The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 392 I want to send an overseas telegram!

Chapter 392 I want to make an overseas call!
The meeting hall should be in the side hall or other places.

Seeing those officials busy in and out, sharing worries for the country, Tang Lin saw the place where she used to work in these pictures, and was busy with a group of people for the sake of her country. At this moment, she couldn't help but miss In the past days, although busy, Bel was full of energy.

Now, in this dynasty, she is taken care of by Yu Shengjun, and he takes care of everything. Her days as a special soldier no longer exist, and now she is undoubtedly a parasite.Can I live a life like this for the rest of my life?
The life of a queen that others dream of is not easy for her at all. She still likes to infiltrate the government of country M to catch traitors. Although it is dangerous, it is exciting!
Thinking of this, Tang Lin sighed, and said to herself: "Back to modern times? Tang Lin, Tang Lin, don't dream, now that you have Jun Jun, what else are you not satisfied with? He is your current sky, If you leave this day, you will go to hell!"

At this time, a familiar person came up to say hello, "Xiao Tang? Hehe, what a coincidence, I ran into you here!"

Tang Lin suppressed her sadness, looked up, and saw that it was the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and then smiled politely, "Master Zhu Shangshu, please stay safe! By the way, why are you here?" Wanting to explain, she suddenly patted herself on the head, and suddenly realized, "Oh, I forgot, this is the place where officials deal with state affairs. You are Lord Shangshu, where are you if you are not here?"

Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice chuckled, "Then Xiaotang, why are you here?"

Tang Lin said: "The emperor asked me to come to the meeting hall. I just came here, and I don't know where the meeting hall is."

The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment smiled and said: "It just so happens that this official is also going to the meeting hall to listen to the government. The meeting hall is at the south courtyard side, let's go, let's go together."

Tang Lin smiled brightly, "Okay, thank you Lord Shangshu."

On the way to the meeting hall, Tang Lin couldn't keep her mouth shut, "Master Zhu, there are six ministers in the six volumes. Your surname is Zhu. What are the names of the other ministers? Except you, Xiao Tang hasn't talked with other ministers yet. We've dealt with each other!"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment said: "Including this official, they are Shen, Jiang, Lu, Lang, Zhu, and Zhang."

"Shen, Jiang..." After reading this, Tang Lin let out an irritated voice, "Oh, it's a headache to remember. When you meet someone in the future, just call Master Shangshu, hehe, I'm too lazy to remember!"

Although she sometimes has the ability to look over and never forget, but after thinking about it, remembering so many people and things, her head will collapse sooner or later, so she should use her brain less.

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice smiled helplessly.

Soon, the two came to the meeting hall.This place is as spacious as the Imperial Study Room, but the interior settings are different. There are more tables and chairs here.A long table is placed in the middle, and there are no stools and chairs beside the table, and those stools and chairs are scattered in the corner.

There is now a group of people standing at the long table.Yu Shengjun stood at the front, and he didn't have a stool to sit on, and he was giving strict instructions to the people in front of him.

There are guards, officials, military generals... all dressed in miscellaneous clothes together.

The Minister of the Ministry of Punishment entered from outside the door, "Your Majesty!"

Hearing the sound, everyone looked towards the door. Tang Lin's outfit once again amazed many people, especially those who hadn't had a frontal photo with Tang Lin.These people also recognized Tang Lin at a glance.In the Ouchi bodyguard selection competition, the image of that strange woman in strange clothes has long been imprinted in everyone's mind.

"Come on, Tang Lin!" Yu Shengjun waved to Tang Lin.

Tang Lin walked to his side, and smiled at everyone cautiously. After all, it was a strange place with a group of strange people, how could she have the nerve to put on such a serious place as if it was her own home.

"This is the captain of the Imperial Forest Army, this is the Minister of the Ministry of War, this is the number one merchant in our imperial capital, this is the commander of the guard department, you have already known each other, this is..." In this way, Yu Shengjun impatiently told Tang Tang one by one. Lin introduced the identities of all the officials present, and when the introduction was over, he introduced her to everyone, "This is Tang Lin, the number one bodyguard of the inner court whom I appointed personally. She was the one who proposed the relocation by water!"

Immediately, everyone looked at Tang Lin with admiration and admiration.

After receiving these gazes, Tang Lin's restraint gradually disappeared. Suddenly, she found that Yu Shengjun was very good at winning people's hearts, and he used so many good-tempered officials for his own use.

Tang Lin came to say hello in a modern way, "My lords, hello, my name is Tang Lin. It's a pleasure to meet you here. I hope you will take care of me in the days to come!"

These words made everyone laugh, and felt that she was very easy-going and easy to get along with.

Yu Shengjun said to everyone: "Then, let's continue to discuss the relocation." Looking at Tang Lin, "Xiao Tang, everyone agrees with your relocation proposal, and the relocation date is set to be on the first day of the next month. As for Regarding the relocation details, do you have any other good suggestions?"

Tang Lin looked at everyone and asked modestly: "Then, do you have any suggestions? Xiao Tang wants to hear!"

The captain of the Imperial Forest Army looked at Zhang Xiangyang, and then said to Tang Lin: "The duty of our Imperial Forest Army is to protect the safety of the imperial city. For this relocation, all the Imperial Forest Army will be dispatched, and the emperor's safety will be entrusted to the Ministry of Guards."

Then, the Secretary of the Ministry of War said: "This relocation has been divided into several steps by our six departments. The first batch is sent to merchants, the second to the emperor's relatives, the third to officials, and the last to the common people. We put the most important , placed at the front."

Next, I don't know which one of the people said, "As for the goods of the common people, after transporting everyone, they will be delivered by ship."

"Our guard department is responsible for..."

"Our six..."

Next, Tang Lin listened to what these people said one by one, and listened very carefully, but she just didn't interrupt.

She didn't respond until Yu Shengjun spoke, "Tang Lin, do you think what you discussed is appropriate?"

"Uh, I..." Tang Lin hesitated for a while, then looked seriously into Yu Shengjun's eyes, and asked, "What do you think, Your Majesty's proposal?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Everyone has its own merits, but you were the one who suggested the relocation by water. I would like to know if you have any details to add!"

"I think..." Tang Lin was a little apprehensive about whether she would offend someone by speaking.

Yu Shengjun encouraged her, "Tang Lin, if you have something to say, it's okay to say it. I forgive you for your innocence, and you won't look down on you because of it!"

With his words, Tang Lin's heart relaxed a lot.Since there are better suggestions, they must be mentioned. This is related to the smoothness of the relocation.She faced everyone again, and at this time, everyone stood up and looked at her, waiting for her announcement, as if her words were the key.

After taking a deep breath, Tang Lin went to the bookshelf in the corner, took a notebook, then returned to her original position, took out the ballpoint pen stuck in her clothes, looked at everyone again, and started her topic.

Tang Lin said: "Since the relocation is scheduled for the first day of the next month, let me add a few points about what to do and what not to do during the ten days. I agree with some of the suggestions you put forward just now, and I oppose some of them. , Now, let me talk about my relocation steps!"

Everyone listened carefully, and at the same time, they were very "excited". It seemed that no matter what Tang Lin did, she would be amazed. After a while, she should be able to say something astonishing.

Tang Lin recorded in her notebook while saying: "This time, we will move by water. The date of relocation is set on the first day of the next month, and there are still ten days before the first day of the next month. During these ten days, we must make all the preparations for the relocation. The reason why our Great Imperial Kingdom is what it is today is because of the hard work of the people. There is no distinction between high and low, noble and humble. For those of us who are noble, we should put the common people first. One. By saying this, I undoubtedly want to tell everyone that in this relocation, the people will be transported first, then the merchants and their families, the third will be the officials, and the last will be the royal family.”

Her proposal undoubtedly caused everyone to discuss it enthusiastically, but it was only in a low voice, and no one dared to say it in front of Tang Lin.

Tang Lin's face became colder at some point, "Why, is this arrangement wrong? Without farmers, where would... no, I mean, without ordinary people, where would the Land of Abundance come from? The royal family is the most noble A family should lead by example. Therefore, the royal family is the last to send it, so that it can stand up to the world. If this is spread, how much the royal family's reputation is worthy of admiration for other countries!"

These words made everyone excited and ashamed for a while.Zhang Xiangyang said with emotion: "Miss Tang, you are absolutely right, the common people should be put first, without the common people, how can there be today's Great Emperor!"

"Your Majesty, is there anything Tang Lin said wrong? Please give me some pointers!" Tang Lin looked into Yu Shengjun's deep eyes. She could ignore other people's thoughts and attitudes, but she couldn't ignore his.So far, he hasn't said a word, and has been silent by the side, so she really wants to know what he thinks in his heart, and whether he agrees with her suggestion.

Yu Shengjun's thin lips curled up into a shallow smile mixed with gratitude, obviously agreeing to her previous proposal.

In Tang Lin's eyes, this shallow smile was like a warm spring breeze blowing across her heart, warming her and conveying confidence to her.

Yu Shengjun praised: "You are absolutely right. You put the people first. This is exactly what I want to see most. On the first day of next month, I will do as you said. You continue to talk." This woman who cares for the common people can become his queen in the future, and only then can she be qualified to be the mother of the world.

Tang Lin said "hmm", turned to everyone, and continued: "In this relocation, apart from the houses that cannot be moved, every household in the imperial capital has a lot of supplies that need to be moved, which is bought by every commoner with blood and sweat We can’t just waste it. With such a large amount of supplies, it’s okay for a ship to carry people, but if the load is too heavy, it may capsize, so it’s not feasible to go by water, and these supplies are important things for the people. An accident should not happen easily. Again, I suggest that these materials be put on a truck and walked by land. Although it took several months to walk, this is the only way. On the first day of the next month, no matter what method you use, every day There must be trucks parked in front of every household, for each family to put their valuables, and then escorted by the army. What is the army? The army is a regular armed organization established by the country to protect the homeland and carry out war. They are not afraid of In the heat of summer, you are not afraid of the severe cold, and are resistant to cold and heat. Therefore, it is the best choice for this large amount of supplies to be escorted by the army. There will be no major changes on the road. At the end of winter and early spring, the supplies will be sent to New Zealand smoothly. Send them all to the ordinary people. What do you think of Tang Lin's proposal? Will it work?"

"Very good, what a great idea!" I don't know who generously praised it.

The No. [-] businessman nodded approvingly to everyone and said, "I think this is a good idea. The army has strong stamina, which is reassuring!"

The others nodded one after another. What they wanted to say in their hearts was the same as that of the businessman. They all felt that Tang Lin's proposal was very good.

Tang Lin went on to say: "In order to prevent family members from being separated, each family must board the same boat, and cannot be separated into other boats. If there are too few people on board, let other families board until there are enough people. In short, every The members of a family cannot be separated, and must be sent to Xindu together. The safety of the escort fleet this time is entrusted to the Royal Forest Army. The emperor and the guards can only leave after the city is empty!"

(End of this chapter)

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