The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 395 If this is placed in modern times,

Chapter 395 If this is placed in modern times,
"Don't worry, no one in this world can imitate Zhen's characters!" Regarding this point, Yu Shengjun was very confident and sure.

Tang Lin didn't believe it at all, "Is that an exaggeration?"

Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows playfully, "Why don't you give it a try? Hehe, it's not so easy to find out how much money I'm worth!"

"Just try it. I haven't come across any words that I, Tang Lin, can't do." Speaking stubbornly, Tang Lin really took out the ballpoint pen on her body, and then went to the table to copy a piece of white paper and put it on the On those memorials, he spread Yu Shengjun's handwriting in front of him, and began to concentrate on imitating his handwriting...

Yu Shengjun saw the second hand on the watch on her hand beating silently, round and round...

1 minutes passed,
10 minutes passed,
When half an hour came, Tang Lin threw away the pen irritably, crumpled the white paper and threw it into a corner, "I'm so pissed off, I didn't find anything like it after writing for a long time! I clearly remembered the font when I read it." , I also wrote it out, and I wrote it to the point of proficiency, but when I took a closer look, it was completely changed, what's the matter?" She looked at him, and asked: "What's the matter with you?"

"Hmph!" Yu Shengjun looked away proudly, "I won't tell you, you can figure it out yourself! If I tell you everything, what else can I use to conquer you? Hahaha!" He laughed triumphantly.

Tang Lin folded her arms around her chest, and said frantically, "I won't think about it anymore, let's see how you can conquer me, and I'll just pretend you don't have such abilities!"

Yu Shengjun looked down at her, and said with a smile: "I don't believe you are not curious!"

"I'm curious," she looked into his eyes and said with a smile, but in the next second, her eyes were completely cold, "I'm curious, I'm holding back, you can be beautiful by yourself, what's so great, hmph, this instructor It's not rare!" After finishing speaking, he took the handwriting on the table, turned around arrogantly, and walked out of the imperial study room.

Looking at her walking posture, he almost didn't make a sound.He shouted at Tang Lin's only remaining figure at the door: "If you are willing to ask me, I will tell you the secret of my writing! How about it?"

When Tang Lin's voice came, it had been quite a while, and the voice was far away from the imperial study room, "When you want to learn Simplified Chinese someday, come to me again!"

"Huh?" Yu Shengjun frowned slightly, "What is simplified?"

Tang Lin didn't go directly to the treasury after receiving the handbook. Now, for her, finding out the reason for the breakup between An Leng and Yu Xinrui is the most important thing.

Right now is the time to employ people, and this An Leng is the person with the highest skill among the Ouchi guards, and he is also the deputy commander. He has to take on a lot of duties in this relocation.If he was still the same as a few days ago, he might have delayed a lot of things.So, right now, clarifying An Leng is the first thing to do.

After leaving the imperial study, Tang Lin didn't go to the treasury, nor did she go to the underground palace to see An Leng, but went directly to the Tai Hospital.

Now relocation is a national event, although only the imperial capital is moving, but the imperial capital is the capital of a dynasty, and the relocation of the imperial capital naturally caused a sensation all over the country.

Then, the Tai Hospital also started to prepare for the relocation.Today's Tai Hospital is in the process of packing up, and valuables, precious medicinal materials, and precious utensils have all been moved on a large scale.

When Tang Lin came to the Imperial Hospital and saw this busy scene, she couldn't help feeling, "The important events of the whole country should not be underestimated. Once the preparations are made, it will be really magnificent!"

Passing by the compound, Tang Lin pulled an apprentice over and asked, "Excuse me, may I ask, where is the drug hiding place? I'm going to do something here!"

Because the apprentice was busy with too many things, a mysterious place like the poisonous pavilion that could not be told to outsiders, unknowingly revealed it to Tang Lin, "Oh, the poisonous pavilion, the large building in the southwest corner of the east courtyard In the yard."

"Oh, thank you, then you can be busy." Tang Lin left after speaking.

When the apprentice realized something was wrong, he turned around to block the person, but the person was no longer in sight.

Tang Lin walked towards the east courtyard, she thought, the poisonous pavilion can occupy a large courtyard, presumably, there must be all the strange poisons in the world stored in it!

Wait for her, Miss Tang, to go into the Poison Pavilion to steal several kinds of highly poisonous drugs.Tang Lin came to the compound of the Poisonous Pavilion and saw the top imperial doctors from the Imperial Hospital coming in and out. She suddenly thought, is the Poisonous Pavilion going to be moved?

At this time, in the Poison Pavilion, there were no longer as many medicine bottles as in the past, because all kinds of poisons in the world placed on the wooden shelf had been wrapped up and put into iron boxes.

Doctor Wu is carefully urging the other doctors to tidy up quickly, but not to damage things. "Be careful, these are all strange poisons in the world. If you are not careful, we will all die from it."

Tang Lin entered from the outside. When entering the door, she carefully passed an imperial doctor who was carrying boxes.She heard Wu Yuyi's voice from a long distance away, and she didn't dare to touch those boxes, for fear that if she encountered some kind of poison, her fate would be terrible.

"Doctor Wu," Tang Lin ran towards Doctor Wu.

Doctor Wu was very surprised when he saw her, "Miss Tang?"

Tang Lin glanced around, knowingly asked: "Wu Yuyi, what are you doing with such a large scale?"

Imperial Physician Wu apologized: "Miss Tang, I'm really sorry. I can't go to Yongning Palace today. The emperor ordered the Tai Hospital to be cleaned up and is going to move today. It's not busy."

Tang Lin said: "It's okay, if you can't go there, I will go another day. For the time being, no other concubine will come to see me. I don't have to pretend to be sick anymore."

Imperial Physician Wu asked: "Then what's the important thing for Miss Tang to come to the Poison Pavilion? This is a forbidden area of ​​the palace. Except for a few people from the imperial hospital, no one else is allowed to enter! Even the guards must have the emperor's handwritten order." Just do it!"

Tang Lin was puzzled and said, "Why? It's because this place, like the national treasury, is an important place, so everyone in the palace has to work together and take care of their own affairs. Once they want to communicate, they must have the emperor's handwriting. For example, if the guards want to come here to take poison, you must have the emperor's order to allow the guards to come in and take it?"

Doctor Wu nodded and said: "Yes, that's right. Like the national treasury, this place is an important place. Without the emperor's order, no one can enter. The surrounding area is full of organs. Once you break in, you will die without a place to bury yourself." .”

"Hiss..." Tang Lin gasped, staring at her surroundings with horror in her eyes, and asked Doctor Wu tremblingly, "This place is full of traps? Then I just... how could I still get in?"

Imperial Physician Wu let out a laugh, and explained: "Miss Tang, the Imperial Hospital is going to be cleaned up today and is about to be relocated. The office is temporarily closed. If it is normal, you can't get in. This is the Poison Pavilion. All kinds of strange poisons in the world have been lost. Yes, the newly developed ones are all here, and if you accidentally touch them, you may bring unnecessary disasters to yourself. Miss Tang, this is not the place for you to come, you should go out early, if something happens to you The thing is, the head of everyone in our hospital is not enough for the emperor to cut off. Please understand, girl."

"That's fine, I won't embarrass you, Doctor Wu." After finishing speaking, Tang Lin turned around and left, but after walking a few steps, she suddenly regained consciousness, "Hey, am I here for something?"

So, she turned back again and patted Yuyu Wu on the back, "Yuyu Wu."

Physician Wu was so frightened that he turned around to look at Tang Lin, and asked in great perplexity, "Miss Tang, why are you back again?"

Tang Lin stroked the back of her head and said with a silly smile, "I'm sorry, Doctor Wu, I forgot just now. I came here to do something."

Physician Wu asked respectfully: "What is Miss Tang going to do? As long as this old man can help, Miss Tang is free to ask."

Tang Lin said, "Oh, it's like this. I came here for An Leng's matter. The day An Leng had a conflict with the princess, it was in your hospital. I came here to find a medicine. A kind of poison. However, seeing that you have emptied the poison cabinet, I don’t know if there is any poison of that kind here!”

Doctor Wu said: "The Poison Pavilion has always been managed by the old man. Naturally, he knows all kinds of poisons here. You can ask the old man what Miss Tang needs. If there is something that Miss Tang needs here, the old man will recognize it. .”

Tang Lin said, "Is there any medicine that makes people feel ruthless instantly?"

After hearing this, Imperial Physician Wu suddenly smiled, feeling powerless and helpless. "Yes, yes, there are ruthless medicines in the hospital, but they are not highly toxic."

"It's not really poisonous," Tang Lin muttered softly after wiping off her sweat, "If it were placed in modern times, it wouldn't be listed as a prohibited poison by the state."

Physician Wu said: "Actually, the ruthless medicine mentioned by Miss Tang is just a common saying. Its real name is "Yuanyangcuo"."

"Uh," if she was wearing glasses, they would definitely have fallen off Tang Lin's face. "The name of this quite special, but it is close to its medicinal effect."

Doctor Wu continued: ""Yuanyangcuo" will not kill people, and the antidote can be eaten, and there is no need to eat it, so it is not like a highly poisonous poison. Either there is no cure, or the antidote is rare. Therefore, "Yuanyangcuo" "It doesn't belong to the highly toxic category. Why did Miss Tang associate this medicine with An Leng?"

Tang Lin asked: "Doctor Wu, is "Yuanyangcuo" a colorless and odorless medicine? It's liquid, or powder, or..."

"Liquid?" Doctor Wu frowned, "What's the explanation?"

Tang Lin explained earnestly: "The characteristics of the liquid have no definite shape, it is flowing, and is often affected by the container. What is the shape of the container, the liquid will take on the same shape as the liquid is poured into it. Second, it has a certain volume. The volume of the liquid In an environment with constant pressure and temperature, it is fixed. It is difficult to be compressed into a smaller volume of matter..."

Seeing that Imperial Physician Wu's mouth and eyes had already opened wide, and he was completely dumbstruck, Tang Lin stopped her mouth helplessly.Why is she so stupid, explaining this to the ancients, it's strange if she understands.I am also really, I have been in ancient times for several months, and I still can't change the modern way of speaking.

To avoid further entanglement with Imperial Physician Wu, Tang Lin explained in the simplest way, "This liquid is water, like water."

At this time, Wu Yuyi finally understood, "So I understood it this way, and I have been taught." "Yuanyangcuo" is a medicine developed from many kinds of medicines. It is indeed colorless and tasteless, but its effect is very good. Eating a small drop makes people instantly cold-blooded and ruthless, making human emotions like dung."

Tang Lin asked: "Did you choose several medicines and put them in the pharmacy that day, did you let the second princess choose? Among them, is there a "wrong mandarin duck"?"

Doctor Wu recalled it for a while, and immediately said: "The old man picked several kinds of medicines for the princess to distinguish, and among them was "Mandarin duck wrong". "Why?"

Tang Lin nodded, "Well, it should be like this, otherwise there is no other reason to explain why An Leng suddenly became so cold-blooded and ruthless. According to the princess, An Leng changed because he ate the pears he brought. It was the pear that accidentally ran into "Yuanyangcuo" that caused this farce. Doctor Wu, is there an antidote for "Yuanyangcuo"?"

Imperial Physician Wu nodded, "Yes. The old man will go get the antidote for Miss Tang to save An Leng's guard."

Tang Lin said "Yes", "I'm sorry to bother Imperial Doctor Wu, but Tang Lin is waiting here."

(End of this chapter)

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