The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 390 You will soon become famous all over the world!

Chapter 390 You will soon become famous all over the world!

When he saw Han Lingying and recognized him as Han Lingying, Shao Qi was startled, "Ying'er?" He immediately walked over to Han Lingying, "Why are you here?"

Ever since he entered the imperial study, Han Lingying dared to raise his head slightly and looked at Yu Shengjun in fear.

With this glance, Shao Qi naturally understood what it meant, and Han Lingying told him with this glance that the reason why she was here was the emperor's intention, and it was the emperor who brought her here.

Could it be that Yu Shengjun wants to fulfill his promise and release him and Han Lingying from the palace?

Thinking of this, Shao Qi's face brightened, "Master, do you agree to release us from the palace?"

Yu Shengjun looked at the two, his face became more and more gloomy, until his eyebrows were cold and his eyes were cold, "Let you go out of the palace?" He sneered, "Is it possible?" Picking up a piece of paper with writing on the table, rubbing it Form a group and throw them on the ground in front of Shao Qi, "According to the orders above, if you do, I will let you go! Otherwise, the women will be sent to prostitutes, and the men will be sent to the wild land to live alone!" Hearing what Yu Shengjun said After saying these words, Shao Qi's heart tightened suddenly, and he didn't care about the ball of paper on the ground. He immediately knelt down to Yu Shengjun, and begged bitterly: "Master, Mu Lin is at your disposal, and I just ask you to spare Han Lingying." I know that I have caused you Yu Xin to almost perish in Beilin, and Mu Lin alone will bear all the crimes, so as long as the master is happy, you can do whatever you want with Mu Lin!"

"No, I won't let you die!" Han Lingying also knelt down and begged, taking all the crimes on himself, "Your Majesty, Shao Qi is innocent. Everything he has done in the past five years is for Ling Ying, but Five years ago, he was just a little prince, the war between the two countries was controlled by his father and elder brother, it was not him who started the war, please let the emperor let him go, I beg you!" He said, He knocked his head down and made a heavy collision sound with the floor.

Yu Shengjun said blankly: "I have already said, as long as you do what is written on the paper, if you do it, I will let you go!"

"Ying'er, don't do this," Shao Qi stopped Han Lingying from kowtow, and saw that there was a red mark on her forehead, and her heart almost broke, "How could you do this for me? Are you stupid? I, Mu Lin How can a big man let you, a little girl, save my life!"

"Don't!" When he was going to get the paper, Han Lingying stopped his hand. She was very scared, afraid that if she read the content on the paper, she and him would surely die.She didn't regret her death, but she didn't want to see him die today.She wants him to continue to live, to watch the ebb and flow, sunrise and sunset for her.

She looked at him, her eyes were red, and she pleaded hoarsely: "Don't take it!" What the emperor wanted was his own life, in order to get rid of her, the concubine Han, from the harem, and settled a dispute for Tang Lin. The concubine who was the second-ranked concubine also took care of one of Shao Qi's assistants for the emperor.

Nowadays, a piece of paper, it is conceivable that all the problems are written in it.If she and Shao Qi couldn't finish it, they would definitely die.

Yu Shengjun's killing three birds with one stone is really sinister and vicious. She has never underestimated his ability, but overestimated his level of being a human being.

He once said frankly that as long as Shao Qi finds her in the harem and confesses that she forgives Shao Qi, he will let the two of them out of the palace.But his golden words are invalid.

Such a dishonest emperor is not worthy of being a human being. Even if she becomes the lord of the world, she will not obey him.

"Ying'er, no matter what happens, I will never give up on you. I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day!" After giving Han Lingying a soft look, Shao Qi let go of her hand, Bring the ball of paper to the front, gently disassemble it, and then look at the paper carefully.

Han Lingying lowered her head in grief, she thought that what was written on the paper would really kill her and Shao Qi.She was feeling sorry for Shao Qi.She could die, but she didn't want him to die.

However, the more Shao Qi watched, the joy on his face became more and more intense, which made Cao Dan, who was standing aside, very puzzled.What did you write on the lower paper?
After reading it, Shao Qi finally couldn't help but suddenly smiled and turned to Yu Shengjun, unable to restrain his excitement and asked: "This, master, is this true?"

Han Lingying heard the passion in Shao Qi's words, she raised her head and looked at him in confusion, seeing the joy on his face, she was very puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Look!" Shao Qi excitedly gave her the paper, "Master didn't want, to kill us!" He was so excited that he couldn't speak coherently for a while.

Han Lingying took the paper and quickly looked at it. The more he looked down, the wider his eyes widened, until finally he said pleasantly: "My God, this..."

"It's great, we can be together forever!" Shao Qi hugged Han Lingying excitedly.

The two wept with joy.

Seeing the two of them embracing each other and weeping with joy, Yu Shengjun's expressionless face before now has expression, and he is looking at the two people in the audience with relief, with a heart-warming arc on the corner of his mouth.

Cao Dan was puzzled and asked the next class in a low voice, "What was written on that paper? Why are they so excited?"

Yitang laughed happily, "Who knows, just read on."

Shao Qi let go of Han Lingying, and then faced Yu Shengjun together with her, "Thank you master for helping us both, master's great kindness and virtue, Mu Lin is willing to use this life to repay master, go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire, no matter what." After finishing speaking, he and Han Lingying kowtowed together.

Yu Shengjun got up, walked over the edge of the table and came to the two of them, bowed down, and lifted them up, "You two don't need to be polite, please get up!"

After getting up, Shao Qi still couldn't hide his excitement, "Master, I just thought that what was written on the paper would..."

Yu Shengjun chuckled, "I'm going to take the lives of both of you, right? Look, I scared you! I promised you that as long as you find Han Lingying in the harem and get her forgiveness, I will let you out of the palace." , How can there be any false words from my golden mouth? If you don’t talk about credibility, how can you get the trust of the subjects of the world?"

Han Lingying was so grateful that she shed tears, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, Ling Ying misunderstood the Emperor, wrongly blamed the Emperor, and thought that the Emperor really wanted to get rid of Ling Ying,"

Yu Shengjun smiled lightly, and said: "I really want to eradicate you from the harem, but not your life. You have never done anything against me, so naturally I will not embarrass you. Once, you saved After the Queen Mother, I would like to thank you on behalf of the Queen Mother. I hope you will not blame me for using you to control Mulin for the past five years. The Beilin Kingdom has already existed in name only, and I hope you two will not have any hope for Beilin. Han Lingying, you She is a smart woman, and I cherish her talent as much as my life, and I still count on Mu Lin to help us prosper our Great Yu Kingdom, so I hope you, a talented woman, can stand behind him and help him well!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Han Lingying knelt down, and said gratefully, "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, we will follow the right path from now on, and we will never follow any wrong ways. Lingying promises to the Emperor that he will be Mu Lin's good helper!"

Yu Shengjun helped her up and smiled gratifiedly, "I feel at ease with your words." Speaking of this, he turned to Shao Qi and said, "Mu Lin, you are still my good minister Shao Qi, and you are still my highly valued elder brother-in-law. Guard Qilin. Starting today, I will officially name you a guard code so that you can go out to perform missions in the future. I think Qilin is very suitable for you. It is neither your real name nor your person. What do you think?"

Shao Qi landed on one knee, cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, master! From today on, Qilin will live up to the trust of the master and complete any task!"

"Well," Yu Shengjun responded with satisfaction, "Get up!"

After Shao Qi got up, Yu Shengjun took a look at the paper in Han Lingying's hand, and then said to Shao Qi: "It's stated on the paper, I want you to put aside your past suspicions and live a new life, are you willing?"

The two nodded heavily, "We are willing!"

"Yeah!" Yu Shengjun responded, and then looked at the two with his hands crossed behind his back, "There is no barrier between you, and I have one less thing on my mind. I ask you, what do you think about staying? By the way, Shao Qi, your marshal's mansion has not been seized, but it has been changed to Shao's mansion. From now on, your home will be Shao's mansion! I am afraid that it will be inconvenient to walk here with your original surname, so I use Shao's surname. You have no objection Bar?"

Shao Qi gratefully said: "Thank you for the gift of the master, Shao Qi has no objection. Beilin Kingdom is no longer here, so Mu Lin... is also dead! From today, there will be no Mu Lin, only Shao Qi!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "I have allowed you to leave the palace, do you have any plans in the future?"

"Master," Shao Qi knelt down on one knee, "Now is an extraordinary period, and the subordinates want to solve the problems for the master and the Great Yu Kingdom. Please keep Shao Qi behind!"

"This..." Yu Shengjun was a little embarrassed, looking at Shao Qi and Han Lingying.Han Lingying said that she hoped to go back to the mountains with Shao Qi. If Shao Qi was allowed to stay, what would Han Lingying think of him.

Han Lingying knew what Yu Shengjun's hesitation meant, so she answered the question, "Your Majesty, Shao Qi's ability to relieve the Emperor's worries and problems is what Ling Ying wants to see the most. I hope the Emperor can keep Shao Qi and let him continue to share the burden for the country and serve the Emperor. Share your worries. Lingying has nothing to do, Lingying will leave the palace and go back to Shao's residence, and will never drag Shaoqi down."

Shao Qi stood up and shook Han Lingying's hand distressedly, "Ying'er, I'm sorry for embarrassing you."

Han Lingying shook his head and smiled softly, "I'm fine, really! You have to work hard for the emperor and don't be lazy, you understand?"

Shao Qi nodded, "Yeah! I'll go home and see you and Yan'er when I'm free!"

"Huh?" Han Lingying frowned, "Where is Yan'er?"

Shao Qi said: "In the Marshal's Mansion, no, it's Shao's Mansion. She's fine. I didn't expect to see her at the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition. Later, I was afraid that the palace change would hurt her, so I let her go back to live in Shao's Mansion." Just in time, when you go back to Shao Mansion, you can live with her, and you won't be bored anymore."

Hearing others talking about Han Xueyan, Cao Dan couldn't help feeling elated.Thinking of Han Xueyan's tender and dull appearance, he always wanted to laugh.

And this time, Yu Shengjun had caught his smirk expression, coughed pretending to be serious, and then called: "Xiao Cao, come here!"

Cao Dan was still fantasizing about Han Xueyan's appearance, but he didn't hear the call.

Yitang was afraid that Cao Dan should not offend his master, so he bumped Cao Dan with the crook of his arm and reminded him in a low voice, "Hey, master is calling you!"

"Ah?" Cao Dan responded, and immediately walked in front of Yu Shengjun, "Master, my subordinates are here!"

Yu Shengjun faced Han Lingying, pointed at Cao Dan and said, "Han Lingying, this is the little son Shen Dan your sister likes, the son of Prime Minister You, I came here to ask you if you allow him to be with your sister? "

Before Han Lingying could speak, Cao Dan called her sister respectfully, "Hello, sister!" Then, he shouted to Shao Qi, "Hello, brother-in-law!"

At this time, Tang Lin, who was wearing a camouflage training uniform, came in. She was wearing boots, her hair was tied high on her head, and she was wearing sunglasses. Her sleeves were rolled up to her arms, revealing her slender arms. She was full of energy, with a piece of dog's tail grass in her mouth, "I heard my sister and brother-in-law barking from a long distance, and the marriage is not yet married, Xiao Cao, how dare you call?"

Tang Lin's outlandish outfit surprised everyone.

After being amazed, Han Lingying couldn't help but blurted out, "Is this a human being?" Tang Lin walked up to Han Lingying, put on her sunglasses, and said with a raised mouth, "He has a head, hands and feet, and he's still wearing clothes. , isn’t it a human being?”

(End of this chapter)

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