The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 501 Little Princess Tang!

Chapter 501 Little Princess Tang!

Yu Jingchu couldn't believe it: "Can it be cured?"

Steward Zhao said with a chuckle: "Master, you don't know. It turns out that Madam's illness is the same as that of the wife of the founder of the Herbal Medicine Mountain hundreds of years ago. Last night, the village head of the Tuanyuan Village asked the village doctor to come I saw a doctor for Madam, and he knew how to cure Madam’s disease at a glance. The doctor told us that the probability of this disease happening is very low, and the reason why Madam got this disease is related to the traitors in their village!"

"Traitor?" Now, Yu Jingchu was a little confused, why did the more he said the more outrageous?

Butler Zhao continued: "The doctor said that in order to protect the Herb Mountain, and to protect the medicinal books left by the founder of the Herb Mountain, there can only be two doctors in Tuanyuan Village. The book, the medicine book, is the painstaking effort of the founder of the mountain. The apprentice of the doctor learned from him all the methods and secrets of healing and saving people in the medicine book, and there is also a disease that is related to human life. The founder of the mountain made his wife sick The reason is all recorded in the medicine book. It turns out that her wife's illness was caused by a rare tea. His apprentice took away all the tea and a body entrusted to him by his master in order to get more benefits. This kind of disease, only the master and apprentice know about it, and the rare tea leaves are only grown in medicinal materials mountains, fearing that these tea leaves will be passed on to the world, all the tea trees were uprooted long ago, in memory of the founder of the mountain The husband and wife, the few catties of tea leaves left, were stored in the temple of Tuanyuan Village, but they were taken away by the doctor's apprentice!"

Liu Si took the words of Housekeeper Zhao, "Jingchu, do you still remember the last time I bought medicine for my daughter in the next county? That day, I drank the tea from the pharmacy doctor in the pharmacy where I bought the medicine. Since then, my health has been bad, and the doctor asked us to buy a lot of expensive medicines from him, and almost spent all of our money! Presumably, the doctor is from Tuanyuan Village traitor!"

The ins and outs of the matter turned out to be like this. While Yu Jingchu was feeling emotional, he also wished that the traitor would be brought to justice immediately. "Old Zhao, tell the officials about the traitor in Tuanyuan Village later, and don't let Madam's illness happen again!"

Zhao Guanshi replied: "Master Hui, when the people from the government came, I already told them."

Yu Jingchu connected the scenes of last night and came up with the following result, "So, it was the girl last night who saved us?" That girl was very skilled in martial arts, and it made sense to save them to the top of the mountain.

Liu Sidao: "The people who brought the medicine from Tuanyuan Village last night only said that they had sent people into the mountain to look for her. As for whether the girl went into the mountain, those people didn't say anything. After the doctor helped me cure me, the sky didn't The people who lit them went back to the village!"

Yu Jingchu asked: "Where is that girl?"

Liu thought for a while, and said, "It should still be in the village. We all want to wait for you to come back, and then go to the village to thank that girl and the people in Tuanyuan Village! Then let's pack up quickly and go to Tuanyuan Village to thank you. girl?"

Yu Jingchu thought, whether it was the girl who saved him or not, he would go back to the village, not only to thank the girl face to face, but also to thank the whole village.

At this time, a large group of people rushed to Yu Jingchu and the others.

Yu Jingchu heard the sound of horseshoes, looked back, and saw that the people on horseback were all wearing armor and helmets.He thought, it should be the emperor brother who sent someone to send the imperial doctor out of the city to look for them overnight after seeing the excerpt.

Among these people, there is still one.

After stopping his horse, Yitang quickly jumped off his horse and walked towards Yu Jingchu.For him, he knows everyone in the royal family.Arriving in front of Yu Jingchu, he clasped his fists and said: "Yitang sees the fourth prince! Back to the prince, the imperial doctor is here!" "Yitang, no courtesy!" Yu Jingchu personally helped Yitang up.

Doctor Wu had already got off the carriage, carrying his medicine box, and walked towards Yu Jingchu together with Li Xiaowei.When the two were about to bow down, Yu Jingchu made a timely gesture and said, "You two are welcome! Thank you, my lord, for coming here!"

Doctor Wu asked: "My lord, I don't know how the princess is doing now?"

Yu Jingchu glanced at Liu Si beside him, then shook his head and laughed at Wu Yuyi and others, and then explained: "Guys, you are a step late, a doctor has already cured the princess. !"

When Yu Jingchu said that he was a step late, Yuyi Wu's heart tightened, thinking that something happened to the fourth princess, but after Yu Jingchu finished speaking, he was able to relax, "God is merciful to the princess. , bless the concubine's illness to recover soon!"

Yu Jingchu introduced to the three of them: "This is my concubine Liu Si, although we got married in the place where we were stationed, our marriage has already been reported to the palace, you should all know about it! "

Yitang said: "When the emperor heard the news, he went up to the court and announced the good news to the world!" Speaking of this, he kowtowed to Liu Si and said respectfully: "All the guards, see the princess! The princess is auspicious! "

Doctor Wu and Captain Li followed closely and kowtowed, saying in unison: "Good luck, my concubine!"

Liu Si waved his hand and said: "You three don't need to be too polite!"

Yitang said: "My lord, you have worked hard on this journey. The emperor sent Captain Li to escort the lord and the concubine into the city! Now that the concubine has recovered from her illness, let's go now and return to the mansion to rest earlier!"

"No hurry," Yu Jingchu said, "The reason why the concubine's illness can be cured quickly is all thanks to the help of the people in Tuanyuan Village. The king and the concubine have to go to Tuanyuan Village to pay their respects. If you have something urgent to go back to the city, you can go to the city first. Go back, after we thank Tuanyuan Village, we will return to the city!"

Yitang hurriedly said: "My lord, I will follow the emperor's order and personally escort you and the princess back to the city. How can I go back alone halfway. Since the lord and the concubine are going to the Reunion Village, the subordinates will accompany you and wait for the lord and the concubine to pay respects." Don't reunite with the village, let's go back to the city together!"

Yu Jingchu said: "Since you have nothing important to go back to the city to deal with, then follow along."

Captain Li glanced at the officers, soldiers and bandits over there, "My lord, what's going on?"

Yu Jingchu calmly said: "The bandits who blocked the road last night have already notified the government to deal with it. We don't have to deal with this matter. Everyone, get in order and go to the Tuanyuan Village with the king. Remember, don't treat the Tuanyuan Village. People are rude!"

"Follow the king's order!" Several people kowtowed.

After a while, the brigade headed towards Tuanyuan Village.

Not long after, a young man rushed from the entrance of Tuanyuan Village to the village until he entered the house of Village Chief Zhang. , directly rushed to the village chief Zhang who was sitting on the teacher's chair in the hall, and hurriedly said: "Grandpa village chief, it's bad, something is wrong! A group of well-dressed soldiers are coming to our Tuanyuan Village! "

At this time, there were people sitting on the many chairs on both sides of the hall. They were all elderly people. They were all old people in Tuanyuan Village. It could be said that they were at the level of elders.Ah Zhuang, standing in the middle, is the only young one.

Uncle Liu sat at the front.

Butler Zhang stood by Village Chief Zhang's side.

At this moment, Ah Zhuang's wound had already been bandaged up.

When he heard the news from the young man, Ah Zhuang was the first to react, and the one who reacted the most, "What? A large number of soldiers are coming towards our Tuanyuan Village? Did you read it wrong? Officers or soldiers?"

The young man said anxiously: "Those people don't look like officials, they are even better than soldiers going to war!"

Uncle Liu said: "This should be a soldier from the imperial court. He came here for some reason." Looking at Village Chief Zhang who was stroking his goatee, "Village Chief, did our village offend the imperial court? Or..."

Village head Zhang had a calm expression on his face, and he was not in a panic. He told the young man, "Go and tell everyone in the village to be quiet and not to be impatient. We will wait for those people to arrive. Without my order, no one can mess around." Violators will be imprisoned in the temple for one year."

"Yes, Grandpa Village Chief, then I'll notify you right away." After speaking, the young man wiped oil on the soles of his feet and ran out of the hall suddenly.

The old men began to discuss in low voices, the content was that a large number of soldiers came to their village this time.

I don't know which one of them said, "Could it be that you came here for the medicinal material mountain?"

Now, everyone affirmed the answer in their hearts.

Ah Zhuang said: "It shouldn't be. No one knows the route in and out of the Herb Mountain. How could the imperial court know? The mountain was occupied by the imperial court massacring the village, and for so many years, the imperial court has not embarrassed our village! Could it be... Could it be related to the new emperor? The new emperor covets our medicinal herb mountain? So, send troops here?"

"Damn it," someone expressed displeasure based on Ah Zhuang's words, "I thought he was a good emperor who cared for his people, but he only occupied Xindu for more than a month, and now he's planning to attack our Herb Mountain!"

Another person posted, "Village Chief, we can't sit idly by and let the court bully us!"

Village head Zhang did not express his opinion, but looked at Uncle Liu and asked, "Old Liu, what do you think?"

Uncle Liu said: "I am from Yuxin, and I am a citizen of the old capital. I know what kind of person the emperor is today, and everyone in the world knows too. He is the hero who came out to save the country when the country was in crisis. How could our Great Imperial Kingdom be able to have such a prosperous and powerful scene today, if there is not a good emperor who is diligent in governing and loving the people, and seeks stability and prosperity for the people in every way? If the soldiers who came here were really sent by the court to plunder We from the Herbal Medicine Mountain have already sounded drums to remind us, and the sound of horseshoes shook the whole village. But there is no one now, so it means that the person who came was kind and not malicious!"

These words made those old men feel ashamed. "What Lao Zhang said is true, it's because I waited too impatiently!"

Village head Zhang got up, "The soldiers must be outside soon, let's go, let's go out and have a look!"

Butler Zhang helped Village Chief Zhang, and left the hall with Uncle Liu and others.

Not long after, horses and carriages stopped outside the gate of the village chief's house one after another.

Yu Jingchu got off the horse, went to the carriage, helped Liu Si get off the carriage, and then Imperial Physician Wu in the carriage also got off the horse.

At this time, the whole village gathered around the village chief's house. Although several of them were holding shovels and hoes, not all of them were holding them. They didn't do anything, they just watched.

After Yitang and Captain Li got off their horses, they followed Yu Jingchu and his wife towards Village Chief Zhang and the others.

Yu Jingchu and Liu Si stopped in front of Village Chief Zhang and other elders.He bowed politely, and then said: "Today, I am so disturbed! Excuse me, is your village chief here?"

Ah Zhuang squeezed up from behind the old men, seeing that Yu Jingchu turned out to be the young master he knew on the top of the mountain, his eyes lit up, "Young master?!"

This "Young Master" made many people look at each other in blank dismay.

Yu Jingchu was very happy to see Ah Zhuang. "Ah Zhuang, you are here too." Seeing that Azhuang's wound had been bandaged, he was relieved a lot, "You are injured, you should rest more!"

Ah Zhuang said happily: "Master, I'm fine." He glanced nervously at the soldiers with expressionless faces, as well as Liu Si and others, and asked, "Master, who are these people... What's more, you got the medicine, you should go back and treat your wife, she is still waiting for your life-saving medicine, why..."

(End of this chapter)

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