The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 281 The first conflict with the demon camp

Chapter 281 The first conflict with the demon camp
Ren Yi looked at the unfamiliar environment and nodded secretly.

It seems that the transformation should be successful... Renyi thought to himself.

In order to complete the side missions and increase the performance points, Ren Yi decided to single-handedly challenge several peak combat powers in this universe. After all, in front of the peak combat powers, no matter how many miscellaneous soldiers lead it, it is useless...

"Fortunately, I was careful before, otherwise I would have to spend time looking for..." Ren Yi said with a smile.

Just now he activated the ability of the Monkey Talisman to copy the Lord of the Shadow Flow, Jie, and transferred himself and a shadow clone.

Because when Morgana first came, Renyi sensed it. At that time, Renyi had already expected that he might come to Morgana in the future, so he took the opportunity to separate a shadow clone and rushed to the place where Morgana first came. that village.

Just happened to catch up with Morgana who was resurrecting the demon soldier, and while she was not paying attention, the clone merged into her shadow, until now...

"Could it be that I have been delayed in the transfer space for too long?" Ren Yi looked around again, but did not see Morgana, and murmured.

"Hey, how about this one? Is it curled enough?" At this moment, a voice came from the corner.

Ren Yi subconsciously activated the invisibility ability of the snake charm, and quietly walked towards the corner.

"Wow~ I didn't expect you to hide a lot of good things." A demon soldier guarding the tunnel said with a smile.

"That's it~ Although I'm not good at combat, I'm professional in intelligence gathering." A demon soldier who was exactly like him beside him replied proudly.

"Hehe~ there are still angels?" The devil (A) looked at the photo in the hands of the devil (B) with some surprise.

Out of curiosity, Ren Yi also quietly touched it and took a look.

"Hiss~ What a big murder weapon!"

"Hey! How did you get this angle?"

"The island country actress is instantly killed at this moment!"

But soon, Renyi calmed down.

These two guys... so the demon soldiers under Morgana are so dishonest?
At this time, the devil (B) suddenly laughed badly, and slowly stretched his right hand to his crotch...

After a while of groping, I took exquisite photo frame.

"Hmm! This is it!" The devil (A) was startled when he saw the photo frame, and stood up suddenly.

"Shh~ Be quiet, this is my treasure, I'll just show you one look." The devil (B) looked around cautiously as he spoke, took out the photo frame again after confirming that no one was there, and placed it on two people...or three in front of people.

I saw that the protagonist in the photo frame was none other than Renyi's mission target this time...Morgana.

"How dare you secretly take pictures of the queen?" The shock on the face of the demon (A) still persisted.

"The queen is so beautiful and generous, she won't mind taking a sneak shot." The devil (B) said calmly.

"You're crazy! I advise you not to think about it... Ato has come back, if he finds out... Even if it's just a photo, you're probably going to go to the training room for a while and be revived again. "The devil (A) said with some worry.

"Ah, ah, what about A Tuo? I will be afraid of him? Does he think he can attack me at will because he has the queen's trust?" the devil (B) said disdainfully.

"In addition to being a little better than me, he's a little taller than me, he's a little stronger than me, he's a little more handsome than me, he's a little richer than me, he's a little bit more prestigious than me, he's a little bit more popular than me, and he's a little bit more handsome than me. I'm a little braver than me...what else can he compare to me?" The devil (B) yelled self-righteously.

"Tell me, apart from these, how can he compare to me?"

The demon (A) ignored this.

"Cut, A Tuo is a younger brother!" the demon (B) cursed even more fiercely.

"Who do you say is the younger brother?" At this moment, a majestic and magnetic voice sounded from behind the two.

"Uh...uh, Ah--A Tuo." The demon (B) turned around stiffly, looking at the sudden appearance of A Tuo, with extremely complicated emotions.

"Brother? Oh! By the way, I mean I am your younger brother, no! I want to be your younger brother. I am very honored to have such a powerful brother like you. I don't know how big brother..." Demon (b) Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by A Tuo.

"Okay, okay, the queen wants me to summon the warriors guarding the Demon Wings. It seems that there is something important to announce. Don't blot, come with me." Ato said, turned around, and walked straight ahead. It seems that he didn't hear the taunt from the devil (B) just now.

"Huh~ It seems that I escaped a catastrophe." The demon (B) sighed deeply, and said as if he was alive after a catastrophe, and then followed the demon (A) to catch up with Atuo, and the three of them walked towards the command room together. .

After the three of them left, Ren Yi, who was invisible, slowly showed his figure, and at the same time, there was an extra gold-rimmed photo frame in his hand.


Not long after, it was located in one of the most spacious rooms in Demon Wing.

"What is Her Lady Queen summoning us for?"

"Should we launch a general attack on the earth?"

"But Taotie is also attacking the earth now, is it necessary to deal with Taotie first?"

"I think it's possible. Since we want to attack the earth, we can claim that the earth belongs to us. Since it is ours, how can we let a dirty creature like Taotie trample on it."

While everyone was discussing, Morgana, who stood at the highest point, coughed twice.

"I summoned you today not for anything else... Mainly—this queen wants to go around the earth alone, so I will leave the Demon Wings to you during this period! Manage it well for me, and never allow any mistakes."

"Ah? Not good, are alone..." At this time, someone questioned.

"Oh? Do you doubt my strength?" Morgana asked as if amused by him.

The man hurriedly shook his head and retreated to the back of the line.

"But I'm worried about Demon Wings, so I need to select another Demon Warrior to manage together with Atuo." Morgana continued.

At this time, the demon (B) who came in with Atuo raised his right hand.

"Huh? You are..." Morgana looked at the demon (B) in surprise.

"Queen! I think I can do this job!" Demon (B) said confidently.

"After all, here, the only one who can draw with me is A Tuo."

At this time, Ren Yi, who was hiding in the dark, was really pissed off by him, heh?I have never seen anyone more arrogant than me, can this be tolerated?

When the devil (B) confidently raised his hand, looked left and right to see that no one was robbing him, and was happy... a hand suddenly appeared, pierced his chest, and pulled out a bright red heart completely.

"There is only one person who can draw with you, but there are a lot of people who can kill you..."


(End of this chapter)

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