The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 401 Simple Tang Concubine, Easy to Start!

Chapter 401 Simple Tang Concubine, Easy to Start!
The palace maid asked: "Your Majesty, is it going according to the original plan?"

The woman's eyes turned cold, "If I don't do this, it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in my heart. I will not give up if I don't kill Hou Lingyu in my lifetime!"

A look of worry appeared on the maid's face, "However, Concubine Tang is the only concubine whom the emperor has ever favored, and her favor has not diminished recently. If a knife is used on Concubine Tang, she will be able to kill Concubine Tang unjustly, but once the incident happens, Concubine Tang If something goes wrong, your life will be lost, empress!"

The noble concubine looked at the maid, with a charming but deep smile on her lips, and said softly: "My dear An'er, if you don't tell me, if you don't tell me, how could there be a chance for something to happen? Don't you think so?"

Even though the master said so, An'er still had lingering fears, "Ma'am, it's not that An'er is afraid of death, but An'er is afraid that something will happen to you, Madam! An'er doesn't want anything to happen to Madam!"

"Good An'er, I know that you love me, but An'er, if I want to feel better, I have to pull the imperial concubine off the horse, do you understand?" The concubine took the maid's hand and said softly, holding An'er Put it convincingly.

An'er said: "An'er understands my mother's heart. Madam, don't worry, no matter what happens, An'er will go through fire and water for you, and will not hesitate!"

The noble concubine smiled in satisfaction, "This is my good Anner. Go, invite Concubine Tang and Imperial Concubine to Danhua Pavilion. Tonight, I will "entertain" them well! I will change into clothes Go on!"

Danhua Pavilion is the most beautiful place in Yugui Palace, as colorful and charming as a brothel at night.

From the moment she walked into the gate of Yugui Palace, Tang Lin never closed her mouth.To her, Yugui Palace was simply too beautiful.

Tang Lin didn't close her mouth until An'er invited her to Danhua Pavilion.

"This place is too beautiful, how did she make it so presentable?" Tang Lin approached the imperial concubine and asked in a low voice.

The imperial concubine avoids An'er's sight, and whispers back to Tang Lin: "Sister, I don't know. Although Yugui Palace is not as big as Xiangning Palace and Yongning Palace, Yugui Palace is the most beautiful place in the harem. The layout here is similar to that of folks. The brothel is no different. This was not made by the imperial concubine herself, it was there in the first place. The late emperor not only had a virtuous concubine like the queen mother, but also accompanied by a beautiful woman in the world. She is the second prince Yu Zichen's biological mother Concubine Yun, It is a pity that the eldest princess died of dystocia after she was born. This Yugui Palace was originally called Yufeng Palace. Because Concubine Yun is famous for her beauty, the first emperor built Yufeng Palace into a brothel. This is the birth mother of the second prince. environment to live in."

Tang Lin exclaimed: "I never expected that the second prince's biological mother is a beautiful woman! Then Yufeng Palace, why was it changed to Yugui Palace?"

The imperial concubine revealed: "After the death of Concubine Yun, the eldest princess lived here. But shortly after the eldest princess got married, the noble concubine was selected into the palace. Because of her beauty and charm, she was loved by the queen mother. It will be changed into the Yugui Palace and given to the noble concubine. Such an honor is something that other concubines in the harem do not have."

Tang Lin said: "It can be seen that the empress dowager attached great importance to the concubine at the beginning. I think the empress dowager thought that the concubine had the charm to capture the emperor, so she loved it so much!"

The imperial concubine snorted coldly, and said contemptuously: "It's been several years, and I haven't seen her abduct the emperor's heart, even in the emperor's face! What kind of charm, according to this palace, apart from being full of bad things, what kind of ability is it?" Not at all! You are the younger sister, you are so powerful, not only can you see the emperor, but you are so favored!"

Tang Lin smiled awkwardly, "It's, it's okay!"

At this time, An'er said politely: "Ms. Tang Concubine, Mrs. Imperial Concubine, my wife is changing clothes, she will be there in a while, I invite you two to have some tea!"

In layman's terms, the Danhua Pavilion is just a relatively large rain shelter, surrounded by peonies, but it's not April or May, so there will be no flowers blooming.However, other varieties of flowers bloom very delicately in this season, coupled with the palace lanterns of various colors, the Danhua Pavilion is astonishingly beautiful.

An'er signaled the two maids to serve tea, and then withdrew.

After Yishuang stood on the side, Li Mu quietly looked around the Danhua Pavilion, in case there was any disturbance that threatened the safety of Tang Lin and the imperial concubine.

After An'er withdrew, the imperial concubine sat down at the large stone table, and there were several court ladies waiting beside her. She wanted to speak louder with Tang Lin, but because of these court ladies, she didn't speak.

Tang Lin also sat down, and when she was about to serve the teacup, the imperial concubine grabbed her hand.

The imperial concubine looked around, and then said cautiously to Tang Lin: "Sister, when we had dinner, you also said that this is probably a Hongmen banquet! I know her too well, she will definitely do all kinds of tricks to harm us, Then put the blame on someone else! Let's not be fooled easily! This tea may have been poisoned by her! Let's not drink it! I have been planted by her several times, tonight, I can't plant it again!"

Tang Lin still picked up the teacup and took a sip.

The imperial concubine yelled, "Sister, you, why don't you listen, spit it out quickly! Hurry up! Or you will hurt the fetus!"

Then, he stretched out his hand and slapped Tang Lin on the back fiercely. The tea that Tang Lin had taken was slapped out.

"I say good sister," Tang Lin looked at the imperial concubine feebly, and took off her hand, "Don't be so nervous, if she really wants to harm us, she won't be so blatant!"

The imperial concubine said: "But one time, she blatantly put drugs into my tea. After that, she lay down on the bed of an eunuch. Then, the harem spread, thinking that I would never see you again in this life." The emperor is here, and I have the idea of ​​confronting that eunuch. I have never forgotten this blow to this day!"

Tang Lin's heart ached, "Sister, you were quite frightened by the shadow of that year."

Thinking of what happened back then, the imperial concubine felt chills, "There is not a single night when I don't think about that incident. Originally, I had the power to control the harem, but because I slept with the eunuch for one night, the power was taken back by the queen mother." That's it! The hateful imperial concubine was framed by her!"

"Ah! You slept all night?" Tang Lin couldn't help being curious, "Is that eunuch still in the palace now?"

The imperial concubine was just about to say she was gone, but at this moment, she didn't glance past the entrance not far away, her eyes widened immediately, "It's been five years, he, why is he there?"

Following the line of sight of the imperial concubine, Tang Lin landed on the entrance of the Danhua Pavilion.He was still the same as five years ago, astonishingly beautiful, even the smile on the corner of his mouth was extremely evil.

Gradually, the imperial concubine's eyelids were covered with fog.That beautiful man in the past kept lingering in her mind. At that time, how she watched him being ordered by the queen mother to execute him!

Five years have passed, why is he still there?

Tang Lin followed the gaze of the imperial concubine to the entrance of the Danhua Pavilion. Apart from a beautiful woman, where was the shadow of the eunuch?Seeing that the imperial concubine was crying, she was staring at the place foolishly, it seemed that there was really someone she expected to see.She stretched out her hand and shook it, "Sister, it seems that the imperial concubine is here!" Hou Lingyu didn't exaggerate, although the distance was a bit far, the beauty and charm of the imperial concubine caught her eyes!
The noble concubine is indeed the most beautiful woman in the harem, and she is qualified to live in the palace of the former emperor's most beautiful concubine Yun.

With a charming smile on the corner of the imperial concubine's mouth, she dragged her crimson dress and walked towards the pavilion in lotus steps, followed by her personal maid An'er.After a while, she was already standing in front of the imperial concubine and Tang Lin, the corners of her mouth became even more wanton and charming.

"Sister, I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you. Today is really giving my sister face, and I come to my sister's palace to enjoy the moon with Concubine Tang!" The concubine looked at the concubine Huang Guifei with a smile, enchanting and charming, with a strong aura.

The imperial concubine blinked, and when the blurred vision became clear, the person standing in front of her was not the glamorous man, but the imperial concubine herself!

She is also beautiful, but the person in front of her is a woman, and she is also her own enemy!The imperial concubine suppressed the sadness just now, and put on a cold expression, "It is true that I have disappeared for some days! I am afraid that someone will be unfavorable to Concubine Tang, so I have to follow! Beware of others!"

The imperial concubine glanced at Tang Lin calmly. On the day when all the concubines gathered in Xiangning Palace, she concluded that Tang Lin was not only weak, but also pure in heart.

The noble concubine sneered in her heart, hmph, since the concubine Tang is simple, it would be easy to start.Turning his gaze to the imperial concubine, he thought that Tang Lin was not a threat, so he no longer concealed his words, "Sister, don't forget, we used to see each other without looking up. The imperial concubine knows who my sister is, but I advise my sister not tonight. Such a big anger!" Then, he pulled Tang Lin to sit aside, and said in a good voice: "Sister Tang Concubine, come, please sit down, since I saw you from afar in Xiangning Palace last time, it's almost two It's been a month. I heard that my sister was seriously injured in the fire in Ruining Palace, sister, are you feeling better now?"

Concubine Tang's life was hard, she couldn't survive the instant fire, and she looked even more beautiful than when she first saw her, so beautiful that it made people jealous.Perhaps, only beautiful and pure women can win the emperor's favor, otherwise, why would the emperor keep so many beautiful women in the harem and not close to each other.

"Thank you, Concubine, for your concern. My sister is not in the way now." Tang Lin smiled softly, sitting a little cautiously.She thought that this would make the imperial concubine relax her vigilance.

The noble concubine faced the imperial concubine and said with a smile: "Sister, sit down, you don't need to be polite to your sister. Besides, it's not the first time that my sister has come to my sister's place, so you don't have to see outsiders!" He ordered: "An'er, ask the subordinates to bring up the prepared wine and dishes!"

An'er bowed: "Yes! Your Majesty!" Before leaving the attic, she glanced at Tang Lin quietly.

Tang Lin caught An'er's eyes, but kept her expression on.An'er's eyes contained a hint of reluctance.Could it be that the imperial concubine wants to take a knife on herself tonight?

Xuanyu Palace.

After bathing, Yu Shengjun put on the clothes of the guards and walked out of the room, and said to An Lin who was waiting outside: "I will go to Yongning Palace!"

"Your Majesty," An Lin reported, "people from Yongning Palace just reported that Miss Tang and Imperial Concubine went to Yugui Palace to enjoy the moon."

Yu Shengjun frowned lightly, "Yugui Palace?"

An Lin explained: "The imperial concubine lives in the Yugui Palace. The Yugui Palace was originally the Imperial Phoenix Palace where the second prince's birth mother, Concubine Yun, lived. The imperial concubine stayed here, which was approved by the second prince at the time. The emperor doesn't often go to the harem, so he doesn't know much about it."

Yu Shengjun nodded slightly, expressing his understanding, "Yeah!" Walking down the stone steps, he asked again, "What else do you know?"

An Lin followed closely, "There is a discord between the noble concubine and the imperial concubine. In the harem, the two fight the most fiercely. It seems that they are fighting for the rear position, but in fact they are trying to survive in the harem. But every time they lose, They are all imperial concubines. The empress dowager likes imperial concubines very much, but she does not punish them so severely. The imperial concubine is just like the second prince's biological mother, concubine Yun. Only a beautiful woman can win the emperor's heart, so the emperor will often come to the harem to visit the concubines!"

"What else?" Yu Shengjun crossed his hands behind his back and walked unhurriedly on the way to the harem.It seemed like they were asking An Lin casually, but they also seemed to be revealing something clearly.

There was a flash of light in An Lin's eyes. He knew the emperor. Usually, when he told a story, the emperor would have understood the ins and outs of the matter before he had talked enough, so he would not ask further questions.Naturally, the emperor also knew what was said tonight.But the emperor continued to ask, he must have wanted to confess the most important content in the air through his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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