Chapter 219 1999 Events
"Because I am willing!"

I only heard Ren Yi's voice raised a little bit, and said.

"Huh?" The team leader's expression became ferocious, as if Ren Yi had been thoroughly irritated.

However, just as the team leader raised his hand to teach Renyi a lesson.



"No...don't, ah!"

Behind the leader, countless black shadows flashed past, and intermittent screams sounded one after another.

" happened..." The team leader turned around in surprise, and was stunned when he saw the tragic scene in front of him.


In an instant, all the followers following behind the leader disappeared without leaving any trace.

"Yo~ what's the matter? Are you panicking without subordinates?" At the same time, Ren Yi's joking voice rang out from the leader's ear.

"Bastard!" The leader shuddered, and hurriedly took a big step to the side.

"Who the hell are you!" After scrutinizing Ren Yi for a while, the team leader opened his eyes and asked, while turning his eyes to the side from time to time.

With so many people disappearing suddenly without leaving any trace, he must have other helpers... maybe hiding nearby.The leader of the black robe thought so.

"Sure enough, read the soul directly... Looking at you, it seems that your status is not low... Then there must be a lot of information?" Renyi didn't care what the black-robed leader thought at this time, and said to himself Then he approached him.

Um?Do you want to attract my attention, and then let your accomplices take the opportunity to attack me?The team leader looked at Ren Yi who was walking towards him slowly, and thought to himself.

As a result, the leader, who was not concentrating, ignored Ren Yi's terrifying aura when he was distracted to observe his surroundings.

"Huh? This dangerous feeling..." The team leader muttered, gradually losing consciousness.

A tall man in a black robe fell heavily on the asphalt road, and a relatively short Ren Yi stood in front of him.

"So, why have you been looking aside just now?" Ren Yi taunted while holding the soul that had just been taken out of the leader's body.

At the moment of reading the memory, countless pictures flashed through Ren Yi's mind.

"I see……"

After a long time, after simple processing of the obtained memory fragments, a smile gradually appeared on Ren Yi's face.

"System prompt: Thunder Demon——Zhongsu, has been sealed."

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded from Ren Yi's head.

"Huh? China and the Soviet Union are sealed..." Ren Yi was taken aback for a moment.

"But it doesn't matter, anyway, in the end, the eight demons will definitely reappear in the world..."


After China and the Soviet Union were sealed off, the U.S. government could not ignore the panicked and disordered crowd, and took actions one after another to appease and persuade the masses in various ways.

And the so-called methods...Sealing, signing contracts, hypnotizing, brainwashing...

Gradually, the social order in the United States began to stabilize, and the restoration work in Los Angeles was almost in progress.

On the other hand, countries around the world cannot ignore this strange incident. Since the impact is not as great as that of the United States, they have also taken actions on a small scale.

Since it happened in 1999, it was later unified by the United Nations, and this incident was listed as a global confidential document, also known as... the 1999 incident.

With the passage of time and the change of times, this global sensational event has been gradually hidden, and only a few fish that slipped through the net are telling these unbelievable stories...

(End of this chapter)

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