The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 396 Such a strangely dressed concubine?

Chapter 396 Such a strangely dressed concubine?
After a while, Imperial Physician Wu came, holding a small bottle of medicine in one hand, and gave it to Tang Lin, "This is the only bottle left in the palace... It should be said that it is the only bottle left in the world with the best effect." wrong"."

Tang Lin took the bottle and asked curiously, "Why is there only one bottle left? It can be redeveloped!"

Doctor Wu shook his head dejectedly, "It's impossible."

Tang Lin asked, "Why?"

Imperial doctor Wu said: "This was developed by a young imperial doctor in the past. When the late emperor was in power, he fought for years. On the battlefield, he was only in his early twenties at that time. He was a young and promising young master, but he was born in troubled times and died young. This "mandarin duck mistake" was developed by the young imperial doctor. Because he went out with the emperor all the year round, his life was slim, and he couldn't stay with his beloved woman for the rest of his life. In order to let his beloved woman far away in the imperial capital completely let go of him, he developed this medicine. However, when he first developed it, he I was ordered to go out with you, and the medicine was left in the imperial hospital, but the woman has not taken it yet!"

Tang Lin stared at the bottle, and a feeling of sourness suddenly surged in her body. She stared at the bottle in her hand, which had a beautiful love story behind it, "I didn't expect such a beautiful love story to exist in the world. It's really sad. Since Wu The imperial doctor knew the purpose of the young imperial doctor in developing this bottle of medicine, why didn't he help realize it?"

Imperial Physician Wu said with regret: "I did what I thought, but when I went to the woman's house with the medicine, the woman was already gone. I am afraid that she left early after hearing the news of the imperial doctor's death."

"Not here? Left early?" Tang Lin's heart tightened a bit, "Did she commit suicide?"

Doctor Wu said: "This old man has never known about it. When the old man came to the woman's house, it was already empty. So far, the old man has not been able to find the woman. If he can't find the woman, alas, this is probably the most important thing in the old man's heart. Unresolved heart knot. After death, how will the old man Quanxia explain to him."

Tang Lin comforted: "Doctor Wu, don't be too sad. I will help you find it. If I see it, I will tell you. By the way, what is the name of the imperial doctor? What is the woman's name?"

Doctor Wu said: "Lian Zhixiang. Ye Donglan."

"Lian Zhixiang, Ye Donglan... Tang Lin stared at the bottle and murmured repeatedly. She made a decision in her heart: "I must draw a perfect ending to this poignant love!Get rid of Wu Yuyi's worries! "

underground palace.

Tang Lin came to the door of the cell where An Leng was being held with the antidote.

An Leng was meditating cross-legged in the prison, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Tang Lin looked at the bottle in her hand, and a cunning light flashed in her eyes.Suddenly, she had an idea. She could not only try the effect of "Mandarin Duck Mistake", but also tease the coldness that has been like ice all year round.

Thinking of this, she picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at the darkness inside.

In an instant, An Leng opened his eyes, and the murderous light radiated everywhere!Seeing the stones on the ground under the dark eyes, she felt chills all over her body. Tang Lin felt the chill faintly, and couldn't help hugging her arms.

It's just that before she said a word, like a gust of wind, in an instant, the dark and cold figure moved quickly from the inside to the door, and the iron claws stretched out from the prison door, about to strangle Tang Lin's neck.

Tang Lin reacted very quickly. Seeing this, she took a small step back so that the cold hands could not reach her.

The cold hand struggled a bit. If the arm was longer, it would have broken Tang Lin's neck.

"An Leng, you are bold. After all, I am also your master. How dare you murder me?" Tang Lin glared at An Leng angrily, and said angrily.

The dark iron claw retracted into the prison, turned away his face, and said coldly: "I only have one master, and that is the current emperor, not a woman. I hate women. Extremely."

Tang Lin shook her head and sighed, "Oh, it would be terrible if this person lost his feelings." She opened the bottle containing the antidote, and then went in through the cell door, "I can see that your loyalty is still there, since So, drink this, the master asked me to give it to you!"

Turning away his face, he turned back secretly, staring at the medicine bottle in Tang Lin's hand, his eyes became more indifferent, "The poison that the master gave me?"

Tang Lin raised her eyebrows, "Uh...Of course! You played with the feelings of the master's royal sister. Do you think the master will let you go? There is only one royal sister, but there are a lot of guards. You understand,"

"The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die." Without any hesitation or emotion, An Leng reached out and snatched the bottle from Tang Lin's hand, raised his head and was about to pour it all into his mouth.

Tang Lin hurriedly reminded, "One drop is enough, save some so that I can take it back and explain to the master." After drinking all of it, wouldn't it cause a blood vessel to explode and die.

An Leng poured the bottle into his mouth smartly, and when he felt moisture on the tip of his tongue, he moved the bottle away from his lips, and handed it back to Tang Lin, and said coldly, "Take it away! Get out!"

Tang Lin took the bottle, immediately closed the lid, and put the bottle in her pocket.She didn't leave, but stood at the door and watched An Leng closely, to see what happened after drinking the antidote.

After drinking the antidote, An Leng closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of death, but he only felt that the antidote he drank turned into a stream of cool water, slowly leaving his limbs, internal organs and internal organs.He felt dizzy for a moment as he ran through his brain, but he soon regained consciousness.

He just stood there motionless, without any reaction. Tang Lin looked anxiously outside the door, worried that she might have taken the wrong antidote.

But at this moment, she saw the corner of the dark and cold eye, and a tear fell.Seeing this, her heart trembled suddenly, why is the antidote so miraculous?

Slowly, An Leng opened his eyelids, which were already filled with tears.He looked at his hands and recalled the scene when he lifted the table and hurt Yu Xinrui that day, "I, I treated her like that, I..." Speaking of this, he turned to the prison door and asked Tang Lin with a sob: " What's wrong with me?"

Tang Lin smiled gratifiedly, "Is it much better?" She explained: "When you went to see the princess in the imperial hospital last time, you accidentally took a ruthless medicine that has not been handed down until now, called "Mandarin duck fault", so you became You are cold-blooded and ruthless, that's why you treat the princess like that. I only found out what happened to you after I went to the Taiyuan Hospital. Drink it and it will become an antidote.

He secretly said guiltily: "I was too careless, I hurt the princess, and made everyone worry about me."

Tang Lin said: "It's not your fault, this matter, just let it go. Now that the imperial capital has moved, everyone is too busy. After explaining your situation to the princess, go and report to the master. There are many things that need you do it."

He secretly begged, "Miss Tang, help me open the lock."

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll go find the guard with the key." After speaking, Tang Lin walked away.

After a while, a guard came and quickly unlocked the cell door, saying, "Vice Commander, Miss Tang asked her subordinates to tell you that she has to go ahead."

Nodding coldly, "Well, I see."

Royal study.

Lu Yitang entered through the door, went up and knelt down to Yu Shengjun who was approving the memorial, "Subordinate Lu Yitang, see the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Yu Shengjun put down his work, faced Lu Yitang, and said, "Excuse me, get up."

Lu Yitang stood up and looked at Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked at Lu Yitang from beginning to end with admiration. After Lu Yitang was appointed as a bodyguard, he left the palace soon. He had never seen Lu Yitang wearing a bodyguard uniform.

Looking at it, Lu Yitang became much tougher, and at the same time, he could see a lot of hard work on his face.

"It's been a few days since I've seen you. I saw you today. The old Lu Aiqing is not what it used to be. She's much tougher." Yu Shengjun laughed.

Lu Yitang smiled ashamedly, "It's all thanks to the master, if the master didn't give Yitang the opportunity to go out, how could Yitang have the opportunity to practice himself."

Yu Shengjun returned to the subject, "Tell me about the mission you performed this time out."

Lu Yitang kowtowed, "Yes. I report back to my master, I went to Chu City through the list of personnel captured by Commander Zhang when he wiped out the anti-imperial society, and sent the comfort money to the family members of the deceased. There is no omission. The courtiers of the Chu State sent their master’s wishes, and hoped that they would help the master and go to the north to serve. All this has been done by the subordinates, please rest assured, the master. There will be no courtiers who died in Chu waiting for an opportunity to make trouble."

"Yeah." Yu Shengjun responded with satisfaction, "You did a good job and lived up to my expectations of you. Tell me, what reward do you need?"

Lu Yitang immediately lowered his head, cupped his fists, and said in panic: "I dare not. Master can give Yitang a chance to reform himself. It's too late for his subordinates to be grateful, so how can they have the cheek to ask for a reward. Please take it back. Now It is a major event for the relocation of the imperial capital, and the master has not yet assigned tasks to his subordinates."

Yu Shengjun was about to say something when An Lin came in from the door, "Your Majesty, the guards secretly ask to see you."

"Huh?" Yu Shengjun frowned, "Darkness? He is not..." He immediately said to An Lin, "An Lin, hurry up, let him in!"

"Yes." After speaking, An Lin stepped back.

Not a moment later, An Leng walked into the imperial study room quickly, not daring to raise his head all the way, until he stood beside Lu Yitang and knelt down, "My subordinate An Leng, come to accept the crime."

Yu Shengjun's face was warm and angry, "Darkness, what's the matter with you? Look up into my eyes and answer!"

He raised his head coldly, but he didn't dare to look at Yu Shengjun's face too squarely, "Master, it's because the subordinates are too careless. The last time I went to the imperial hospital to see the princess, I took the ruthless medicine by mistake, so..."

Yu Shengjun asked: "How did you recover?"

He explained coldly: "It's Miss Tang. Miss Tang took the antidote to the underground palace earlier and gave it to her subordinates, so they were able to wake up."

"So it's because of that girl," Yu Shengjun said in his mind.At this time, his gaze on An Leng was no longer so fierce, "Get up, I forgive you for not being guilty!" After An Leng got up, he asked again: "Are you going to apologize to Xinrui?"

Shaking his head coldly, "Not yet. After leaving the underground palace, I went straight to the imperial study to plead guilty to the master."

Yu Shengjun said: "Then go see her later. An Leng, Yitang, and everyone in the bodyguard department have already arranged tasks, and it is only the two of you who are missing. Listen carefully, I will arrange for you to be in charge of the harem now." The relocation matters. Although the royal family is the last to leave, it is not a good thing to prepare early. The two of you will urge the palaces and courtyards of the harem to prepare for the relocation..."

The outer door of the treasury, the door.

Standing in front of the guards at the door, Tang Lin proudly showed the handwritten letter from Yu Shengjun, "Dangdang, what is this?"

The guard at the front took a closer look and immediately stepped aside, "Girl, please!"

"That's about the same." Just like that, Tang Lin passed through several checkpoints directly holding Yu Shengjun's handbook, and finally reached the gate to enter the treasury.

In front of this door, there are more people guarding, all wearing official uniforms or armor.

"Stop!" The middle-aged man in official uniform took a step forward, blocked Tang Lin's path, stretched out his hand politely, and said with a straight face, "Where's the emperor's handwriting?"

(End of this chapter)

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