Chapter 246 Choice C
"Chief, an abnormal situation has been found."

In the combat command, an intelligence officer reported.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Ducao stood up from his seat and asked.

"Here...someone is requesting to meet you..." the intelligence officer said coyly.

"Huh? I'm not that leisurely." Ducao frowned and said.

"But that person..." The person was obviously a little embarrassed, and continued.

After about half an hour of ink staining, in a living room where you can see the scenery outside the window, a long-haired beauty with a slender figure, good facial features, and a dignified atmosphere is sitting on the sofa boredly playing with her hair.

A pair of thighs dressed in black silk were casually raised, exuding infinite charm.


As the door opened, the beautiful woman's plain expression became a little impatient, as if she was deliberately performing to others.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." The man who reported the message said apologetically.

"Is this how you people on Earth treat guests?" Reina asked a little annoyed.


"Ahem, I'm very sorry. The reason is mine. Please don't blame this soldier. I am the representative of the people on Earth, Colonel Ducao. Is there anything I can do to help you?" Ducao coughed twice. Then he said solemnly.

"Well... this lady is not such a small-hearted person. This time, I came here to help you in order to save someone's face." Although Leina was still upset, after all, she had made herself wait for so long, but the other party As the leader of the earth, face is still to be given.

"Oh? I don't know what's going on?" Colonel Ducao asked suspiciously.

It took about ten minutes to briefly describe the current situation of the earth.

"What? Gluttonous Legion?" Colonel Ducao frowned, staring at Reina seriously.

"I'm not kidding you. To Taotie, the earth is a delicious cake." Lena said flatly, lying on the sofa with a contented expression.

"But don't worry, there is this goddess, Lena is here to assist you, and I promise that the earth will not fall."

Ducao already knew Reina's identity at this time, and had a certain understanding of the Sun Galaxy before, but he was still a little worried.

"In that case... let me arrange for you to meet the super fighters of our Earth first." After a long time, Ducao suggested.

"Oh? Have you found Kamigawa Super Warrior?" Reina asked in surprise.

Although I heard from Pan Zhen before coming to Earth, I learned a little bit about the Earth, but after all, I just understand.

"Well, it's not so much a super soldier, but a group of recruits who still need to be trained." Ducao's serious expression became a little gentle when he mentioned Ge Xiaolun and the others, as if thinking of his own daughter Rose.

"Well, let me see how strong the offspring bred by these Kamikawa genes are." Reina agreed with great interest...


"The chief took a bit too much time..." In the command room, a staff member looked at his watch and complained.

"Yeah, I haven't had time to report on the revived feudal empire..."

In the hands of these two people, a book containing some information was opened. It recorded the story of a magnificent and glorious feudal dynasty in the long river of history—Shurima...


"Micro-wormhole transport?" There was an uproar in the classroom.

"The principle is what I just said, because my dad... the chief ordered us to improve our abilities as much as possible in a short period of time, so I wonder if I can teach you the micro-wormhole transportation technology, so that you can..." Qiangwei stood on the podium and kept talking.

"Hey, hey, wait a minute." At this moment, Liu Chuang's ruffian shout sounded.

"What's wrong? Classmate Liu Chuang." Qiangwei frowned slightly and asked.

During the past few days of getting along with each other, all the students in the class knew that Liu Chuang was a stubborn person who liked to find trouble for nothing, so after seeing Liu Chuang interjecting, Qiangwei secretly screamed that something was wrong.

"I just want to ask, if I say I've learned it, don't I have to listen to you talking about it?" Liu Chuang asked arrogantly with his chin raised slightly.

"Of course, if you have already learned it, then I don't need to take up your time." Qiangwei replied with a displeased expression.

"Okay, I will." Liu Chuang replied in seconds.

"Hey? Did you mean to make trouble?" At this moment, Xin Zhao stood up and confronted Liu Chuang.

"Hey, Lord Xin..." Ge Xiaolun seemed to want to forcibly pull Xin Zhao back, but he didn't succeed.

"Student Zhao Xin, it's okay. Since he has learned it, let me test him. If he passes, then I will shut up." Seeing that the situation is not right, Qiangwei said hastily.

After speaking, Xin Zhao obviously sat back in his seat with some dissatisfaction.

"Did I say you are too cowardly? Isn't she your goddess? The goddess has been bullied, but you can still sit still?" Xin Zhao stared at Ge Xiaolun with some displeasure.

Ge Xiaolun touched his nose somewhat at a loss, but remained silent.

"Student Liu Chuang, I'm here to test you. You only need to answer one question correctly, which proves that you have learned this technology. I will ask the teacher that you can do whatever you want, and the school will I won't restrict you." Qiangwei seemed to be a different person at this time, and said very domineeringly.

"Yo? Is it very imposing? Come on." Liu Chuang was obviously not frightened, and he was unmoved at all.

"Excuse me, what is the micro-wormhole transport technology?" Qiangwei asked with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth.

In fact, the question Qiangwei asked is the most basic, and it is also a knowledge point that Qiangwei talked about from the beginning. There is no technology at all, it is just a concept, and you only need to memorize it by rote.


"Eh... um... this..." Liu Chuang was a little embarrassed and thought hard.

Apparently, Liu Chuang never listened to Qiangwei's lecture from the beginning to the end, he was just in a panic and looking for trouble.

Although Liu Chuang likes to watch other people make embarrassments to join in the fun, no one wants this kind of thing to happen to him.

So, in order to avoid embarrassment, Liu Chuang subconsciously wanted to ask someone for help, and revealed it quietly.

His eyes kept scanning, and finally stopped at the corner of the classroom.

There, Ren Yizheng looked at him with a "goodwill" smile.

"Ren... is Renyi, right? Brother, help me." Liu Chuang bent slightly and asked Renyi for help in a low voice.

Ren Yi remained silent, still smiling faintly, and only gestured OK to Liu Chuang.

Seeing this gesture, Liu Chuang immediately became confident and straightened up, as if ready to answer.

At this time, Renyi's voice came faintly from Liu Chuang's ear:
"Choose c for this question..."


(End of this chapter)

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