The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 665 Tang Lin Is Pregnant

Chapter 665 Tang Lin Is Pregnant
The corners of Tang Lin's lips curled secretly, mocking the man who hijacked her.Don't even look at who she is and what skills she has, but dare to put a knife on her neck, it's just a joke.

At the elevator entrance on the first floor, someone quickly pulled Tang Tianen away. When she reacted, she was already a few meters away from the elevator entrance. A large group of policemen surrounded both sides of the elevator with a serious posture.

Tang Tianen asked the policeman who pulled her to the side, "Hello, what happened?"

The policeman said: "Miss, our police are going to arrest two murderers here. It's not safe here. You should leave here and go to a safe place."

Thinking of Soddy rushing downstairs, Tang Tianen felt choked up in his chest, "Soddy! No!"

She wanted to rush to the elevator entrance, but was stopped by the policeman, who yelled angrily: "Go, don't hinder our police handling the case!"

"But," Tang Tianen said urgently, "my husband may be in the elevator. What if he meets a murderer? No, I can't watch him have an accident... Hey, what are you doing? Let me go!"

Tang Tianen was forcibly dragged away by two police cars, and she struggled desperately.

The elevator has descended to the 10th floor.

The murderer who hijacked Sodi saw that Sodi's body was shaking, so he said angrily: "What are you shaking, please be quiet, we just want you to be hostages for a while, as long as you escape from the group of policemen downstairs, we I’ll let you go, but if you dare to mess around, don’t blame us for cutting your throats.”

Soddy gasped heavily, and said nervously, "I won't move, I won't move, don't mess around."

Seeing that the elevator had reached the third floor, Tang Lin rolled her eyes, and suddenly, she clasped the murderer's middle finger, making the murderer feel powerless even if he tried to strike hard.

The murderer struggled to send the knife to Tang Lin's neck. Tang Lin broke it hard, and she pulled away the murderer's hand holding the knife, and pushed back with her left hand.

"Oh!" The murderer bent his body down in pain to relieve the pain in his abdomen.

"The guy who is looking for death." Tang Lin raised her long legs and kicked the murderer fiercely.

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, the other murderer immediately stabbed Tang Lin with the knife that was holding Sodi's neck, "I'll kill you, you stinking woman."

But the knife did not get close to Tang Lin, Tang Lin flashed past, and when she appeared, she was standing firmly behind the murderer who kidnapped Sodi, her eyes were cold.

When the murderer felt the coldness growing from behind, Tang Lin chopped off his shoulder with a palm, and then, his eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground.

The murderer who was beaten to the ground by Tang Lin wanted to fight back, but Tang Lin stretched out her foot expressionlessly and stepped on his hand holding the knife.

"Ah!" the murderer cried out in pain.

Tang Lin sneered, "Oh, you know it hurts, don't you?" She didn't let the murderer go, but stepped on the murderer's hand even harder, and said fiercely: "I let you kidnap me! I let you kidnap me! "

Soddy's heart beat faster, he was so scared that he pressed against the wall of the elevator, and his feet trembled even more disobediently. Looking at Tang Lin who was like a devil at the moment, he thought to himself, this woman is so vicious, will she kill her later? He silenced?
Feeling something, Tang Lin glanced coldly at Sodi, but the moment his eyes met hers, his heart twitched suddenly, almost killing him.

Tang Lin tilted her head and looked at Sodi. The previous ferocious expression was gone, but now she was a little puzzled, "You seem to be very scared?" This foreigner is really strange. She rescued him, but he was better than the murderer who hijacked him. will be more scared.

Sodi waved his hand and said with a forced smile in his awkward Chinese: "No, no." No wonder, she beat her captors to the ground, and she didn't forget to step on them happily. Fierce and scary.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and many bullet holes came in, "Don't move, we are the police."

Seeing that one of the two murderers had passed out, one was lying on the ground with a painful expression, being stepped on by a woman, and the other was terrified against the wall of the elevator... This scene made the policemen at the door Completely dumbfounded.

Tang Lin brushed her hair as if no one was there, stepped on the corpse on the ground and walked out of the elevator, and walked out in front of all the policemen.

Tang Tianen, who was chased away by the police, saw Soddy coming out, and immediately ran over, "Husband."

When passing by Tang Lin, Tang Tianen looked sideways at Tang Lin and said in surprise, "This lady is so beautiful."

Soddy shook his numb legs, and before he could straighten up completely, Tang Tianen rushed forward and hugged him, crying and laughing at the same time, and said, "Honey, it's good that you're fine, I was scared to death just now. "

Soddy stroked his wife's back, "It's okay, it's okay, don't be sad."

When looking at Tang Lin's back not far away, Sodi showed embarrassment.In the elevator just now, as a man, not only was he saved by the woman in the end, but he was also trembling because he was afraid of that woman. Now that he thinks about it, he is really not a man.

After walking to the entrance of the hotel, Tang Tianen got a call, it was from Yu Shengjun, she answered quickly, "God Bless, where are you now?"

Yu Shengjun was sitting in a taxi, he said to Tang Tianen on the other end of the phone: "I'm rushing to the hotel, are you in the hotel now?"

Tang Tianen on the other end of the phone said: "I'm here. I planned to go to the police station with Suo Di to see how you are doing, but I didn't expect that the police were handling the case, and Suo Di almost had an accident."

Yu Shengjun frowned, "What's going on?"

Tang Tianen said: "There were two murderers hiding in the hotel. When Suo Di got off the elevator, he and a lady were hijacked by the murderers. Fortunately, the lady was very skilled and subdued the two murderers and saved Suo Di. Dee. Don't worry, we're all fine, the police have already taken the murderer away."

Yu Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine."

After finishing the call with Tang Tianen, Yu Shengjun turned to Tang Lin's phone number. He thought that Tang Lin should still be dealing with Ji's transfer procedures in City H, but he hesitated again and again, and he never dialed it.He pressed the gunshot wound on his chest, and said calmly: "Forget it, it's better not to fight. Linlin must be very sad to see that I was injured again. See her again after the injury is healed."

However, Tang Lin called him at this moment.

After hesitating for a while, Yu Shengjun answered the phone and asked with a relaxed smile, "Linlin, miss me?"

At this time, Tang Lin was also in a taxi, rushing to the hospital.Hearing Yu Shengjun's hearty laughter, she guessed that Yu Shengjun must have found Tang Tianyou's sister, Tang Tianen, "So happy, did you find Tianyou's sister?"

Hearing Tang Lin's voice, Yu Shengjun's restless heart after a day was well relaxed.Often only the deeply in love with her can soothe the wound in his heart. "I found it, and I plan to... go back in a few days. She got married here, and she needs to make arrangements for her family affairs before returning to China with me." In fact, he wanted to use these few days to heal his wounds, In order not to see his wounds and be sad when we meet again.

He doesn't know how other men treat his women, but in his mind, as a man, the most important thing to do is not to let the woman he loves worry about him.

Tang Lin reminded: "Junjun, there are pirates and civil wars over there, you have to be more careful, do you know?"

Yu Shengjun's heart suddenly hurt, he shouldn't have traveled far, which made her worry all the time. "Don't worry, I will protect myself. How is the transfer procedure going?"

Tang Lin didn't complain to him about the two or three days of going out early and coming back late, and the exhaustion of running around. She said happily: "It's over, and I plan to rest for two days before going to the company to formally meet with the company's senior management. Dear, I have really become Ji's boss now, are you happy for me?"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said, "Of course." But Tang Lin would not see the sadness in his eyes.Before going to Somalia, he inquired deeply about the situation of the Ji family, and found that the Ji family was currently facing many crises, and Tang Lin was a hot potato.

Tang Lin said confidently: "I will work hard to take care of it and be a good boss who wins the hearts of the employees. Of course, if you encounter any difficulties at work, Junjun will help you. The phone is running out of battery, then Junjun Jun, I'll hang up first, you have fun over there, tell me when you come back, and I'll pick you up at the airport."

After hearing the beeping sound, Yu Shengjun slowly put down the mobile phone from his ear, opened the photo album, saw Tang Lin's photo, she was smiling so happily, he couldn't help but smiled softly, his eyes But hot.At this moment, he felt endless loneliness in his heart, being in the same city with her, he couldn't see her either.

A taxi passed by the window. In the back seat, Tang Lin leaned against the window and closed her eyes to rest. When Yu Shengjun looked out the window, the taxi had already passed halfway.

Um?Tang Lin wondered, why did she suddenly feel a little sad?She opened her eyes, touched her cheek, and when she looked at her finger again, there was a tear on it.

"Are your eyes inflamed?" Tang Lin muttered to herself, then ignored the tears on her hands, and took out the parchment in her bag to look through.Although she has read it many times, every time she looks at this parchment, she always feels uneasy and worried. "Tang Tianyou actually asked someone to deliver the letter to me. If he hadn't encountered a particularly serious incident, he would not have done so. What happened to him? Where is the other half of the parchment..." At nine o'clock in the evening, Yu Shengjun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel suite, holding a half glass of red wine in one hand.

From the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can watch the bustling night view of the entire city center.

The night scene is gorgeous, but the room is dark, and his heart is lonely and restless.

I don't know if she slept or not.

Suddenly, Yu Shengjun took the mobile phone on the glass table and came to the floor-to-ceiling window. The light from outside sprinkled on his snow-like shirt, pure and dreamy.

He dialed Tang Lin's number.

On the other side, Tang Lin and Ji Yaqian were taking a taxi back to Ji's house.

Tang Lin looked at the night scene outside the window, thinking about the parchment, her cell phone rang for a while without knowing it, and finally Ji Yaqian reminded her, "Ma'am, you have a phone."

"Oh, the phone." Tang Lin reacted, hurriedly took out the mobile phone from her bag, glanced at the screen, and happily took it.

Ji Yaqian accidentally caught a glimpse of the call note on the screen, and she was curious as to who the person whose note was "Emperor".

"Honey, it's nine o'clock in the evening on my side, how about yours?"

Ji Yaqian was startled, dear?Madam, how do you call the person named "Emperor" dear?Is that man the president?If yes, how did Madam change the president's remarks to "Emperor" instead of Tang Tianyou or her husband?Madam is not only extraordinary in skill, but also mysterious in other aspects. Who is she?Since she knows that the president is the head of the Heidi Group, but not a member of the Heidi Group, it means that the president told her about this matter, why does the president trust her so much?

"I'm on my way to Ji Yu's house now. I'm staying at his house for the past two or three days, so it's convenient for me to do business, by the way," Tang Lin glanced at Ji Yaqian at the side, and then said to Yu Shengjun on the other end of the phone : "Assistant Ji accompanied me to City H, she is by my side."

Ji Yaqian was shocked again, she really is the boss.But she felt guilty again. She thought that Tang Lin was talking with another man on the phone. When Tang Lin told him that she was also nearby, it must be her boss.

(End of this chapter)

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