Chapter 282 Lily Morgana

"There is only one person who can tie you, but there are a lot of people who can kill you."

With Ren Yi's appearance, all the demons on the scene became vigilant. Without Morgana's command, everyone subconsciously took out their weapons, arranged formations, and confronted Ren Yi.

Renyi threw the demon's body aside expressionlessly, dried the blood on his hands, and looked at Morgana.

"I don't know who this is?" Morgana saw this scene, her face didn't fluctuate at all...or it was calm and terrifying.

If you guessed right, Morgana was already extremely angry at this time, and killed her own subordinates in front of her. For Morgana who cherished her subordinates, this was intolerable.

But being able to kill demons in seconds, even if it was a sneak attack, also means that this person has extraordinary strength, so Morgana didn't blindly go up to Ren Yigang.

"Morgana, the king of demons...or is it the angel Liang Bing?" Ren Yi looked at the demon soldiers in front of him. Although he was already surrounded, there was no panic on Ren Yi's face.

"Oh? You know a lot~" Morgana was still expressionless, and she couldn't tell her mood from her tone.

But Atuo, who was standing next to Morgana, understood the state of mind of his queen at this time.

"Queen, please allow me to chop off his head to avenge my brothers." Atuo volunteered.

"The demon that was just killed, can it really be tied with you?" Morgana asked, tilting her head.

Ato thought for a while, as if searching for the memory of the battle with him.

"Oh! Strictly speaking, the two of us are not tied. It's just that you, the queen, strictly forbid your companions to kill each other, so I just beat him until he couldn't move and stopped." Atuo explained.

Morgana nodded upon hearing this.

"Queen, I..." Atuo seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Morgana.

"Hey! Your target is me, right?"

Ren Yi, who was staring at the demon soldier, suddenly heard Morgana calling out to him in the distance.

"That's right, it's just that this guy was too cheap just now, I couldn't help but kill him." Ren Yi replied with an indifferent attitude.

"Hehehe... I didn't expect that I, Morgana, would be treated as a prey? Do you really think that I am easy to bully!" Morgana said, her tone suddenly changed, and her eyes flashed fiercely.

From both sides of Renyi, two mechanical claws patted Renyi.

Ren Yi faced forward, seemingly not paying attention to the claws.

After the two claws covered Ren Yi, Ren Yi, who was about to be trapped, suddenly opened his hands, and used brute force to prevent the claws from closing.

"A Tuo!" Morgana yelled at A Tuo beside her when she saw the situation.

A Tuo also understood Morgana's meaning, raised his giant sword and stabbed at Renyi.

Because Ren Yi's hands were wrestling with the devil's claws on both sides, the chest directly in front of him was completely exposed.

A Tuo tried his best to stab the giant sword into Ren Yi's chest. After piercing, A Tuo twisted his hands, and the giant sword began to emit scarlet light.

"Oh? A blood-sucking sword?" Ren Yi also discovered the ability of this sword at this time.


Not long after, Atuo realized something was wrong, jumped back quickly, and retreated to the encirclement circle of demon soldiers with his giant sword.

"How is it possible?" Tuo looked at Ren Yi's chest in shock.

On the spacious chest, apart from the outer clothes being torn apart by the giant sword, Ren Yi's body was still intact, not even a trace of it.

"Hey, hey, a group of demons are staring at a man's chest, are you perverts?" Ren Yi said a little annoyed.

The Devil's Claw, who was originally evenly matched with Ren Yi, was thrown away in an understatement.

Morgana, who was countered, also fell aside involuntarily.

"Don't tell me that the Demon King is only at this level." Ren Yi looked at Morgana who was getting up with some disappointment.

"Cut~ I wanted you to die quickly, but I didn't expect you to be so ungrateful."

The demon soldiers around couldn't stand anymore, and fired at Renyi one after another.

Numerous black muzzles spit out red and yellow flames, and dense bullets enveloped Renyi, as if to bathe Renyi with ammunition.

"This kind of thing is completely useless, okay?"

After the ceasefire, Ren Yi patted the dust on his shoulders and said boringly.

"Don't talk about me, you can't even break through the defense of Atuo just now with this kind of thing."

"You are very strong." After a long time, Morgana said to Ren Yi lightly.

Renyi looked at Morgana puzzled, as if he didn't understand what she meant.

"Are you interested in being my subordinate?" Morgana continued.

"Huh?" Now it was Ren Yi's turn to be confused.

In order to let Morgana understand the current situation, Ren Yi pointed to the demon corpse beside him.

Unexpectedly, Morgana just smiled and waved her hand, saying:
"As long as the gene chain is preserved intact, they can be resurrected after death."

"No, I'm not interested in being your subordinate, and your strength is beyond my imagination." Renyi mocked without any concealment.

"Hahaha, since that's the case... let me show you part of my strength..." Morgana laughed a few times, stood up again, and stared at Ren Yi.

Ren Yi felt that the scene in front of him had changed, and the demon soldiers began to blur, turning into strings of data.

But Morgana in front of her has become extremely huge, looking down at herself.

"Oh? Is this... some kind of engine? I didn't expect you to have one too." Ren Yi immediately figured it out.

Because this scene is too similar to Ge Xiaolun's battle mode.

"Here, whether I crush you or dismember you, I can do whatever I like." Morgana said with a smile.

"You are too confident. Although I don't know much about the future of these god-making projects...but..." Ren Yi said indifferently.

"I only know one thing... I am invincible."

"Hahaha~ It's very individual, I like it... In that case, I'll give you a gentler punishment." Morgana's giant phantom began to blur as she spoke.

I saw a series of data links wrapped around Renyi, as if some kind of calculation was being performed.

About 3 minutes later, Ren Yi, who disappeared before the eyes of the demon soldiers, reappeared, but...

"This... this is..." A Tuo rubbed his eyes and muttered in a daze.

"Could it be that Her Lady Queen... is... Lily?" Some demon soldiers guessed.

"I think it's possible..." Someone echoed.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Ren Yi, who came back, faced everyone's strange eyes and asked in puzzlement.

I don't know which good-hearted devil threw Renyi a mirror.

Looking into the mirror, I saw in the mirror, a slim girl with long hair up to her waist standing here...


(End of this chapter)

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