The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 402 High-tech monitoring toxin watch!

Chapter 402 High-tech monitoring toxin watch!

After a pause, An Lin continued, the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually became sinister this time, "Because there is a discord between the noble concubine and the imperial concubine, this makes the emperor's plan to abolish the harem one step be achieved!"


"Hahaha!" Yu Shengjun flicked his clothes and strode away, his slender back gradually disappeared into the night, and his loud laughter floated in the night wind, getting farther and farther away, more and more ethereal, making people's hair stand on end and heart tremble Meat jumping.

A table of delicious food has been prepared, and the dishes are full of fragrance.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the moon stars are thick. It is a good time to appreciate the moon, a good time.

A guqin has been prepared by the imperial concubine in a corner of the Dan Painting Pavilion. A court lady is sitting in front of the guqin, stroking the strings with her slender hands. The beautiful and ethereal sound of the piano adds to the moonlight tonight. A piece of elegance.

"Sister, this wine is good. It is passed down from my family. If you taste it, it won't have any effect on the unborn child!"

The imperial concubine's eyes were sharp, and she paid attention to the jug calmly.Just when the imperial concubine was about to pour wine into Tang Lin's wine glass, she leaned over and snatched the jug into her hands, stared at the imperial concubine coldly, and said sharply: "You're a villain, you want to hurt someone here again, don't you? "

The imperial concubine smiled lazily, "Sister, you may not be too nervous, are you? The assassin is the one who hurt people, not me. How can my sister say that about my sister? Sigh!"

"You said you didn't harm anyone?" The imperial concubine pointed at the jug, and said viciously, "Didn't you use this jug to wrong me? Zhang Tianyan, I was blind at the beginning, so I can't do anything wrong." Believe you, I pulled you to stand on my side. Unexpectedly, I raised a white-eyed wolf. Once, I invited you and Concubine Ning to my palace to enjoy the moon. You are good, and quietly prepared a mechanism wine pot, You put two kinds of wine in this wine jug, let Concubine Ning drink the poisonous wine you put in, and blame this palace. Fortunately, there was a maid in my palace who had studied medicine at that time, and she drank the concubine Ning in time The poisoned wine is forced out of the body, otherwise, Ben Gong will be punished with a death penalty. Zhang Tianyan, how dare you swear that you have never harmed Ben Gong?"

The noble concubine's face turned cold, and she lost all expression, but there was a fierce look in her eyes.She clenched her fists secretly, breathing harder and harder each time.

The imperial concubine continued: "Hmph, I can't hide this little trick from me. You want to make Concubine Tang blame me? Save yourself, I won't be fooled by you again, you hateful harm Refined!"

Tang Lin observed the imperial concubine's expression calmly, her face was expressionless, and there was fierceness in her eyes. It seemed that she had a great hatred for the imperial concubine.

"Two good sisters, look, the moonlight is so beautiful tonight, why do you have to fight each other?" Tang Lin came out to persuade.

The imperial concubine said to Tang Lin: "Concubine Tang, don't pay attention to her. Do you think Zhang Tianyan is a good person? She has an extremely vicious heart for the sake of succession. Anyone who meets her will be in trouble!"

The noble concubine gritted her teeth, pointed at the past, and said coldly: "Hou Lingyu, don't speak too much. If you hadn't made a mistake first, how could I, Zhang Tianyan, fight back against you? Over the years, have you really understood things? Is it the whole story? But it doesn’t matter if you understand it or not, and you, Hou Lingyu, will be the one I, Zhang Tianyan, want to kill at any cost from now on. I won't mess around again and again!"

Tang Lin didn't expect that the two people's words were becoming more and more reckless. If the other concubines heard it and didn't hear it, the consequences would be disastrous.

The imperial concubine retorted, "What was my fault first? Who took refuge in whom and who betrayed whom? Zhang Tianyan, are you unreasonable? You want to break with me to death, right? Well, I am not afraid of you. The queen mother is not here, and there is no one to support you, let's see who dies first!"

Suddenly, the imperial concubine raised her head and laughed. After the "hahaha" smile stopped, she stared coldly at the imperial concubine's eyes, and said in a deadpan voice, "It's not easy who dies first?"

After hearing this, the imperial concubine's heart suddenly shrank, "What did you say? Could it be that you have told me..." Speaking of this, she touched her forehead and neck to see if there was anything unusual about her.After finding nothing unusual, she breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, she suddenly noticed something, then turned her head mechanically and looked at Tang Lin.

The scene she was most afraid of still appeared!
At this moment, Tang Lin suddenly felt dizzy. She stroked her forehead, and her body began to sway, as if she wanted to fall down at any time.But after a while, her eyes went dark, and she really fell down.

Seeing this, Yishuang yelled extremely worriedly: "Young lady—" "Young lady! Don't scare Shuang'er, wake up!" Yishuang ran to Tang Lin and knelt down, hugged Tang Lin and called out in a hoarse voice. with. "Ma'am!"

Seeing this scene, the imperial concubine was heartbroken. For her, she would not want to see Tang Lin's affairs, rather than Zhang Tianyan killing her.If Zhang Tianyan framed her as the cause of Concubine Tang's death, once convicted, it would not be her alone, but everyone in her natal family.

In order to avenge Concubine Tang, the emperor will order the extermination of the nine clans of her descendants!

"When did you do it?" The imperial concubine glared at her, her eyes were sharp and bloodshot, and the resentment in her eyes was so strong that she wanted to tear her into pieces immediately.

The imperial concubine laughed lazily, "For me, this is just a trivial matter. It's not that you don't understand me. I have a lot of these little tricks, and it's hard to guard against."

The imperial concubine was in a state of confusion, "The two of us have obviously not touched anything since we came in, how could Concubine Tang be poisoned? Could it be..." Suddenly she remembered the tea Tang Lin drank earlier, "It's that tea... has a problem?"

The imperial concubine said nothing, but smiled brighter!
This time, the other party's smile made the imperial concubine even more convinced that it was a tea problem, but after knowing the reason, her heart ached even more, "I should watch her closely, then she will be fine, how can I be so careless ..."

Seeing the other party's sincere tears, the imperial concubine burst out laughing, and her exquisite and mature facial features were all distorted, "Hou Lingyu, tonight, even God will help me! You... are dead!"

The imperial concubine looked at her with red eyes, and her eyes were full of puzzlement, "Why do you have to put me to death? I have no grudges with you in the past, and I have no grudges in the present, so why do you bother with me?"

The smile on the imperial concubine's face stopped instantly, and she said darkly: "This is the price for your wrongdoing. What do you think I entered the palace for? For you!"

"Me?" The imperial concubine looked puzzled, and the hideous face of this noble concubine made her even more unbelievable. "Before you entered the palace, I had never had a feud with you, and I didn't even know you, but you said that you entered the palace for me. Why can't I understand a sentence? You didn't hesitate to kill others and put the blame on me. What did you do?" What is the purpose?"

The imperial concubine smiled, and said in a gloomy manner: "Don't worry, I will tell you everything!" After finishing speaking, she turned her face, and her cold eyes fell on Yishuang, "Come on, drag this lowly maidservant down, strictly! Take care!"

Seeing a few court ladies approaching like wolves and tigers, Yishuang stood up in panic, swallowed hard, "You, what are you going to do?"

Several court ladies rushed forward and captured Yishuang. She, who knew martial arts, did not use martial arts, but resisted with the strength of Weibo, "Let me go! What are you doing? Let me go!"

The imperial concubine walked up to her, smiling like a flower: "Let you go? Is it possible? If I let you go, wouldn't it give you a chance to tip off the news? Wouldn't it give you a chance to tell the truth? Don't blame me for being cruel Killing you and your mother, if you want to blame, you blame the imperial concubine, she is the one who dragged down your master and servant, not this palace! So, you accept your fate!" Speaking of this, his face turned cold instantly, "Take it down !"

"Let go!" Yishuang struggled hard, but couldn't break free. She stared at the imperial concubine's face, "What did you do to my mother? She is a Tang concubine, and the emperor loves her very much. If you dare to touch her, the emperor wishes you the best!" Kill your nine clans!"

The noble concubine smiled coldly, "You can threaten this palace. Anyway, this palace believes that as long as you die, no one will know that this palace killed Concubine Tang. If the emperor wants to investigate it, it is also the responsibility of the imperial concubine. The emperor If you want to order the execution of the Nine Clans, it is... the Hou family!"

After hearing this, the imperial concubine's heart suddenly tightened.That's right, this is Zhang Tianyan's real purpose.Directly poisoning her to death, the emperor would not destroy her nine clans of the descendants, but he killed Concubine Tang and put the blame on her. With such a mortal hatred, the emperor would definitely kill all the descendants!

Yishuang said fiercely: "Even if you destroy my corpse, the truth will still be revealed in the end, imperial concubine, don't be complacent!"

"Smart-toothed lowly maidservant, I am the most uncomfortable in this palace!" As she spoke, the imperial concubine looked at the maids in the palace and ordered coldly: "Take her down!"

"Shuang, Shuang'er!" At this moment, Tang Lin who was lying on the ground spoke weakly.

Hearing the sound, everyone at the scene was shocked.

The imperial concubine was even more fearful and conscious.

"Your Majesty!" Yishuang wept with joy, this time, he vigorously broke away from the maids, ran to Tang Lin and squatted down, and helped Tang Lin up.

Seeing that Tang Lin really stood up, the imperial concubine's eyes widened.

After standing up, Tang Lin looked around feebly, and finally looked at Yishuang, and asked weakly: "Shuang'er, did I faint again? This physique is getting worse and worse!"

"Yes, my lady!" Yishuang nodded eagerly, "My lady, tell Shuang'er, is there anything unusual about your body? Are there any signs of feeling poisoned?"

"Poisoned?" Tang Lin pretended to be shocked, "What poisoned?"

The concubine looked at Tang Lin as if she had hit a ghost, "Concubine Tang, are you alright? Didn't you pass out just now?" It was clearly poisoned, how could you be all right?
Tang Lin said weakly: "Sister Guifei, I made you worry. I'm sorry for disturbing your enjoyment of enjoying the moon. My sister has always been weak and sick, and fainting is common. I forgot, the doctor Wu told me not to take a long time The wind blowing outside may be due to the wind blowing just now, so...sister, I'm sorry to make you worry!"

The imperial concubine took a step back as if she had lost her soul, and almost fell down.It turned out that Concubine Tang was not poisoned, but fainted due to frailty and illness!
Seeing that Tang Lin was fine, the imperial concubine felt relieved, but she didn't quite understand the scene in front of her.In her eyes, before she met Tang Lin, she thought Tang Lin was a woman who was so weak that she might be blown away by the wind, but after getting in touch with Tang Lin, she felt that this concubine Tang was not as weak as she imagined.The problem is, before coming to Yugui Palace, Concubine Tang was still shaking, but now, how did she become so weak?Could it be... is it a fake?

When the imperial concubine cast her puzzled eyes on her, Tang Lin winked playfully at her.This little action was obviously telling the imperial concubine that she was fine, she was just pretending!

The imperial concubine realized that she was somewhat shocked.What does this concubine Tang want to do?Before coming to Yugui Palace, she didn't tell her clearly, which made her feel uneasy all the time!

"Sister, it may be that you are wearing too thin clothes, how about this, sister go get a dress to put on you!" Tang Lin opened her mouth to say something, but was stopped by the imperial concubine, "Don't be polite to sister! It's very easy to get clothes. Hurry up, stay here for a while!" Speaking of this, he turned to the maid who was close to him, "An'er, follow me to get the clothes!"

An'er nodded, "Yes, ma'am!"

(End of this chapter)

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