply responded, did not continue to ask, and then ordered: "Go to the guard department and call Shao Qi!" After finishing speaking, he entered the study.

An Lin bowed his waist and said: "Yes!" Turning around and walking past Han Lingying, he couldn't help being taken aback, could it be that the emperor is going to attack Han Lingying and Shao Qi today?
Han Lingying walked cautiously to the door of the imperial study, and glanced at the guards guarding the door with trepidation. The posture at the door made her tighten her mind, as if she was afraid of being eaten by these guards.Not daring to take a second look, he stepped into the threshold of the Imperial Study Room with his foot lifted.

inside the house,

Yu Shengjun was already sitting on the throne, flipping through the notebooks on the table naturally, with a cold expression.

Han Lingying didn't dare to take a breath. He walked carefully to a place one meter away from the desk and stood with his head down. He wanted to raise his head several times, but finally gave up because he didn't have the courage.

Just looking at the excerpt, Yu Shengjun didn't pay attention to the other party, as if there was no one in the room except himself.

What Han Lingying didn't know was that the brochure Yu Shengjun was reading contained all her information, her and Shao Qi's relationship history, where her hometown was, and who was in her family...

Han Lingying just stood there stiffly. The other party ignored her, and she didn't know what to do. She didn't dare to raise her head or speak. The longer she stood, the more she wanted to go crazy.

Not long after, Yu Shengjun finished reading the booklet, and the moment he closed the booklet, Yitang walked in from the door, stepped forward and kowtowed, "Master!"

Yu Shengjun raised his eyes and looked over, "What's the matter?"

Yitang said: "Reporting to Master, Lu Yitang has already dealt with the matter of rebelling against the Imperial Council and returned. Do you want him to come and explain to you personally?"

After pondering for a while, Yu Shengjun ordered: "He has been busy outside for a month or two, let him go back to the guard department to rest first, and I will call him back later."

When Yitang answered and was about to leave, Yu Shengjun seemed to think of something, his eyes paused, "Wait a minute!"

Yitang stopped and turned around, "Is there anything else you can order, master?"

Yu Shengjun looked at Han Lingying who was always hanging his head and didn't dare to lift his eyes, and then he said to Yitang: "Go to the guard department and tell An Lin, let him call Cao Dan over by the way."

"Yes! This subordinate resigns!" After speaking, Yitang withdrew.

Yitang's footsteps were fast. When An Lin came to the collective camp of the security department, he had already passed through the underground palace and opened the passage door into the security department.

An Lin quickly walked into the camp, and found the main hall that was ventilated on all sides. He only saw a dozen guards busy handing over tasks in the main hall. There were always well-dressed guards coming in and out of the camp gate.

I didn't see Shao Qi's face in the huge main hall, so An Lin went straight into the inner hall. There were only a few people in the inner hall, and they all had cold faces.That's right, none of Ouchi's guards is cold.

After a few glances, Shao Qi could not be seen in the inner hall, so An Lin went straight in, and there was a water platform for camping.The camp was built against the mountain, and the water platform was perfectly built in the middle of the green lake.

Recently, the two countries have been unified, and natural missions have also become more frequent.At this moment, none of the guards were watching the scenery outside the water platform.

An Lin turned around and walked back to the inner hall, passed the stairs in the inner hall, and went straight to the second floor.

In the hall on the second floor, An Lin saw Shao Qi who was having breakfast with Cao Dan and the others, and he hurried over, regardless of the fact that he was out of breath, and grabbed Shao Qi who was cooking, " Quick, come with me!"

Shao Qi was dragged inexplicably. He pulled An Lin's hand away and asked inexplicably, "What's the matter, Manager An? He's eating."

An Lin said: "Don't eat, the emperor is looking for you, immediately follow me back to the imperial study."

Now, Shao Qi's attitude did not dare to be so negligent, and became much more serious.After correcting his expression, he asked nervously: "Master, he... is looking for me? Can you tell me what the master is looking for me for?"

An Lin said unhappily: "Then mother-in-law, let's go quickly, no one can afford the delay."

Shao Qi naturally did not dare to neglect Yu Shengjun's order, if he accidentally made Yu Shengjun unhappy, he was really afraid that Han Lingying would suffer with him. "Then stop talking, I'll follow you right away!"

When the two reached the stairs, one boy ran up and met them face to face.

Yitang was startled, and after realizing it, he immediately said to the two of them: "Wait a minute!" After finishing speaking, he went up to the second floor and shouted to Cao Dan who was eating over there: "Xiao Cao, the master is looking for you, let me You go with Director An and the others! Hurry up, don't delay!"

Cao Dan put down the bowls and chopsticks, and walked along wondering, "It's strange, why did the master look for me and Brother Qilin at the same time?"

Yitang said: "I don't know what's going on. Don't you know when you go? Hurry up, maybe it's something urgent." Han Lingying was in the imperial study at that time, thinking that the master wanted to show his identity as the emperor. He went to Shao Qi probably to deal with the matter between Shao Qi and Han Lingying, but he didn't know why he was looking for Cao Dan.

Seeing the four people leave the second floor in a hurry, Fu Yushu no longer had the appetite to eat, and wondered why Yu Shengjun was looking for Shao Qi and Cao Dan at the same time.

Royal study.

The four entered the imperial study one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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