Chapter 258 They really do!

"I said... who would launch a war of aggression, and the first target would directly cross the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?"

General Chen froze for a moment, lowered his head slightly, thought for a while, and then slowly said:



Leaving aside the confrontational parties, the camera turned to the Prophet of the Void——Malzaha, who was Renyi's other avatar.

"Boy, thank you for living for so many years, haven't you heard a sentence? Don't judge people by their appearance..."

Malzaha (Ren Yi) lay comfortably on the sofa, looking at the howl who couldn't move in front of him, and said lightly.

"Damn... this power, this feeling..." Biting Howl felt the strong air pressure from both sides, and muttered unwillingly.

"Hey, hey, I just opened the rift between the two spaces, let them connect with each other, and use the difference in air pressure between the two places to make them form an air pressure, so you can't move?" Malzaha (Ren Yi) was surprised looked at him and said.

"It's almost enough... After all, he is also my servant. If you continue, I, the master, can't sit idly by." Karl couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Renyi expressionlessly.

Malzaha (Ren Yi) curled his lips in disdain, snapped his fingers casually, and the two space cracks beside Biting Howl disappeared.

Howling, who had resumed his actions, knelt down in front of Karl weakly, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock just now.

"Since our deal has not been established, please go back..." Carl said lightly, making it very clear that he did not want Renyi to stay here.

Malzaha (Renyi) rolled off the sofa in a dull mood, stood upright, and gave Karl and Howl a meaningful look.

"Don't be so outrageous...Since you want to study the void, you will definitely have an intersection with me..." Malzaha said with a slight smile on his lips.

As soon as the words fell, a time-space crack with purple light suddenly appeared behind Malzahar, and disappeared under the gaze of Karl and Howl...

"Master Karl..." Howl slowly stood up, as if he wanted to say something to Karl.

However, Karl seemed to have guessed his thoughts. Before he could finish his howling words, Karl turned around and walked towards the yard, and replied at the same time:

"The void engine... I have prepared it for you."

Hearing howl, he regained his energy immediately, and the feeling of powerlessness caused by the impact just now dissipated, and he followed Carl out of the room.


At this time, in a small village somewhere on Earth.

A beautiful woman who is as beautiful as a fairy but has a pair of devil wings slowly falls from the sky and lands in the vegetable market of the village.

"Mom, is this an angel?" Among the passers-by, a kindergarten-looking little girl asked her mother curiously.

"It should be someone's girl came to the street to play cosplay again." The mother replied without thinking.

"What is cosplay?" The little girl continued to ask.

"That's... Anyway, you must never learn from her in the future."

Liang Bing looked around at the gradually gathering crowd, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he walked straight in one direction.

She pulled out a young man who was holding a hoe to work in the field from the crowd, and said with a smile:

"So you are here... Atuo..."

"Ah? I'm not, I'm not some Atuo, my name is Tie Zhu, Zhao Tiezhu, elder sister, do you recognize the wrong person?" The young man hurriedly waved his hands and explained.

However, as soon as the words fell, Liang Bing waved his hand, and saw a thick purple fog surrounding the young man. After the smoke dissipated, the young man disappeared, followed by a burly and tall demon...

"My Lady Queen...we have failed again."


As the pre-war talks between the two countries gradually heated up, Dongpu finally couldn't help it.

"How can it be repaired! I said that you are deliberately finding fault, right?" Murata Saburo roared angrily.

And General Chen was already calm, without the slightest expression of impatience, and said:

"Oh, calm down, calm down, bear with it and let it pass. If you really don't want to fight, then you will lose? Then the defeated country should pay compensation."

When Murata Saburo heard this, he became even more annoyed, and directly attacked the case.

"Just hit, do you think we are afraid of you?"

When General Chen heard this, a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

Seeing this scene, Saburo Murata naturally knew that he had violated a diplomatic taboo.

No, no, they invaded our borders first, so we are right... Saburo Murata thought to himself.

"Since that's the case, it's okay to start the war in a week, right?" Seeing that his goal had been achieved, General Chen stood up and said.

"Hey, hey, we won't make room for you to camp." Saburo Murata said confidently.

"Station? What station?" General Chen asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Huh? It's your army..." Murata Saburo froze suddenly as he spoke, and hurriedly called his assistants over.

After a while of whispering, Murata Saburo's face darkened instantly.

How is it possible...the hundreds of thousands of troops, how could it be possible to say that there is no such thing...speaking of which, they don't have a ship, how did they transport so many troops here without making a sound...there was no similar report at sea alarm……

After thinking about it, Saburo Murata's complexion became even worse, and his expression was extremely stiff.

But the smile on General Chen's face became more and more wanton.

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about? Today I came to negotiate with you alone. Where is the army?" General Chen said innocently.

Because the two of them wanted to negotiate, they moved from the open space outside to a dedicated conference room...

"Wait... that is to say..." Saburo Murata was taken aback suddenly, as if he had thought of something even worse.

"You Dongpu declared war on Shurima, and I formally accept it on behalf of our Shurima Empire. In order to protect the face of our empire..." General Chen took the opportunity to talk eloquently.

"Sack of bridge beans! It's obviously you!" Saburo Murata shouted angrily.

General Chen spread his hands and looked around innocently.

"Is there a video?"

This immediately stopped Murata Saburo.

"I have it~" General Chen saw that the other party was completely hooked, and directly released the video of the negotiation just now.

"Hit it! Hit it! Hit it!..." Murata Saburo's words were repeated infinitely.

Just as General Chen got up and was about to leave, Saburo Murata seemed to have thought of a good way, and hurriedly stopped him.

"Sack of bridge beans! This is an era of peace. As a symbol of peace, we in Dongpu will not engage in foreign wars. We enjoy absolute credibility in this regard. This video of yours will only be considered forged. If it is not handled properly It will be used as a symbol of war, and Shurima will face the world's siege!"

General Chen curled his lips in disdain... thinking to himself: return the symbol of peace... don't you have any b numbers in your heart?And absolute credit, I bah...

"That being the case... our Shurima Empire suspects that you possess nuclear weapons without permission, which seriously threatens world peace, so for the sake of peace, we will investigate you." General Chen stood up straight and pointed to Murata's nose.

"Nonsense! Huaxia also has them! Why don't you beat them?" Saburo Murata subconsciously replied.

General Chen was taken aback, looked at Murata seriously, and said lightly:

"Because they really have..."


(End of this chapter)

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