Chapter 218
At this moment, people on Earth, or people in America, stopped what they were doing and looked at the sky in disbelief.

That's right, the originally bright blue sky was shrouded in a dark blue light. The only normal sight that people in the Americas could see was the sun like a bright lamp.

With the sudden change of color in the sky, the earth also began to mutate, and the plants began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye. The animals ran around wildly, and their tempers became more and more irritable.

"The end of the world...the end of the world is coming!!" Suddenly, in the center of New York, someone shouted this sentence loudly.

The originally silent and terrifying square suddenly exploded, with noises, noises, prayers, curses... one after another.

The well-ordered crowd began to become a mess, scurrying around like a swarm of headless chickens.

The road where vehicles should be driving was occupied by dense pedestrians. These people who were dominated by fear, their originally lively faces began to become dull.

The entire New York City was almost paralyzed in just 3 minutes.

However, Los Angeles, which had been wrecked by the lightning demon Zhongsu before, was eerily quiet at this moment, not even a single pedestrian could be seen on the street.

Thick black smoke rose from the ruins, and there was no trace of vitality in the whole city.

However, right in the center of Los Angeles, a strong figure and a short figure are flashing rapidly.

In front of them, Zhongsu, whose body was bursting with blue electric light, was raising the electric staff formed by his mana, and was about to throw it at the two of them.

The moment the lightning rod was released, the two quickly made way, and saw a thin old man casting magic under the cover of a burly man.

"Father, hurry up!" Jackie Chan urged while sweating as he looked at the electric wand that was about to reach his eyes.

"Ghosts, goblins, leave quickly, goblins, goblins... oh, don't rush daddy! Jackie Chan, raise the castanets in your hands and tap..." as daddy said, a green light shot out from the mouth of the puffer fish in Jackie Chan's hand. The castanets shot away.

"It's now! Uncle Long!" Xiaoyu shouted desperately.

"Demon! Go back to your hell!" Jackie Chan was also instantly ignited, waving the castanets in his hand.

Only three crisp sounds of bang~bang~bang~ were heard.

A green light beam shot out from the inside of the castanets, directly scattered the electric rod thrown by Zhongsu, and shot it towards Zhongsu.

Seeing this scene, Zhongsu stood there with his eyes wide open.

"No! No!!!" Following the hit of the light beam, Zhongsu, who was motionless at first, began to struggle desperately, as if trying to get rid of something.

However...justice magic has always restrained black magic, and Zhongsu turned into a ray of light and flew towards the ruins of Hollywood.

Just when he was about to be sealed as a demon, Zhongsu tried his best to throw the last lightning rod towards the moon.

At the same time, seeing the gate of hell gradually closing, Zhongsu felt very entangled in his heart.

These despicable people... actually came to sneak attack on me when I had just released a large-scale magic and my mana had not recovered... If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't move for a while after throwing the electric staff, I...

However, no matter how much you regret, no matter how much you reflect, it is useless. The gate of hell is slowly closing in front of China and the Soviet Union.

On the other side, in Huaxia, which is still at night, the movement at this time is not small.

Since it was night, the anomalies in the sky were not easy to notice, but the moon was particularly conspicuous...a scarlet moon with black spots in the middle.

But because people are in the dream period, most people are still in the dreamland... Only the zoo, forest guards, otaku and those who have night shifts have noticed the abnormality.

"The moon is so red today...could it be that sister Chang'e is on her period?" On the road, a young couple strolling under the street lamp said.

"I hate it, it's just your bad mouth! Can't you describe it in a more romantic way?" The woman was immediately dissatisfied.

"Romantic? Hmm...romantic..." The man thought for a while, then turned his head abruptly.

"Oh! With..."

After that, the man hugged the woman affectionately, looked at each other, and looked at the red moon in the sky together.

"Xu'er~ Look at this red moon, did you think of something?" the man said softly.

The woman lay shyly in the man's arms, her cheeks were a little red, and she replied faintly: "Ah? What... what is it?"

At this moment, the man suddenly changed his posture in a ballet-like spiral, with one arm around the woman's waist, and the other hand gently grasping the woman's arm.

"Like between us..."

Just as the two kissed me, dozens of pairs of scarlet eyes suddenly lit up in the grove behind them.

I saw the originally peaceful grove suddenly filled with flames. No one knew where the fire came from, and no one knew why the fire spread so fast.



Under the light of the fire, there was a little more firewood in the crackling grove of flames.

Not long after, as the flames were extinguished, several men in black robes slowly walked out from the ashes of the forest.

"Teninai, what annoys me the most is this kind of show of affection on the street, and I feel super good about myself. It's much better now." Among them, a black-robed man standing in the middle scolded.

"Uh...boss, didn't the elder tell us not to cause trouble? We burned a couple to death, the elder wouldn't..." a stooped, somewhat short man in black robe asked timidly.

"Cut, what are you afraid of? The elder wants us to summon the flame of the ceremony and burn this forest as a sacrifice. We just burned a couple to death by the way. It's no big deal. Let's settle down." The leader said He waved his hand indifferently and said.

smack, smack, smack, smack...

At this time, a brisk applause suddenly sounded from behind everyone.

"Who is it!" The people in black robes who were originally loose were gathered together in an instant.

If you want to say that they are simply gathered together, that's not the case. It seems that there is a little reason and exquisiteness in the gathering, it's better to say that it is like a formation.

"Not bad... Originally, I wanted to directly detain your souls in exchange for information, but since you have done something that satisfies me, I decided to talk to you..."

Hearing this, the man in black took a look. With blond hair and scarlet eyes, he was neither tall nor short. When he looked carefully, his face was still childish.


"Hahaha, are you kidding me?"

In an instant, the nervous man in black relaxed, and looked at Ren Yi with a mocking face.

"Young man, this is not a cartoon about the hot-blooded dragon Aotian. Do you regard yourself as the protagonist in Dongying animation? Or is it a recurrence of secondary illness, and you want your uncles to help you treat it?" The team leader held back his smile , stepped forward and said.

"Only you, where did you get the confidence to say these words? Huh?"

However, facing everyone's cynicism, Ren Yi smiled disdainfully.

"Huh? Is there anything funny?" Seeing Ren Yi's disdainful expression, the leader's face froze, and a chill spread.

"Do you know why Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching?" Ren Yi opened his mouth after a short silence.

The leader had no expression on his face. Feeling that he had been fooled, his murderous aura and chill became more serious, and even the subordinates around him were terrified.

"Why?" But out of instinct, the team leader still asked.

"Because I am willing!"


(End of this chapter)

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