The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 666 My Emperor's Son, 1 Will Be Excellent

Chapter 666 My Emperor's Son Will Be Excellent

"Okay, my dear, good night." Tang Lin happily hung up the phone, accidentally glanced at Ji Yaqian, saw her face was ashamed, she asked: "What's wrong?"

Ji Yaqian shook her head, smiled and said: "It's okay." How could she doubt Madam, it's too wrong. "Just now, was the call from the president?"

Tang Lin said "Yes", "We're getting married next month. His sister is in Africa. He's going to Africa this time to bring his sister back."

At the hotel, Yu Shengjun quickly took the coat from the sofa and went out.

"Good night." After returning home and saying good night to Ji Yaqian, Tang Lin went back to her room.

After taking a bath, Tang Lin came out in a blue nightgown, drank a glass of milk, then fell asleep on her stomach without a quilt.

Yu Shengjun parked the car on the side of the villa opposite Ji's house.

The window of the car was half open, and a cigarette was held between two slender fingers, and he brought it out of the car and put it on the window.

The window on the second floor of Ji's house was lit, and Yu Shengjun could see it clearly from the car.

Inside the car, there was a strong smell of cigarettes, and the sound of unusually subtle breathing.

Right in front of that window, there is a bed with a person lying on it.

"Ouch~" Suddenly her stomach was surging, Tang Lin woke up, covered her mouth and rushed to the bathroom.

Standing in front of the sink, Tang Lin tried her best to vomit for a long time, but she didn't spit out anything except some acid water.

She stroked her forehead weakly, looked at herself in the mirror with pale face and weak breath, and said wonderingly: "Why is my stomach so uncomfortable tonight? Is it because of drinking milk? It doesn't happen if I drink it the night before. "

Whispering back to the bed, Tang Lin fell asleep on her stomach again.However, within a few minutes, she rushed into the bathroom again, "vomit~"

It turned cold in the second half of the night.

Tang Lin dragged her exhausted body back to the bedside and sat down. This disturbing vomiting lasted most of the night, "Stomach, stomach, do you really want to torture me to death..."

A gust of cold wind was sent into the room, and Tang Lin realized that the window was not closed when it brushed over her body.She walked over to close the window, and accidentally glanced at the door downstairs. There was a car parked in the dark outside the door of the opposite villa.

Tang Lin glanced at it casually, and was about to close the window. At this moment, a gust of wind rushed towards her face, and the air was filled with the familiar smell of cigarettes.That kind of cigarette is custom-made, and only one person in the world can smoke this kind of cigarette.

Tang Lin thought of something, suddenly took a deep breath and widened her eyes, "Could it be..."

She was so happy that she turned around and ran to the door, but when she was about to open the door, she hesitated.If Yu Shengjun really returned to China, why did he lie to her that he was still in Somalia?
He must have been in the car below, smoking a cigarette.There was a peculiar aroma in that smoke, and she could smell it.

Smoking is harmful to health. For his health and without losing the original flavor of cigarettes, she specially invited a colleague in the army to give her a rare drug that eliminates carcinogens in cigarettes. middle.

The person below who is smoking must be Yu Shengjun.

The reason why he lied to her and came to see her secretly without showing his face must be because he didn't want her to know something.

After thinking about it calmly, Tang Lin turned off the lights in the room.

When Yu Shengjun looked up again, the window was no longer lit. He breathed a deep sigh of relief, stubbed out the cigarette butt in the ashtray on the front of the car, and then leaned on the back of the seat and closed his eyes.

In the room upstairs, Tang Lin sent a message to the black man, and the black man replied to her in a short while, in English.

Seeing the content, Tang Lin took a deep breath, and tears fell on the phone screen so easily, blurring the words on it.

Putting on a thin coat and not changing her nightdress, Tang Lin just left the room in her slippers. After a while, she arrived at the door of Ji's villa.

When Yu Shengjun heard the sound of the door opening, his sharp sword-like eyes suddenly opened in the dark car.When he turned his head to look out, there was already a thin figure approaching the car.

He would never suspect that the figure was another woman.

With distressed anger, he quickly opened the car door, stood like a king, stretched out his big hand, and pulled the frail body into his arms.

"Ho." Suddenly bumping into a firm and warm embrace, Tang Lin's heart was doubly shocked by the sense of security at this moment.

She felt her back was locked tightly, and the back of her head was covered by fiery and warm palms.

She raised her head, wanting to see how domineering this man's expression was, but she couldn't think, suddenly a deep and cold shadow approached, and the next second, her warm lips were suddenly covered by something like ice.

So breathy, so domineering, and as beautiful as ever.

Slowly he let go of her, hugged her thin body tightly, and breathed unevenly in her ear, but it was full of longing and sadness.

She felt his sadness, she stroked his back, and called him softly, "Junjun..." He was wearing a white shirt and a yellow tie, and the shirt exuded a fresh fragrance. fragrance.His coat was black and long, reaching to his thighs.The color and style of the jacket are very elegant, and the fragrance on it is equally refreshing.

The wind blows, the dead leaves fall to the ground, and the wind blows across the aisle, and they can no longer control their whereabouts.

Yu Shengjun buried herself on Tang Lin's shoulder, the more uneasy he felt, the tighter he hugged her. "Linlin, promise me that you will take good care of yourself in the future, and don't let yourself get hurt or sad."

Tang Lin's heart trembled. She thought that he could really change that address. She thought that she would never hear him call himself "Zhen" again in this life.

His uneasiness aggravated her uneasiness, so she became even more uneasy.These days, the letter Tang Tianyou sent her almost took away all her calmness.

Tang Tianyou would not send her a message for no reason, it must be that he wanted to tell her something important.

When the wind passed, she vomited for most of the night, and her body was tortured to the point where she was unable to resist the cold. She felt the biting wind and shivered suddenly.

Sensing her strangeness, Yu Shengjun immediately let go of her, took off his coat, and hurriedly put it on her body, tightening the coat tightly again and again, just to prevent her from getting cold.

Now with the help of the brightness of the street lamp, she finally saw his face, which was as handsome and extraordinary as before, but it made her feel inexplicably distressed.Unknowingly, tears filled her eyes, "Junjun...I love you dearly."

Yu Shengjun's eyes became hot, and he hugged her, "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable."

His voice is lighter and hoarse than before, like a string that is easy to break, which makes people feel heartbroken.

After a while, the car whizzed away and quickly disappeared into the night.

Yu Shengjun carried Tang Lin back to the hotel suite and gently placed her on the bed in the bedroom.He sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand lightly, leaning slightly, another warm and rough palm caressed her pale and cold cheek lovingly, "Why are you in such a bad condition tonight?"

Tang Lin said weakly, "I've been vomiting for most of the night. I don't know why. Maybe I drank expired milk."

Yu Shengjun took her hand and felt her pulse, "You have a very good sense of smell, you can easily smell expired milk. Let me take your pulse."

He looks very good-looking when he is serious, and I really want to never break this moment in my life.

After a while, seeing his frown furrowed, Tang Lin asked uneasily, "Is there something wrong with my body?"

Yu Shengjun frowned deeply and said, "Well, something went wrong."

Tang Lin's heart skipped a beat, and she didn't dare to take a breath. She suddenly felt hopeless, "I... have a terminal illness?"

Yu Shengjun suddenly smiled, and he was in a good mood, "Linlin who lied to you, you are not sick, you are happy, I am going to be a father!"

Tang Lin took a deep breath and paused for three seconds. Then, she closed her eyes and passed out.Yu Shengjun stayed up all night and hugged Tang Lin all night until dawn.This night, his mood was extremely good, but also extremely contradictory. He was very happy that he could be a father, but Hao Jun's imperial decree made him very distressed.

He wants to go back to the Great Royal, not because he is still attached to the throne and the country, but Yu Zichen and others. His relatives and friends are in danger, so he wants to go back and see what's going on, whether Tang Tianyou replaced him as the Great Royal After the emperor, he did things that endangered the country and the people.

Originally, I thought that after switching identities with Tang Tianyou, he would try his best to keep everything about Tang Tianyou, but did Tang Tianyou try his best to help him keep everything about him?

The Great Yu Kingdom was won by Yu Shengjun with a lot of sweat and blood. How could it be overthrown when he finally realized the unification of the Central Plains and allowed all people in the world to live a stable life.

"Hmm..." The weak little body in her arms moved restlessly, trying to sleep on the other side.

Yu Shengjun gently put Tang Lin down, bent down, touched her hair with his lips, and then wrapped the quilt for her, and got off the bed.

He poured a glass of water in the living room, sat down at the glass table, and took a sip when the doorbell rang.

After Yu Shengjun put down the water glass, he went to open the door.As soon as the door opened, Tang Tianen and Suo Di were seen carrying big and small bags.

Tang Tianen walked in and said, "You may not be used to the breakfast in the hotel. I went outside with Suo Di to buy it, and I also bought a copy for Lao Hei. I just gave it to him."

Soddy said excitedly: "It turns out that China's early life is so rich, and I have learned a lot."

Yu Shengjun closed the door, and when he looked back, the couple was already preparing breakfast on the dining table, and there were various sounds during the busy process.

Yu Shengjun was about to go to tell Tang Tianen and the others to keep their voices down. Someone was sleeping in the bedroom, but at this moment, Tang Lin stood at the door of the bedroom with a sleepy face and looked at the people in the hall, "Did something happen?"

Hearing the woman's voice, Tang Tianen and Suo Di, who had their backs to the bedroom door, turned around and looked over.

Sodi widened his eyes in horror when he recognized the woman in a nightgown with a particularly good figure and messy hair.Isn't this the female devil who easily subdued two murderers in the elevator yesterday?
When Tang Tianen saw Tang Lin, she didn't recognize Tang Lin at first sight, but she felt that this woman looked familiar. After recalling it carefully, she remembered this woman. She had seen this woman yesterday when the police were arresting the murderer. The pretty woman who easily subdued the murderer and saved her husband Soddy.

Tang Tianen became suspicious again, his eyes shifted from Tang Lin to Yu Shengjun, and he blinked vigorously at him, meaning he was asking him who that woman was.

Gradually, Tang Lin's drowsiness disappeared, and then she saw clearly that there were two more people in the room, and she quickly recognized them. She came over in surprise, "Hey, why are you?"

Um?Yu Shengjun wondered, "Do you know each other?"

Tang Tianen said: "Didn't the police arrest the murderer in the hotel yesterday? It was this lady who subdued the two murderers in the elevator and saved Soddy."

"Oh!" Tang Lin suddenly realized, pointing at Sodi, she said happily: "I see, you, right?" Last night, Yu Shengjun had already told her everything about Tang Tianen and Sodi , I wanted to formally meet again today, but I didn't expect them to come over early in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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