The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 394 Treat Her Miss Tang

Chapter 394 Treat Her Miss Tang

Tang Lin said: "There is also a reason for breaking up. Why did he break up with you in the first place? Tell me, I will be your emotional expert and your psychologist today, and I will help you analyze the factors and see if you can find it." Come up with a reason!"

Yu Xinrui looked at a certain place in the study, her eyes gradually blurred, "That day, I thought he wanted to see me, so he came to see me at the Imperial Hospital..." The memory returned to the day when the relationship broke up.

this morning,

Yu Xinrui came to the pharmacy of Tai Hospital.Despite being a princess, she is naturally studious and will learn new things whenever she gets the chance.

An Leng is the most outstanding person in the bodyguard department in terms of medical skills. As his fiancée, although she does not seek to be better than him, she must at least be half as good as him!
She is extremely talented in face changing and account management.Recently, she has become obsessed with medicine for the sake of darkness.And Tai Hospital is the best place for her to study.

This morning, she came to the pharmacy and began to study various drugs.

"Princess!" An Leng came in from the door, holding a clean pear in his hand.

On the table in front of Yu Xinrui, there were all kinds of strange medicines, so many that she couldn't recognize them, poisonous powder, pills, herbs... There were all kinds of medicines and poisons.

Hearing the sound, she looked towards the door and saw that it was dark and cold, the corners of her mouth raised a beautiful arc, "Why did you come here?"

With a cold smile on her face, she walked to the stool opposite her and sat down, and put the pear on the table casually, "Master has nothing to ask me to do, so I came here to see you, how are you doing with your medical skills?"

Yu Xinrui sighed and said: "Oh, don't mention it, it seems that I am not very accomplished in medical skills. Doctor Wu asked me to come to the pharmacy to identify several kinds of medicines, and distinguish which ones are poisons and which ones are antidote. I read it well It’s been a long time, not to mention those colorless and odorless ones, I can’t even tell the difference between the basic Mongolian sweat medicines! In terms of medical skills, you are the best in the guard department, no worse than other imperial doctors, teach your fiancée?”

With a dark smile, he took the pear on the table, took out the dagger in his arms, cut the pear in half, and gave the other half to Yu Xinrui, "This pear is too big, considering that the princess can't finish it all by herself. , I'll eat half of it for you!"

Yu Xinrui looked at him contemptuously, and said: "You can't share pears. If two people who love each other share food, they will be separated from now on!"

He secretly laughed and said: "Princess, this is hearsay, right? How can you believe it!"

Yu Xinrui said: "Then you eat your half first, and I will eat mine after I finish my work!"

He nodded secretly, "Okay!" Then, he bit his half.

Yu Xinrui carefully analyzed the various medicines on the table, while An Leng watched her busy while eating pears.It's just that Yu Xinrui was analyzing and analyzing...Suddenly, An Leng's temperament changed drastically. He threw away the dregs of pears, got up, and slammed the table away.

Unprepared, Yu Xinrui was pushed to the corner of the wall by the table. Before she could understand what was going on, the table that fell to her side hit her leg heavily, and the sudden severe pain made her She clenched her teeth, but she didn't cry out in pain.

She looked at the dark and cold man with bulging veins standing opposite him. She couldn't see a trace of tenderness on his face, but there was only indifference and strangeness, anger and coldness on his face.

The cold and stern eyes glanced at the poisons and other medicines that fell from the table to the ground, with a strong killing intent in his eyes, "Damn woman, prepare so many poisons, which poison are you ready to use to kill?" Me? Kill me? Heh, you are simply overwhelmed!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around indifferently and left the pharmacy.

After they left, Yu Xinrui shed tears of incomprehension and grievance.Why did he suddenly change?

Afterwards, Yu Xinrui dragged Yu's swollen legs to the bodyguard department, only to find that An Leng was gathering a crowd to taunt her, "You haven't seen how many poisonous substances Yu Xinrui has collected from the Imperial Hospital relying on her identity as a princess." , for the purpose of eradicating me! This kind of woman is simply vicious!"

Everyone saw Yu Xinrui coming from behind An Leng, and then left one after another until An Leng was the only one left.

Yu Xinrui walked one meter behind him and stopped. At this moment, facing his back with tears all over her face, she choked up and said, "How did you become like this? I just want to recognize which ones are poison and which ones are antidote That’s all, it’s not meant to harm you, how can you gather a crowd to slander me!”

Turning around secretly, her cold eyes stared at her red eye sockets, showing no pity for the tears on her face, "Sophistry can't cover up your behavior! No one cares about a woman like you who knows you!"

"Okay, well said!" Yu Xinrui smiled sadly.After speaking, he turned around and left.

Looking coldly at her staggering back that was fading away, there was no trace of emotion on his face.

Not the same, Zhang Xiangyang appeared beside him with two guards, and ordered, "Send An Leng to the death row in the underground palace, and wait for interrogation by the master!"

Speaking of this, Yu Xinrui's face was covered with water, even though she wiped it again and again, An Leng's unfeeling towards her was still engraved in her heart, and the tears flowed even more fiercely. "I thought I hated him and wanted to escape, but when I knew that he might be locked up in the underground palace for the rest of his life, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I went back to the palace! He will never disobey my brother, but ask me He even dared to contradict my brother! He was not like this before! No! Sister Tang, tell me, why did he suddenly change? I am so afraid of him now!"

After hearing so much from Yu Xinrui, in the end, Tang Lin just muttered, "Pear? Divide pear? Separation?...Pear..." As if thinking of something, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, "Could it be... "..." "Is it because he divided the pear that we ended up like this?" Really unable to find the reason for the breakup, Yu Xinrui thought of the pear.

Tang Lin was almost speechless, "How can there be such a saying? It's unscientific. Xinrui, don't be superstitious. According to your analysis, there should be a reason for An Leng's sudden change of person. Xinrui, how about it, give me a In the evening, tomorrow morning, I promise to return to An Leng who loves you very much!"

"Really?" Yu Xinrui was very excited. "Little Miss Tang, Xinrui already knows that you are the best, and no difficulty will trouble you!"

Tang Lin stroked her shoulder and comforted her: "Don't be sad, with Miss Tang here, I guarantee that you and An Leng can live happily ever after."

Yu Xinrui said gratefully, "Thank you Miss Tang!"

After that, without having to spend a cup of tea, a guard's voice sounded outside the door, "Master, the princess and Miss Tang are inside, and they are waiting for you!"

Hearing the sound, Yu Xinrui hurriedly put down her teacup, got up and ran towards the door, before reaching the door, Yu Shengjun came in, and she rushed forward happily, "Brother Huang, you are finally back!"

Yu Xinrui patted the hand on him impatiently, "Behave yourself, how can a dignified princess be so frizzy."

Tang Lin sat in her seat calmly, not as excited as Yu Xinrui and rushed towards Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin, then at Yu Xinrui, his eyes became strange, "Princess Palace and Yongning Palace are next to Shunyuan, what wind brought you together, are you still waiting for me?"

"Brother Huang, listen to sister Huang." Yu Xinrui was too impatient when she spoke, and she still couldn't help scratching and touching Yu Shengjun casually. This was her habit of being attached to Brother Huang since she was a child.But when he saw Yu Shengjun's downcast face, he withdrew his hand again. "This is the emperor's brother. Isn't the emperor's sister good at abacus? This morning, I heard that the emperor's brother sent someone to check the treasury for relocation. This is a national event. How can the emperor's sister be idle alone, so the emperor wants to come and help. But Without the emperor's handwriting, the emperor's sister can't enter the treasury! So I'm waiting here for the emperor's handwriting!"

Yu Shengjun caressed her shoulder, and said softly: "You are exhausted by the dark and cold things, so don't worry about other things. You are out of the palace this time, and the emperor is worried that you will be away for a long time. Now you are back , I also breathed a sigh of relief."

"Okay," Yu Xinrui let out a breath of relief, "Since you can't get help from the imperial sister, then the imperial sister will go back to her palace first." Before leaving, thank Tang Lin once more, "Little sister Tang, secretly It's cold, thank you! Please!"

Tang Lin smiled and raised her hand to sign ok, "Don't worry, leave it to me, you won't be disappointed!"

After Yu Xinrui left, Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin, and when he saw her, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise a beautiful arc, "You also came to ask for a letter?"

Tang Lin shrugged, "Otherwise, why would I come here so early in the morning?"

Yu Shengjun chuckled, and said: "The national treasury has always been managed by account book officials. Every year, every month, every day, every tax and other finances that go into and out of the treasury are clearly remembered and organized. At present, there is no need to count them all."

Tang Lin frowned, and asked inexplicably, "Then how do you let the guards enter the treasury to take inventory?"

Yu Shengjun went to the chair where Yu Xinrui was sitting before and sat down. His appearance at the moment made Tang Lin feel a little bored.She asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head and said lightly: "It's nothing, just considering the new capital, I feel that the treasury should be relocated first. I'm not sure about the state of the treasury in the north border country, even if I know it, I'm afraid it will be destroyed The stability that the North Border Kingdom has consolidated over the past century."

"That's right," Tang Lin felt after being mentioned by Yu Shengjun, "Once the stable economy is broken, it will cause unpredictable consequences. We should wait until we fully understand it before starting it. Then the emperor asked the guards to go Is the treasury going to be secretly relocated? As long as our treasury gets there early, we don’t need to use the treasury to the north. Moreover, this large-scale relocation requires a lot of money, material and manpower, and money is needed everywhere. I couldn't help but sigh, "Oh, I used to think that I was quite vast, but now I feel that compared to the emperor, it is really insignificant. The emperor has taken care of all aspects. If he can do it so well, the emperor is vast!"

Yu Shengjun laughed uncontrollably: "How can you describe me like this!"

Tang Lin didn't think she described it wrongly, "The description is correct, it suits you quite well. You, Yu Shengjun, are the vastness in my Tang Lin's mind, but I just don't know that I, Tang Lin, am the biggest star in your vastness." The planet is still the tiniest meteorite."

"This..." Yu Shengjun scratched the back of his neck, this action made him look a little stupid and cute, "I can't understand this!"

Immediately, Tang Lin felt powerless, "I lost to you. I really should let you be a modern person for a few months, otherwise I won't be able to communicate in the future, won't it be easy to create a estrangement?"

Seeing her mumbling in a low voice, Yu Shengjun asked, "What are you muttering about?"

Tang Lin immediately said with a silly smile, "No mumbling!"

Yu Shengjun got up, went back to his throne and sat down, rummaged through the booklet on the table, took a pen, wrote some words on the booklet neatly and concentratedly, and then took the jade seal to stamp a big seal on the booklet.After stamping, he picked up the folder, blew on it, closed the folder again, walked down, and gave it to Tang Lin, "Take it!"

Tang Lin took the notebook inexplicably, "What is this?"

Yu Shengjun said: "The handbook. With it, you can enter the important place of the national treasury."

Tang Lin opened the booklet and looked at it carefully, and finally frowned, and told Yu Shengjun what she was worried about, "Junjun, this handbook seems a bit too simple, except for your words, there is only a seal, Aren't you afraid that someone will steal your jade seal and imitate your notes to create a fake manuscript?"

(End of this chapter)

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