The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 391 This is Tang Lin, the No. 1 bodyguard of the inner court!

Chapter 391 This is Tang Lin, the number one guard in the inner court!

"You..." Han Lingying was really surprised when he heard Tang Lin's voice, "Are you Concubine Tang's younger sister?"

Tang Lin grinned, "Isn't it me!"

Han Lingying looked Tang Lin up and down, and said in disbelief, "Sister Concubine Tang, is this you? You are dressed... so strange, I almost thought you were from another country!"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Don't tell me, I'm from another country." When she received Yu Shengjun's sharp eyes, she immediately changed her words, "Da Yuguo, people from Dayuguo, don't get me wrong! Thousands of years later, all Same person!"

Shao Qi said: "The way you dress tells me that you seem to have just returned from a mission."

Tang Lin glanced at Yu Shengjun, and said to Shao Qi: "I went to Houhai to observe the water level, and now I'm rushing back to have lunch. Why are you two here?"

Han Lingying said excitedly: "Sister, the emperor promised me to be with Shao Qi."

This time, Tang Lin pretended to be surprised, "Really? Then congratulations!"

Yu Shengjun looked straight, "Tang Lin!"

Tang Lin turned around and saluted him, "Here!"

Yu Shengjun's eyebrows and eyes were a little worried, and he asked: "How did you go to Houhai with Zhang Xiangyang to observe?"

Tang Lin said carelessly: "Hehehe, it doesn't matter, the water level has seriously exceeded the standard by 20.8 meters, and the high cliff in Houhai is only more than 50 meters high. If it rains continuously for three days, the seawater will soak into the Royal Forest. If it continues for the next week, that is, seven days, the seawater will flood the imperial city, and many places adjacent to the imperial city, once the tsunami hits, the west city, east city, south city...crash, they will all be washed away!"

"Sister Tang, how could you do this?" Cao Dan trembled when he heard it, "How can you say such a terrible thing with a smile!"

Tang Lin gave him a hard look, "Don't say it with a smile, do you want me to worry about it? Be optimistic, even if the end of the world is coming soon!" Speaking of this, she turned to Yu Shengjun and suggested: " Master, the ships in the imperial capital are currently available for relocation, and this subordinate suggests that you can carry out the relocation within a few days, just in case!"

An Lin interjected, "Miss Tang, what do you mean by how many meters are you talking about?"

Tang Lin explained: "It's the height and altitude of the water level. If you think about it, the rain that fell last night alone was more than 20 meters higher. If the next two or three days, the water will flood the Jinshan Mountain, oh no, it's the water. Diffuse the royal forest. The imperial capital is located on a terrain high in the west and low in the east, and it is built by the sea, so it is easy to be affected."

An Lin said distressedly: "But these days, the relocation is on such a large scale, and winter will soon come. How can the people bear it?"

Yu Shengjun said: "I have accepted Tang Lin's suggestion that this relocation will not be by land, but by sea. Tang Lin, I am in court today, and I have discussed the relocation with all the ministers, and they all agreed with you. We will discuss the relocation in detail in the meeting hall in the afternoon. In the next few days, we can set off only after the people of the imperial capital get ready and the arrival of official ships and merchant ships. For this relocation, Ouchi guards and the army will jointly Accompany you, just in case. Tang Lin, come to the meeting hall after lunch, and," facing Shao Qi, "I will give you half an hour to finish the matter between you and Han Lingying, and then notify Zhang Xiangyang, Yifeng, to come Come to the meeting hall!"

"Yes!" Shao Qi nodded in response, thought for a while, seemed to remember something, and asked, "Master, do you want to notify An Leng? He is the deputy commander!"

Speaking of An Leng, Yu Shengjun couldn't help but look a little sad, "An Leng has his business, don't tell him!"

Tang Lin could feel Yu Shengjun's sadness at this moment, and she could also capture it from his eyebrows.Seeing that he was worried about An Leng and Xinrui, she was also worried.If you have time, you must talk to An Leng. If the matter between him and Yu Xinrui is not resolved for a day, how can Yu Shengjun feel at ease.

Tang Lin took off her sunglasses, and smiled brightly at everyone, "Since I'm attending the meeting in the afternoon, I don't have to pretend to be Concubine Tang!"

"Your Majesty," Han Lingying looked at Yu Shengjun and asked, "Now is an extraordinary period, and Shao Qi must be very busy, so I won't bother him in the palace. Lingying wants to leave the palace and return to Shao's mansion today, is that okay? "

An Lin kindly reminded: "Concubine Han, if you leave today, you have to do so before evening. After the palace gate is closed at night, no one is allowed to go out except those who have missions to go out."

Han Lingying smiled understandingly, "Lingying understands. Shaoqi is going to the meeting hall in the afternoon, so Lingying will go back to Fengyang Palace to pack up and leave later, it doesn't have to be night."

"How about this," Yu Shengjun ordered Yitang, "Yitang, you will inform Yishuang later, and ask her to send Miss Han to Shao Mansion safely." Speaking of this, he turned to Han Lingying, "Han Lingying, everything in Fengyang Palace is complete." It belongs to you, you can take whatever you want. Those court ladies have already developed feelings for you, so take them with you!"

Han Lingying was very grateful, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Hearing that Han Lingying said that he was leaving the palace today, Tang Lin was a little disappointed. She took Han Lingying's hand, with a look of reluctance on her face, "I just left like this, I really miss you!"

In the past few days of knowing Tang Lin, Han Lingying has long been interested in Tang Lin, a straightforward and unrestrained sister. Today, she will be separated from Tang Lin. She also has a lot of reluctance, and tears will fall when she says it, "Sister Tang Concubine, I also don't want to part with you. You. I left today, I don't know when I will see you again!"

Tang Lin sniffed, "Don't be sad, see you again when we have a chance! I'll accompany you back to Fengyang Palace!"

Han Lingying nodded with tears in his eyes, "Yeah!"

After a while, the two women were walking back to the harem, and Shao Qi quietly followed the two women, listening to their talking, laughing, crying and crying.

Han Lingying was also happy to have this sister.Tang Lin is not an ordinary woman, it is an honor for other women to be her friend.

Back in Fengyang Palace, Han Lingying asked Shao Qi to go to her room to pack things first, then summoned all the eunuchs and maids in Fengyang Palace, said his farewell with tears, and ordered his beloved maid Zimei and Lingqiao to help tidy up.

Tang Lin accompanied the sad Han Lingying to walk around the inside and outside of Fengyang Palace, watching the place where he lived for five years for the last time.

Afterwards, Han Lingying changed into a set of white plain clothes, and walked out of the Fengyang Palace gate with Tang Lin. At this moment, Shao Qi and the two court ladies were at the gate, and Yishuang had already arrived at some time.

Yishuang said to Han Lingying: "Concubine Han... No, Miss Han, your things have already been moved to the carriage at the exit of the harem. If there is nothing else, please come out of the palace with Yishuang! Luggage, they are all ready, just waiting for you to go!"

Han Lingying turned her head and looked up at the plaque on it, "Fengyang Palace", the place where she lived for five years, she didn't take it seriously before, but now she is leaving, she is really reluctant.

"Life is like a journey, and the scenery will always change constantly. Don't be sad." Tang Lin comforted.

Han Lingying turned his head, nodded with tears in his eyes, "Yeah!" He raised his head, looked at Shao Qi, stretched out his hand, helped him straighten his neckline, and smiled with tears in his eyes, "I will live a good life with Yan'er, you don't need to worry ! You have to do things well for the emperor, remember to pay attention to yourself!"

Shao Qi smiled and nodded, "Well, I understand. Be careful along the way. When I am free, I will go back to the house to see you!" Then, he ordered the two servant girls, "Take care of Madam well. If she has something to do, I will I can't spare you!"

The two servant girls bowed and promised: "The servant girl will take good care of Madam, please rest assured."

Due to time constraints, Shao Qi rushed to the guard department to inform Zhang Xiangyang and Yifeng to attend the meeting, so he did not send Han Ling to the gate of the palace.

Yishuang had already driven the carriage not far from the entrance of the main palace, and two maids were sitting in the carriage.The carriage behind was full of luggage.

Tang Lin and Han Lingying were walking out of the door.

Han Lingying still had something to say to Tang Lin, so he walked.This time, we have already talked about Yu Shengjun, "The emperor said, I only love you alone, I am so happy for you!" Except for the abolition of the harem plan, I didn't tell Tang Lin, everything else was explained. "How many women dream of a man, who would only be loyal to you. There are rumors in the palace that the emperor prefers male sex. It's a bit ridiculous to say that this matter is pure oolong!"

Someone praised Yu Shengjun, Tang Lin was very happy in her heart, and she wanted to be proud, but she knew that this was wrong, "Hehe, yes. He is very good. You are happy for me, and I am happy for me." You are happy, Shao Qi is the second prince of Beilin..." But Beilin has existed in name only.This sentence should not be said.

Han Lingying saw her concerns, "It doesn't matter, I like Shao Qi whoever he is. I love him, and I will try my best to be his good wife!"

Tang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, "With your words, I feel relieved. Since you know about the matter between me and the emperor, I will not hide it from you. After the two countries are unified and the imperial capital moves to the north, our capital will The marriage will soon be announced to the world. If you don't participate, I won't recognize you as a good sister. It's best if you can come. I have several sisters that I haven't introduced to you yet. .”

Han Lingying was a little excited, "How can I not come to such a grand event? This is a big event for the emperor to marry the queen. At that time, it will be a blessing for the world. Not to mention the local tax reduction, maybe I don't have to pay it. The second However, the wedding will still be held after the reunification of the two countries. At that time, not only the people of the two countries will cheer, but even the countries around the Central Plains will participate...Xiao Tang, you will soon become famous all over the world. Don’t miss me, Han Lingying Ah!"

Tang Lin added nastyly, "It's Xiao Tang, I'm going to be popular, hahaha, I can't help but look forward to it!"

After a while, Han Lingying left, and Tang Lin also went to the meeting hall. She didn't know if she could get in the conversation or make suggestions when there were many ministers in the meeting hall.It was past noon, and Tang Lin didn't go to have lunch. After sending Han Lingying off, she went directly to the meeting hall.

Located in the southeast corner of the main palace, the Yuzheng Palace is a huge and majestic palace, and it is also a place where monarchs and ministers often go after the next dynasty.

The meeting hall was set up in a small hall in the Royal Palace.

Tang Lin walked not far from the Yuzheng Palace. Although the interior of the Yuzheng Palace was not as structured as the Jinluan Palace, it was obviously a place for officials to work in terms of structure.

This is a main hall with a courtyard inside. There are six departments on the four sides of the courtyard, except for the entrance.If you turn the corner further in, there must be more institutions.

Outside the gate of the Imperial Palace, there are Imperial Forest Army and guards guarding it. Although officials who enter and leave here do not need to use any documents, they are all seen by the guards one by one.

Tang Lin stood not far from the Imperial Palace and observed it carefully. She had never been to the Imperial Palace, except for the Imperial Study, she had never been to most of the main palace.

The sheer size of the Imperial Palace had already opened Tang Lin's horizons. She thought, this should be an office hall bigger than the Golden Luan Palace in ancient times, right?Although it is not as grand as those modern office buildings, but in terms of ancient times, this place is already considered good.

After observing for a while, Tang Lin came to the Imperial Palace.The guard at the door glanced at her and let her in without embarrassing her.

Passing by the compound, Tang Lin began to look for the "Hall of Discussion" on the gates of the various small palaces.

The front hall is the central administrative organization, where the officials, households, rites, soldiers, criminals, and workers are the lifeblood of the imperial court.

(End of this chapter)

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