The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 398 There's a show! 1

Chapter 398 There's a show! 1
Yu Shengjun watched her silently, his face full of guilt.If you love her, you should be good for her and let her live the life she wants to live instead of imprisoning her by your side, right?

"Let go of me!" After an unknown amount of time, a woman struggled to break in from the door until she stood straight in front of Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin, facing Yu Shengjun with a dagger in her hand, "You... ...Is it Yu Shengjun?"

Tang Lin subconsciously stood up, "Sister Li Concubine, you..." Hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun's brows creased, and frost condensed between his brows in an instant.

"Presumptuous!" An Lin rushed in from the door, and gave Concubine Li a cold drink. "The emperor is here, dare to call the emperor's name!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and bowed his head to Yu Shengjun in fear, "This old slave can't stop people! This old slave deserves death! Please respect me Punishment!"

Dark Wind also came in, rushing into the Imperial Study Room together with An Lin.As soon as An Lin finished speaking, he immediately knelt down on one knee to Yu Shengjun. Although the posture was particularly elegant and cold, it was full of sincerity. "It's my subordinate's fault. It's my subordinate's failure to stop Concubine Li. Master, this has nothing to do with the Chief Supervisor. Please punish this subordinate! Concubine Li is also eager to see you, so she just forgot the rules and broke into the imperial study. Master, please be gentle with Concubine Li!"

"You, are you really Yu Shengjun?" Concubine Li stared at Yu Shengjun with big eyes. She hadn't recovered from the tense situation for a while, but her words this time pushed the cold atmosphere to a higher level. .

Tang Lin saw that Yu Shengjun's eyebrows were tightened even more, and she couldn't help worrying about Concubine Li's safety.This concubine Li doesn't mess with anyone but the emperor, does she want to be the second concubine of virtue and concubine virtuous?

To prevent Concubine Li from saying anything to offend Yu Shengjun, Tang Lin walked over in two steps, took Li Concubine's hand, and wanted to take Concubine Li out, "Sister, let's go out first..."

"Linlin, you and An Lin back off!" Before Tang Lin could finish her sentence, Yu Shengjun interrupted her coldly.Although it was a cold order, he did not cast his anger on her and An Lin.

Tang Lin thought, since he didn't tell Anfeng to retreat, Yu Shengjun must be blaming Anfeng for recruiting Concubine Li to the imperial study. "Your Majesty, actually Anfeng..." She deliberately let Anfeng stay in Yongning Palace. She wanted Anfeng to get to know Concubine Li, but she didn't expect this to hurt him instead.

No matter how you say it, you can't involve the dark wind.

This time, she failed to finish her sentence once again, and received Yu Shengjun's dark gaze, her voice gradually weakened, "Okay! Then I will step back first!" She glanced at An Lin, and then Together they exited the Royal Study Room.

After standing outside the door, Tang Lin was restless, "Concubine Li really got into a big disaster this time, Junjun must be very angry, what should I do, what should I do!"

An Lin comforted: "Miss Tang, the matter of Concubine Li has nothing to do with you, don't panic, the emperor won't blame you!"

Tang Lin said anxiously: "Why am I not nervous? Concubine Li has already forced her way into the main palace twice, and this time she forced her way into the Imperial Study Room. Do you think the Emperor will easily spare her? The Imperial Study Room is an important place for administration. If someone breaks in, I will be overwhelmed. If it is a bad person, I will not be so nervous, but Concubine Li has a good heart!"

An Lin sighed, "Hey, Concubine Li has angered the Emperor Long Yan this time, I'm afraid it's a bad luck!"

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the study, it seemed to be the sound of the dining table being cracked by palms, and the sound of all the cups on the dining table being smashed into pieces.

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin's heart clenched fiercely.I've never seen Yu Shengjun get so angry, today, it really scared her heart to the point of pounding.

"Director An," Tang Lin asked earnestly, "Concubine Li barged into the main palace again and again to see the emperor. Why? Do you know? There must be a reason, I'm sure!"

An Lin hesitated, "This..."

in the library,
A loud noise brought Li Fei back to her senses, and only then did she realize what she had done.She looked at Yu Shengjun, although she was shocked by his appearance and aura, but at this moment, her hatred clearly climbed into her eyes, making her so nervous and afraid.She stared at him fiercely, and asked heartbroken, "Why do you treat my Pang family like this?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at her indifferently, and then his deep eyes fell on An Feng, "I just asked you to inform Concubine Tang, but you have caused me such trouble, who gave you the right to do this?" A woman brought here? Say!"

"I'm sorry, master!" An Feng lowered his head and apologized sadly, "This subordinate is wrong. This subordinate has failed the master's expectations, please punish me severely!"

If Anfeng, she wouldn't appear in front of her enemies at this moment, Li Fei was very grateful to Anfeng, but if she hurt her, how could she feel better.She looked at Yu Shengjun and said coldly: "This has nothing to do with your bodyguard. I used him. Don't blame him."

"Concubine Li..." Seeing Concubine Li speak to Yu Shengjun in such a tone, An Feng broke into a cold sweat for Concubine Li.

She glared at him, beckoning him to shut up, and then glared at Yu Shengjun with an extremely painful expression on her face, "Since the day I entered the palace, it doesn't matter if you don't favor me these years, but my Pang family is dedicated to the country and to the country. You have paid so much, but how can you order the nine clans of my Pang family to be exterminated? Yu Shengjun, your heart is so cruel, how can your heart be so vicious? Since you want to eradicate the roots, why do you keep me? His fate? After the palace change, you should hold Marshal Shao accountable for the rebellion, not my Pang family! My Pang family did not apologize to Yu Xin!"

Anfeng was about to explain something to Concubine Li, but Yu Shengjun stared back at his words, "Get down!"

"Master," An Feng wanted to say.

Yu Shengjun ordered again, this time the words were very impatient, "Get down!"

As a subordinate, the master's orders must not be disobeyed, so Anfeng had no choice but to leave the imperial study room sullenly.Before leaving, he glanced at Concubine Li. This glance not only contained his sympathy, but also contained a trace of distress.

In the imperial study room, there were only two people left.

Yu Shengjun walked towards Concubine Li step by step, with no expression on his face.

Seeing this, Concubine Li's heart tightened suddenly.On the way to Yushufang, she mustered up her courage, but now, why is she afraid because of her enemies?

"Don't come here!" She raised the sharp dagger to stop Yu Shengjun who was about to walk in front of her.Before I saw this man, I was not afraid at all, no matter how many great achievements this man had.But now that he has seen it with his own eyes, he knows that this man really has the ability to turn his hands into clouds and his hands into rain.

Suddenly, Yu Shengjun stretched out his two fingers, and quickly grabbed the dagger, and with a little force, the dagger was thrown out of Li Fei's hand and thrown aside.

The dagger hit the ground and made a slight sharp sound.

Outside the door, Tang Lin and An Feng couldn't help holding their breath.

An Lin wanted to push the door in, but An Lin grabbed his hand, "Don't go in now and cause trouble, otherwise, you may have to be buried with Concubine Li!"

inside the house,

Yu Shengjun did not approach Concubine Li again, but his eyes were still fixed on her. After a while, he said coldly: "Indiscriminately say that I killed your whole family, have you checked the truth? Your father is Grand Master Pang , after retiring from old age and returning to his hometown, not only did he not keep his own law, but abused his power, colluded with the Imperial Council, harmed me, and conspired with the thieves to usurp the throne, trying to make my Yuxin great country change the dynasty. Do you think, will I let your whole family go? You have been in the palace for many years, and you have no conspiracy with your natal family, so I let you go, but now I feel that what I did was wrong, and it was too wrong. How could I let the tiger go back to the mountain, and keep you This lowly life came to take revenge, and I was blind!"

The word "bad life" deeply hurt Concubine Li's heart. She never expected that he would be so ruthless after being married to the emperor for more than ten years.After all, she is his concubine.

She covered her ears, shook her head, and looked extremely painful: "No, I don't believe it, I don't believe what you said is true, my father didn't rebel, no!"

Yu Shengjun snorted coldly, "Huh! Is there any? In fact, you already have the answer in your heart, don't you? When your father sent you into the palace and asked you to sit on the queen's seat by any means, you wouldn't be so stupid for his ambition. Can't see it yet!"

Concubine Li squatted down decadently. Yes, she thought about it. When she first entered the palace, didn't she just want to be a queen and shine on her family?And her father hoped that she would take the back seat in every possible way. "How could this be? I don't believe it, I don't believe it..."

Tang Lin and the others waited outside the door for half an hour before Yu Shengjun's voice came from inside, "Come here!"

Tang Lin immediately opened the door and went in. Looking around, Concubine Li fell to the ground, her expression was slumped, her face was as pale as paper, as if she had lost her soul.

Yu Shengjun stood in front of Concubine Li, with his hands crossed behind his back, expressionless.

"Concubine Li," Tang Lin walked quickly, squatting beside Concubine Li and asked eagerly, "Are you alright?"

An Lin walked in front of Yu Shengjun, "Your Majesty."

Yu Shengjun looked at Concubine Li indifferently, and told An Lin: "Drafting the decree, Concubine Li treats the palace rules like a child's play. She has committed a serious crime by breaking into the main palace several times. From now on, her concubine position will be abolished and she will be demoted as a concubine. Common people, clear the imperial palace, you will never be allowed to step into the palace gate again, once you violate it..."

"Master!" An Feng knelt down and pleaded for Concubine Li, "Concubine Li forced her way into the main palace, this subordinate is an accomplice, I implore the master to take back her life and treat Concubine Li lightly, this subordinate..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Shengjun added a few more words indifferently, "Together with you and Concubine Li, get out of the palace for me, and you will never appear in front of me forever! Get out now, and don't let me see you again!" !"

"Your Majesty," Anlin didn't want to see the loss of a guard because of this, and he pleaded for An Feng, "Dark Wind is a guard who is as good as Yitang in all aspects. If he becomes a commoner, who will To protect you, the emperor? Please take back your order and spare Anfeng this time!"

Yu Shengjun said coldly: "Do you also want to accompany them out of the palace?"

Immediately, An Lin stopped talking and lowered his head.It wasn't that he was afraid of being demoted to a commoner, but that he was afraid that if he also left the emperor's side, the emperor would be even weaker.

At this time, Tang Lin stood up from Concubine Li and looked at Yu Shengjun. In his deep eyes, she saw his pain.In fact, he didn't want such a result either!

She didn't intercede for Concubine Li and Anfeng. Concubine Li's reputation in the harem is not good, and sooner or later she will be attacked by other concubines. It doesn't matter if she is a commoner, at least she didn't lose her life.As for Anfeng, maybe Yushengjun is angry, Anfeng's ability is close to the same, such a perfect bodyguard, Yushengjun will not give up just like that.

Afterwards, Concubine Li and Anfeng were escorted out of the imperial study by the guards.

Before being escorted out, Concubine Li begged Tang Lin several times, "Sister Concubine Tang, please, save Anfeng, he is innocent, I don't want to harm him..."

However, Concubine Li was escorted out of the imperial study, Tang Lin didn't say a word, she just watched Concubine Li being taken away.

Half an hour ago, she was still speaking fiercely in front of the emperor, and she even ignored the king of a country.But half an hour later, she was penniless, standing at the gate of the palace in plain clothes, looking at the palace gate very desolately.

Is it worth it to exchange half an hour for the mediocrity of eternal life?From then on, her treatment as a concubine and the treatment of the daughter of a daughter have nothing to do with her.

Anfeng stood behind her, gently stroking her shoulder, "This is what happened, there is no need to be sad, Empress Li, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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