The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 393 Your Psychiatrist!

Chapter 393 Your Psychiatrist!

In the next hour, Tang Lin put forward many suggestions and opinions for the large-scale relocation on the first day of next month, and gave many feasible methods.

An hour later, the meeting ended, and everyone else left the meeting hall one after another, except for Ouchi's bodyguard who was left behind by Yu Shengjun, who had something to add.

Yu Shengjun looked at Zhang Xiangyang, Yifeng, and Yitang who were standing opposite him at the moment, and said to the three of them with serious eyes: "Place the important files of the Guard Department, the important files of the Military Aircraft Department, and the important people imprisoned in the underground palace. The important things of the government, as well as the national treasury, etc., but all the important things that cannot be disclosed to the outside world must be secretly escorted to the new capital, do you understand? If anything happens, please see me first!"

The three of them kowtowed and promised, "This subordinate will definitely go all out to prevent important things from leaking out, and send them to Xindu intact!"

"Yeah!" Yu Shengjun responded with a little satisfaction, and then waved his hand, "Let's step back first, what should we do!"

In the meeting hall, only Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun were left.

For Tang Lin, she had been in the meeting for two hours and didn't eat lunch. At this time, she was already limp and fell on the chair in the corner, looking at the watch on her left wrist from time to time, "It's so fast, three Clicked!"

Yu Shengjun turned around to look at the weak and lazy figure in the corner, the corner of his mouth raised a helpless arc, "Is it exhausting you so quickly?"

Tang Lin raised her playful eyes, glared at him, pursed her lips slightly, complaining slightly, and said, "What do you think? For two hours, I was the only one talking endlessly, none of you Cut in, it made my mouth dry!"

Taking a closer look, her lips, like Lan Zhi's, were indeed a lot dry, not as rosy and tender as he saw before entering the meeting hall.Seeing this, Yu Shengjun's heart suddenly twisted, and he felt sorry for him.

He lifted the teapot from the table in front of him and poured tea into his unparalleled teacup. The aroma of the tea gradually enriched the surrounding air with the warm breath.

After pouring half a glass, Yu Shengjun took it and walked slowly to the corner,

She stared obsessively at the pale yellow figure in front of her, and the stalwart figure covered her bright sight.Raise your head, lean back, and the corners of your mouth curve into a charming moon shape.

Yu Shengjun bent down, lowered his head, and approached her. His deep facial features were all in her eyes, and she felt like she was about to move, and she was about to raise her lower lip to cover his lips. Unexpectedly, a cup of warm tea was delivered to her. On her lips, warm breath mixed with a refreshing aroma came to her nostrils.

"I'm thinking about it again!" While he smiled helplessly, he stretched out his other hand, poked her forehead lightly, then took her arm, pulled her up and stood up, "have a sip of tea, and then talk to me." Go eat!"

"Okay, I'm just hungry!" Said playfully, Tang Lin took the teacup, brought it to her lips and blew the warm breath, then took a sip carefully, and found that it was not hot, and poured the second sip into her mouth of.

Fearing that she would choke, when Yu Shengjun was about to grab the teacup, she seemed to know what he was going to do, she took a big step back, raised her head, poured all the tea in the cup into her mouth, and then turned the teacup upside down , Chao Yushengjun smiled triumphantly.

Yu Shengjun said with a slightly reproachful tone: "I've never seen you drink tea like this!"

Tang Lin retorted triumphantly: "I am thirsty and want to drink water, but you give me tea. If I don't drink like this, how can I quench my thirst?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head helplessly, "I was really defeated by you!"

"Let's eat!" Tang Lin quickly put the tea cup back to its original position, then ran back and grabbed Yu Shengjun's arm and walked out, and asked triumphantly as she walked: "Junjun, I have helped you so much today , how can you thank me?"

"Whatever you want, tell me, I will give it to you!"

"Well... I want a laptop!"


"I want a private jet!"


"Also, I want to make an overseas call!"


late at night.The sky, the moon and the stars are sparse.

Inside and outside Yu Shengjun's bedroom, the lights were brightly lit.

At this moment, Yu Shengjun was sitting at the desk in the room, holding a pen, while An Lin bowed his waist and quietly watched what Yu Shengjun was writing.

Yu Shengjun meditated for a while, and seemed to have thought of something, so he wrote on the paper and murmured, "Hand? Carry? Squeeze? Scratch?... She should be talking about this, it should be some kind of easy-to-carry weapon. "Then, he meditated again, thought of it, and wrote: "Private Feiji?" After writing this, doubts appeared on his face, and he turned his head and asked An Lin, "Anlin, tell me, is this private Feiji a private collection?" This lost martial arts secret book?"

From the beginning to the end, An Lin didn't know what Yu Shengjun was doing in front of the desk late at night and didn't go to bed. "This, it should be, forgive me for the pertinent answer."

Yu Shengjun pondered for a while, and finally nodded affirmatively, "Yes, this must be a martial arts secret book. I promised Tang Lin that as long as she wants, I will give it to her, and I can't keep my word. It's just..." Thinking What to write next, he paused. "The Yueyang Palace paintings... I have never been to Yueyang, and I have rarely heard whether the paintings on the temple walls there are unparalleled in the world. What does she want these for? Is it useful?"

Although he didn't know why Tang Lin was coming, Yu Shengjun still wrote "Painting of Yueyang Palace" on the paper. He didn't know that at that afternoon, Tang Lin was just joking with him. "That's all.

After finishing writing, Yu Shengjun folded the papers, got up, and said to An Lin: "It's late at night, An Lin, please step back and rest, I'm going to bed too."

After An Lin knelt down, he went out.

When Yu Shengjun was waiting for the door to close, he walked to a bookshelf in a corner of the room. His set of training uniforms were neatly folded on the bookshelf. Take out those wallets, bank cards and other things that Lin doesn't want.He put the paper he folded just now into the folder of his wallet, put it away again, and then went back to bed and lay down in peace.

He looked at the pure yellow Luo tent roof, and his thoughts wandered...

next morning.

Tang Lin woke up on time.

When Yishuang brought her face wash, she was getting dressed, which was the usual training uniform.

Yishuang wetted a towel, twisted it half dry, and then sent it to Tang Lin, saying: "Miss Tang, Miss Han has been sent to Shao's mansion safely, and I also met Han Xueyan. The two sisters are very happy to meet again. Frost is back."

Tang Lin said "Mmm", "It's okay to be safe! Shao Qi and the master's worries have been resolved, and I am relieved for them." Taking the face towel, she said: "That's right, Yishuang, I'll wait Dealing with the matter of the princess and the son-in-law, the other guards are busy with the relocation, you are the only one watching Yongning Palace, if you have anything to do, go to the underground palace to find me."

Yishuang nodded and said, "Understood Miss Tang. Just now I heard that in order to move smoothly, the master has ordered Fu Yushu and the others to check the treasury."

"Treasury?" Tang Lin's eyes lit up, with a sly gleam in them. "Where is it? I'll go and help too!" She wanted to take a look at how much money Yu Shengjun had.

Tang Linfei rushed to the treasury not far away, snuggled up behind a tree and poked her head out. Seeing the huge formation at the door, what Yishuang said earlier echoed in her ears: "Miss Tang, if you want to go , it’s best to get the master’s letter first, and if you rush to break into the treasury, the guards at the door will order you to shoot cold arrows, and you will definitely die! Even if you report your identity, without the master’s letter, you will not be able to enter the treasury’s important place! "

Thinking of this, Tang Lin's heart twitched.Go, can't bear to miss the treasury.Keep?It is not worthwhile to be pierced by thousands of arrows. "That guy is in court, how can he have the opportunity to ask for a handbook. What a headache."

At this time, a tall figure with a touch of pink walked towards the gate of the treasury from another road, and soon reached the gate of the treasury, and was stopped by the guards at the gate with their spears thrown out.

A guard at the front said with a serious face, "Please show the emperor's handbook!"

"This palace is Princess Xinrui!"

The guard's expression didn't change, and his tone didn't soften, "Even if the Empress Dowager is coming, I still need the emperor's handwriting. If there is no handwriting, and you are ordered not to leave again and again, the end will be like a thousand arrows piercing your heart. Please think twice, princess, don't take it." Break in!"

Yu Xinrui pursed her lower lip with a sigh, and expressed her intentions to the guards, "It's a big event for the imperial capital to move up and down, how can I be idle in the palace alone. I'm good at counting, and I came to the treasury to help. Yes, let me go in, the emperor will not blame you!"

Tang Lin laughed uncontrollably, it turned out to be Yu Xinrui.Indeed, Yu Xinrui is better at counting, which she knew from when Yu Xinrui was in charge of accounts at Jundiexuan.Strange, didn't Yu Xinrui sneak out of the palace alone because of an argument with An Leng?When did you come back?

"No! Your Royal Highness, you'd better go back, don't embarrass the little ones!" The tone of the guard at this meeting was somewhat sincere.

Yu Xinrui sighed, "Okay." Turning around to leave, she saw Tang Lin approaching, with a smile on her face, "Miss Tang?"

Tang Lin walked up to her and exchanged pleasantries, "Oh, I've been gone for some days, how is the princess?"

Yu Xinrui put on a straight face, pretending to be angry, "What do you call Princess Xinrui, this Xinrui doesn't like it!"

"Okay, Xinrui, is it alright?" Tang Lin smiled helplessly, she really couldn't do anything with this multi-skilled princess.He glanced at the gate of the national treasury, and then said: "Why, can't you get in? You are the princess of a country!"

Yu Xinrui shook her head and said: "Even the queen mother can't get in. The national treasury is too important, it's the lifeblood of the entire dynasty, the emperor attaches great importance to it, and won't let people get close easily, even if it's him My dearest person. There are archers ambushing around the treasury, and there are also traps everywhere. Even a fly can hardly fly, let alone a big living person. Now the big event of relocation has caused a sensation in the imperial capital. The state treasury wanted to come to help. He has not yet come to court, so he has not had a chance to get the handbook. Now, he is here to check the situation, thinking that he can get in. It seems that there is no handbook. We still wait for the emperor Get the handbook and come to help after the next court!"

Tang Lin nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you." She looked around boredly, and then looked at Yu Xinrui, "Uh... I don't think your imperial brother will be able to go to court for a while, so let's sit somewhere else? "It just so happened that she came out of Yongning Palace this time to deal with Yu Xinrui and An Leng's affairs.

Yu Xinrui responded lightly, as if waiting to talk with a lot of worries, "Yes. Listen to Miss Tang."

Tang Lin thought for a while to avoid wasting too much time, and suggested: "Why don't we go to the Imperial Study Room? Your brother must return to the Imperial Study Room after he comes to court. Let's go there and wait!"

Yu Xinrui nodded and said, "OK!"

Royal study.

A guard served two cups of tea, "His Royal Highness, Miss Tang, please use it slowly!" After speaking, he left with a tray, but did not close the door.

Yu Xinrui stared at the slowly rising heat in the teacup, lost in thought.At this time, she had never noticed the refreshing tea fragrance.

Tang Lin lightly touched the rim of the cup with the lid, making a slight clucking sound, and glanced at Yu Xinrui from time to time.After taking a sip of tea, he asked directly about Yu Xinrui, "Why did you break up with An Leng?"

broke?Yu Xinrui's emotions fluctuated a little at first, then gradually calmed down, and then her expression became gloomy, she said flatly: "It's what he meant!"

(End of this chapter)

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