The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 397 I want to build a villa

Chapter 397 I want to build a villa

Tang Lin took a look at the middle-aged man and thought, this should be an official guarding the treasury.She didn't quarrel with the official, and took the handbook instead.

The official took the handwritten note, looked at it again and again, and cast an incredulous look at Tang Lin.That gaze said, how could the emperor allow a woman to enter such an important place as the treasury.

Tang Lin clearly saw the meaning in the other party's gaze, and she twitched the corner of her mouth, and said in a cold voice: "Why, I can't go in as a little girl?"

The official was a little curious, and asked: "You... are the concubine of the harem?" There is such a strangely dressed concubine in the harem?
"That's right!" Tang Lin replied impatiently, "It's fine if the handwriting is true. Don't ask so many questions, my lord."

But the other party didn't stop the conversation, "May I ask which empress is it?" This time, she spoke more politely and politely, obviously because Tang Lin replied that she was the concubine of the harem.

Also, who dares to offend the emperor's woman.

Tang Lin almost went crazy, "My lord, I haven't had breakfast or lunch yet, I'm starving to death, let me go in quickly to complete the task and return to the harem, okay?"

The official suddenly thought that no concubine from the harem had been to the main palace so far, let alone let the concubine enter the treasury. "You...are you really the concubine of the harem?"

Tang Lin couldn't bear it anymore, she refused to let in even if she had a written order, it was simply not letting people live.Just as she was about to lose her temper, the door of the treasury opened.

Fu Yushu and his party came out from inside.

Upon seeing them, Tang Lin's eyes lit up, "You?"

Fu Yushu stepped forward and asked, "Ma'am, why are you here? We've finished our business and are leaving!"

The official's aura immediately weakened, "You are really a lady." After noon, the sun was scorching like fire.

Tang Lin saw that Fu Yushu and others had left the treasury, so she didn't go in again and went back to Yongning Palace.If there is something missing in this important treasury due to her appearance, it will inevitably cause unnecessary disasters.

Yongning Palace.

Originally, she wanted to go straight back to the dormitory and change her clothes, but when she passed by the outer courtyard, Tang Lin saw a person sitting on the stone table under the big tree in the courtyard.The rouge red dress, with a dejected look, actually outlines a natural "autumn picture of the red girl's death" with the desolate autumn scene at the moment. The fallen leaves kiss the dust, exaggerating the gloomy and silent atmosphere.

Since I was a child, I have trained my body to resist cold and heat, so the cold air permeating the air in late autumn did not make Tang Lin shiver, or add an extra dress.

She went straight to the stone table, at this time, besides the imperial concubine, only Concubine Li was in her Yongning Palace.But the colors of the clothes they are wearing are completely different, the person who half-covers his lower lip with his sleeve must be Concubine Li.

"What's wrong?" Tang Lin asked, standing opposite Concubine Li.

Hearing the sound, Concubine Li has already identified who it is, moving her skillfully, the tears in the corners of her eyes have all been wiped away.She raised her head and saw that Tang Lin was dressed strangely, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then she raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said calmly, "It's okay. Are you... Tang Concubine's younger sister?" She looked different from the Tang Concubine she knew, But the voice, as well as the facial features, she couldn't admit it wrong.Unexpectedly, Tang Concubine, who was famous in the harem for a while, would have such a side.

Tang Lin pursed her lips and smiled, "It's me."

What a concubine Tang!Concubine Li was shocked, this concubine Tang is really incredible!

"Sister sit down first, sister go change clothes." After speaking, Tang Lin went to the room.She is not an eighth woman, she has to dig out other people's concerns before she is reconciled.As far as she is concerned, others are willing to talk, but she is not willing to listen.

Seeing Tang Lin close the door, Concubine Li sighed sadly, feeling extremely melancholy.She picked up a pale yellow leaf on the table, her eyes gradually filled with mist until everything in her field of vision was blurred.In this huge palace, who doesn't have someone to confide in?She was the only one, so lonely that she was like a wisp of stinky air in the harem, no matter where it spread, everyone hated it.

What's the point of being alive if you haven't repaid your revenge, and you have no chance to repay it?
For a while, Li Fei's thoughts took a radical path.White teeth bit the bright red lower lip hard, and then took out a dagger from his cuff.As soon as the handle was taken off, a cold light flashed across her eyes.

What a sharp dagger!As long as the knife goes down, she can be freed!

Rather than living in all kinds of torments and watching Yu Shengjun go on at ease, it would be better to end himself earlier, even if he is a ghost, he will not let him go!

Slowly, Concubine Li placed the dagger between her fair and tender neck, closed her eyes in despair, and muttered: "Father, mother, daughter... my daughter is here with you!"

Just when she was about to use her hands hard, a pair of jet-black pupils not far away suddenly opened wide.In the next moment, a black shadow came to her side with lightning speed, and grabbed the dagger in her hand.

Concubine Li immediately opened her eyes, and glared angrily at the person who stopped her, unexpectedly it was so easy to break into a pair of clear and clear eyes without any impurities.

At this time, Tang Lin had already changed into elegant clothes and opened the door.Seeing the people around Concubine Li, doubts flashed in his eyes, "Anfeng?" This Anfeng has been in charge of Nangong's affairs, why did he come here?

Anfeng glanced at Concubine Li, but said nothing.When Tang Lin came over, he took a few steps to meet Tang Lin with a dagger, and said respectfully: "Dark Wind has seen Miss Tang. Everyone else is busy, so the master asked his subordinates to come and inform Miss Tang, and we will spend lunch together in the Royal Study Room." meal."

"En!" Tang Lin nodded lightly, "I see." Then she turned to Concubine Li, and just about to speak, she found Concubine Li staring at An Feng in bewilderment.The two have never met, but they seem to have an intersection.

Tang Lin made a decision in her heart.Perhaps, Anfeng has that charm to soothe Concubine Li's mind.Thinking of this, she faced Anfeng and ordered: "I can go to the imperial study by myself. Anfeng, it's very cold in autumn, go to my room and get a cloak for Concubine Li to wear, so don't spoil Concubine Li. "Speaking of this, facing Concubine Li, said: "Sister, sister go out for a while, if you need something, just ask the servants in the palace, they will help you."

Concubine Li smiled lightly, "Okay. My sister, be careful when you go out." Seeing Tang Lin's thin clothes, she reminded her distressedly: "Sister, wear two more clothes. Look at you, you are so thin!"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Thank you sister for reminding me. My sister is cold-resistant, don't be afraid, let's go first."

After a while, Tang Lin's figure had disappeared at the door.

Anfeng faced Concubine Li and said respectfully: "Madam Li, wait a moment, Anfeng will go get you a cloak." After speaking, he walked to Tang Lin's room.Open the door and enter.

After a while, he came out with an olive green cloak.Close the door and walk towards the big tree.Walking to her side, he offered the cloak with both hands, "Concubine Li, please put it on, don't let Concubine Tang worry about it!"

Concubine Li gently took it and put it on.

Seeing that she was wearing it, Anfeng smiled lowly, "Concubine Li, Anfeng has retired." When he turned around, her eyes showed reluctance, and her mouth wanted to open and close.

"Oh, right," after walking a few steps, Anfeng turned his head, folded back, and put the dagger in his hand on the table.Looking into Concubine Li's melancholy eyes, he hesitated for a moment before saying: "Concubine Li, your dagger... Madam, everyone only has one life, once it is gone, there will be no eternal life, no matter how sad it is, Don't give up like this. Anfeng is talking too much, so I will leave now."

After he walked a few steps away, Li Fei's voice suddenly came clearly and forcefully, "Wait!"

An Feng turned around and looked into her sad eyes, "What orders does Empress Li have?"

She looked into his eyes and chewed out every word: "Help me! I want to see the emperor!" Only the Ouchi guards have the ability to face the emperor directly.Regardless of whether the person in front of you can help you or not, you have to give it a try.

At this moment, in the eyes of this overwhelmed woman, Anfeng saw the humble begging and pleading...

Royal study.

A table of delicacies is ready in the study.Yu Shengjun sat at the dining table looking at a booklet.

"Honey." Tang Lin came in from the door, glanced at the food on the table before sitting down beside him. "It's very rich. If you add candles, goblets, red wine, and a night, you can have a candlelight dinner."

Yushufang put down the booklet and put it on the table beside him, a trace of puzzlement flashed in his eyes, "Goblet? Red wine? Candlelight dinner? You are talking about things from your world in front of me again! It's too much!"

"No way." Tang Lin smiled happily, then picked up the chopsticks, and put meat into his bowl. It was meat again, and it was still meat.

"Enough is enough!" He pushed her chopsticks away with his hands, "I am a martial arts practitioner, so I should not eat too much meat. Besides, these meat dishes are all carefully prepared for you by the Imperial Dining Room!"

Tang Lin put a mouthful of tofu into her mouth, chewed and mumbled, "What you said is unscientific. It's scientific to eat meat to replenish your energy, so you should eat more, you know?"

"Okay, okay, listen to my Linlin." As he spoke, Yu Shengjun picked up a piece of fat but not greasy meat and put it into his mouth, chewing it with gusto, but no matter how he ate it, his lips were always pursed , Elegant yet masculine.

After chewing the food in her mouth, Tang Lin said, "Junjun, I didn't enter the treasury."

Yu Shengjun was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Don't you want to know how much money I have? I will transport all the things in the treasury out of the palace at night. If you don't go to see it, you will have no chance!"

Tang Lin pursed her lips and said sadly: "So what if I look at it. Now I don't lack three meals a day, and I can wear warm clothes and live well. I don't lack flowers. Of course, I don't have any place to spend them. I wanted to go to the treasury to steal those flowers." One or two ingots of gold, but if you think about it, forget it, and you can’t spend it if you take it. I used to earn millions. Although I didn’t earn as much as a big star, I still earned a lot more than salaried people, but I didn’t pay for a penny. It’s a pity that it can’t be spent.”

"Don't be sad," Yu Shengjun comforted, "How about spending a lot of money with you when I'm done with the handover of the two countries and settled down?"

When he said this, Tang Lin cheered up, "You said this, don't cheat. At that time, I will buy a big house and use it to open a beauty salon, so that my skin can be protected. Then, I want to buy a large, wide, and flat piece of land, and make a golf course. I can play whatever ball I want. And then..."

Seeing her pursing her lips and wringing her fingers, she looked like she was thinking seriously.Yu Shengjun was full of bitterness that he was hiding from.He was so selfish, imprisoning her by his side, living a life she didn't want to live.

"Also," Tang Lin suddenly let out a shock, which startled Yu Shengjun.

He asked, "What else?"

Tang Lin said angrily: "I want to build a villa, a gorgeous villa. When we have nothing to do in the future, we will stay in the villa for three to five days. This is called a quality life."

Although Yu Shengjun didn't understand everything, he understood somewhat.He looked into her shining eyes, and said deeply: "As long as you like it, I will try my best to do it!"

Seeing the mist in his eyes, Tang Lin's heart ached, "What's wrong Junjun? His eyes are red, he must have stayed up late last night, right?"

Just let her understand it that way!Yu Shengjun just smiled faintly, "It's okay, let's eat, the food will not taste good when it gets cold."

"En." Tang Lin replied, and began to eat seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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