Chapter 259 Sheep Charm

"Because they really have..."

What General Chen said made Murata Saburo dumbfounded, and he stood there motionless.

"That's it. I will report to the United Nations and other international cooperation organizations later, so I will take my leave first~"

Looking at the back of General Chen gradually going away, the assistant beside him woke up Saburo Murata who was still in a daze.

"Wait a minute!" Murata Saburo shouted immediately after he woke up.

"Can you tell me...the reason for launching a war against our country?" Murata Saburo asked feebly, obviously very tired.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you guys initiated it to us..." General Chen repeatedly emphasized.

"Well...can you tell me what your reasons are?" Saburo Murata didn't bother to entangle with General Chen anymore.

"Let's think about it... Anyway, our empire will definitely win. At that time... please hand over the toilet technology to us first~" General Chen replied with a smile, and walked out of the door after speaking. , disappeared in front of Saburo Murata.

"Flush...toilet?" Murata Saburo looked at the assistant beside him in disbelief, his eyes wide open as if he was asking for help.

"He seems to be talking about...the flush toilet..." The assistant was also a little dazed, but still answered truthfully.

General Chen, who left the venue, took out a string of necklaces from his pocket and muttered, "Back to Shurima..."

A blue light flashed, and General Chen, who was still in Dongpu one second, had arrived in the palace of Shurima the next second.

"General Chen, how are things going?" Azir asked when he saw the returning General Chen.

"Your Majesty, everything has been done." General Chen knelt down and replied.

After speaking, she stood up, picked up the necklace in her hand, and handed it to Renyi.

"The Eye of Aurora, how does it feel to use it?" Ren Yi took the Eye of Aurora and asked.

"Return to Your Majesty, it is very useful."

Ren Yi nodded slightly, and stretched out his hand towards the sky, only to see that the Eye of Aurora was swallowed by a space crack that suddenly appeared, and disappeared.

"In this no, the health problems of our country can be effectively solved, not only can reduce the occurrence of diseases, but also improve the environment and improve the happiness of the people, thereby increasing national strength, expanding the national treasury, and strengthening the military Strength, increase the efficiency of dominating the world... (whispering in a low voice) I can finally sit and defecate comfortably..."

General Chen, with a smile on his face, said with a smile on his face, "Since the mission of this subordinate has been completed, I will not disturb His Majesty's rest. Please allow this subordinate to retire first."

Renyi nodded, indicating that he could go, and then began to meditate... (actually, it was just sleeping)


"Brother... let me go..."

On the other side, in the dark forest, the Holy Lord, who was aggressive before, is now like a good baby who made a mistake, lying at Renyi's feet and dare not move.

"Just...what happened?" Qiangwei looked around blankly, and found that her companion's face was also very confused.

"I don't know... Where was that monster just now?" Qi Lin shook her head, seeing the empty space, she asked.

"What... are we here for?" Reina scratched her head and asked.

"It seems to be investigating the forest...the investigation should have been completed." Ge Xiaolun said with some uncertainty.

"Then it's time to retreat? Renyi!" Cheng Yaowen was stunned for a moment, then shouted.

Ren Yi first asked the Lord to activate the snake spell to hide himself, and then followed the large army...

Sheep Charm: Lv.5 Special Skill: Memory Operation...


(End of this chapter)

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