The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 500 That girl's medicine is amazing!

Chapter 500 That girl's medicine is amazing!

Ah Zhuang was overjoyed, "Master, you're awake, that's great!" The next second, he frowned, "Ah, aren't we dead? How can we still be alive? I can't even feel my shoulders..." When it came to the shoulder, once the effect of the medicine wore off, the pain came again, but it was much less painful than when the arm was lost. "Oh, my shoulder hurts again, young master, are we still alive?"

Yu Jingchu said: "That's why I asked you what happened last night, do you still remember what happened after I passed out?"

Ah Zhuang recalled it for a while, and his body trembled when he thought of the weird things last night.He said to Yu Jingchu: "Last night, I thought we would die after you let go of your hand, my lord, but suddenly a silk thread flew down from the top of the mountain and entangled you, my lord. Like a rope, we were pulled up. In the middle, I was hit by a stone and passed out. When I woke up again, it was just the two of us lying here, there was no third person. At that time, I didn’t feel the loss of my arm After the pain, I thought we were all dead, so I passed out again, and then I have been in a coma until now!"

Yu Jingchu analyzed: "Could it be that the person who went into the mountain to steal herbs saved us? Maybe he was a low-key person and didn't want us to find out, so after he rescued us, he left quietly!"

Ah Zhuang said: "Young Master's analysis is not impossible, but Young Master, no one has dared to go up to the top of the mountain this year. Could there be one tonight? I have been in charge of guarding the top of the mountain all year round, and there are a few mountain guards, but They are all at the bottom of the mountain. Our village chief has established a rule for Yaocai Mountain, but our village will not take care of those who accidentally go to the top of the mountain, so other mountain guards, even if they know that someone falls into the front There is an abyss of ten thousand feet, and I will not go up the mountain to have a look."

Yu Jingchu said: "Those who exclude the guards of the mountain, only those who go into the mountain to steal herbs are left. No matter what, we must thank this great benefactor who saved us without asking for anything in return. Ah Zhuang, how is your wound? gone?"

Speaking of the wound, Ah Zhuang said puzzledly: "It's strange, when I woke up on the top of the mountain last night, I didn't feel any pain at all, but now not only the wound is much better, but it doesn't hurt so much anymore. Young master, this is What's the matter?"

Yu Jingchu sniffed the wound on his arm that was cut by the knife. Although the wound was almost healed, he could still smell a little golden sore medicine.He picked up the bottle next to it and sniffed it. "Someone has put golden sore medicine on our wounds. Presumably, he is the one who saved us!"

Ah Zhuang suddenly realized, "No wonder I didn't feel any pain last night. It's probably because the wound has just been treated with golden sore medicine."

After a night of rest, although his head was aching and swollen from being bathed in dew and fog overnight, Yu Jingchu's physical strength had almost recovered at this moment.He stood up, went to pick up the herbs he put on the top of the mountain, and then turned to Ah Zhuang and said, "Ah Zhuang, let's go down the mountain quickly, you have to see a doctor quickly, and don't let the wound leave any sequelae!"

Ah Zhuang nodded, "Yeah!" Seeing that Yu Jingchu was holding more than ten kinds of precious herbs in his hands, he asked, "My lord, you risked your life to go into the mountains to collect herbs, and what you picked were all the most precious herbs in my mountain." , Is someone in the family seriously ill?"

Yu Jingchu said truthfully: "To tell you the truth, my wife is seriously ill and urgently needs these medicinal materials. I shouldn't have gone to the medicinal material mountain to steal these medicinal materials, but I have no choice but to offend your village!"

A Zhuang said: "The people in our village are very nice. Before entering the mountain, we explained the situation to our village head. Our village head will give these medicinal materials for free. You don't need to venture into the mountain."

Yu Jingchu said helplessly: "Things were in a hurry yesterday, so I didn't have time to think about it. It's just a pity that there is still one kind of medicinal material that I can't get together. Forget it, go back to the city and buy it. These should temporarily help my wife control her illness!"

Ah Zhuang asked: "Young Master, what other medicinal materials do you need? Just tell me! Ah Zhuang knows this medicinal material mountain very well, and I can find out any medicinal materials that Young Master needs as soon as possible! This medicinal material mountain gathers many precious medicinal materials from all over the world. , only what others can't think of, nothing can't find!"

Yu Jingchu was overjoyed, "That's great!"

Afterwards, Ah Zhuang really picked up the herbs Yu Jingchu needed in a remote place near the top of the mountain in a short period of time, handed it to Yu Jingchu, and said, "Young master, I will take you down the mountain." , it is important to save your wife!"

"Okay!" Yu Jingchu responded.Passing by the place where he woke up at the top of the mountain, he saw a strange thing hanging from a tree. He walked over and moved, and accidentally touched the loose button. The belt came loose and fell to the ground .

Yu Jingchu bent down to pick up the belt, and asked Ah Zhuang, "What is this? Is it yours, Ah Zhuang?"

Ah Zhuang shook his head and said, "Young Master, this is not mine! I saw this thing last night too! Logically speaking, it is not mine, nor yours, Young Master. Could it be that the person who rescued us forgot to take it when he left last night?" of?"

"It should belong to the benefactor! This is the benefactor's thing. We put it here to avoid being damaged by the sun and rain. Let's take it away first. If we have a chance to see the benefactor again, we will return it to him."

After taking the belt, Yu Jingchu went down the mountain under the leadership of A Zhuang.Neither of the two of them knew that the benefactor who saved them was Tang Lin, and she had already fallen into the abyss... the abyss!After leaving the herb mountain, Yu Jingchu was worried that A Zhuang would go back to the village alone, so he said, "A Zhuang, I will take you back to the village!"

But Ah Zhuang said: "No need, my lord, your wife is still waiting for your medicine to save her life. Although I lost an arm, I am not sorry. My life is not in danger now, and it is close to the village, so I don't bother you to send it to me." I have entered the village!"

It is indeed important to save lives. Seeing what A Zhuang said, Yu Jingchu didn’t insist, "Well, I’ll go to my wife first. A Zhuang, I’ll come back to see you. I took your medicinal herbs mountain away. With so many precious medicinal materials, you should come back and apologize!"

A Zhuang said: "Young Master, I will report your situation to the village head. I believe our village head will not blame you. It doesn't matter if you come back or not. Then A Zhuang will bid farewell to you, A Zhuang wishes The son's wife will recover soon!"

"Thank you!" After thanking him, Yu Jing left quickly.

After A Zhuang watched Yu Jingchu leave, he turned and went back in the direction of the village.After walking for a while, he took out the bottle he had picked up on the top of the Herb Mountain from his pocket, and smelled the residual medicinal smell in the bottle, "Strange, it seems that our village chief developed it from the medicine from the Herb Mountain." The medicine for golden sores is different from other medicines for golden sores. If it was really developed by the village chief, then it is the people in the village who saved my son and me?"

At this time, Imperial Physician Wu followed Li Xiaowei's team and rushed towards the direction of Liu Si and his party, but it was far behind Yu Jingchu's return.

"Ma'am!" Yu Jingchu ran back to the place where they stopped last night. At this time, the carriage was still there, and so were the servants and maids who went back to the imperial capital with him. "Ma'am, I'm back!"

Liu Si was in the carriage, teasing the daughter in the arms of the nanny.

Steward Zhao and several servants were watching the fun, because the coachman who took Tang Lin out of the city last night had reported to the government about the bandits and robbers last night. The thieves put the shackles in order to bring them to the government for interrogation.

Hearing Yu Jingchu's voice, Liu Si and Steward Zhao couldn't help being overjoyed.The nanny said in surprise: "Ma'am, it's the master who is back!"

Liu Si immediately dismounted.

Manager Zhao stopped joining in the fun, and returned to the carriage with his servants.

Yu Jingchu took a lot of medicinal materials and ran to Liu Si and the others. Before he allowed himself to take a breath, he handed all the medicinal materials to Steward Zhao, and hurriedly ordered: "Quickly, take them and grind them, give them Madam eat!"

Manager Zhao hurriedly responded, "Yes!" He was so happy that he didn't know what to say, but he didn't take the medicinal materials to do as Yu Jingchu ordered, as if Liu Si didn't need these medicinal materials now.Go aside and put away these herbs.

Seeing that her husband came back safely, Liu Si burst into tears of joy, and immediately hugged Yu Jingchu, "You're finally back, but I worried about you all night! It's great, nothing happened to you, God bless you!"

He stroked her back, and said softly: "I can't bear to worry about you all night." Seeing the group of people on the other side of the path, he released Liu Si and asked, "Why are there officers and soldiers here? What happened?"

Zhao Guanshi stepped forward and said: "Master, you must have been searching for herbs all night. You must be exhausted. Let's rest for a while. I will report to you about the officers and soldiers after you have rested."

Yu Jingchu said: "I'm fine now! Tell me, why are there so many people here? You didn't encounter anything, did you?" Only then did you notice the scars on Manager Zhao's face, as well as the other servants' faces. They all had scars, and they couldn't help but feel a lump in their hearts, "Quickly tell me, what happened?"

Manager Zhao glanced at Liu Si, and after receiving Liu Si's nod, he truthfully told Yu Jingchu what happened last night, "Master Hui, shortly after you left last night, a group of bandits came to rob people. ,"

"Looting and robbing people?" Yu Jingchu frowned furiously, "Which group of people hurt you?" Pointing to the group of bandits who were shackled by officers and soldiers.

Manager Zhao nodded, "Yes, Lord! But Lord, this group of people failed in the end, and a girl saved us!"

"Girl?" Yu Jingchu was startled, could it be that she is a chivalrous woman who walks the rivers and lakes?
Talking about that girl, Zhao Guanshi was full of energy, "Master, you don't know, that girl is very good at martial arts, dozens of bandits beat her, she didn't have a problem, although this girl is dressed very differently, but little I am sure, she is not from other countries, she is a strange woman from our Great Imperial Kingdom!"

Yu Jingchu was not curious about the girl Zhao Steward was talking about, but he really wanted to find this girl in return for saving his family, "What happened next? Where did this girl go?"

Zhao Guanshi continued: "Madam last night..." He wanted to say that the bandits tortured Madam very painfully, but after Liu Si shook his head, he changed his words, "After that girl defeated all the bandits last night, The madam suddenly fell ill. Fortunately, the girl knows medical skills, and I don’t know what medicine she took to control the madam’s condition. This night, the madam didn’t get sick again, and her body is as good as before! The girl’s medicine, It's amazing!"

Regardless of Guanshi Zhao, Yu Jingchu almost forgot about it. After coming back to now, he feels that Liu Si is no longer sick, and he can still have a hair dryer. The most important thing is that his complexion has improved.He looked at Liu Si, took a closer look, and couldn't help being overjoyed, "The girl cured you?"

Liu Si shook her head and said, "No! That girl's medicine can only keep me safe for one night!"

"That," Yu Jingchu was puzzled, looking left and right at this moment, he felt that Liu Si had recovered as before, even if he was still a little weak, but this was definitely recovered after taking medicine. "It's been a night, and you didn't take medicine this morning, so what are you doing now..."

Liu Si covered her mouth and smiled subtly.

Such a coquettish attitude made Yu Jingchu feel as if he had passed away.It has been many days, and he has never seen his wife's voice and smile like this. "Ma'am, you're telling me, you're desperate for your husband!"

Liu Si stopped hiding and said, "That girl, she was going to Tuanyuan Village. Before leaving, I told her about your situation, and that girl readily promised us that you will be safe. Send it back, and ask Tuanyuan Village to give us medicinal materials for free! An hour after the girl left last night, people from Tuanyuan Village brought us the medicine. Be good! Not only that, these medicines are all medicines to cure my disease, "

(End of this chapter)

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