The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 400 The Beautiful Eunuch

Chapter 400 The Beautiful Eunuch
Tang Lin didn't understand, "Since the truth of the matter is like this, why didn't the emperor tell Concubine Li the truth? She shouldn't have the result today!"

He looked into her eyes, eyes faint. "Do you want to know why?"

Tang Lin nodded, "Yes!"

He stretched out his hands to hold her shoulders, looked her in the eyes, and said truthfully: "I am for you! If there is one less person in the harem, you will have one less thing to worry about! I only hope that I belong to you alone !"

Tang Lin's eyes became hot, and she added the following words for him: "So, you take this opportunity to completely remove Concubine Li from the harem? All of this is for... me!"

He lovingly hugged her into his arms, smiled softly and said: "Yes! This is my starting point! Anfeng's temper is the best among the guards, and I specially sent him to Yongning Palace just to meet Concubine Li All of this is within my expectation and within my control! I love you, "I love you, so I will do whatever it takes!"

Tang Lin sniffed, tears fell uncontrollably.His love is unparalleled in the world, how dare she let go, how willing to refute.

Even if there is a chance to return to modern times in the future, even if he rushes, she will not leave him, absolutely not!
For dinner, Tang Linla, the imperial concubine, enjoyed it together in her room.

During the meal, the imperial concubine learned about Concubine Li through Tang Lin's narration, "It's good for her to leave, so as not to make enemies in the harem!"

The rice in Tang Lin's mouth was chewing more and more slowly. Looking at the imperial concubine, her eyes became hot unconsciously.If one day, Yu Shengjun suddenly had a whim, would he charge the imperial concubine with a crime, so that another concubine would be cleared from the harem!
Seeing her looking at her with this expression, the imperial concubine put down the bowl and chopsticks, "What's wrong?"

Tang Lin regained her composure and shook her head, "It's nothing." Thinking of Xiao Nu's incident, she did not forget to ask, "Sister, how is your relationship with the imperial concubine?"

The imperial concubine was surprised, "Why are you talking about her?" But when it comes to the imperial concubine, she has nothing good to say. "I don't bother to have friendship with her! Sister, you don't know. Since the day she entered the palace, there hasn't been a single day when she doesn't count on me. She always thinks that one day she can pull me down from the position of imperial concubine. The imperial concubine can sit on it! Ben Gong and her have been fighting for several years, I wish she could go to see the King of Hades sooner!"

Tang Lin smiled wryly, "As for the one who suffers so much and hates so much? Maybe, she is also afraid that you will plot against her. The reason why she is wary of you is not to survive!"

The imperial concubine said: "Sister, you are the only one who has such a heart. Is she afraid of me? It's a big joke in the world! Since the day she entered the palace, she deliberately showed her favor to me. She will stand on Bengong's side and tame the other concubines for Bengong, but she treats her well behind Bengong's back, poisons Bengong's meals, and even threatens the maids around Bengong! What's even more annoying is Her pitiful appearance persuaded the Queen Mother to let her get away with it again and again, otherwise, I would have killed her a long time ago, so why let her be free until now! People in the harem say that I am vicious and don't want others to crawl. On the head of this palace, I have repeatedly harmed the noble concubine, but who knows, I was deceived by the noble concubine! From the noble concubine, I know that if I don't want to harm others, I can only wait for others to harm me! This stinky woman, why doesn't she just die! At least Concubine Li won't be as hypocritical as she is to win other people's sympathy with her pitiful appearance, as if she has been wronged so much!"

After hearing what the imperial concubine said, Tang Lin smiled wryly.She couldn't help but think of the hit court drama, isn't the harem like what the imperial concubine said?interesting!
I hope this imperial concubine will not put vicious thoughts on herself.If she offends Tang Lin, not only the queen mother, but also the emperor will be dispatched!
But at this time, a bad news came.

Yishuang came in from the outside and handed Tang Lin an invitation letter, "Your Majesty! This is a letter from Yugui Palace! Your Majesty the Imperial Concubine invites you to enjoy the moon in her palace!"

The imperial concubine frowned, "That stinky bitch is so bold and dares to provoke! Sister, don't be as knowledgeable as her! Let's not go! She must have prepared a poison waiting for us!"

Tang Lin threw the bag into the corner, "Afraid of her? This is not my style! Even if it's a Hongmen banquet, I have to meet her!" At dusk, the setting sun was like blood.

Tang Lin took a look at the watch on the dressing table, "Ah! It's only 06:30!" Then she put on the watch.Turn around and say to the imperial concubine: "No hurry, let's change clothes slowly, it's still early!"

The imperial concubine looked down at herself, she was very satisfied with the dark green she wore today, "I'm wearing a pretty good dress today, so I don't need to change it!"

"No, sister,"


Tang Lin pulled the imperial concubine to the mirror and looked her up and down.The face of the imperial concubine looks young, but her clothes reveal her actual age, "Sister, I have heard about you entering the palace at the age of 13. No one in this harem knows that you are older than the emperor. But these factors, It won't affect you, as long as you dress young, no matter how old you are, you are still younger than others!"

It turned out to be dressed up to look old!The imperial concubine blushed, "Sister, I am already at this age, no matter how brightly I dress, I can still tell my age!"

Tang Lin said: "How could it be? It's my sister who thinks you are old. Sister, listen to my sister's words and change this dress!"

Imperial Concubine Liu frowned, "But I don't know what kind of clothes to wear to make myself look younger."

Tang Lin narrowed her eyes, snapped her fingers, and said with a smile: "This is on my younger sister. Sister, tonight, I will let you regain your original aura from the noble concubine!"

The imperial concubine said worriedly: "For Bengong, she is the most playful in the harem. I have been planted by her several times. At that time, she planted this palace, and Bengong has a hard time. The queen mother is her As a shield, the Empress Dowager will not believe in Bengong, only that woman! I can't beat her, so how can I have the heart to let my sister go, besides, my sister is still pregnant, if something goes wrong, how can I be worthy of the emperor? ...your sweetheart!"

At this moment, Tang Lin really felt sorry for the imperial concubine.So far, the imperial concubine does not know that the mysterious guard is the current emperor.

But without Yu Shengjun's order, she dared not disclose it to the imperial concubine.It's a dilemma.

The imperial concubine is actually not bad. The reason why she is domineering in the harem and doesn't look down on anyone is just to use these to cover up her inferiority complex.

She was older than the other concubines, if she hadn't fought those young foxes first, she would have been outcompeted a long time ago, and she wouldn't have the chance to live to this day and still sit firmly in the imperial concubine's seat.

If it were me, facing my aging face and losing my appearance, I would definitely try my best to consolidate my current status and what I currently have.

"Sister, don't be afraid, the two of us, I don't believe that we can't beat her alone. My sister will go and help my sister choose clothes." After speaking, Tang Lin went to the big closet.She didn't even count how many clothes were in the closet, she only knew that Yu Shengjun asked the clothes storeroom to prepare a lot of high-quality clothes for her.

Even if she changed a set every day, she couldn't finish it.

After rummaging through the closet for a long time, they finally found a few clothes that Tang Lin was somewhat satisfied with.

"Sister, take a look, how about it?" Tang Lin brought all the clothes in front of the imperial concubine, "It looks like three sets of clothes, but when worn by my sister, it becomes a set! If my sister can trust her, Let my younger sister help her dress up, how about it?"

The imperial concubine looked at the fancy clothes in Tang Lin's hands, and swallowed subconsciously, "This is the same as what I wore when I was a teenager. Wouldn't it be awkward to wear these now?"

Tang Lin smiled, "How could that be?"

Next, the imperial concubine handed herself over to Tang Lin, and let Tang Lin cut the clothes she picked out here and there, and let her wear them.

Tang Lin first put on a dark green long gown made of brocade, and asked the imperial concubine to wear it.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Lin cut off a large part of Concubine Yang's red dress, made it into a top, and let the imperial concubine wear it.

Afterwards, she took a bright red belt that was not very thick and lightly tied it around the imperial concubine's waist, and then tied it into a bow.

After finishing the knot, she took two steps back to look at the imperial concubine, and finally smiled with satisfaction, "Remove the hair accessories on the hair, and tie the hair in the back with a hairpin, and it will be fine. Sister, Look in front of the mirror, the red and green color scheme my sister gave you is eye-catching, right?"

The imperial concubine turned around slowly, stood in front of the dressing table, looked in the mirror, and saw a beautiful woman in very young and thin clothes.

Tang Lin came over and removed all the hair ornaments on her head, pulled all the hair back, and then used a hairpin to tie the long bangs in front behind her.

After finishing, she said to the elegant, refined, quiet and mature woman in the mirror: "Sister, what's the matter? If you don't wear makeup, you're not like a fairy in the world!"

Seeing myself in the mirror, how elegant and refined at the moment, the domineering self who used to hang anger in his eyes and corners of his mouth in the past has completely disappeared.

The imperial concubine's lips trembled, and her hands tremblingly caressed her cheek, "This, this is me, Hou Lingyu?"

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned, "Hou Lingyu? Sister, your real name is Hou Lingyu?"

The imperial concubine nodded, "Yes!"

Tang Lin smiled and said: "What a special name! It seems that my sister likes the way she is now, so tonight, I will wear it to Yugui Palace!"

After that, Tang Lin changed into snow-white clothes, as long as she looked weak.

Before leaving, the night was already dark, and a round of bright moon had already hung high in the sky.After ordering Yishuang to take two cloaks, she set off for Yugui Palace.

Yugui Palace is full of splendor.As night fell, Yugui Palace was filled with palace lanterns. Once lit, the place would be as beautiful as a brothel.

The imperial concubine's bedroom.

The door of the room was open, and a woman dressed as a court lady rushed in anxiously from the outside. Finally, she paused in front of the big screen in the room, glanced at the slim figure behind the translucent screen, then walked around the screen and went behind the screen. .Standing in front of that slim and beautiful figure, she said: "Your Majesty, Concubine Tang and Concubine Huang are here together!"

The woman on the couch moved a little in her lazy and slim lying position. "Oh? The imperial concubine is also here? Heh, it's really interesting!"

Contempt suddenly appeared on the ordinary face of the maid, "Your Majesty, the imperial concubine has been fighting with you day and night for these years. Although she has not gained the upper hand, her status has not been lowered, and recently she has gone very far with the favored concubine Tang. Recently, it is not difficult to see that the imperial concubine wants to use Tang concubine to reach a higher level! There are rumors in the harem that Tang concubine is weak, presumably she has no ambitions, and doesn't this suit the imperial concubine's heart even more?"

The woman's extremely beautiful face was a little hideous because of the maid's words, but even so, her beauty was not inferior.It's just that this person can speak very coldly, "Hou Lingyu, Hou Lingyu, are you taking advantage of the Queen Mother's absence so that you can take this opportunity to eradicate me?" His eyes turned hard, "Hou Lingyu, you are old, talk about your scheming, talk about it You will never be as good as me in appearance. Tonight, I will let you suffer again!"

(End of this chapter)

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