Chapter 245 Gluttonous King

"What's the matter, so it's like this..." Xin Zhao said casually, flicking his bangs on his forehead.

"Sure enough, I have to be a professional." Qiangwei also nodded in agreement, and glanced at Ge Xiaolun, as if laughing at Ge Xiaolun's antics at that time.

Ge Xiaolun touched his nose in embarrassment, looking a little shy under the gaze of the goddess.

Seeing this, Xin Zhao poked Ge Xiaolun with his elbow with a smile.

"Ouch~ there's something to do." Xin Zhao leaned on Ge Xiaolun's ear and said.

Ge Xiaolun looked at Xin Zhao with some surprise.

"Hey hey hey, no matter how you look at it, this is not a playful look, revealing such obvious contempt..." Ge Xiaolun replied, and began to worry about the EQ of this new friend he had just started school.

"Hey? Why is no one discussing the great detective in our class?" At this moment, Liu Chuang suddenly asked.

Although he was very happy to see Ge Xiaolun making embarrassments, Liu Chuang, who always liked to join in the fun, would not be satisfied with watching him making jokes alone.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't ignore it as nothing, and as expected, the focus of the audience turned to Renyi again.

Ren Yi, who was learning about the status of his other two avatars through remote sensing, was forcibly pulled back by this strange feeling of being stared at.

"Don't say that, Renyi is also very powerful, okay? Can you tell the time of death at a glance? Can you judge the cause of death at once?" Cheng Yaowen discovered Liu Chuang's malicious targeting and came forward to defend Renyi road.

"Cut~ I can do it too, I think I was called Maori Liu Wulang when I was on the road." Liu Chuang raised his chin slightly and said sharply.

"So, that's why you were knocked unconscious by an ordinary college student?" Ren Yi also knew that he couldn't keep silent, after all, we are not Buddhist figures.

When Liu Chuang heard this, his expression froze immediately, he shook his head violently, and looked at Ge Xiaolun.

Seeing the ferocious Liu Chuang, Ge Xiaolun scratched his head blankly.

As if successfully stimulated by Renyi's words, Liu Chuang's attention was completely on Ge Xiaolun at this time.

After getting up and leaving his seat, Liu Chuang walked towards Ge Xiaolun aggressively.

"It's finally clean now." Ren Yi murmured softly, and then went on to observe the condition of his avatar.


In Karl's academy, with Taotie gone, the communication between Malzaha (Ren Yi) and Karl seems to be very smooth.

"Void Prophet... Malzahar?" Karl looked at Malzaha (Ren Yi) floating in the air expressionlessly.

"So you're empty?"

Malzaha (Ren Yi) can clearly feel the suspicion in Karl's eyes, although his face is expressionless and the emotion in his eyes is well hidden, Malzaha (Ren Yi) still feels it.

Is it the ability bestowed by Void... It seems that the number of clones and transformation objects are limited, and it is not considered weakened. At least the increase in this ability is much more obvious than before.Malzaha (Ren Yi) thought to himself.

After coming to this world, Ren Yi found that his abilities had obviously changed, or weakened. Let’s take the Monkey Charm as an example. Now a world can only change into three forms, and it must conform to the background of the world. Too powerful, besides, there is no limit to transforming into animals.

The second is the Tiger Talisman...

"Why should I believe you?" Seeing that Malzaha (Ren Yi) did not answer, Karl continued to ask.

Carl's questioning broke Renyi's ego.

"Don't you really want to study the void?" Malzaha (Ren Yi) asked.

Carl nodded.

"What is the purpose of your research?"

"No purpose, just research." Carl replied almost instantly.

"Oh? Research without a purpose? Then what is the purpose of your research? Without a purpose, what is the meaning of research?" Malzaha (Ren Yi) then asked.

Ren Yi had doubts when he learned about the character Karl.

Because in Renyi's impression, Karl is constantly studying, studying death, studying the void, keeping his ears to the outside world, and only reading sage books.

Abandoned the body, gave up desires, turned into a spirit body, and devoted himself to endless research.

"The significance of research is to satisfy my thirst for knowledge...I must learn and understand all the knowledge in the world, this is my life goal and the meaning of existence." Carl said.

"You shouldn't have any so-called desires now... Then you have learned all the knowledge, what are you going to do next?" Renyi seemed to be interested in Karl, and slowly fell to the ground and sat on the wooden chair beside him superior.

"It is unrealistic and impossible to learn all the knowledge... There is no end to the research. Although the void is currently my subject, after the completion of this subject, there must be something more mysterious than the void... All, research It's impossible to stop." Carl shook his head and retorted.

Malzaha (Ren Yi) shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that we have not reached a consensus. Sorry, I can't provide you with information about the void right now."

"It's okay, I will study it myself." Carl didn't care about it.

At this moment, the door of the study was knocked again.

"Please come in." Carl said, turning his head sideways.

"Excuse me...Master Karl, I..." As the door opened, a tall robot walked in.

I saw that his whole body was covered with machinery. At first glance, he seemed to be wearing a set of mechanical armor. After careful observation, he found that the armor seemed to be connected with the body.

Seeming to have also discovered Ren Yi's existence, the howl stopped.

Karl also understood what the situation was, and raised a hand, motioning for Biting Howl to continue.

"But..." Biting Howl was obviously still a little worried.

"Oh? This is..." Malzaha (Ren Yi) also understood his current embarrassing position. His subordinates wanted to report the situation to the leader, but because of the existence of an outsider like himself, they couldn't speak...

Seeing that Malzaha (Ren Yi) had spoken by himself, Che Howl did not remain silent, and took the initiative to say:
"I am the gluttonous king, howl."

"Gao Tie—Wang Che howling?" Malzaha (Ren Yi) was taken aback and said.


(End of this chapter)

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