The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 283 Temporarily surrender to your despotic power

Chapter 283 Temporarily surrender to your despotic power

Looking at the girl in the mirror, Ren Yi's complexion gradually changed from rosy to pale, and the girl in the mirror also changed her complexion very synchronously.

"Morgana..." After a brief silence, Ren Yi understood the current situation and spoke, but made a voice as clear as a girl's silver bell.

"Hahaha~ How about it? This is my true strength." Morgana laughed and walked in front of Renyi and said.

"Yoyo~ Still can't accept the reality?" Morgana sneered without hesitation when she saw Ren Yi's actions.

"System, transform me back." Ren Yi ignored Morgana, calling the system secretly in his heart.

"System prompt: This state cannot be changed, please recognize the reality... (Speaking of which, this looks pretty good)"

Renyi glanced at the things in brackets at the end of the system, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

I still don't believe it!
Renyi thought unconvinced, opened the character interface, and glanced at the spell column.

"The monkey charm can't be used? What's the situation?" When seeing the column of the monkey charm was gray, Renyi's mood was as if he had said something.

At this time, Renyi remembered the culprit who turned himself into such...

Ren Yi suddenly raised his head and stared at Morgana fiercely.

And the latter... Seeing Ren Yi staring at him like this, not only did he not panic in the slightest, but... seemed a little happy?
"Turn me back." Ren Yi said coldly, ignoring Morgana's abnormal expression.

Hearing this, Morgana grinned, and slowly walked towards Renyi with her hands on her waist.

In front of Ren Yi, he stopped about half a meter away.

"I think you look pretty good now, I like it very much~" Morgana stretched out her hand and lifted Renyi's chin as she spoke.

After transforming, Ren Yi's height seems to be... a little shorter?
"Or... as long as you agree to join us, I can satisfy you."

Ren Yi stared at Morgana who was getting closer and closer to her, almost touching her face.

Hey, hey, hey... According to the current posture, am I going to replace Qiangwei as Morgana's lily partner?Ren Yi thought silently.

Immediately, a black flame appeared on Ren Yi's right hand.

"Queen!" Atuo, who was the first to notice Ren Yi's action, hastily reminded him, and at the same time jumped up and rushed towards Ren Yi.

Morgana had already noticed the flame in Renyi's hand, but turned a blind eye to it. She gently let go of Renyi's chin, and blocked Atuo who was about to attack with one hand.

"My sexual orientation is normal...Turn me back." Renyi raised the flame in his right hand, and at the same time formed a ball in his left hand, the threat was clearly revealed.

Things like Lily... It's okay to look at it as a bystander, but if you really want to do it yourself, it's really unacceptable.Renyi thought to himself.

Morgana didn't answer, just staring at Renyi, or examining Renyi...from top to bottom, from left to right, from outside to inside...

Involuntarily, he swallowed his saliva.

Maybe Renyi hasn't noticed yet, if his current state were placed on the previous earth... the danger index of walking at night would be 90.00%.

Look at the face - the correct facial features, the eyes that make people cute, although it is cold now... the small and cute nose, the exquisite mouth, and the skin that can be broken by blowing.

Look at the figure—whether tall or short, with long legs compared to her own body, and skin like white jade.

If it wasn't for Morgana blocking the front, I'm afraid there would really be a few demons who are not afraid of death, lustful and aggressive, and of course... If they really pounced, they would probably only be turned into ashes, even touching Renyi. less than.

"Okay, okay, it's not impossible to transform you back." After a long time, Morgana sighed and finally spoke.

Hearing this, the black flame in Renyi's hand also dissipated.

"But... I have a condition."

"What condition?" Ren Yi asked without thinking.

"My queen is going to have a vacation. During my visit, you must stay with me." Morgana walked around Renyi and said.

Hearing this, Ren Yi fell into a brief thought.

Playing... that is to say, it's time for the plot where Morgana turns into cold ice?oh!No wonder I was being targeted. If I hadn't disturbed her, I would have met Qiangwei by now... That is to say... I really replaced Qiangwei?
"How is it? Isn't this request too much?" Seeing that Ren Yi didn't answer, Morgana continued.

"Hmm... yes." Ren Yi stared at Morgana hesitantly, and forced a word out of his mouth.

Although I haven't seen where he usually goes, a man's body is safer than a daughter's. After all, he is about to go to the main god's space, in case he can't recover...

Hearing Renyi's answer, Morgana smiled knowingly.

As the saying goes, long-term love... Morgana turned around, said a few words to her demon soldiers, and then led Renyi towards her boudoir.

"Didn't you say you were going to travel on Earth? Why did you go back to your room?" Ren Yi asked puzzled.

"I can't dress like this and be exposed to the eyes of people on Earth, can I?" Morgana spread her hands helplessly, as if showing off her makeup to Renyi.

Looking at the pair of chickens behind Morgana...the devil's wings, and the outfit on her body, Ren Yi understood.

"Then you move faster, I want to change back quickly." Ren Yi said casually, walking towards the window.

It can be summed up as follows: Renyi is watching the scenery outside the window, Morgana is watching Renyi, is it the scenery being watched, or Renyi being watched?
It seems that this holiday needs a little ink...

After about ten minutes, Morgana's clothes were finally changed.

"I said... can't you use your technology to change clothes in an instant?" Renyi frowned and complained.

"God-making technology is not omnipotent. Even Karl, who is at the forefront, has not developed this technology." Morgana replied with a smile.

At this time, Karl, who was far away from the boundary of the universe, suddenly sneezed.

"Huh? Got a cold? It shouldn't be... The phantom body shouldn't have this kind of reaction..."


 Thanks to Wang 0 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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